View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 30: Elethomiel vs Taleron

2008-02-06, 05:33 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 30: Elethomiel vs. Taleron



XP Award: 600 XP
GP Award: 600 GP

All combatants, please roll initiative.

2008-02-06, 07:21 PM
2x Scroll of Invisibility 300 [core]
1x Scroll of See Invisibility 150 [core]
Amber amulet of Vermin (Large Scorpion) 700 [Magic Item Compendium ( errata)]


spell selection:0 Resistance
0 Daze
0 Daze
0 Detect Magic
(0) Mage Hand
1 Sleep
1 Sleep
1 Ventriloquism
1 Colorspray
(1) Expeditious Retreat

2008-02-06, 10:37 PM
i have a neg init modifier, so after you sir. taleron starts in y10 holding his guisarme.


readied maneuvers:
charging minoutar
steely strike
moment of perfect mind

2008-02-07, 10:20 AM
Elethiomel round 1

Elethiomel stands easy (B11), scroll in hand. As the the match begins, he recites it. The scroll flutters to the ground, but Elethiomel has vanished.

Recite scroll of invisibility. Drop scroll. [roll0] to C16.
StatusPosition: C16 AC 14 HP 8 Spells: Invisibility [300]

2008-02-07, 11:11 AM
Invisibility. Joy. Not sure if you can see my actions, so I'll post my them in a spoiler for now.

Taleron moves to T7 and scaters the planks. He also enters into Stance of Clarity.


HP: 22
AC: 19, ff 17, t 14
Effects: Stance of Clarity
Location T7

2008-02-07, 11:17 AM
no LoS, but he indeed can see your actions

your opponent moved into T7 and scatters the planks

2008-02-07, 11:19 AM
High Ref Bronz

Hmm I do believe the Scorpion was banned from use, and I can't find where that was said at a glance. I will have to look further into it.

2008-02-07, 11:48 AM
I looked it up and Bronz is right. The amulet worn by Elethomiel is listed under banned material in the recruitment thread of the arena. You will have to scrap it from your inventory but get a full refund from it. At this point you may choose a different item to buy or save the money to spend it at a later date. The match will continue once this matter has been resolved. (luckily you did not use the amulet yet or the mess would be a lot bigger)

2008-02-07, 11:56 AM
If Markov gets a refund for his amulet, I'd like to opportunity to get a refund from my purchases for this fight as well.

2008-02-07, 01:18 PM
What did you purchase? If it was in reaction to the purchasement of the amulet then you are allowed to do so.

(and if it wasn't in response to the buying of the amulet, there still is the fact that bronz can overrule me and if he doesn't then you yourself as a high court member am pretty much overruling the both of us...)

2008-02-07, 01:23 PM
yeah, I bought a potion of enlarge person so that the scorpion couldn't grapple me with it's improved grab ability (since it only works on creatures smaller than it).

2008-02-07, 01:26 PM
A reactionary purchase to an illegal purchase is quite refundable.

2008-02-07, 03:12 PM
The banned item is an amber amulet of vermin, huge scorpion. This one, using the errata for the Magic Item Compendium, is merely large. May I continue?

Edit: Hmm. The list (updated at 11:27 today) now bans all amber amulets.

2008-02-07, 03:17 PM
Check the discussion in the waiting room, but short story is the huge version got downgraded to the large in an errata, so they are effectivly the same item and thus it is banned. And I think that the new rule, effective after you bought the large amulet, but before you can buy a new one is that all amber amulets are to be banned.

2008-02-07, 03:18 PM
High Ref Bronz

No, actually, as that is the exact same item. Nonetheless, if you check the Waiting Room, Amulets of Vermin have been banned. As this match was put on hold, and the item not used, it is eligible for the ban.

So you may refund your gold, and choose something else if you like, but this match may not continue until the amulet is removed from your character sheet.

Edit: Doubly ninja'd. Ouch.

2008-02-07, 03:33 PM
Recognizing that they're horribly undercosted, I'm glad they're all banned. I just wish it had been after my fight with Taleron. :smallwink:

I'll substitute the purchase with a scroll of summon monster II, alright?

2008-02-07, 03:34 PM
Carry on then :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-07, 03:44 PM
Elethiomel round 2

Cast Expeditious Retreat. [roll0] to C4 while drawing the scroll of summon monster
StatusPosition: C4 AC 14 HP 8 Spells: Invisibility [300], Expeditious Retreat [20]

2008-02-07, 03:56 PM
Taleron moves to R11 and readies an action
Ready an action to make an attack against anything that comes into range of my Guisarme


HP: 22
AC: 21, ff 21, t 21
Effects: Stance of Clarity
Location R11

FYI..... Taleron is going to stay here and keep the same readied action until he can see / hear anything else going on. And with his negative listen modifier, chances are he won't here anything but the most obvious of sounds.

