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2008-04-07, 06:52 AM
Down wit' those dwarves!



2008-04-07, 07:00 AM

Take down the dwarves!

2008-04-07, 07:11 AM
1 Go get those short beardy people.

2008-04-08, 08:45 PM
Tonight would have been a great night to do the comic, but somehow I managed to Tv-Tropes my brain into mush. Besides, I also owe people avatars. I'll try to do it tommorow, if not then, than thursday for sure.

2008-04-10, 11:04 PM
I gotta gets to bed, this took WAY too long to make, thats what I get for playing games on one computer while making comics on another
It's a Flaming Shotgun
Next part may take awhile.

2008-04-10, 11:21 PM

That's gonna leave a mark.

2008-04-11, 02:49 AM
Oh dear...that's not a good thing...

2008-04-11, 06:03 AM
Damn, now that leaves our remaining conscious/alive protagonists with less than optimal resources to work with. I think Sir Gnomely Esquire requires a kick to the face. Or twenty.

2008-04-11, 04:48 PM
I hope Oscar has some healing left.

2008-04-11, 06:13 PM
Next comic will take abit of time for me to do, (Gotta makes me some new backrouns) especially since I owe some people avatars, and I need to make my secret easter bunny thingy. Also, I realized I need some snazzy banners, so in the spirit of interactivity I'll take banner suggjestions which I can make while pretending to take notes in class over the week (Laptops FTW!).

2008-04-12, 07:42 AM
I'll take banner suggjestions

What, starting now? In that case then, Homing Shiv, please. :)

2008-04-12, 08:07 AM
Do the one with the movie quotes.

2008-04-12, 08:14 AM
Banners...hm. "We apologize for the lack of PvP violence" I'm sorry I liked the random fight to the death of the old style.

2008-04-13, 10:30 PM
Alright, I'll try to get to work on those banners.

2008-04-14, 07:32 PM
I Have a new comic (And so can you!)
He has hair under that helmet?


Sorry, I need to set some stuff up before another question comic.
I just realized the archive is in desperate need of updateness...

2008-04-14, 07:46 PM
Much like death from starvation, "recuperation" is something not factored into D&D rules, and neither is bedside manner :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-14, 08:24 PM
Yay! Another patient who doesn't listen to The Doctor! :smallsmile:

Quick question, which way is he facing when he is lying down?

2008-04-14, 08:50 PM
Yay! Another patient who doesn't listen to The Doctor! :smallsmile:

Quick question, which way is he facing when he is lying down?

Well, I wouldnt call Smokestack much of a doctor, he's proably broken a few bones, but I doub't he knows much about fixing them.

That said, here is unarmored Rob
And, This seems like a good opprotunity to do some more world-building.

http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w27/bloddyredcommie/Rob%20and%20Jack%20stuff/OscarOrates.png Today: Healing Magic
Most people attribute incredible powers to healing magic, thinking it can bring somebody from the brink of death to tip-top fighting form in one go. This is rather silly, sort of. The instant regeneration version of healing magic does exist, but only under limited circumstances, besides the power and skill of the caster, two main things influence the effectiveness of healing magic.

1) The Time since the injury occured: After somebody is injured, there is a period of about thirty seconds or so during which healing magic is highly effective and can knit them right up, though they will still feel some of the effects of the injury later, for the time being they are fine. After that period, it tapers off sharply, after about a minute healing magic has more or less the same effect, it can still do some pretty amazing things, but the individual in question will still need to spend quite some time recuperating.

2) The Caster's familiarity with the Injury: Simply pumping somebody full of healing magic is both a waste of power and potentially very harmful to the recipient, therefore a Cleric (or any other magical healer) must guide the healing magic to the points where it will be the most effective at healing that injury, because each wound is different experienced clerics subconciously learn the best way to treat a given injury if they see it inflicted. If they don't, they need to study it carefully in order to guide the healing magic, this takes time (which is a problem, as explained above), but is neccessary, if the cleric dosn't study the wound there is a good chance that certain parts of the injury will heal faster than others, which can lead to serious complications and every experienced Magi-healer has a story about some novice failing to properly study an injury, leading to the patient having to undergo a lengthy, painful, stay as they wait for their healing nerves, skin, and arteries to catch up with their already healed muscle and bone.)

In the case we see here, Oscar didn't get to Rob and Greg until over a minute after the wounds were inflicted, and didn't see either wound inflicted, considering the unusal and serious nature of the wounds, he needed to do careful study. Because Oscar worships a sun diety, his magic is weakened when he does not have accsess to sunlight, and so he needed to go to the surface in order to get the power neccessary heal Greg and Rob.

2008-04-14, 08:56 PM
Yay for exposition! :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-15, 10:26 AM
No more comments? Is my art that horrible, proably not, I think I'll get a...
Second Opinion

2008-04-15, 11:29 AM
Imperial territory, eh? But I would have thought the Boss would want to avoid any Imperial entanglements.


Great work with Nekkid Rob, anyway. Always wanted to see what he looked like under all that armour. :)

2008-04-15, 04:59 PM
This seems like as good a time as any to extrapolate further.

The Steelwind Empire
Some call the Steelwind empire A Tyrannical Oppressor, some call it a benevolent protector. In reality, it is depends on the geography. The only reason the empire has lasted this long in the first place is because they take a “Hands-off” Approach to imperialism. The Emperor and his court don’t really care what the Dukes and Counts and Barons do at home provided the taxes get paid, the men get sent to serve in the imperial legions, and they don’t bother anybody outside their own borders. Most of the local lords are preventing from becoming Tyrants by The Hillman Declaration, which states that if word of a rebellion against a local lord reaches Steelwind itself, a team is sent to investigate the motivations and goals of the rebellion, if the Emperor declares the Rebel’s cause to be just, he sends in the Imperial Legions to support them. Though this has only happened a few times throughout history, the knowledge that oppression may lead to an angry mob supported the authority of Imperial forces (Which are almost always superior in terms of numbers, equipment, and training to the forces of the local lords) keeps most of them in line. This also means that after such a rebellion, the Imperials have the gratitude of the local populace, and are in a position to appoint a new ruler of their choosing. As a general rule, the Steelwind Emperors will always err on the side of Stability, and if that means overthrowing an unpopular ruler in order to prevent further unrest, they have no problems with it.

An Imperial Spearman, Warmage, and Knight, respectivly.

As for why The Lizard is able to keep a house up there, a combination of bribes to local govenors and a lack of proof that he's ever been associated with anything criminal within Steelwind Borders (Granitania, despite being below the empire, is not part of it)

2008-04-15, 05:16 PM

Heeheehee! :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-16, 08:44 PM
No more comments? Ah well. Next comic will show up within a few days (Unless my copy of SoD arrives...)

2008-04-17, 02:51 AM
You should always speak with your doctor before getting out of bed with a hole in your chest :smallbiggrin:

2008-04-19, 12:37 AM
Whose that devilishly handsom communist with a new comic. Why, it must be me.
Dawn of a New Plot
At this point, our group has split, but intresting things will happen to both, however, we can only pay attention to one. Which group do you want to follow:
1: Rob and Greg
2: Jack and Oscar

2008-04-19, 12:51 AM
casters suck! Go with 1!

2008-04-19, 02:21 AM
1. Rob and Greg

Just wanna see what their up to.

2008-04-19, 04:34 AM
2. Jack and Oscar

2008-04-19, 09:15 AM
2 I want to see how badly the casters fail on the sneaky stuff.

2008-04-19, 10:20 AM
While it would be fun to watch the casters fail, I'm going to go with 1.

Are we going to get to see what happened to the others afterwards and is this basically us choosing the order you put the comic in, or are they going to tell us what happened to them by an exposition?
Cause I'm always of the opinion that anything that can be told in an exposition usually isn't that interesting... Not adventurewise anyways.

2008-04-19, 11:27 AM
While it would be fun to watch the casters fail, I'm going to go with 1.

Are we going to get to see what happened to the others afterwards and is this basically us choosing the order you put the comic in, or are they going to tell us what happened to them by an exposition?
Cause I'm always of the opinion that anything that can be told in an exposition usually isn't that interesting... Not adventurewise anyways.
You will mostly be told about what happened to the other group in terms of exposition.

2008-04-19, 02:56 PM
Jack and Oscar are more likely to contain action, which makes Rob and Greg likely to contain more humor. In my experience, humor ic conveyed almost as easily through text as it is through image, while action is usually better when you can see it. Considdering that my ratio of correct predictions on what will happen next in a webcomic to predictions on what will happen next in a webcomic is very poor, I am confident that it would be a better idea to stay with 1: Rob and Greg.

2008-04-20, 10:38 AM
Dang you, this is a hard choice!

I go with 2.

