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View Full Version : Orson Wells, Mad Scientist

2008-02-05, 02:41 AM
So, it seems that my character in my current 3.5 game is probably going to die in the next few sessions (he's just discovered that his religion, as a cleric, has a pretty strict inquisition policy) so I've been turning over ideas in my head for a new character and have settled on one I like but am not sure how to fully actualize. The character I have in mind is of an Orson Wells bent, as the title implies, in the sense that he is portrayed in some over-the-top literature, and in comics, most notably the Planetary series. While I realize that crazy-no-way science doesn't have a place in a fantasy setting, I still think that I could pull off a Frankensteinian feeling that would work well. I've worked out the things I need to focus on, such as most of the knowledges and a goodly number of crafts, but I'm kinda stuck on how to reach my goals with this character, as it were. The current idea I have is to go with Rogue and Warlock levels (I'm pretty much working with 6 levels) and get the best mix out of them. Rogue levels are important, obviously, for the much needed skill points, but I want to minimalize them since I think they would put the wrong flavor on the character. I like warlock because it has so much craziness about it that I could pull it off ("Look what controlled ionization can do when I point my finger!") and it also has some of the slightly dark feeling I'm going for. Furthermore, it has the ability, as a class, to create bother clerical and arcane magic items, which is something I fancy since I think the character will be a hefty artificer. I even plan to start the character with a custom magic item which is goggles that give a bonus to Knowledge:Engineering (I would try to start with a Sonic Screwdriver, but I don't think that would be allowed.) I thought about archivist, or whatever the class is out of Heroes of Horror, but ultimately didn't like how it fit with the character. So, I suppose my question comes in several fold: What odd skills should I focus on, since I've never really sat down and made a skill-monkey? Is there a good reason for me to take more than a few levels in Rogue without loosing the feel of the character? What's the best way for a Warlock to deal with making magic items? And so on.... Sorry to seem so ignorant of the rules, but it's simply been too long since I've made a skill-based character to think of anyway to make him both entertaining and actually useful to the party.

P.S.- I know I'm going to feel stupid the moment someone mentions it, but what book is the Able Learner feat from? Do you think it would work for this character?

2008-02-05, 03:00 AM
Oh, also, I was thinking of using up a feat selection for Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Arquebus (sp?); I know it pretty wasteful, but I like the character carrying around an oversized gun with all sorts of gizmos coming off it. Does anyone know of a way to get the Eldritch Blast to go through a ranged weapon, specifically the aforementioned one? I'm probably going to scrap the idea, but I was hoping I could get it working.

Sam Panda
2008-02-05, 03:04 AM
Or you could find the Mad Scientist base class from the Homebrew section.. ;D

Unless you don't want any homebrews.

2008-02-05, 03:23 AM
I'm going to suggest Artificier, since it's perfect for anyone who is going to be loading up on craft/magic item creation feats. The flavour of the class doesn't fit every game, but from what you've mentioned so far - I'd think it would go quite well, probably better than/just as well as a refluffed warlock.

Failing that, Effigy Master, in Complete Arcane is a fun PrC to try and incorporate later on.

2008-02-05, 05:15 AM
Artificer from the Eberron Campaign Setting (but you can find it on crystalkeep (http://crystalkeep.com/d20/index.php)) sounds like exactly what you're looking for.

It's Intelligence based with 4+Int skill points, a couple spells and a "Craft Reserve" of XP to spend each level. There are some balance issues (depending on your campaign, it's possible to be either ridiculously powerful or rather weak), but I think it's your class.