2008-02-07, 05:38 PM
Okay. If Taleron reacts at some point, I'll redo the subsequent actions.


Round 3Cast Ventriloquism. [roll0] to J3.

Ref question: Can Elethomel take 10 on a standing jump and make it from J3 to N4? That would be clearing 10' of muck, right? His jump check is +12 for speed, -2 for STR.

if yes:
Round 4Take 10 on a standing jump and make it from J3 to N4; walk [roll1] to R4. Drop the scroll (so that it becomes visible). Unroll and step on the scroll. The idea is to make it so that it can be read, but that it appears to be just lying there if Taleron comes around the corner. If that takes more than a standard action, it will just delay Elethiomel's subsequent actions.

Round 5Using Ventriloquism to throw his voice to C10, cast Summon Monster II from scroll. Will save (Ventriloquism) is DC 13, but I don't think Taleron knows that.This triggers a WILL save from Taleron.

2008-02-07, 05:55 PM
High Ref Bronz

First, BigMac can you make a series of listen checks? 5 should do.

2008-02-07, 06:01 PM

2008-02-07, 07:51 PM
High Ref Bronz

-During round 3:


You hear spellcasting from somewhere in the north and west. Do wish to react to it?


No take 10's are allowed during combat.

Waiting on BM response before moving forward.

2008-02-07, 09:06 PM

change my ready action. ready an action to take a 5ft step and attack anything that moves or appears within 15ft of me

taleron doesn't move.

2008-02-07, 10:48 PM
For refs:
Okay, if taking 10 isn't permitted (and I'm only assuming that wading in the bog would mess with his invisibility; if not, forget it. He'll just walk.), he'll back up 20' and take a running jump, which will give him 10', even on a 1. The extra movement will waste a round, but if he stops in N4, his MS check should be 5 better, since he only traveled 60' in a full round of actions. Right?

2008-02-08, 10:05 AM
High Ref Bronz


While it is true that you are only moving half your movement, you need to make a "running start", which is hardly half pace. I am going to rule that the -5 stays in place.

2008-02-08, 10:43 AM
@refs: Okay.

Redoing round 4:
He'll back up 20' and take a running jump, which will give him 10', even on a 1. The extra movement will waste a round, but if he stops in N4, his MS check should be 5 better, since he only traveled 60' in a full round of actions. Right? Since it doesn't affect his stealth, he'll use more than half his move for the round, ending in R5.

Redoing/inserting round 5:
Drop and arrange scroll.

Round 6: Using Ventriloquism to throw his voice to C10, cast Summon Monster II from scroll. Will save (Ventriloquism) is DC 13, but I don't think Taleron knows that.This triggers a WILL save from Taleron.

2008-02-08, 11:02 AM
Does anything accompany the will save (like say a stream of color out of the blue, or sounds of spellcasting for a round preceeding it)?

2008-02-08, 11:14 AM
Hmm. No stream of color. A ref will have to determine whether you hear spell casting.

@refsI just realized that if he doesn't hear it, no save is triggered.

2008-02-08, 11:35 AM
High Ref Bronz

- Round 4


You barely hear a sound being made, in the same general direction as the casting came from. Do you react to it?

2008-02-08, 02:07 PM
For refs:

No, but the direction of the sound is noted. Wish I would have bought a script of hunter's sesnse, but too late for that. For now I'll remain here. If that's the case, what do I hear before I need to make a will save? I'm just looking to see if it is a full round spell (SLEEP) or color spray.

2008-02-08, 02:31 PM
High Ref Bronz

-round 6


You faintly hear spellcasting coming from somewhere in the West. It seems to be lasting longer than most (ie full round cast). You need to make that Will save now.

BM needs to make his Will save.

2008-02-08, 02:35 PM
Will Save (not sure if Elethomiel is able to detect if I save or not)

So the sounds are from the west, but the noise was from the north. Fishy.

I pray I didn't just lose this match

2008-02-08, 02:47 PM
@refsThe will save indicates that Elethiomel has begun reciting the scroll of SMII. Is he able to complete the action? Does he perceive any action or reaction from Taleron? [roll0], [roll1]

2008-02-08, 02:56 PM
High Ref Bronz

Heh, some fast postings.


You recognize the sounds you heard from the west as illusionary, and because of that also recognize the true casting is coming from somewhere in the north.
You may react on your round 6 if you wish.


BM has his round 6 first, if he chooses to do anything, and then we continue with your round 7, where you will finish your casting.
Speaking of which, you need a caster level check, DC4, in order to use that second level spell. A 1 automatically fails. If you do fail, you need to make a DC5 wisdom check to prevent a mishap.

Taleron gets to act on his turn in round 6, if he wishes.

