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View Full Version : Share your tales of betrayal

2008-02-07, 06:58 PM
Who hasn't betrayed a fellow party member? be it for loot, xp, or just for fun. i recall one time featuring a god of tyranny, an elf ranger and a magic fire sword. a note, if your going to betray someone make sure their not a hound archon paladin with an 19 armor class. Also I would like to thank the good sherif for giving me my very first locked thread on the giantitp forums , WOOOOOOO!!!!!!! there's a party at my place on saturday night. there will be cake. i'm sure i'll get #2 very soon. (that is not a challenge to local law enforcment)

2008-02-07, 10:02 PM
Post-apocalyptic, semi-cyberpunk. Our team leader has been fairly pissed at all of us, and since the rest of us are crazy (gurps syndrome, en masse), he ended up actually shooting the drunken heavy the previous week. Well my amoral thief with no loyalty was worried about that (classic CE), and so was one of the other team members. He paid me 20k to take out our team leader. Next session, I'm exhausted IRL and not really paying attention, we're in a jeep headed down a narrow path with an APC full of our allies along, being chased by helicopters. I figure, going 60, just me, the team leader, and one other guy with excellent reflexes, in the middle of a forest, if the jeep wrecks, the leader is screwed. We long ago proved we would abandon anyone who is deadweight. I drop a flashbang and jump out, attempting to roll with the fall. The GM looks at me and says "You realize the APC is behind you, don't you?." "Oops." "Roll reflex." Failure. Couple other rolls, I end up a bloody pulp. Worst of all? The other guy managed to get rid of the flashbang before it went off. The leader didn't even have to slow down.

2008-02-07, 10:24 PM
In one of the 2 Cyberpunk 2020 games I've actually played in (the GM of which was kinda poo, but that's fairly irrelevant), I was playing a Techie; proper mod-monkey...anything he could get his hands on he'd try to improve or modify in some way (in fact, the main source of the groups income was the Corporate buying in weapons via the Fixers contacts and me modding them up to far superior stats than their original then selling them on for profit)...

...anyways, the other characters obviously wanted me to mod up their kit, whether it be the Solos gun or the Nomads Bike. However, my character (by the name of Speccy McPhee), was something of a mercenary and did nothing for free. The Solo of the group perfectly understood this and gave me a big wad of cash to upgrade his hand cannon. This job I undertook to the letter and he walked away with a super-hand cannon when I was done. The other members of the group saw that I had done this service and asked me to upgrade their own kit...the Nomad her bike and the Corporate his side-arm. However, neither of them paid me for the work, so I put a couple of..."glitches "into them..sure, the bike was faster and more maneuverable, but the brakes were completely useless...she barely survived the ensuing crash. The Corporate's gun was indeed more powerful (well, more accurate anyway), but it aso had a tendancy to give a minor electric shock to the wielder whenever it was fired...it took him a good few combats before he realised that I had rigged his gun to do this...

...why did I do this you ask? 'cos they didn't pay me and I thought it'd be a laugh...well, me and the Solo laughed anyway...tee hee hee...

2008-02-07, 10:44 PM
Didn't end up with a death of a party member but

We were playing a d&d session, and I was playing a half-vampire the party leader was always saying she'll tattle on me to my organization I was part of. Well anyways we went to her hometown it was destroyed everyone laid dead. So me being CN decide to see what some had one them. So I start searching 2 elfs and she hits me for non-lethal damage because it was her grandparents, so I didn't care (fast healing). Then she burned all the equipment, they had some nice stuff, I remember amor of the woodland. So I was kind of pissed me having like a 18 AC. So I went to search the houses that were left, I find the grandparents house. I quickly search the house but on a celestial amor and get out.

2008-02-07, 10:49 PM
Unless it's a campaign where it was set form the beginning that the group doesn't trust each other and they're gonna backstab each other sooner or later (for example Paranoia, many evil-aligned games or Cyberpunk games), people who betray other team members on purpose deserve to be stoned to death with dice by the DM and other players for making the game unfun for everyone.

