View Full Version : Stalker!!!

2008-02-05, 10:03 PM
So my friend got followed to school yesterday by a creep on a motorcycle. He cut off cars just to make sure he was next to her at red lights, followed her down back streets and in circles, and talked to her every time they caught a red light, so we're one hundred percent certain he was following her. So my question is, what exactly is the law on this? He's about forty (she says) and she's sixteen, and although he gave her the creeps and followed her, he nevert said anything perverted or sexual. Has he done anything beyond going into a school parking lot where he cannot be if told to leave? Or is following her enough to be a crime?

2008-02-05, 10:12 PM
My concern would be whether he followed her from her home, and knows where it is...

She could contact local police and find out if this type of thing is illegal in any way. Especially with her still being a minor.

(not any type of law expert in any way)

Just check it out and see what you can find out.

I'd ask her to look out for him to see if he follows her any other times. Then I would worry. Until then it may be some random thing...

2008-02-05, 10:19 PM
Unless you live outside america, there is no exact law about this. But really, thats just creepy. The guy is probably a sexual deviant and I suggest she stays away from him. If he knows where she lives, call the cops. All I can suggest

2008-02-05, 10:21 PM
If it's possible have her walk with someone next time. A male someone. And if he shows up, get the plate number. As of right now there isn't really anything they can do about a random bike riding person.

And remind her to never go to her house if someone is following her. Go to a store or into a catwalk if they are using a car. I've been followed home by a van on two different occasions. I ducked into the catwalk and then waited several minutes in the middle, where I wasn't visible from the street.

Another time my female friend and I were walking home and we became aware that someone was following us by car. We quickly walked to her house as her parents were home. The car pulled up into the drive. That sent us right up the wall. The guy rang the door bell. We were freaking out and made her dad answer it. It was a plumber. They had called him and he had trouble finding the house so he had to slowly cruise the street looking at numbers. :smalleek: Had nothing to do with us. :smallsigh: Phew.

2008-02-05, 10:31 PM
*checks Kirbsys' location...is confused*

Depending where you are located some countries maintain sexual offender lists. A check of the list in that locality may be worthwhile. If stalker man is on there and she can identify him, then she can ring the police and tell them who he is.

Just a thought


2008-02-05, 10:58 PM
I bet it's Midnight Son. :smalltongue:

2008-02-05, 11:19 PM
I believe if you ask them to stop and they don't you can call the police to have them tell them to stop for you. Otherwise, not much that I know of.

Mauve Shirt
2008-02-05, 11:24 PM
Wow, creeptastic!

There's not much you can do yet in the US, unless this happens multiple times. I agree with Jagg, definitely see if there is anyone like him if your area has a sex offender/criminal listing of some sort.

Midnight Son
2008-02-06, 12:35 AM
I bet it's Midnight Son. :smalltongue:Nope. I keep to a very strict rule. I only stalk people who are at least 18, so your friend is quite safe from me.:smallbiggrin:

Though if you know any bikers, I bet you could get them to settle the guy down for you. We may be a rough and tough lot, but most of us would be quite happy to show him the error of his ways. Don't know if there's a local chapter of B.A.C.A.* around there, but they'd make short work of him. Not quite their field, but close enough they'd probably get involved.

*Bikers Against Child Abuse

2008-02-06, 12:38 AM
Well hopefully I'll be there tomorrow, I was late today, usually I am there before her. If he's not there good riddance, if he is I'll definitely get his plate number, I doubt he'd actually try something with me there (I'm about six two and 240 lbs). My main concern is that A, he admitted that he knows where her house is by asking her if he was right (I don't think she answered), and the B when we did check the listings (about two years ago) there were several offenders in the apartements she believes he lives in. Plus she can't ditch him, she drives a scooter that goes about 45 Max, he has a real motorcycle.

BTW I live in California, Esconghetto is my personal name for our town.

2008-02-06, 01:47 AM
if she is feeling threatened you can call the police. even if he can't be charged with anything (you can actually if this persists) they will send a unit, and cops don't like guys like this, he'll get at least a warning, and his presence is now known to law enforcement.

2008-02-06, 09:35 AM
Your friend should go to the local police station and talk with them. It's the quickest way to find out what is and isn't actionable, as that can differ from state to state, and even from town to town. Having a good description and the license plate number will help.

You might also want to talk your friend into taking a self defense class. But then, I'm of the opinion that everyone should have some training in this.

2008-02-06, 10:10 AM
That probably constitutes harassment (of the non-sexual variety). Legal definition of harrassment here (http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/harassment). If it happens again, write down his license plate, and call the cops. It's possible he's done this before.

2008-02-06, 12:18 PM
Hey don't come online and talk about it, get some help!

Next time it happens call the cops or do something.

O and by the way nice avatar OP

Zombie pixe
2008-02-06, 01:37 PM
yea, thats just weird. i cant really sugest anything new, so do all the sugested (well, the senseble ones!)

Crispy Dave
2008-02-06, 01:48 PM
ya deffently at least warn the cops of this and let them know of the possible threat and probably just have her at least carry a can of mace with her so she can defend herself if there is a problem.I had a friend who was raped and it couldov been avoided if she would've had a can of mace that she usualy carries around everywhere and it was the one day she didn't bring it.

2008-02-07, 02:42 AM
I would be worried less about the person stalking you than about if he's trying to be helpful and you've somehow entered the Twilight Zone.

2008-02-07, 05:20 AM
Wow, creepy. It would be best to have someone follow her to and from school. Her dad or her brother or something. That alone might scare him off. It's pretty easy to ride around on a bike a shout things at young women. I bet he buggers off at the first sign of trouble.

And if you see him again, write down his plate number and check him out. That's a really good idea.

2008-02-07, 06:28 AM
or tell your friend, next time he follows her [get his plate and] to drive at the local police station. To see if he continues to follow...