2008-02-08, 03:03 PM
Taleron's round 6 actions:

Taleron remains in R11, waiting for something.
Keep the same ready action as before. Take a 5ft step (if necessay) to attack anything that moves or appears withing 15ft of Taleron

End of Turn


HP: 22
AC: 21, ff 21, t 21
Effects: Stance of Clarity, Readied Action (see above)
Location R11

2008-02-08, 04:53 PM
@refsOops. For some reason I thought it was a CL check, and that a 1 wasn't an auto-fail.
Round 1 [roll0]
Round 6 [roll1]

If the first fails, we'll need to roll back, I think.
Assuming the second succeeds, Elethiomel will summon [roll2] small monstrous spiders, to Q8, Q9, and P9. The first one will move up the pillar (R8, 10' up) and sling web. [roll3]

The other two (if they exist), will move in and attack:
Q9->R10 [roll4] [roll5]
P9->Q10 [roll6] [roll7]
I'd like to know if this triggers any readied actions before Elethiomel starts taking his round 7.

Edit: 1 spider.

2008-02-08, 05:16 PM
When the spider appears in Q8, it triggers Taleron's readied action. He takes a 5ft step to Q10 and attacks the spider with his guisarme.

Taleron will initiate his steely strike maneuver.
[roll0] +2BaB, +1WF, +6str, +4 Steely Strike

Since that was a readied action that moves him up to the top of the initiative order, but he loses his move action for the round.


HP: 22
AC: 19, ff 17, th 14
Effects: Stance of Clarity
Location Q10
Maneuver's Expended: Steely Strike

2008-02-08, 06:23 PM
So Taleron has taken his round 7 action, and will act first in round 8.

Elethiomel round 7

Enhance Attribute (INT). Cast Sleep, throwing voice to C10.

Position: R4 AC 14 HP 8 Spells: Invisibility [294], Expeditious Retreat [15], Ventriloquism[16], Enhance Attribute[10]

2008-02-08, 11:01 PM

Reactive Listen [roll0]
Do I hear anything?

Not done yet

2008-02-08, 11:42 PM
High Ref Bronz


You hear spellcasting again, illusionary from the west and real to the north somewhere.

2008-02-08, 11:52 PM
Taleron, Round 8 continued

Taleron moves back to R11 and continues to wait for his opponent to show himself.

Ready an action to move if he senses Elethomiel cast a spell within 15ft of him.

End of turn.


HP: 22
AC: 21, ff 19, th 16
Effects: Stance of Clarity, Ready Action (see above)
Location R11
Maneuver's Expended: Steely Strike

2008-02-09, 01:19 AM
Elethiomel round 9

Target the intersection at P10-Q11 Will save DC17. Move to Q5. Not done; I suspect Elethiomel will be interrupted.I believe that's another Will save. Then Elethiomel steps into Q5. Not done, but does that trigger a readied action?

Status:Position: Q5 AC 14 HP 8 Spells: Expeditious Retreat [14], Ventriloquism[15], Enhance Attribute[9]

2008-02-09, 02:29 AM
Using my moment of perfect mind maneuver to roll a concentration check instead of a will save.

Also, going to expend my psionic focus to take 15 on my concentration check.

so will save = 15+11 = 26.

No, you haven't triggered my ready action yet.

2008-02-09, 02:44 AM
Elethiomel round 9 (continued)

Elethiomel nods and steps back behind the post.Move Q5->S5, then sneak ->R5->Q6 (30'). [roll0], [roll1]. Cast Daze, using Ventriloquism.Elethiomel (hiding, I think the spot DC is 13) casts Daze (DC 16), the sound of which seems to originate from C10.


2008-02-09, 08:36 AM
Daze, nice.


2008-02-09, 10:15 AM
Elethiomel round 10

Sensing that his spell has taken hold, Elethomel moves in Q6->Q8 and unleashes a blast of color (Will DC17).

Duration if save is failed:
[roll0] unconscious
[roll1] blind

2008-02-09, 10:21 AM
well, lets see if i can get a nat 20


Edit: GG. I made a mistake this time, but I promise if I see you again, you will go down. Hard.

2008-02-09, 10:29 AM
Not that it matters most of the time, but I prefer that a spellcaster NOT know the specific durations of color spray. If you know you have 8 rounds of unconcious vs 2, it makes a big differnce.

2008-02-09, 11:28 AM
gg. I better figure out a new tactic for next time.

Which was the mistake?

Paladin Latham
2008-02-09, 11:58 AM
High Ref Paladin Latham

Elethiomel is declared the winner and recieves the listed prizes.

2008-02-09, 01:25 PM
Assuming you would use color spray. I was very specific about the conditions for my ready triger becuase I figured you would cast sleep and then color spray. I completely forgot about daze.