View Full Version : Expect the Alien Attack any day now

2008-02-05, 01:45 AM
news article (http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/181725,beatles-song-directed-into-deep-space.html)

Yep, we are beaming Beatles music into space. I think they could have chosen a better song to send, like "That's What Friends Are For". I mean, I would want to start with that friendly vibe right away, instead of a song that doesn't sound like he sang into a tin can.

Across the Universe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj-4t9drUlM)

I like some Beatles songs ("Maxwell's Silver Hammer" anyone?), but this song is just meh. I can't blame the aliens for attacking us in retaliation for this psychological warfare.

2008-02-05, 02:48 AM
So now the British Invasion is going interstellar:smallbiggrin:

2008-02-05, 04:39 AM
The End Is Nigh.


Crazy people beaming into space.

2008-02-05, 04:43 AM
I think we should have sent general unpleasantness and a threat on their way of life into space... They may be hostile, and be hostile pretty quick, but the sooner I meet aliens the better!:smallannoyed:

2008-02-05, 04:48 AM
We should beam Linkin Park into space.

That way they'll not bother to kill us as they will think we are already going to.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-05, 05:26 AM
What makes you think that all aliens are likely to want to destroy the earth?

2008-02-05, 06:45 AM
Beatles Music. 'Nuff said.
*gets a baseball bat and prepares for retaliation from Rastilin*

In all honesty though, I like the beatles, or what I've heard of them.

2008-02-05, 08:10 AM
Hey, that's great. Nothing wrong with sharing good music. Now Beatlemania is going to hit the aliens. Next thing we know a shipful of screaming female aliens are gonna come to earth and chase Paul McCartney around.

I don't quite understand though. Soundwaves cannot transmit through space, right. How exactly are they "beaming" this music across?

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-05, 08:13 AM
Somehow, this has been happening since early Radar was invented (I think the sound waves themselves can be picked up, but they can't be heard without specialist equipment).

2008-02-05, 08:19 AM
I don't quite understand though. Soundwaves cannot transmit through space, right. How exactly are they "beaming" this music across?

I'm assuming some sort of modulated electromagnetic wave.

2008-02-05, 08:37 AM
Ah, I see the plan now. As soon as ET downloads the song, we smack 'em with a lawsuit for violating copyright.

I like it.

2008-02-05, 09:26 AM
I don't quite understand though. Soundwaves cannot transmit through space, right. How exactly are they "beaming" this music across?Soundwaves can't, but I assume they're transmitting the data via radiowaves or what-not, which is unhindered by space.

Although I find their cause rather futile, as It would take about 100 years for the song to even start to hit the Kuiper belt, let alone leave this Solar system, muahahahaha!

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-05, 09:44 AM
Radio waves would make sense here (did you know that early TV broardcasts could be picked up as well? Some people have suggested that Men In Black typically used to sound like '20s gangsters due to picking up tips from movies which featured gangsters).

2008-02-05, 09:51 AM
I predict that when it gets there, their method of interpretation will translate the beam as static or something, and they'll have nothing out of it.

"Why did we get 4 minutes of static coming in from Amber 27?" (because I bet they call our sun something dismissive like that)
"Beats me. Get me another beer, would you? Ugh, why did I decide to work in SETI?"

Yeah, something like that.

2008-02-05, 09:52 AM
This week in the news, the RIAA has sued Nasa for file-sharing with the North Star. After searching their hard drives, they found other songs such as David Bowie’s Space Oddity in Nasa’s File Sharing (with the universe folder). They’ve made a settlement of an undisclosed amount.

2008-02-05, 10:32 AM
Well, at least is a related song... Across the Universe sounds fair enough for sharing with beings from other parts of the... well, universe.

And I don't think the RIAA would sue, since it seems like Sir McCartney has given the rights...

2008-02-05, 10:54 AM
I predict that when it gets there, their method of interpretation will translate the beam as static or something, and they'll have nothing out of it.

"Why did we get 4 minutes of static coming in from Amber 27?" (because I bet they call our sun something dismissive like that)
"Beats me. Get me another beer, would you? Ugh, why did I decide to work in SETI?"

Yeah, something like that.

Quoted for truth and most likely-ness.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-02-05, 11:34 AM
I predict that when it gets there, their method of interpretation will translate the beam as static or something, and they'll have nothing out of it.

