View Full Version : Cort Vs Sauron

2008-02-05, 02:14 AM
Because the Loli's compell me to.

I don't even know if anyone will have any idea what in gods name I am talking about, but still. Legend of Legaia is like... my fav game ever.

Okay~ Hypothetical.

The Legend of Legai universe comes to Middle Earth. Cort still has everything from the game. The flying fortress, Mist Generaters, ect. He still has his generals as well. He is not bounded with Juggernauht, however. But Juggernaught can be used in Seiges.

So, I ask you. Who would win?

I...I am not sure. The Juggers is the size of a freaking city, and can blow up a pyramid the size of Giza up that's made up of *metal*. But there only one of him, and he needs to stay in the mist lest he dies.

So, personal thoughts, opinions, ect? Any questions that need to be asked, go ahead and ask.

Legend of Legaia is like... not well known, at least no one I know has ever played it, so yeah. I am hoping someone here knows of it though >.<.

2008-02-05, 03:22 PM
I have no idea who Cort is and have never heard of Legend of Legaia.

Anyway, I think you should make the settings and terms of this battle mroe specific. Sauron from when?
Win conditions?
Do characters from wither setting, but not aligned to either side, exist in this situation?
etc etc.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-02-05, 07:15 PM
Sorry to be so blunt, but

Because the Loli's compell me to.


Anyway, from my time spent looking over the shoulder of a friend playing the game, I'd say that the ready access to magic stuff tips it in favour of the Legaia universe. Also, one could put forward a case that those Ra-Seru-thingies gave immunity, or at least protection from, the typical Sauron corrupting 'I win' attack.

2008-02-05, 08:02 PM
I have no idea who Cort is and have never heard of Legend of Legaia.

Anyway, I think you should make the settings and terms of this battle mroe specific. Sauron from when?
Win conditions?
Do characters from wither setting, but not aligned to either side, exist in this situation?
etc etc.

Alright. Uh.

I am new to making these kind of threads. Now, hrm.

Alright. I don't know much about LOTR, so help me find the scene >.>.

It's the First Era. Cort has somehow brought the seru's of Legaia in order to dominate it and fill it with the the mist. While Sauron was busy with the last of the free men Cort managed to build several mist generaters (These can be built in several ways. Ether deep underground, huge spires, ect.) Sauron managed to defeat the last of the free men, however he was met with a new foe., The corrupting mist, the powerful seru, and Cort himself.

Terms of Defeat:

Legend of Legaia: Cort must die, and the Mist must all be destroyed.
LOTR: Sauron must be put into a posistion where he can't do a thing, or the ring is destroyed.

Terms to know:

Seru Monster: Seru Monsters are Seru that are in the mist. They become violent and mindless. They are very strong and they infest every corner of the world (Maybe a Million or two million?). A person that is weilding a Seru becomes a Seru monster, mindless and controlled by the mist. How they become immortal. One Seru monster can take on a human warrior who trained all his life. So about 6x stronger then a normal human? Stronger then a Uruk-Hai at least.

Sim-Seru: A stronger verion of a seru. Intelligent and evil, however they are not really alive. There are only a few of these (About, I can't remember... five? Six? Something like that. Maybe more) But they can make you as strong as a Balrog. These function outside of the mist I do belive.

Juggernaught: The ultimate Sim-Seru. It can destroy a building the size of Giza and made of metal with one blast. In fact, in the game you can't kill it. You have to use the power of the strongest Genises tree to open it's mouth and decend into it's body to kill it. However, it does have it's weakness and needs the mist to survive. It's can't be used outside of those areas. It's the size of a small town, if I recall correctly.

Mist: The mist is something created from Mist generaters. This infests the land and drives seru mad. Cort created it (Sort of, but I dun wanna spoil anything). Anyways, it can prove toxic (In a large does. You can go out in it just fine, but being near a mist generater is dangerous. And being a thick mist, it can impair vison.)

Flying Fortress: The flying fortress is just that >.>. A flying, mobil fortress that can... fly. It can spray mist onto the land as well.

Any other info needed?

Sorry to be so blunt, but WHUT?!