2008-02-07, 10:58 PM
I'm not one for betraying my team all that much, usually cause I know it would piss off the other players (who are pretty much the only people I play with off these boards) so unless its something the character would do then I just don't betray my teammates. However there is one really good example that fit my character, who was a petty noble who had been dragged into the mess when the adventures killed his liege and started a successful revolution that left him pretty much penniless. He knew that this group had pretty much done in him but by tying himself to them he was able to survive the massacre that had found the other nobles.

The group had started out as working for the Courier's Guild and eventually been hired by the surviving members of a deposed royal family in bringing down the three corrupt nations that had brought war to the royal's nation. After I had joined them I was, besides being the calculating voice of reason and the beacon of sin for the group, the contact of various nobles and trade guilds across the land. After three years of leading a guerilla war in the second nation we headed out to the last nation, a Mageocracy that had created their own god and became a Theocracy because of it. As we are fighting our way up to the Pontiff of said religion we start picking up signs that said Pontiff had bound himself to this 'False-God' and that the DM didn't really plan on us beating him just yet. In fact I later learned that he planned on us fleeing the nation and that we would be gathering and leading a mutli-nation army against the theocracy. However my character who had never really bounded with the group, as he was a total ass, still remembered what they took from him. So while we were in this fight with the Avatar of the False-God my character made a couple secret knowledge checks along with Int checks to figure out how the Pontiff was channeling the False-God, which happened to be an orb that he had surrounded in a field of power. Now as sever of my party members, namely the paladin and the cleric of the good pantheon, thought my character could be redeemed so when he went to 'sacrifice' himself to get to the orb to destroy it while they kept the Avatar busy they really didn't suspect anything. However when he did get his hands on it, after losing one arm and being more or less burnt all on one side he just smiled and transferred the control and power of the False-God to himself. Which is when I got to shout out at the table in my Ozymandias impersination "I did it!". Needless to say that the DM was rather pissed as were my team-mates, but they managed to take me down as I took over where the Pontiff had left off.

2008-02-08, 12:45 AM
My PCs have never betrayed the party. I play honest, upstanding citizens when it comes to honor and betrayal. Even my evil characters are lawful and loyal. The only thing that my characters have ever done, when my duskblade walked out on the party in the middle of the dungeon, he took all the found treasure he was carrying with him.

And of course, I've seen a few rogues pocket some rather nifty trinkets(but my paladin always rolls well for spot/sense motive checks, hmmmm...)

2008-02-08, 01:27 AM
A story about betraying the party? A? One? I have to pick one?? But thats all we do...its expected its how the party members show effection twords each other. We take turns and keep track.

Well In shadowrun I played a raven shaman. I pritty much manipulated the rest of the runners for my own personal profet and amusment. Then sold them out to Lonestar. The fact that they where planning to sell me out was purly coincedental but was a good excuse after the fact.


The core of the party has always been a bard conartest and a scoundrel rogue, with maxed out bluff and sence motive skills. Thoughs to characters joined forces and messed with other characters because terning each other into the city watch, temple of Tyr, minion of the antagonest, bandit prince got old.

example on an adventure...Jynx (bard) Quintin (rogue) Woody (wood elf fighter/Rogue)

Quintin: Ok Woody your up check that alter for a trap.

Woody: Ok...huh wait its your turn I checked the hallway.

Quintin: No Jynx checked the hallway its your turn for the alter.

Jynx: Oh yeah, Woody your turn.

Woody: What? No I checked the hall.

Quintin: Nope that was Jynx, I checked the room your turn on the alter.

Jynx: Thats right. Look your just still a little fuzzy from that gass trap four rooms back. Ive been keeping track on this string of beeds. Quin is black Im white your blue, now blue one is up. (most of the beeds are blue).

Woody: Hmm ok let me take a look. ....... <ZORK>

Quintin: Hmm Oh look at that idole it has rubies.

Jynx: I get half.

Quintin: Right. Oh wake Woody will ya.

Jynx: I thought it was your turn to wake Woody? Ah alright. Hay get up Woody get up we gota go rest time is over.

Woody: HUh wah ok

Jynx: ok lead the way Woody Quintin already checked that room for traps wile you where resting. It should be safe.

Quintin: Lead on Woodman.