2008-04-21, 01:30 PM
1 good sir

2008-04-21, 03:06 PM
Here's my analysis of the webcomic (Sort of). Feel free to ignore.

Drawing style: 7
Humour: 79
Originality: 7
Plot: 9

V I guess you're right.

2008-04-21, 03:40 PM
Only 7 on originality? Id say around 9.

2008-04-21, 05:34 PM
Here's my analysis of the webcomic (Sort of). Feel free to ignore.

Drawing style: 7
Humour: 79
Originality: 7
Plot: 9

V I guess you're right.

WOO HOO! I have large numbers!.

Plot 9! Well, Wanna know my secret

I don't have to write intresting plots, just think up abunch of things that COULD be intresting, let you suckers pick which one is the most intresting, and then take the credit! BWAHAHAHA

2008-04-22, 07:15 AM
A question-answering guest comic by Divine Tuna or somthing like that


2008-04-22, 07:38 AM
Not quite as good as the actual comic, that guest comic. Maybe because it lacks that delicious plot?

2008-04-24, 02:54 PM
I'll try to get an update done, this weeks been tough and next week will be hell on a stick, with that stick hitting me over and over.

2008-04-24, 04:25 PM
^Agreed, Im in the same damn boat:smallbiggrin:

2008-04-25, 05:00 PM
I'll get to work on the comic tonight. In other news, Righty got himself a Cameo in Planar Madness.

2008-04-25, 09:04 PM
2. I wanna see what's going on.

2008-04-25, 09:57 PM
2. I wanna see what's going on.
Sorry, When I said "I'm starting the comic" i assumed people took that to mean voting was closed. I guess I didn't make myself clear enough, which is proably a crime. *Checks book*

Yup, it looks like I need to stand trial for
Breaking and Exiting

((Yeah it's a mini-comic, I'l try to churn somthing more substantial out at some point))

2008-04-25, 11:09 PM
No comments?
@V: really? I thought it had been longer. Thats what I get for ignoring clocks.
*opens mouth and inserts foot*

2008-04-25, 11:28 PM
Oh stop whining, it's only been an hour and most of the ones who would comment are sleeping (or are supposed to be).

That said, I wonder if Rob will get some sort of armor before going.

2008-04-26, 07:11 AM
He'll probably have it on in the next panel.

Otherwise, due to shortness and inferior plot and humour, this comic wasn't one of Bloddy's best. Then again, Bloddy's best are pretty good.

2008-04-26, 09:25 AM
@ BRC:It's been a while, but wasn't I promised a Cameo or something for seeing the cat in Jack's hat?

2008-04-26, 09:27 AM
@ BRC:It's been a while, but wasn't I promised a Cameo or something for seeing the cat in Jack's hat?
That's coming up...

2008-04-26, 08:40 PM
Alright, so it's another 4-panel, but combined it means I got a full update out this weekend!

Chekov's Bandits
What should Rob and Greg do about the bandits?
1: Stump them with logic.
2: Beguile them with lies.

2008-04-26, 09:14 PM
Definately 4. all of the above. Stump them with lies, and while the enemies are trying to figure out what it all means, run for it.

2008-04-27, 12:44 AM
Stump them with logical fallacies and pray they don't notice, and leg it.

2008-04-27, 01:58 AM
Realistically, running for it would be the best option, followed by lying. Stumping them with logic? Who falls for that? But, both of them are injured, plus the bandits have an archer. And, this is a humorous comic and logical fallacies are pretty funny as evinced by cartoons. Ergo, stump them with logic.

2008-04-27, 02:41 AM
Well, due to their bad condition and the fact that the enemies have an archer I don't think running is an option. Lying, on the other hand, is used all the time when facing stronger enemies, and thus they won't fall for it. No, I say we
Stump them with Logic! (1)

2008-04-27, 10:12 AM
Hmmmm..... Try them all, in that order, until one of them works. (1, then 2, last 3)

2008-04-27, 07:23 PM
1. just typing this so it will let me post

2008-04-29, 07:20 AM
if (lies contain cake){

else {

Thats semi java for if the lies contain a Portal reference then I vote for lies if not then I vote for running away.

2008-04-29, 07:45 AM
I only just noticed that the bandits are called "Chekov's bandits". Does this mean we'll see them again in act three, or have we seen them already without me noticing?

2008-04-29, 07:59 AM
Chekhov's Bandits, eh? Hah. I see it now...

This isn't Act 3, therefore they cannot act! This is only Act 1, therefore they will only be shown! If they are only shown, then they may as well go home! *That* is the logic by which Rob and Greg shall stump the Bandits!

2008-04-29, 08:05 AM
I only just noticed that the bandits are called "Chekov's bandits". Does this mean we'll see them again in act three, or have we seen them already without me noticing?

"Chekov's Bandits" refers to the fact that, a few comics ago Righty said the imperials were around to handle a bandit problem. Yup that's it....

...Or is it *Twilight Zone music*

2008-04-29, 03:45 PM
Hey Banners for all!

http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w27/bloddyredcommie/Rob%20and%20Jack%20stuff/Banner1.png (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72014)
http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w27/bloddyredcommie/Rob%20and%20Jack%20stuff/Banner2.png (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72014)

http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w27/bloddyredcommie/Rob%20and%20Jack%20stuff/Banner3.png (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72014)

2008-04-29, 04:33 PM
Really great banners, but I think they break the height rules for banners in signatures :smallfrown:

2008-04-29, 04:39 PM
With the powers of Pohotobucket, I command you to SHRINK

2008-04-29, 09:55 PM
http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w27/bloddyredcommie/Rob%20and%20Jack%20stuff/Banner2.png (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72014)

2008-04-30, 11:36 AM
This week is hell week for me, so instead I've got some more fluff for you.

Kobolds are, physically, the weakest sentient race in the world. Most of history has them as a footnote, clinging to the edge of extinction, driven to the places nobody else really wanted. Anytime a group of Kobolds tried to go anywhere people would shout “INVASION” and beat them back to where they came. The only international relationships Kobolds had was either as slave labor, something that was basically slave labor, or criminal relationships as smugglers, Kobolds had gotten very good at sneaking around and hiding, so Kobold smugglers were often used to move things from point A to point B, while not attracting the attention of people at C.
That was, until recently, the centuries had left only those Kobolds clever enough to survive, the result was a race full of guile, intellect, and desperation. This is how the Kobolds invented gunpowder, which gave them a decade of prosperity until other races figured out how to make it. However, the Kobolds remained the most skilled gunsmiths. Even with these weapons, which evened things between the scrawny Kobolds and the more robust races, the Kobolds could not gain any diplomatic respect. The only place where Kobolds were respected was amongst criminals, and thus the Dragon Gangs grew. Before long Kobolds were in charge of the smuggling networks they once worked for, and began spreading, threatening the more criminal dwarven and Drow territory. They only began encroaching after they invented the Chattergun: a combination of Kobold gunsmithing and magic, Chatterguns are capable of storing and firing a massive amount of ammunition very quickly. However, they are very inaccurate whilst firing on full auto, meaning they are only any use either in large numbers, in enclosed spaces, or against massed enemies. Normally they are fired in short bursts. Only a few Kobold gunsmiths know how to make chatterguns, and even then they only know how to make individual components of it. It is because this that Kobolds are the only ones who use Chatterguns. Currently, no Kobold government is recognized officially, but they are a rising power in the world, and only time will tell what they will end up as.

2008-04-30, 05:32 PM
Fluffy. :smallsmile:

2008-04-30, 10:07 PM
Option 1.5 Tell lies which are completely logical.

Or, if that's not an option, I'll go with 1, just to see what team bandage defines as "logic".

2008-05-01, 03:45 PM
It looks like the vote is solidly for Logic.

Now, Time for some more fun, The Armory!

Current Weapons:
Imperial Shortsword: The sword Rob was given when he finished his training as a Steelwind Imperial Bodyguard. Though technically a Shortsword, Rob wields it as a Longsword. It has received some basic enchantments for improved efficiency, and has been broken and reformed multiple times.
The Crookshanks: Greg’s Two crooked daggers, though more difficult to use than standard daggers, they deal more damage due to their shape. Slightly enchanted.
“Luckmaker”: Greg’s pistol. A crude but powerful pistol of dwarven design, throws a large bullet but is lacking in accuracy.
Jack’s Staff: The staff Jack got as a graduation gift from his uncle when he graduated from Dimen-Foress College of Magic. It’s a good all-purpose mages staff.
Oscar’s Staff: The Staff Oscar uses to channel his magic, a good all-purpose cleric’s staff that gives equal support to Oscar’s Light, Healing and Glass magic.

And Now for something to vote on, you see, as a reward for eliminating both the Shadesters and the Claypitters, The Lizard is giving our heroes some new weapons. Four new weapons specifically, However, there are Nine weapons under consideration.