O loli?

2008-02-05, 08:55 PM
Yeah, what's a Loli?

If you want Sauron at full power I suggest you set this in a hypothetical time just before the destruction of Numenor where, instead of the destruction of Numenor, this happens.

I believe Sauron only has one Balrog on his side (Durin's bane), but someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

I'd stray away from things like "as strong as a Balrog" and instead provide evidence as to how strong they are so that I, and others, can decide if they are, in fact, as strong as a Balrog.

Are Seru beings or artifacts that corrupt beings?

How toxic is the mist? How long could a human live in it without serious symptoms (not near a generator) and what would the symptoms be, how fast do they come on, and how long until said human would die?

How many generators has Cort set up before this starts and how fast do the generate mist?

Are Seru Monsters and other things all humanoid?

If a Seru Monster is roughly equal with a top trained human than I'd say they're roughly equal with an Uruk.
Ary they simply melee monsters or any other powers?

Juggernaught sounds hardcore, but I'm pretty confident in the Nazgul's ability to take him down. I need more information though to see how hard it would be for them and how many of them it would take. Alternatively Durin's bane may do the typical Balrog thing and fight a battle with him that ends in both their deaths. It's almost a rule of Middle Earth that you can't kill a Balrog without dying yourself, haha. How often can he let off those massive blasts? How good is his aim at quickly moving targets? How fast is he and how good are his reflexes?

More on the flying fortress please?

What are Cort's powers.

How many Sim-Seru are there?

I think this may be working out to be.
Seru vs Uruks, orcs, Black Numenorians, Easterlings, etc
Sim-Seru vs Nazgul
Juggernaught vz Balrog
Cort vs Sauron

Depending on Cort's details and other info you give me (I'll try to do some research myself too) this may be pretty even.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-02-05, 09:30 PM
Yeah, what's a Loli?


Uh, yeah.

2008-02-05, 09:45 PM
I assume he's talking about the last one (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loli).

2008-02-05, 10:37 PM

Yeah, just send me a PM :smallcool:.

If you want Sauron at full power I suggest you set this in a hypothetical time just before the destruction of Numenor where, instead of the destruction of Numenor, this happens.

I don't want Sauron at full power. I want his army at full power. There is like, a Seru fro every person in the world of Gaia, with more left over. And each one is as strong as like, 6 men combined. There quite strong.

I'd stray away from things like "as strong as a Balrog" and instead provide evidence as to how strong they are so that I, and others, can decide if they are, in fact, as strong as a Balrog.

Okay. Hrm.



Prince Cort is the main villain. He is the son of King Nebular and Queen Minea, and is the older brother of Ra-Seru hero Noa. Cort was contacted by the evil Ra-Seru Rogue, who taught him how to create a Mist Generator. This device would create a Mist that Rogue claimed would be beneficial to Seru. Rogue was lying, however, and the device was rigged so it would malfunction and release mist all over Conkram. Fortunately, the Ra-Seru heroes traveled back in time from the near-future and shut down the device by traveling to Seru-Kai and killing Rogue. Cort was reprimanded by his father for creating such a horrible device, but was undeterred, believing he could improve on Rogue's design and make a more reliable Mist Generator. He did so at Jette's Absolute Fortress, with the help of four of his father's top advisers. The generator was activated, and all of Karisto was enshrouded in the mist. Years later, Vahn, Noa, and Gala began traveling across the world, reviving Genesis Trees and destroying Cort's Mist Generators. Cort's minions were unable to stop the heroes from reaching Jette's Absolute Fortress, where they even killed Jette, whose Sim-Seru was said to be stronger than Rogue. When the heroes reached the Mist Generator, Cort telepathically attacked his sister, preventing them from deactivating the device. By the time Cort's voice disappeared from Noa's head, he was standing directly behind the heroes, and after further expressing his anger at their actions, he engaged them in battle. During the fight, Cort will first raise his "Mystic Shield" which prevents all non-combo, non-magic attacks from affecting him. He will use "Guilty Cross", which hurts one hero and "Mystic Circle" which does damage to all three. When his "Mystic Shield" fails, Cort may also use "Evil Seru Magic" to summon the Juggernaut to attack. Following his defeat, he fell off the balcony into the large pool of mist where the Juggernaut was resting. Because of his direct link to the Absolute Fortress Mist Generator, the machine immediately ceased to function. An explosion then ripped through the entire fortress, though the Ra-Seru heroes were able to escape. Cort was presumed dead, but the Juggernaut had survived, and had actually become one with Cort. Afterwards, the party returns to Rim Elm to celebrate the victory.