"Why did we get 4 minutes of static coming in from Amber 27?" (because I bet they call our sun something dismissive like that)
"Beats me. Get me another beer, would you? Ugh, why did I decide to work in SETI?"

Yeah, something like that.

Agreed that this is the most likely outcome.

Anyway, it's a pretty novel idea. I heard about this a few days ago - as soon as I saw the headline "Beatles song sent into space" I immediately knew it was going to be "Across the Universe". It makes sense to use this one, at least from an "lol we're sending Across the Universe across the universe omg we're so clever!" angle. And hey, why not? If it's based on personal preference, no one would ever be able to agree on a song to transmit.

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2008-02-05, 12:40 PM
We should beam Linkin Park into space.

That way they'll not bother to kill us as they will think we are already going to.

Can we beam their manager, Rob McDermott, into space as well? If we can, then I support this idea wholeheartedly.

2008-02-05, 01:12 PM
John Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, said she sees the song's transmission as a significant event. "I see that this is the beginning of the new age in which we will communicate with billions of planets across the universe," Ono said in a statement.

Apparently she wasn't content to break up the Beatles. Now she's waiting for the chance to break up an interstellar Fab Four. :smalltongue:

2008-02-05, 02:55 PM
So now the British Invasion is going interstellar:smallbiggrin:

Oh my yes (http://www.steam-trek.com/index.shtml). There's a whole universe out there needs Union Jacks stuck in it (http://www.sebman.com/imperial-one.htm).

#Wider still, and wider
Shall thy bounds be set
We'll fight the Mi-Go for Pluuuuuuto
And restore it to the plaetary set...#
</Land of Hope and Glory>

2008-02-05, 07:43 PM
When can we expect our new alien overlords? Will they be in need of gamers to take care of their entertainment needs? :smallconfused: :smalltongue:

Em Blackleaf
2008-02-05, 08:22 PM
Ohh, neat! That reminds me of the Futurama episode when a television show got to a planet 1,000 light years away (the show is set 1,000 years in the future, for those of you who don't watch it).

An alien invasion sounds cool. Maybe it's just because I've been playing "Destroy All Humans" too much or maybe it's because I love conspiracy theories. Or both.
I would be the first to be eaten (or disintegrated), because I would annoy them too much. :smallbiggrin:

Shades of Gray
2008-02-05, 08:22 PM
We should send Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" into space, that way, they will be too busy trying to figure out the lyrics to attack us.

2008-02-05, 08:51 PM
That is a good question. Why do people always assume aliens are going to be hostile? I mean, all the current aliens want is employment. If they're coming to take the "best and brightest" I say let them. Although I think a war would be started by this conversation.

"I said take me to your leader, not a wrinkly, shaved chimp"

"Mr. President, stop throwing your feces at the ambassador!"

"Ook ook 9/11. Ook ook nukular."

Metal Head
2008-02-05, 08:54 PM
That is a good question. Why do people always assume aliens are going to be hostile? I mean, all the current aliens want is employment. If they're coming to take the "best and brightest" I say let them. Although I think a war would be started by this conversation.

"I said take me to your leader, not a wrinkly, shaved chimp"

"Mr. President, stop throwing your feces at the ambassador!"

"Ook ook 9/11. Ook ook nukular."

Way to break the "no talking about politics" rule.

2008-02-05, 09:12 PM
Although I find their cause rather futile, as It would take about 100 years for the song to even start to hit the Kuiper belt, let alone leave this Solar system, muahahahaha!
It would take about an hour for the transmission to reach the Kuiper Belt, maybe a little less. The nearest star is 4 light-years away, and the Kuiper Belt certainly does not extend out to a radius 25 times further than that. Radio waves travel at the speed of light, not at the speed of probes like Pioneer or Voyager.

EDIT -- I dropped a factor of 10 in my calculation. It takes something like 7-8 hours for light to go from the earth to the Kuiper Belt.

2008-02-05, 09:34 PM
Two things:

A) Why does everyone assume aliens would be hostile. If we found an alien species, would we immediately invade? I doubt it, so why would be expect the same of them? Exploit, maybe, but invade? No.

B) Why would they even care what song it is? Why is it even a song? THEY'RE ALIENS, THEY DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH. Well, unless they beam out some Jimi Hendrix, but that's only because everyone speaks Awesome.

2008-02-05, 09:49 PM
1) The aliens will be hostile because they are always hostile. Don't you watch the movies? Even in "V" when they came to Earth, they tried to seem altruistic but they were really evil. E.T. and Alf were the only aliens not to attack and that was because they crashed here and they had no choice to be nice.