New Weapons:
P&P “Spiker” Pistol: A heavily enchanted Kobold-built pistol. It fires shaped bullets.
Rakikan Rifle: A Kobold-Built rifle, lightly enchanted.
“Fat Boy” Launcher: Short range, fires small grenades.
Glass Scimitar: A Scimitar made of glass, highly enchanted to give it the durability of steel. In addition to being a decent melee weapon it also boosts the glass magic of it’s wielder.
Ork-Pattern greatsword: A Big sword that is wielded 2-handed. This particular one has been lightly enchanted.
Surgeons Scepter: A scepter like this can be found in almost every temple, due to it enhancing the healing magic of the wielder.
Golems Fist: A Dwarven Built Weapon, this stone gauntlet is in the shape of a closed fist, it enhances the wearer’s strength greatly.
Bodyguard’s Staff: A Staff designed for the Steelwind Empire Magi-Bodyguards but that has been widely copied. It enhances the wielders defensive magic.
Warmages Staff: A modified version of the staff used by Imperial Warmages, the axehead provides a melee attack, in addition it can boost offensive-based spells. Most such staff’s tend to be less effective with more powerful spells (Since they are designed for rank-and-file warmages), but this one has been modified to have it’s capacity increased.

It is simple, everybody gets 2 votes, the 4 weapons with the most votes will be awarded to our heroes. (They will still keep their old weapons of course)

2008-05-01, 04:10 PM
I vote for the Golem's fist and the Ork patern greatsword.

Yes, that does seem to favor Rob

2008-05-01, 04:33 PM
I'll vote for the Rakikan Rifle for Rob, and the Glass Scimitar for Oscar

2008-05-01, 05:07 PM
My votes:
Glass Scimitar
Golems Fist

2008-05-01, 06:02 PM
“Fat Boy” Launcher: Firing grenades? C'mon, you know we need that heavy hitting power.

Glass Scimitar: A superior wepaon for Oscar. It both gives him a chance to do some decent melee and boosts his already powerful glas magic!

2008-05-01, 06:39 PM
I'll vote "Fat boy" and Ork-Pattern greatsword.

changed because of \/

2008-05-01, 07:06 PM
I'll vote for the Rakikan Rifle for Rob, and the Glass Scimitar for Oscar
Greg will likely use any Firearms they get on account of having the most experience with them. Technically anybody could use them but it would be tough in Rob's armor (Also, he's more of a melee guy), and the casters do not lack ways to hurt people at a distance.

2008-05-01, 07:16 PM
Yes, he may be more melee, but he's presently swiss cheese. He's not getting into melee combat and coming back alive, let alone uninjured.

2008-05-01, 07:18 PM
Yes, he may be more melee, but he's presently swiss cheese. He's not getting into melee combat and coming back alive, let alone uninjured.
They don't get the weapons until they get back to the house, although your point still stands.

2008-05-02, 02:06 AM
I vote for the Warmage's Staff for Jack and the Glass Scimitar for Oscar.

Pity Rob doesn't have the wide range of weapons he had in Rob vs Jack, eh Bloddy? ...That's a point, what happened to them?

2008-05-02, 02:11 AM
I vote for the Warmage's Staff for Jack and the Glass Scimitar for Oscar.

Pity Rob doesn't have the wide range of weapons he had in Rob vs Jack, eh Bloddy? ...That's a point, what happened to them?

Garage sale?

2008-05-02, 07:30 AM
He traded them for a Torso of course

2008-05-02, 08:26 AM
Golem's fist and bodyguard's sceptre.

2008-05-02, 08:30 AM
How'd he get it? On the black market? Flesh must be expensive.

2008-05-02, 08:49 AM
How'd he get it? On the black market? Flesh must be expensive.

Not that kind of golem's fist

2008-05-02, 08:52 AM
Not that kind of golem's fist
I think he was reffering to the torso. And anyway, I can best explain it like this.

*Hits Blayze over the head and throws him in a dumpster*
I hope that answered your questions, anybody else?

2008-05-02, 05:03 PM
What follows is the product of time that could have been spent much, much better. Anyway...
Pheonix Rob

2008-05-02, 05:19 PM
The debating equivalent of a knight with a greatsword fighting an unarmed drunk?

*twitch, twitch*


2008-05-02, 05:20 PM
Beautiful. Just beautiful.

2008-05-02, 05:22 PM
Haley-isms are fun :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-02, 06:28 PM
Thank you thank you. It is my theory that non-casters should, in general, be better in social situations than casters. This is because somebody who has spent their life learning to twist reality with their minds, never bothered to figure out how to twist reality with their words.

2008-05-02, 07:10 PM
Go logic! :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-02, 07:19 PM
Thank you thank you. It is my theory that non-casters should, in general, be better in social situations than casters. This is because somebody who has spent their life learning to twist reality with their minds, never bothered to figure out how to twist reality with their words.

Unless they're a Truenamer

2008-05-04, 11:43 AM
Is the weapon voting still open?

If it is: Surgeons Scepter and “Fat Boy” Launcher

2008-05-04, 01:56 PM
Yeah, it will stay open until they get back to the house, which will take awhile.

2008-05-04, 03:02 PM
I vote 2. angry halfling accountant

What? There is nothing to vote on and even if there were it probably wouldn't involve an angry halfling accountant?

In that case I vote 1. BRC makes another great strip the way he wants it to be.

2008-05-04, 03:16 PM
I vote 2. angry halfling accountant

What? There is nothing to vote on and even if there were it probably wouldn't involve an angry halfling accountant?

In that case I vote 1. BRC makes another great strip the way he wants it to be.
Now the next comic will have to include an angry halfling accountant!

2008-05-04, 05:22 PM
Now the next comic will have to include an angry halfling accountant!

But who would said halfling be an accountant *for*? Perhaps a very pompous gnome? I can picture it now. Sir Gnomely Esquire enters stage left, dressed in a smoking jacket and monocle and puffing on a pipe.

2008-05-05, 08:29 AM

2008-05-05, 09:16 AM
And since I can't remember The Gnome ever using slang...

"Actually gentlemen..."

All in favour of Bloddy giving The Gnome the official name of sir Gnomely Esquire?

2008-05-05, 04:47 PM
So, A little Artist-Rant here. The following comic would be a great place for a question, but alas, it has none. You see, I thought up the sequence of events awhile ago, but while I was making this I realized "Oh wait, I should have a question here." But, I couldn't think of any alternate solutions, in short, I broke one of my quasi rules for writing this comic, don't plan ahead.

But Hey, Speaking of
Making Plans


2008-05-05, 04:56 PM
Hurray for Angry Halfling Accounting :smallbiggrin:

Also: Fly and area-effect spells. In the order. :smalleek:

2008-05-05, 04:59 PM
<never mind>
I'd say one of them is going to look around for anything useful and the other tries to listen in on what is happening.

Oh, and they are both going hide themselves as best they can.

2008-05-05, 05:00 PM
Actually, No question. I already have what happens next planned out, hence my apology above.

Also, Lying, Pikes, Bowmen, Riflemen, Warmages.

2008-05-05, 05:13 PM
We can still make uneducated guesses though

2008-05-05, 05:15 PM
Of course. what are threads for otherwise

2008-05-05, 09:15 PM
Like a Ghost in the Night, I double post when you least expect it!

Yeah, well, Two things for you. Firstly, Vulion AKA He Who Rules the Pencil, did some awsome fanart.
Secondly, MORE FLUFFY STUFF, our focus this time: Uncreativly named Dieties (Well, one in particular)