However, it is short lived, as Songi, another villain from the game, appears and combines the Juggernaut with Rim-Elm, making it a gigantic Sim-Seru, just like Conkram was. Songi reveals that Cort has become one with the Juggernaut. After defeating Songi the party manages to use the power of the Great Genesis Tree in Noaru Valley to open up the Juggernaut's mouth and head to its very bowels, were a horribly mutated Cort awaits. Cort has now become a being that transcends all beings, even the Seru. The final battle takes place against him, in which he can use three different special attacks and a normal attack. The normal attack hits around four times. He uses Ultra Charge, a skill that forewarns the player that he will use his ultimate attack next, Final Crisis. This attack does devastating damage to the party. Also, Devil Cort has another attack called Doomsday, which does even more damage than Final Crisis. Luckily, it is not used often. After defeating Cort once and for all, Juggernaut begins to perish and fall apart. Later, after Rim Elm has been returned to normal, Noa finds Cort again, reincarnated into a baby. She takes him with her to raise him.

And for the others. I am not sure what you want, to be honest. Cort it gives alot of info, but for the others... kinda vague. Want me to try anyways?

Are Seru beings or artifacts that corrupt beings?

Eh. When the world began there were people. However the monsters of the land were powerful, and devoured the humans. The gods saw the plight of the humans and created the Seru. These made humans stronger then the monsters, and helped them live. They created great buildings, and other wonders.

They are artifacts. However, unless exposed to the mist, they do no harm.

How toxic is the mist? How long could a human live in it without serious symptoms (not near a generator) and what would the symptoms be, how fast do they come on, and how long until said human would die?

Oh no, no problems there. In fact, I am not sure if being near the Mist Generaters is toxic. It might just be the Ra-Seru that are effected. I remember at one point in the game, near the begining where some thick mist blocked them and I do beleive the reason was because it was toxic.

But, until I verify that just think of it as really thick and evil fog. >.>.

How many generators has Cort set up before this starts and how fast do the generate mist?

Four. And in a total of about 14 years he managed to cover three continents with it, and wipe out most human life. In fact, if it wasn't for the Ra-Seru nothing could really stand in his way.

It, however, did fill up a city in like, ten min full of mist. So *fast*. There is a limit on it's range, however. And it can only reach so far into the sky (Though it can go over moutains).

Are Seru Monsters and other things all humanoid?

Seru are more like artifacts driven made and brought to life through the mist. Seru Monsters are people who have a Seru on them when the mist hits, and they become mindless and can only kill.

If a Seru Monster is roughly equal with a top trained human than I'd say they're roughly equal with an Uruk.
Ary they simply melee monsters or any other powers?

Ehhh. Tough choice. Um, honestly, unless I find a beastery I won't be able to say =\. However yes, there are spell casters and stuff. However, they don't know anyhing beyond basic swarm tactics. They kill, they cast. Nothing more complex then that.

Juggernaught sounds hardcore, but I'm pretty confident in the Nazgul's ability to take him down. I need more information though to see how hard it would be for them and how many of them it would take. Alternatively Durin's bane may do the typical Balrog thing and fight a battle with him that ends in both their deaths. It's almost a rule of Middle Earth that you can't kill a Balrog without dying yourself, haha. How often can he let off those massive blasts? How good is his aim at quickly moving targets? How fast is he and how good are his reflexes?

How fast? Hrm. He's freaking huge, so not that fast. However he quite honestly can't be hurt from the outside. And the blasts?

