View Full Version : Angel: After the Fall OR Angel (TV) [spoilers]

2008-02-09, 04:45 AM
Overall, would you say that Angel: After the Fall, the comic book, is worth reading? Does it corrupt the original premise of the TV series, or does it appear so much better in comic-book format? Is it even good? And how's the artwork?

Opinions here!

2008-02-09, 12:36 PM
I do like Angel:After the Fall the script is reasonably amusing and the artwork good. On the other hand its wrought such huge and sudden changes that I'm entirely uncomfortable with it as a continuation of the Angel t.v. series. Or for that matter ( and to be a complete continuity geek) how it fits in with the Buffy Series 8 currently being published by Dark Horse.
I'm enjoying the series as a story in its own right but I can't really accept it as a continuation of one of my favourite T.V. series

2008-02-10, 01:59 PM
After the Fall is pretty good.

Especially considering what they have to follow up on, its pretty crazy.

L.A. has been sent to hell.

And the massive cliffhanger of what happens to the cast and even the supporting players I thought was really well done. Even if parts make me sad:smallfrown:

2008-02-10, 08:38 PM
I've been really enjoying After the Fall. It starts a little slow with issue #1 but by #3 things are rocking. I've read some complaints about the artwork, but personally I like it and think it suits the feel of the story/genre.

I think it continues on just fine from the end of Angel Season 5 and sends Angel and his colleagues in some interesting directions. I for one can't wait to see what is happening. (And BTW, according to Brian Lynch (the writer), we are to see how it fits in with Buffy Season 8 later on... my sense is that the two aren't running exactly simultaneously timeline-wise. And anyway, it doesn't really matter how it fits with Buffy's timeline... After the Fall takes place in another dimension that is quite likely, currently inaccessible from the "real" world.)

Joss Whedon has worked very closely with the writer, and many of the ideas from the comic are what they were going to use if they had been able to film a Season 6, so as far as I'm concerned, it's as close as continuation it can be and still be in a different medium.