The Priesthood of SolamSolam is often considered a desert god, however, it’s (Solam’s physical form is described by it’s clerics as a, “Great Celestial Sphere of Burning Vapors”, and is therefore not given a gender) clerics can be found in many places. Some agricultural communities will worship Solam alongside Tempe (God of storms), hoping to bring rain and sun at the right time for their crops to grow. However, the vast majority of Solams worshippers live in or near the desert. Solam grants it’s clerics three different schools of magic. First, Healing, a more or less universal school given by all deities. Secondly, Light, The clerics of Solam can bend and use sunlight in many ways. Finally, it’s clerics can summon flames from the heart of Solam itself. Time was, these flames would be used to scorch Solam’s enemies, however, the Priesthood of Ignius (God of Fire), claimed that the Solamites were stealing their bit, and demanded they think up an original way to kill things. Light magic was all well and good, however, relying on. it for offense meant that a Cleric of Solam was defenseless at night, or indoors, or on a cloudy day. It was thus that the Solamites developed Glass Magic, using their fire spells not in direct attacks, but instead to turn conjured sand into enchanted glass. Though Glass Magic is not unique to Solam’s Clerics (technically, any mage could learn it), It is used almost exclusively by them. This became especially true after some skill glass magisters learned that they could use their glass magic to enhance their light magic, creating lenses and summoning specially crafted glass golems that acted as giant prisms. These “Lens Golems” acted as mobile cannons, a cleric of Solam would direct sunlight into the golem, which would then focus it, creating a beam that would have required much more skill and power to create otherwise. Besides creating golems, glass magic is used to create weapons, traps, and as a ranged attack (by conjuring shards that are sent flying towards a foe).
The Priesthood is based out of the Grand Temple, there are actually two Grand temples on opposite sides of the world. At sunset the temple sinks into the sands and appears at the other site where it is now dawn, thus the temple is never in darkness.
Though there are many offices, the general ranking of the Priesthood has Six levels, Each one referred to as an hour. The lower-ranking priests are Clerics of the First hour. While staying at a temple they pray at dawn. The Highest ranking priests are Clerics of the High Hour, at temples they pray at noon. Oscar is a Cleric of the Third Hour, so theoretically he should pray the third hour after sunrise, however, because he is a frequent traveler (Light Bearer), he prays whenever it is convenient. Oscar’s full title (Translated) is Light Bearer of the Third Hour.
Also, Clerics of Solam are forbidden from eating Muffins on Odd-numbered Wednesdays, or using the phrase “Hot enough for ya”. Even the Clerics of the High Hour aren’t quite sure why Solam forbid these things, but none of them particularly feel like asking.

2008-05-05, 09:22 PM
Heh heh, happy you enjoyed it.

2008-05-05, 09:30 PM
:smallamused: No bragging. No jokes. Just :smallamused:

2008-05-06, 04:05 PM
You didn't even mention Slizard got his cameo.

2008-05-07, 08:09 AM
You didn't even mention Slizard got his cameo.

I figured he would notice, if he isn't reading, then what does he want a cameo for...

Anyway, AP US history exam this friday. Afterwards, I'll make you guys a comic.
In the meantime, I'll come up with some more fluff, the current fluff ideas I have

Jack's Backstory
Golems, More about them.
Greg's Backstory
More about the Steelwind Empire.

2008-05-07, 08:45 PM
You didn't even mention Slizard got his cameo.

It's "Szilard." Yeah, I'm reading.

2008-05-09, 10:22 PM
Hey Hey hey, New character in this comic for ya, expect him to show up again later.

The Very Model of a Modern Major NPC


So, by my count the next comic is comic 25, so I feel I should do somthing special for that like a fanmail strip. however I have a feeling you guys (And gals) want some action rather then more talking heads.

Oh yes, The next strip is the end point for the Weapons Poll, as of now, you just need to decide on a weapon for Jack. We currentally have, by my count, one vote for the Bodyguard's Scepter and the Warmages Staff.

2008-05-10, 11:52 AM
Lookit the marshal, standing there with his mouth open the whole time.

What's the sixth most ridiculous story he's ever heard?

2008-05-10, 12:18 PM
Why did the name of the inn change in the last panel?

2008-05-10, 04:26 PM
Such a wonderful fantasy invention: Signs that change as the management changes. Kudos to BRC for capturing the very moment of a fantasy-world version of a hostile takeover, probably involving a shiv to the face.

2008-05-10, 04:54 PM
Ha, I wondered who would catch that. it's hidden by the speech bubble but it says "Changing Names Inn and Tavern". The new management hadn't thought of a new name yet, though Mister Generic was not longer in control.
*Goes to fix the marshal's mouth*

Also, if you must know Abardem, it involved two cavalrymen, a dragon, a sorcress, and an army of war butterflies. He heard it from a pair of cavalrymen who returned from patrol a couple hours late and without any pants.

Uncle Festy
2008-05-10, 10:19 PM
Also, if you must know Abardem, it involved two cavalrymen, a dragon, a sorcress, and an army of war butterflies. He heard it from a pair of cavalrymen who returned from patrol a couple hours late and without any pants.

Made me LOL.
... what was the fifth?
Ok, ok, you don't need to answer.

2008-05-10, 11:13 PM
Made me LOL.
... what was the fifth?
Ok, ok, you don't need to answer.
Actually, I'm thinking of doing a contest. Namely, the Marshal Brimsalt Crazy Story Competition. Serious Authors need not apply. The goal would be to write up some stories that the good marshal may have heard during his long career. These will not be serious stories, they will be lies, escuses and exagerations. They will be the stories told by desperate soliders withering under the glare of a dissaproving officer, the stories told by people who drank five beers too many, the stories that almost make you pity the people who try to convince you of their veracity. Then, I/We pick the five best. Those stories will enter canon as the five most rediculous stories Marshal Brimsalt has ever heard. I'm still thinking about the exact format/if I want to do the contest in the first place.

2008-05-12, 12:45 PM
...Yeah, AP Enviromental Science test tommorow, after which I will get started on the next comic. The Current Weapon Choices are
Fat Boy Launcher
Golems Fist
Glass Scimitar

and it's a Tie between the Warmages Staff and the Bodyguards scepter. So everybody can vote once between these two (Even if you already voted for a weapon), if it's still a tie I'm flipping a coin.

2008-05-12, 03:25 PM
Good luck with your test! (I took AP Stats last week)

2008-05-12, 03:40 PM
I vote for the Warmage's Staff

2008-05-12, 04:27 PM
Warmage's staff, I suppose. The other three weapons are far superior to the two staffs though.

2008-05-12, 06:33 PM
Warmage's staff over hear too.

2008-05-13, 05:40 PM
Why Hello. So, I was about five minutes from putting this up two or so hours ago, but my computer was being stupid with exporting from inkscape and I had a doctors apointment. I could explain, but as they say
Fire Speaks Louder Than Words

Why, that's a map at the end. Which means this must be an Open Question.
Plan how our hero's are going to rescue the rightfully imprisoned Kobolds. Questions are welcome if you need help formulating your plot/scheme. Also, though the picture above show's troop positions, the attack won't happen for awhile, so those people will move around. Many of the Imperials are being quartered in the town, which is about twenty minutes away from their camp.


2008-05-13, 05:49 PM
Love the fire writing. :smallcool:

Could we have a key of what is what in the camp?

2008-05-13, 08:14 PM
Love the fire writing. :smallcool:

Could we have a key of what is what in the camp?

"Wah wah wah, I'm Memnarch and I want a map key, wah wah wah"

I kid I kid, here ya go
The Grey circles are soliders (but they won't be in those positions when the attack starts), the blue ones are warmages and the gold one is Marshal Brimsalt.

2008-05-13, 08:23 PM
Well.... Thanks.

All I was curious about was the large mess of grey and blue circles.... but this will do. :smalltongue:

2008-05-13, 08:29 PM
Hmm. My thoughts... (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v107/Blayze/Thoughts.png)

My idea:

Step One: Jack and Rob are in position just south of the camp, Oscar is to the east of the camp and Greg is to the north.

Step Two: Jack casts Invisibility on Rob, and sneaks around to the west of the camp.

Step Three: Rob approaches the southern wall and punches whatever is supporting the watchtower. The southern watchtower falls, and Rob punches his way through the wall of logs using his handy new super fist.

Step Four: While the enemy forces are somewhat distracted by the sudden removal of the watchtower, Jack summons a Laughing Shadow to cause havoc on the northwestern entrance, making sure to get it to take out whoever is in the western of the two northwestern watchtowers.

Step Five: At the same time, Greg shoots at (I can't remember if it's a rifle or a rocket launcher. Either way, stuff will die quickly. Let's hope it's either of those two) the northern of the two northwestern watchtowers, before moving to assist Jack's Laughing Shadow.

Step Six: Oscar's badass Mega-Golem summon charges in from the east and decimates the two eastern watchtowers.

Step Seven; Oscar's Golem charges into the base from the north-east, Jack's Laughing Shadow does the same from the north-west and Rob starts educating fools in pain in the south of the base.

Step Eight: Oscar follows his Golem in, keeping himself out of harm's way and prepared to use the Golem as a shrapnel bomb at a moment's notice. Jack and Greg follow the Laughing Shadow in, providing it with backup.

Step Nine: Our heroes come to the boss of the encampment and wipe the floor with the poor sod. They then break the Kobolds out of jail, who then arm themselves as the party makes a break for it.

Hopefully with this method, no enemies will survive to escape and call for reinforcements.

Edit: Warmages? Oof. That might call for a rethink of Plan Epic.

2008-05-13, 08:55 PM
The Gold Circle represents that marshal guy Greg and Rob talked with. The "Fat Boy" is a grenade launcher. You know what, I'm going to draw up some summon lists for Oscar and Jack...