2) Well, look at it this way, we are the ones sending it and we speak English, so why not a song we can appreciate? Would it be better if we sent J-rock?

Seriously, the end times are a-coming :smallamused:

2008-02-05, 10:01 PM
Argh the pun involved in this makes me sad...

We should send Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" into space, that way, they will be too busy trying to figure out the lyrics to attack us.

Hey I know those lyrics!

Admiral Squish
2008-02-05, 10:06 PM
The beatles are great. I wish they'd chosen a different song, though. Maybe Mozart? Beethoven? If this gets picked up, the poor sods on the other end are going to come with some frikked-up translators.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-06, 03:11 AM
Regarding the idea that aliens were hostile: the fact that about 20% of UFO cases are unsolved (as well as the fact that so many people have apparently seen aliens while having some form of evidence in the way of scars and othe rmarks from abductions), suggests that aliens have been here for a while. In fact, assuming the Ancient Astronaut theory is true, they have been ere for thousands of years. Assuming this is true, why would aliens wait untl we've developed nuclear weapons (and a few other types of ultra-dangerous weaponry) before trying anything that would result in them potentially taking heavy losses which they wouldn't have been at risk of hundreds of years ago?
As far as I'm concerned, the idea that all aliens are evil is completely ridiculous in addition to classing as racist (unless your using WotC's alignment system, which is generally a bad idea in real life). I also fail to see how science fiction movies could be taken as evidence regarding hat aliens are like due to how they are fiction.

Hell Puppi
2008-02-06, 03:22 AM
Why would they even care what song it is? Why is it even a song? THEY'RE ALIENS, THEY DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH. Well, unless they beam out some Jimi Hendrix, but that's only because everyone speaks Awesome.

QFT good sir, QFT.

2008-02-06, 03:25 AM
This one's better. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calling_Occupants_of_Interplanetary_Craft)

2008-02-06, 07:22 AM
Well, if said Aliens survive of the same chemicals we do, then they will invade earth for the resources, ala War of the Worlds.

Theres also the chance that the first aliens to find us could be generally hostile, though this depends on the percentage of alien nations hostile enough to attack a planet for no reason, ratioed with the percentage of alien nations with enough firepower/manpower to do so.

So lets say that... 20 percent of alien planets lack resources, and... 30 percent uses one or more of the chemicals we need to survive. Also say that 40 percent of alien's are hostile enough to attack, and... 50 percent have enough firepower. This gives us aproximately a 23% chance that the first aliens to discover earth will invade and conquer.

Now, lets say that aliens will discover earth on a day after the beggining of recording of the calendar years. Thats 2007 years plus 37 days. That totals at 732,592 days. Thus there is a .000732592% chance that alien will discover earth tomorrow (I think, my math may be off) and a .00019047392% chance that aliens will discover, and destroy the earth tomorrow. As a new day is added every day the chance of alien discovery and destruction decreses... which basically means I must have screwed up the map somewhere.

Disclaimer: This post was a joke. Please do not attempt to debate my math or statistics.

2008-02-06, 08:12 AM
Why aren't we broadcasting GalaxyQuest as a cautionary tale, not to mention something a tad more contemporary? The last time we sent music into space, it was the relatively new Chuck Berry!

As for a non-hostile first contact. . .well, we only have our own example to go by. There's a world of difference between the hope and the expectation that other species will be more humanitarian (snort) than we have been so far.

We can't have a chimp as Supreme Leader until chimps gain the right to vote, and as of a few weeks ago, they have had their request for general human rights overturned in court (http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7009749552).

2008-02-06, 09:41 AM
Knowing how things like to turn out, "Across the Universe" probably means something like "We're coming over to nuke you and eat your children!" in Alienese and they'll come here and declare war on us. Of course, it'll be hundreds of years before they even get here so it won't be our problem. We'll just leave it for the future generation Earthlings to sort out... much like everything else I guess.

2008-02-06, 12:57 PM
Ah, I see the plan now. As soon as ET downloads the song, we smack 'em with a lawsuit for violating copyright.

I like it.


Midnight Son
2008-02-06, 09:06 PM
It's not gonna happen any day now. We're not actually ready yet. The plan is for 2012.

I mean...Look! A Kitteh (http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/funny-picture-tiger-pool-swim.jpg)
