View Full Version : Lost: Season 4

2008-02-08, 06:20 PM
Rather than perform some gruesome thread necromancy, I decided to start a new thread for the tv show Lost. It started season 4 last week, and yesterday was the second episode.

It introduced four new characters, who, with the dead Naomi, complete a five man band (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveManBand).

Is anyone else watching this season? I've liked the first two episodes, and there hasn't been any filler or useless/bad characters yet. It's fun to see the Oceanic survivors divide into a Dharma style group and a Hostiles/Others group similar to Ben's flashbacks.

The flashforwards help too since the flashbacks were getting tired. There's only so many crucial events in someones past, so the choice for flashforwards was a good idea.

I'll keep watching for now.

2008-02-08, 08:46 PM
I was really hesitant to watch the season just because of the almost year-long break since Season III. Of course, 'Through the Looking Glass' was amazing, so I had high expectations. So far, this season hasn't disappointed me. Even the flash-forwards, though I really dreaded them, have been integrated fairly well. Overall, LOST has kept itself up rather well.

2008-02-08, 11:33 PM
I didn't get into Lost till late last year, but I'm loving it now. Not sure if season 4 is actually any better than the rest or if it's just the anticipation I built up, but I'm seriously enjoying the hell out of this show.

Did anyone notice that in Hurley's flashback he was referred to as one of the oceanic 6? Weren't there 40 something survivors? Makes me think there's gotta be a lot of bloodshed in the upcoming episodes.

Darth Mario
2008-02-09, 12:16 AM
Methinks the "Oceanic Six" refers to six passengers who CHOOSE to leave the island, at least with our current group of supporting characters. There's been a lot of evidence that, say, Locke and Sawyer remain on the island.

On another note, does anyone know the current count of survivors of the crash (midsection count only)? We're down Boone, Shannon, Michael, Walt, Charlie and many, many one-time characters.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-02-11, 11:22 AM
I've been watching Lost since the beginning, and I have no intention of stopping, especially since we know how many more episodes there are till the end. If it just kept going without an end in sight, I could see myself growing bored/frustrated with it. But I long ago accepted that we'll get answers slowly, and they will come with more questions.

I'm really liking the new season so far - it's probably the best one since the first. Season three was good but not amazing, but it was definitely better than the codswallop that was the first 1/2 to 2/3 of Season 2. The flashforwards are definitely a cool device. And trippy. Definitely trippy.

I agree that the Oceanic 6 aren't the only survivors, but those who chose to leave the island, although they seem to be the only six that the world at large thinks survived. That shady lawyer who came to see Hurley in the nut house asked Hurley if "they" were still alive, and Jack wanted to make sure that Hurley wasn't going to reveal some secret or another. I figure more people will die, but not all but six.

Apparently we're going to discover the identity of another Oceanic 6 member tonight. I think one of the Oceanic 6 is Sawyer - remember that in Season 3's finale, when Jack is talking to Kate at the airport, she said that she had to go since "he" would be wondering where she was.

2008-02-12, 03:39 AM
My assumption is that the Oceanic 6 are going to be rescued by these newcomers in exchange for their help against Ben, and possibly Locke. I'm also convinced they're on the island for more than just Ben, and that they're after some of Dharma's secrets as well (The woman seemed to recognise the Dharma symbol on that polar bear skeleton's collar. God knows what Dharma were doing with Polar Bears in the desert, but still). For a group of people working for a powerful organisation (An organisation who either was able to plant a fake plane-crash, or at least knew that it wasn't actually where 815 really crashed), the group they sent in all seem a little amateur though.