2008-05-13, 09:00 PM
I am ashamed because my plan isn't as Epic as ^.

The middle tent on the right is practically touching the wall. Sneak in through the forest, punch through the wall, quickly enter the tent, quietly dispatch any soldiers, take uniforms.

From here you can branch out into such varied possibilities as:

Pretending to take over the watchtower guard's duty ("hey man your shift's over") and "spotting" a rampaging horde of orcs (leaving the camp temporarily empty, or at least with too little men to defend)
Sneak out the back, forge a letter from the King ("Marshal Brimsalt! You and your men must defend the kingdom from a rampaging horde of orcs!"), deliver it at the front gate
Wait until nightfall, smuggle kobolds out (possibly pretend to go on patrol)
Kidnap a suitably high-ranking official, use to exchange hostages

2008-05-13, 09:55 PM
Keep your tactitian hats on. Tommorow I'll give you guys some summon lists and more information.

2008-05-14, 11:44 AM
Still have those hats on? Because here comes THE BIG FAT INFODUMP

Jack's Summons

Jack only took Summoning because it was a prerequisite for taking Applied Combat Magic at Dimen-Foress. He has some talent with it but it was never an area of interest. His summons can dish out the hurt, however he is not adept at controlling them. They will not turn against him or anything, but he has trouble controlling exactly which enemies they will attack
Summon List:
Dancing Blade: A large, hovering, animated sword. It engages enemies with speed and finesse, often going for more skilled opponents. It’s weak point is the eye where it’s handle would be, like all summons enough physical damage will banish it, but if the eye is damaged the blade is rendered temporarily inanimate.
Laughing Shadow: A phantom out of a child’s nightmare, a Laughing shadow is the chosen summon for fighting larger groups of meele fighters. The shadow’s flickering, insubstantial nature. It’s habit of attacking from random directions and of course, it’s famous laugh can demoralize most foes. However, the Shadow does have a physical form, albeit a very thin one, and cannot sustain much direct damage. Thus, an experienced caster can defeat a laughing shadow without much trouble by using wide-area spells. The Laughing Shadow works better in the dark, when there are more shadows to hide in.
Runic Solider: A design copied from some ancient ruins, a Runic Solider is a hovering construct that fires bolts of destructive energy. The downside is that, once it is summoned, it has a limited amount of power for it’s attacks. It is capable of choosing the power of it’s shots, but the more powerful attacks drain it’s energy faster. Once it’s out of energy, it is more or less useless.
Runic Charger: The Book “Common Combat Summons Vol II” identifies the Runic Charger as a “Linear Attack Specialist”. This construct is simple to control, the summoner simply identifies a point, and the Charger will head there, ramming or using it’s blades to eliminate everything in the way. However, it’s simple minded style is a weakness, smart foes simply get out of the way. Since the Runic charger is incapable of feeling pain, it does not know when it is attacked, meaning that it is very susceptible to being flanked.

Oscar's Summons

Oscar doesn’t really enjoy combat, so his studies of glass magic are more focused towards golems rather than using the glass as a direct attack, so he is more adept at creating glass golems than most Clerics of the Third Hour. Oscar’s spells will be more effective during the day, which will allow him to use offensive light magic as well as to channel light spells through his golems. Technically, he is not summoning them but crafting them on the spot with summoned fire and sand, but in effect it’s the same.
Summon List
Glass Serpent: A simple golem taught to Clerics of the First hour, doesn’t take much energy to create but isn’t very powerful.
Glass Scorpion: Tougher than the Glass Serpent, the Glass Scorpion is a simple yet effective glass golem. This is especially true if used to focus sunlight into deadly beams.
Glass Spider: A favorite of temple guardians, the Glass Spider is a powerful combatant that is capable of skittering up walls. It’s weakness is that it can be easily crippled if it’s legs are destroyed.
Glass Solider: An classic favorite, this humanoid glass golem can be summoned with a wide variety of weapons.
What follows is the bigger summons that the glass scimitar allows Oscar to create.
Shardhawk: Considered one of the most beautiful glass golems, this flying golem can often be seen flying around Solamite temples in the desert. It requires a steady flow of magic because every flap of it’s wings breaks some of it’s delicate feathers, and so it’s summoner must feed it repairing magic’s. The broken feathers are stored in the wings and the Shardhawk can, by flinging it’s wings out, send the shards flying in a glimmering rain of deadly projectiles.
Shape of Glass: Not technically a Summon, with this spell the caster temporarily transmutes themselves into a glass golem. This increased their strength and speed, and allows them to quickly repair themselves when needed. If it is daylight, A cleric of Solam so transmuted can use their body as a prism to focus their deities light into deadly rays and blinding flashes.
Glass Brawler: A glass solider on steroids. Though similar in size and appearance, a Glass Brawler is much tougher than a Glass Solider, using its thick arms as weapons to batter through opposition.

The Imperials

The Imperial Forces
The Steelwind Empire uses a combination of Swordsmen and Pikemen as infantry. Their ranged forces are traditionally bowmen, but units of Riflemen are becoming increasingly common. Warmages and Arcanists act as support. Warmages are offensively focused (though they can perform defensive magic), and are skilled at casting in concert. Arcanists are defensively focused, especially in terms of anti-magic defenses and shields, like Warmages they too enhance their spells by casting in concert. The imperial force our hero’s will be up against was there to hunt nonmagical bandits, so they don’t have any arcanists. Cavalry Units are being quartered in the town, and will take awhile to arrive.
Marshal Brinesalt is a veteran of many battles; however, he’s only got one leg and plenty of war wounds that imperial clerics couldn’t get rid of. He’s a skilled strategist who commands the respect of his troops, and was a skilled fighter in his younger days.
The map above show’s troops as they were when Jack scried the camp. When the attack starts they will have moved around a good deal (That patrol leaving from the Northeast will proably be gone for example).

The Kobolds

“Angelface”: The Lizard’s niece Angelface is a skilled gunner. She has a customized enchanted chatter gun (Currently in imperial custody). She was the fourth best assassin under The Lizard’s command until the top three (“Shotgun” Kelkel, Cassius “The Blade” and “Cold Iron” Nat. See comic 4) were sent to kill The Gnome. Currently, she is the best assassin under The Lizard’s command.
Nicholas Beat: A demolition specialist, Nicolas is decent with a pistol though bombs are his specialty.

2008-05-14, 01:56 PM
I get the feeling Oscar is beating out Jack for summons. The Shardhawk must have taken ages to draw though, given the sheer mass of components I can see.

2008-05-14, 02:17 PM
Yup. I decided that Summoning glass golems was more intresting than shooting shards of glass at people. Jack's more of a guy who blasts stuff and knowns how to summon, whereas Oscar is more of a summoing specialist.

As for the Shardhawk, Not really, the head, body and wings are the same pattern just copy pasted and resized/stretched. Alot of the stuff I draw starts with me finding a cool pattern, then copy-pasting it and resizing it. Like look at the runic solider. The head, body, hands and feet are the same shape just messed with. That same shape was also the base for the runic charger. Copy Pasting FTW!
Err...I mean... yes, it took a long time but my art skillz are just that awsome.

2008-05-14, 05:21 PM
Hmm. I'm partial to a two-pronged assault. Rob, Oscar and a Glass Brawler at one entrance and Jack, Greg and a Runic Charger at the other. Any thoughts?

2008-05-14, 05:28 PM
I notice that the bottom-right section of the encampment is extremely under-defended. You could cut a diagonal route from there heading Northwest straight to the cages. The only issue then is that you'd pass by 2 towers, either one of which might have the range to attack you, and then there's the Big Head there near the cages too, who whilst old might still be a pretty big threat.

So, I suggest a decoy attack whilst the primary force sneaks in from the bottom-right and reacquires the captives. The decoy doesn't need to look effective, but it needs to look enough like the main force to fool the leader into thinking it is. Therefore, Jack and Oscar should lead the decoy group with summons and spells, whilst Rob, Greg, and the stealthiest Kobolds, work their way through the wall, around the cover of the tents, and to the cages.

Best to pull this at night, so Jack's shadows get some hiding bonuses, the sneak team gets some stealth bonuses, and the towers are worse off for shooting at them. Pulling it at dusk might help too, so Oscar can get some sun bonuses for however long the twilight lasts.

2008-05-15, 07:50 AM
Okay here is my plan:

Jack heads to the North-eastern opening in the wall and blasts one of the soldiers before becoming invisible. At aproximately the same time, a shard hawk summonned by Oscar flies in from the same direction. The hawk flies to the south-west at first, then curves north toward the main enterance, peppering the soldiers with glass shards all the way.

The above are distractions. Hiding in the forest to the south-west are Greg, Rob and, if he can control the shardhawk from such a position, Oscar. When they see the shardhawk turn north, they punch (literal as you want it to be) through the south wall.