Vid one. (http://youtube.com/watch?v=uYuFr3pSFUk)
Vid two. He is at 23 min-through to end I think. (http://youtube.com/watch?v=sf93he-ytYs)

Also, Juggers is only as big a city later on. However, he is still real freaking big. And he seems to be rather agile. Tell me what you think.

Do note. While there is only one of him, given time there can be more. (Were useing both at full power, and all there resources, right?)

Also, this is proof it's been awhile since I played the game. The temple isn't as big as Gize, not nearly as close. But it *is* made of metal and damn thick, and it still got wrecked.

More on the flying fortress please?

Mkay. Is this what you want?

Zora's Floating Castle is the third of the four Mist Generator Fortresses. It hovers in the skies above Karisto, and is much unlike the other fortresses. The Mist Generator here is not actually responsible for creating the mist above Karisto, as the entire castle is but a decoy for Jette's Absolute Fortress, the real Mist Generator for Karisto. Zora, however, is herself unaware of this. When Zora learns of the arrival of the Ra-Seru heroes in Karisto, she dispatches the Delilas Siblings to deal with them, and Songi is present in the castle when this is done. The heroes are conveyed to the castle by the Soren, who have lost many warriors in attacks against the castle. Zora herself guards the Mist Generator. Following the battle, Songi destroys the Mist Generator himself, and by doing so renders the castle unable to fly. The heroes are forced to flee the castle in a hurry as it plummets from the sky and falls into a river

It can fly, and is... a castle >.>. It creates mist, and is empowered from it. Um, it's also large and can hold units and such. However it's not really meant for that I think. It's mainly used to creat mist without being able to reach it from the ground (Cort uses it as a decoy though. It's not really needed where it's placed).

What are Cort's powers.

Posted above.

How many Sim-Seru are there?

There made from Ra-Seru. Well, Jugger is one as well and he is made from sacraficed women >.>. but whatever. I think there are like, five. Try looking at it here.

Characters. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Legend_of_Legaia_characters)

If you don't mind the read.

Depending on Cort's details and other info you give me (I'll try to do some research myself too) this may be pretty even.

We will see. :P.

2008-02-05, 10:45 PM
I really have no idea about Cort or anything from their but

I don't want Sauron at full power. I want his army at full power. There is like, a Seru fro every person in the world of Gaia, with more left over. And each one is as strong as like, 6 men combined. There quite strong.

So is sauron and his army at the greatest possible power it has ever had, including powers from different ages? Or is thsi second age sauron, what is it?

2008-02-05, 10:48 PM
I thought this thread was going to be about Cort from Dark Tower, Roland's teacher - in which case Sauron would be so screwed. But since it's a different one, and I don't know anything about Legend of Legaia, I'll pass.

2008-02-05, 11:27 PM
I really have no idea about Cort or anything from their but

So is sauron and his army at the greatest possible power it has ever had, including powers from different ages? Or is thsi second age sauron, what is it?

It's only one age of Sauron, but when he is at his strongest. What age is that?

2008-02-07, 08:55 PM
I thought this thread was going to be about Cort from Dark Tower, Roland's teacher - in which case Sauron would be so screwed. But since it's a different one, and I don't know anything about Legend of Legaia, I'll pass.

...'Cept I have yet to finish those books and now know something I dun think I should know >.>.

And, man, is no one here willing to debate this?

... It makes me sad LoL is not well known =(.

The loli's weep with me.

2008-02-07, 09:07 PM
...'Cept I have yet to finish those books and now know something I dun think I should know >.>.

And, man, is no one here willing to debate this?

... It makes me sad LoL is not well known =(.

The loli's weep with me.

Don't worry, I didn't spoil much. Just the fact that he's Roland teacher, which you will learn the moment he shows up anyway.

LoL is for PSX, isn't it? Is it a good game? I might pick it up.

2008-02-07, 09:47 PM
I will debate this when I have the time.

warty goblin
2008-02-07, 10:27 PM
Sauron at his *strongest* is probably when he's in command of Angband after the Chaining of Melkor. He was, IIRC, pretty well kept quiet at the time because he didn't want to piss off the Valar, but if we just take him at his strongest sans other enemies, I would say that is it.