If Rob and Greg can get to the cages unhindered, they will do so and release the Kobolds before running like Rincewind. Oscar will continue to have the hawk attack from above and Jack will wait in the forest.

If they can't get to the cages they will attack the soldiers. If Rob can pick out the mages, he'll attack them. Greg will pick off the ordinary soldiers, targeting groups if he can. Oscar maintains conrtol of the shadehawk long enough to get it to dive-bomb Brinesalt, then casts form of glass. In the chaos, Rob will come out of the forest and blast any opponent he sees, the divebombing shardhawk is his signal that the attack is on.

2008-05-16, 08:25 PM
Keep up the scheming, it may take awhile for the update.

EDIT: One problem with Icedragon's plan, using a level 3 glass magic (Shardhawk, Shape of Glass, Glass Brawler) dries up his daily allotment of glass magic, so he couldn't use both a Shardhawk and Shape of glass

2008-05-16, 08:59 PM
Ah, sorry, I might rethink my strategy because of that.

2008-05-16, 09:36 PM
Maybe you could list the requirements for creating the summons, what level and such, and how many of each oscar can make? (same for jack)

2008-05-16, 11:09 PM
Maybe you could list the requirements for creating the summons, what level and such, and how many of each oscar can make? (same for jack)

Grr, Hard and fast rule systems I need to stick to later....Bah.

Alright, for lack of better terms, Oscar has 4 Golem Points a day. Serpants and Scorpions are 1 point, Spiders and Soliders are 2 points, Shape of Glass, Brawlers and Shardhawks are 3 points.

Jack's magic works differentally, he gets one summon a day.

2008-05-17, 12:53 PM
Oh yeah, Oscar can also designate one GP to summoning Inanimate Glass (Things like shards, spikes, barriers, ect. MUCH easier to summon inanimate glass then glass golems)

Other News: When Ive been gradually fluffing out this world, I havn't been able to think up a name for it, so I'm open to suggjestions.

Also:Which of the following things would you like to learn more about
Jack's Backstory
Oscar's Backstory
Greg's Backstory
The Steelwind Empire
The Gods

2008-05-17, 01:11 PM
Jack would be interesting to hear about.

As for a world name...perhaps "Borack"? Make some Borat jokes from that one too :smalltongue:

2008-05-17, 09:18 PM

Wait what do you mean that's not one of the choices? Fine, Jack then.

2008-05-17, 10:17 PM
I vote Jack back story.

2008-05-18, 12:16 AM
Silly Abardem, I already posted Rob's Backstory!

Rob is human; he is just a very short human. Specifically, he is what we beyond the fourth wall would refer to as a dwarf.
Rob was orphaned as a young child. However, he was picked on in the orphanage because rather than his parents being killed by raiders, pirates, tyrants, evil wizards, or one killing the other then running off (as was the fate of most of the orphan’s parents), Rob’s parents died from eating a bad batch of fish, which is not nearly as dramatic or easy to swear revenge against. While he was still young he was adopted by the Steelwind Empire and was trained to serve as a bodyguard. Upon completing his training he was given as a bodyguard to the adventuresome Duke Krisnat, who had emerged from countless perils without a scratch on him, or for that matter the bodyguard or soldiers whom he had encountered the peril with (but this was considered irrelevant). A week after Rob was assigned to him, the Duke took it into his head to slay a local dragon. Rob decided he wasn’t getting paid enough for that and ran for it as soon as they stepped inside the dragon’s lair. It was assumed that the last adventure of the great Duke Krisnat had also taken the life of his bodyguard.
Ever since then Rob has been working as a Mercenary-Adventurer. He encountered Jack after the Call told him to “Battle the most skilled wizard he could find”. They fought for awhile, then decided that Battle did not necessarily mean “Kill”. After that they realized neither had a place to stay, so they split the rent on an apartment in the city of Stoneybay

I should really put that on the first post...

2008-05-18, 12:17 PM
I vote for the Gods

2008-05-18, 01:43 PM
Ask and You Shall Recieve, The Jackstory


Jack was born Jacob Rishveldt in the kingdom of Ap’str’phe to a moderately wealthy family of freelance mages. At the age of fifteen he accidentally blew up the town's modern art gallery, and thus received a scholarship to the prestigious Dimen-Foress College of Magic (And the gratitude of the Committe for Understandable Art).
It’s impossible to say how long he spent at Dimen-Foress, because of the high concentrations of magic there time is neither linear nor circular, but is instead kind of like an inverted three dimensional decadon. It’s complicated. While at Dimen-Foress Jack gained the knowledge necessary to hone his magical talent into effective spells. While at the college his hair was accidentally turned white during an over-enthusiastic initiation ceremony when Jack pledged to the Dolarnna-Tellarne-Naroshe* Fraternity. Jack was also the Left Striker for the College’s ArcaBall Team, The Dimen-Foress BEASTS. Eventually, Jack graduated with a degree in Combat Omnimancy , a minor in Force Magics, and a desire to forget what happened during the Dolarnna-Tellarne-Naroshe graduation party.
Dimen-Foress Alumni Services got Jack a license with the International Guild of Mercenary-Adventurers. While working of them he was contacted by The Call, which told him to “Seek out and do battle with a skilled warrior”. It was in this way that Jack met Rob, and after engaging in a battle they decided that “Battle” Did not equal “Defeat” and surrendered to each other. Then the two fighters realized they needed a place to stay and used the guild to find an apartment in the city of Stoneybay. They lived there, Mercenary-Adventuring enough to pay the bills until the Call once again reached them…

Footnote: Elven is the equivalent of Greek.

2008-05-18, 01:59 PM
Nicely done, especially with the Dimen-Foress BEASTS :smallbiggrin:

Try as I might, though, I can't figure out what Dolarnna-Tellarne-Naroshe is meant to mean...

2008-05-18, 02:00 PM
I like it. :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:

2008-05-18, 03:06 PM
Try as I might, though, I can't figure out what Dolarnna-Tellarne-Naroshe is meant to mean...

Nothing, I just made up some words that sounded like Standard Fantasy Elven Language. It's supposed to mirror the American Fraternity system where fraternities have names made up of three random greek letters.

I have an urge to make the rules for ArcaBall now...

2008-05-18, 04:08 PM
I had a sudden idea for ArcaBall, BRC. Like it? :P


ArcaBall is a game nobody ever loses more than once. This is because the "ball" in question is actually a fragile sphere of easily-breakable glass full to the brim with highly volatile and explosive spells. The game itself is played very much like most other ball games, except it is played between two opposing teams of spellcasters attempting to prevent the ArcaBall from coming into contact with the floor on *their* half of the field. To this end, the competing wizards use whatever spells they can think of to keep the ball not only in the air, but also nowhere near them.

When the ArcaBall comes into contact with the ground or any other solid substance (Or if it is handled too roughly), it breaks and causes the various destructive spells contained within its glass shell to expand outwards, feeding off one another and wiping out players and fans alike, stopped only by the protective wards dividing one half of the stadium from the other (And the stadium from the outside). To this end, this is the only game where the strikers do everything in their power to *never* leave their team's side of the field.

2008-05-18, 04:23 PM
I had a sudden idea for ArcaBall, BRC. Like it? :P


ArcaBall is a game nobody ever loses more than once. This is because the "ball" in question is actually a fragile sphere of easily-breakable glass full to the brim with highly volatile and explosive spells. The game itself is played very much like most other ball games, except it is played between two opposing teams of spellcasters attempting to prevent the ArcaBall from coming into contact with the floor on *their* half of the field. To this end, the competing wizards use whatever spells they can think of to keep the ball not only in the air, but also nowhere near them.

When the ArcaBall comes into contact with the ground or any other solid substance (Or if it is handled too roughly), it breaks and causes the various destructive spells contained within its glass shell to expand outwards, feeding off one another and wiping out players and fans alike, stopped only by the protective wards dividing one half of the stadium from the other (And the stadium from the outside). To this end, this is the only game where the strikers do everything in their power to *never* leave their team's side of the field.
That sounds more like "Boomball". I pictured it as somthing more like this

ArcaBall (Short for Arcane Ball)
Eight Players on a Team. Three Strikers, Three Blockers, and two Disruptors. The game is played in a sunken pit with the players standing around on the outside, Each team has three goals, one in each corner and one in the middle. The ball is designed to be either highly durable or easily replaceable.
Strikers propell the ball using Blasts of force magic. Well, Technically any sort of magic can move the ball, but force is the most efficient.
Blockers summon temporary barriers of force in order to deflect the ball, the barriers can be no more than three feet in width and are rarely sustained for more than a few seconds.
Disruptors Attempt to disrupt the opposing team with Counterspells.

the rules from that point on are fairly obvious. Get the ball in the other teams goals to score points. A common varient is to add a second ball after halftime.

2008-05-18, 08:19 PM
That's not a spell that's a Maneuver!

Or an Exploit. Anyway you should format Jack's backstory it is hard to read

2008-05-18, 09:43 PM
That's not a spell that's a Maneuver!

Or an Exploit. Anyway you should format Jack's backstory it is hard to read

Actually it is

Ten Pounds of Sharpened Steel in the Face
Sor/Wiz 1
Components: Special, Fighter or Barbarian in party. Verbal
Casting time: 1 standard Action
Target: One Face
Duration: Until steel is removed from face.

You say "GET HIM" and your meele buddy stabs the target in the face.

2008-05-18, 11:00 PM
I want that spell.


2008-05-19, 01:00 PM
So take it.

Right, So far we have three plans each with slight problems.
Blayze: You said you wanted to update you plan.
Lying: the Kobolds will be busy securing an escape route, so they can't really help. However, once Angelface and Nick are rescued (and reunited with their gear), they can help a good deal.
Icedragons: Oscar can't use shape of glass and a shardhawk in the same day.

Also, I feel I should explain the map a little better, What the map is is what Jack saw when he scried from above, the scrying is a birds-eye view that isn't too good on detail, because all imperial soliders except warmages wear identical helmets, they all looked the same (He couldn't see much detail remember). You can proably assume there will be riflemen or bowmen in the towers but the exact troop positions are unknown, but will proably be spread out fairly evenly throughout the camp.
If time comes to open voting and you guys don't update your plans, I'll just do them as-is with the Non-applicable parts (kobolds and Shape of Glass) removed.

Also, new plans arestill being accepted.

2008-05-19, 02:20 PM
Hmm...does Jack have any disguise magic? Or stealth magic? Something that could be used on Rob and/or Greg?

2008-05-19, 02:45 PM
My plan wound up a bit too overly complicated even for me, so I decided to adapt it *slightly*. I call it Operation Michael Caine.

1) Jack sets fire to the forest surrounding the base, causing the base to catch on fire (Or at the very least, causing the soldiers and mages to be preoccupied with putting out the flames or preventing them from reaching the base completely).
2) Everyone storms in through the north-east entrance, Oscar with that massive glass golem summon thing he can use, and they do a hit-and-run to free the Kobolds as quickly as possible.
3) Any enemies they meet along the way, they slaughter as quickly as possible.

2008-05-19, 04:19 PM
Hmm...does Jack have any disguise magic? Or stealth magic? Something that could be used on Rob and/or Greg?

He in fact has both. He can cast invisibility ( a weak form that can be dispelled if the invisible person is touched, but still), and a Disguise spell. It's not good enough to make somebody look like somebody specific, but he could use it to make greg look like an imperial solider.

2008-05-19, 04:35 PM
Okay, revision then:

Attack at dusk, so Oscar and Jack both get bonuses. Jack should use his Shadows, Oscar should use his Glass Soldiers, with whatever fire power they can support them with. This will be from the Northwest, as a decoy offensive.

Jack will need to cast Invisibility on Rob and Disguise on Greg (So he looks like an Imperial soldier) prior to the decoy attack.

During the decoy, Rob and Greg get into the relatively-undefended Southeast section between the towers, gaining hide advantages from the beckoning darkness. In the confusion and chaos of the decoy attack, they make their way to the cages, Greg making out like he needs to protect the prisoners, Rob moving from cover to cover to avoid being touched.

When they get to the cages, Team JO launches some heavy firepower nearby, to shell the soldiers around the cages. Team RG then nab the captives, assume their aid, and start making their way out as quickly as possible whilst the shelling continues.

Once the hostages are safe, some blinding magic (Either a flash-bang light from Oscar or a veil of utter darkness from Jack, maybe both if timing permits) should allow Team JO to make it out. Keeping the summons fighting as they leave would also help.

2008-05-20, 05:29 PM
Alright, Let's get this Voting Thing GOING

(1): Blayzes Plan AKA Operation Bash n' Burn

1) Jack sets fire to the forest surrounding the base, causing the base to catch on fire (Or at the very least, causing the soldiers and mages to be preoccupied with putting out the flames or preventing them from reaching the base completely).
2) Everyone storms in through the north-east entrance, Oscar with that massive glass golem summon thing he can use, and they do a hit-and-run to free the Kobolds as quickly as possible.
3) Any enemies they meet along the way, they slaughter as quickly as possible.

(2): Lying's Plan AKA Operation Sneak N' Shell

Attack at dusk, so Oscar and Jack both get bonuses. Jack should use his Shadows, Oscar should use his Glass Soldiers, with whatever fire power they can support them with. This will be from the Northwest, as a decoy offensive.

Jack will need to cast Invisibility on Rob and Disguise on Greg (So he looks like an Imperial soldier) prior to the decoy attack.

During the decoy, Rob and Greg get into the relatively-undefended Southeast section between the towers, gaining hide advantages from the beckoning darkness. In the confusion and chaos of the decoy attack, they make their way to the cages, Greg making out like he needs to protect the prisoners, Rob moving from cover to cover to avoid being touched.

When they get to the cages, Team JO launches some heavy firepower nearby, to shell the soldiers around the cages. Team RG then nab the captives, assume their aid, and start making their way out as quickly as possible whilst the shelling continues.

Once the hostages are safe, some blinding magic (Either a flash-bang light from Oscar or a veil of utter darkness from Jack, maybe both if timing permits) should allow Team JO to make it out. Keeping the summons fighting as they leave would also help.

(3): Icedragon's Plan AKA Operation Death From Above

Jack heads to the North-eastern opening in the wall and blasts one of the soldiers before becoming invisible. At aproximately the same time, a shard hawk summonned by Oscar flies in from the same direction. The hawk flies to the south-west at first, then curves north toward the main enterance, peppering the soldiers with glass shards all the way.

The above are distractions. Hiding in the forest to the south-west are Greg, Rob and, if he can control the shardhawk from such a position, Oscar. When they see the shardhawk turn north, they punch (literal as you want it to be) through the south wall.

If Rob and Greg can get to the cages unhindered, they will do so and release the Kobolds before running like Rincewind. Oscar will continue to have the hawk attack from above and Jack will wait in the forest.

If they can't get to the cages they will attack the soldiers. If Rob can pick out the mages, he'll attack them. Greg will pick off the ordinary soldiers, targeting groups if he can. Oscar maintains conrtol of the shadehawk long enough to get it to dive-bomb Brinesalt. In the chaos, Jack will come out of the forest and blast any opponent he sees, the divebombing shardhawk is his signal that the attack is on.

Also, Some random fluff about Magic, it's kinda long and random, and dosn't make much sense,but I feel it justifies having both grunt warmages, and casters like Jack.

First of all, you may notice two intresting things about spellcasters in Rob and Jack.

1) they don't shout out their spells
2) they cover their mouths.

These things are not simply because I am lazy, well they are, but I'm going to justify them anyway. You see, most spells have verbal components that start the spellcasting process, however these components need be only loud enough for the caster to hear them. Because of this, most casters simply whisper their spells, so as not to reveal what they are casting to everybody else.
It is for this same reason that combat casters cover their mouths. The verbal component starts the casting process, the spell itself does not occur until a few seconds later, therefore it's not difficult to see that a caster is mumbling to themselves, and dive for cover (Or prepare a counterspell). Therefore, most spellcasters that find themselves in combat (such as Jack, Oscar and the Imperial Warmages) habitually keep their mouths covered.

Also, True Magic Vs Spell Magic.

There is a major difference between Jack and the Imperial Warmages. Jack is a True Mage while the Warmages are Spell Mages.

The process for casting a spell is as follows

Gather the magic--> Form the spell --> Release the magic so that it takes the form designated in step 2.

Ergo, Jack is not technically casting a Fireball, Jack dosn't know how to cast a fireball. Jack Does know how to gather magic, tell it to form a sphere of fire, and then release it. It's just as easy for him to make it a column, or a circular sheet. It would also be just as easy for him to, rather than forming it into fire, form it into extreme cold, or lightning, or just kinetic force. Whenever Jack or another True Mage uses magic, they control every step of the process.

Unfortunetally, learning True magic takes a very long time, it's much quicker to use Spell Magic. Spell Mages do not manipulate their magic to fit each situation, they have memorized, by rote, ways to form their magic. They don't understand the intricacies of what they are doing, they don't know what each part of the process does, they just know that if they do A, B and C, D Happens. Often they are aided by magical foci which form magic into a certain spell. Whereas a True Mage can modify the process for casting a Fireball to suit their purpose, a Spell Mage only knows how to create a sphere of fire, and they may not even know that. Quite often they know how to start the process for creating a fireball, feed that magic into their Foci, and let the Foci do the rest.