In which case a single thing powerful enough to destroy a metal pyramid is just not going to cut it. Angband was so rediculously well fortified that the gods had to smash half a continent to destroy it.

2008-02-11, 02:53 AM
I forgot about this forum >.>.

LoL is for PSX, isn't it? Is it a good game? I might pick it up.

Do it! The Loli's command you!

Sauron at his *strongest* is probably when he's in command of Angband after the Chaining of Melkor. He was, IIRC, pretty well kept quiet at the time because he didn't want to piss off the Valar, but if we just take him at his strongest sans other enemies, I would say that is it.

In which case a single thing powerful enough to destroy a metal pyramid is just not going to cut it. Angband was so rediculously well fortified that the gods had to smash half a continent to destroy it.

...Er, second strongest then >.>.

2008-02-11, 09:19 AM
I can only assume that you keep talking about lolis because there's an abundance of them in this game.

2008-02-11, 12:07 PM
...Er, second strongest then >.>.

Ahahaha! I wish the other Vs Threaders were as stright forward as you.

Lich King Vs Sauron after the War of The Ring:
Now there's a crowd pleaser.

2008-02-11, 02:33 PM
I can only assume that you keep talking about lolis because there's an abundance of them in this game.

Loli. Hentai. 20 Gigs.

Let's leave it at that.

Ahahaha! I wish the other Vs Threaders were as stright forward as you.

Lich King Vs Sauron after the War of The Ring:
Now there's a crowd pleaser.

I guess?

Blargh, well. Just waiting for Warty to say what his second strongest is I suppose.

warty goblin
2008-02-11, 03:26 PM
Hmm, second strongest is a little harder to determine. He was personally at his most powerful up until the Fall of Numenor, which gives us a timeline of the First Age IIRC and IMHO as always. During this time he could still shape-shift and so forth. For most of the Quenta Silmarillion he's very strong, but doesn't command quite the massive armies that he had earlier and later on, since Morgoth could command them directly.

I'd guess he was probably *second strongest* just before the Numenor episode, when he had the Ring but still could shift forms and appear fair, and was also militarily powerful enough to beat the Elves who remained on Middle-Earth.

As to how strong he is at this point, Barad-Dur was besieged by the combined might of Gondor, Arnor and the Elves for 7 years and was not actually breached. This was after Sauron was considerably weakened by being caught in Ground Zero of the destruction of a continent as well.

Unfortunately *very* little information is available on just what Sauron had at his disposal at this time. I'll see what I can dig up this evening and tomorrow though.

2008-02-11, 04:10 PM
Well. The more I think about this, the less fair it seems for Saruon. Think about it.

Seru were common in LoL. Like, everyone had one. In the entire freaking world. I would guess the population is like that it was in the Dark Ages. That's... 250 million Seru >.>. Each one as strong as a Uruk-Hai (Stronger?)

*But*. Their weakness is Saurons strength. By having a good defence, you can last for a damn long time. Juggernaught can do alot, sure. But Mordor would be damn near impossible for them to breach. Sauron seems to be able to controll the winds of Mordor, and as such push back the Mist.

Also, Seru are not orderly. At all. From what I remember, there is no such thing as a Seru army. They just... swarm. That's it. That's how the people can survive really. The Seru wander around, and don't really work together.

There are some exceptions. Jugs can be told to go here, and do that. Sim-Seru have a mind of there own really, and those can fight.


The mists main weakness, The Genisus trees won't help any. You need the Ra-Seru for that, and a pure heart if I recall correctly.

Should we, for simplicitys sake, stick with Sauron in controll of Angband?

warty goblin
2008-02-11, 05:34 PM
I'm always fine with my dude getting the second greatest fortification ever constructed on his side.

2008-02-11, 07:21 PM
Alright then.

What other places does he have controll of, then? Mordor, ect? Also, how big is his army? Size wise?

Also, is his fortress air tight? As in, would the mist be able to get in? (It can be held back with strong enough winds, so long as those winds are not infested with the mist of course.) Would it be able to stand up against the force of two nukes? (Something that Cort has, though it's a one time thing).

Any other things you need to know?