The advantage to being a spell mage is that one gains power much faster. A spell mage and a true mage both study for two years, the spell mage is going to be significantally more powerful. This is why Warmages, Arcanists, or casters trained by an organization for a specific purpose are often spellmages.

The downside of Spell Magic is a lack of versitility. Sometimes a fireball isn't what you need, but a bolt of fire is perfect, a True Mage can use the same principles to turn that Ball into a Bolt, but a Spell Mage that never memorized how to create bolts of fire, is out of luck.

Also, Spell Mages are limited by the power of the spells they know. A spell mage only knows how to make a fireball with X power, even if they personally could call up more magic then the spell calls for, they couldn't use that. They would need to memorize a new version of the Fireball spell with greater power, wheras a True Mage could power up their spells without a thought.

That spell mage who studied magic for two years, now it's ten years later, after about five years the spell mage's power capped out, while the True Mages power kept going.

It should also be noted that a True Mage could easily learn spell magic (Such as Jack's invisibility or summoning spells), but a Spell Mage would have alot of trouble learning True Magic.

Short version: True Mages know how to build a table, Spell Mages know how to assemble a table from a kit.

2008-05-20, 05:48 PM
Short version: True Mages know how to build a table, Spell Mages know how to assemble a table from a kit.

So it's kinda like a cheat sheet. The Spell Mages use the cheat sheet to pass the test but they don't know much beyond it. Meanwhile, the True Mages study hard and learn their stuff to ace the test and most stuff beyond it. The Spell Mages get to the point of passing the test faster, but the True Mages pass the test and the pop quizzes and final exams later on.

2008-05-20, 05:56 PM
So it's kinda like a cheat sheet. The Spell Mages use the cheat sheet to pass the test but they don't know much beyond it. Meanwhile, the True Mages study hard and learn their stuff to ace the test and most stuff beyond it. The Spell Mages get to the point of passing the test faster, but the True Mages pass the test and the pop quizzes and final exams later on.

Right! And the final exam happens to be a dragon.

The reason I did this was because Jack spent the vast majority of his life learning magic. At the same time I had these warmages, and I didn't want to assume that you could get enough people to dedicate almost their entire lives to learning magic to use them millitarily. At the same time, I wanted them to be a threat, not abunch of guys who, because they did not dedicate their entire lives to magic, are about as threatening as stormtroopers.

Uncle Festy
2008-05-20, 06:12 PM
Nice fluff.
I vote for Sneak N' Shell.

2008-05-20, 06:21 PM
Right! And the final exam happens to be a dragon.

Now I want to see Jack take down a dragon using only a table.

2008-05-21, 02:20 PM
Now I want to see Jack take down a dragon using only a table.

I tried to make that a slide show (like Abardems BEast chasing archer dude) but I couldn't figure it out.

Any more Votes?

2008-05-21, 03:39 PM
Ahaha, epic. Cheers, Bloddy. :)

2008-05-21, 04:26 PM
I vote for Operation Death From Above.

2008-05-21, 04:29 PM
Any more Votes?

Well, presently we're drawn between Sneak n' Shell and Operation Death From Above. We need at least one more vote to break the tie.

2008-05-21, 04:35 PM
Well, presently we're drawn between Sneak n' Shell and Operation Death From Above. We need at least one more vote to break the tie.

At one vote each. This voting round is kinda sad looking.

2008-05-21, 05:13 PM
Sneak and shell for me.

2008-05-21, 06:32 PM
Death from above! Death from above!

e: Also, BRC, I used Flash. But any decent gif-animation program will probably work.

2008-05-21, 07:00 PM
Death from above! Death from above!

Great, now we're deadlocked again! :smallmad:

2008-05-21, 07:01 PM
Great, now we're deadlocked again! :smallmad:

Don't worry, I won't have time to work for a couple days, so the voting will continue for awhile more.

Also, I'm assuming that the people who made plans are voting for their own plan.

2008-05-21, 08:34 PM
Okay, time to finally get around to fixing plan Death from Above. Going by your "golem points" example, It seems like he would be able to summon a glass scorpion. It's your call if his magic works that way of course. Once the Shardhawk divebombs Brimsalt, Oscar (and possibly a glass scorpion) will defend the hole in the wall. We can't let them cut off our escape route.

2008-05-22, 08:21 PM
Huh? no more votes? Cmon people!

2008-05-22, 09:42 PM
How 'bout... #2.

2008-05-23, 02:13 AM
Death from Above!

2008-05-23, 02:21 AM
For the love of heck, stop tying the vote! :smallfurious:

2008-05-23, 04:31 AM
It's not my fault other people vote for the wrong options. :P

2008-05-23, 07:00 AM
I don't mind; It's actually kind of funny. :smallwink:

2008-05-23, 05:59 PM
So, I'll get to work some time this weekend. If the voting is still tied by then I'll do one of two things
1) Flip a coin
2) pick whichever I think will be easiest to do, but TELL you that I flipped a coin.

2008-05-24, 07:48 AM
Death from Above!

2008-05-24, 08:21 AM
I vote for Death from Above.

2008-05-24, 08:25 AM
Another one for Death From Above. It should be noted I haven't even read the plans and my decision may thus be flawed and only based on the name.

2008-05-24, 05:36 PM
Another one for Death From Above. It should be noted I haven't even read the plans and my decision may thus be flawed and only based on the name.

If reading the plans ever tickles your fancy, check the previous page they are near the bottom along with soft downy fluff.

It looks like I will get to work tommorow night (Huzzah for 3 day weekends).

2008-05-26, 02:30 AM
This is late because I watched the new Indiana Jones movie tonight and didn't get home till midnight.

Anyway, TA DA
Two stones with one bird


And Now...I sleep

2008-05-26, 03:53 AM
Well clearly they're going to be taking some very severe casualties on both sides, I definitely think my plan allowed for minimum personal injuries.

Oh well, let's see what happens :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-26, 11:51 AM
Well clearly they're going to be taking some very severe casualties on both sides, I definitely think my plan allowed for minimum personal injuries.

Oh well, let's see what happens :smallbiggrin:

Hey, Don't look at me, I'm just the guy that makes the comics.

@v: Oh, he's next.

2008-05-26, 12:06 PM
Not enough Rob man

Uncle Festy
2008-05-27, 07:36 PM
... aren't they going to be outlaws now? :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-27, 08:38 PM
... aren't they going to be outlaws now? :smallbiggrin:

Well, Technically yes. However, only if Brimsalt can prove they did it, which will be difficult if they avoid capture. Rob, Jack and Oscar all have their faces covered anyways, and though we havn't seen him yet, Greg has proably done the same.
And then you say "But Bloddy, couldn't the steelwinds recognize them by their equipment?". Yes, however there would be no point, The International Guild of Mercenary- Adventurers provides legal council to all members for crimes allegeadly commited while under contract. Heck, usually the employer takes full responsibility for any actions they order a Mercenary- Adventurer to commit while under contract. Attacking steelwind troops is beyond that, usually both the Mercenaries (Our Heroes) and the employer (The Lizard) would be prosecuted. IF, and this is a big if, they can prove it.

Law enforcers and governemnt officials the world over spit on the ground after muttering the words "International Guild of Mercenary-Adventurers"

That said, Next comic will likely show up over the weekend.

2008-05-27, 10:13 PM
Okay, so after that last post, I was inspired. I present, an event from the R and J verse


2008-05-27, 11:16 PM
random thing on the left, but it looks great anyway! :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-28, 04:08 AM
Looks like a shoe cuff.

Cool! Now you have your own DareDevil :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-28, 04:25 AM
Are you sure you don't mean NIGMA?

2008-05-28, 06:52 AM
What would NIGMA stand for.
I just realized, He should have been named Jacob Stabbem, from the law firm of Douie, Stabbem and Wen.

2008-05-28, 07:21 AM
"When I was arrested for treason, I never knew killing the Kobold King of the Deepwater Caves would land me in such trouble! Luckily, IGMA were there to disprove the validity of the Kobold Shaman's claim that I had been made a member of their society without my knowledge just before the King's death and therefore was bound by their laws. They disproved his claim with a combination of expert legal knowledge, well-placed bribes and threats of mindless violence as an out-of-court settlement. They're the perfect match for adventurers like me. Thank you, IGMA!"

-Gorlon, 3rd level Fighter (Lawful Good)

2008-05-28, 04:21 PM
Today's Fluff, due to inspiration, is about the IGMA

The International Guild of Mercenary Adventurers is kind of like a combination Trade union, Common interest club, and insurance company. Based out of Tavern Square in Greentide City (with the exception of the Guild offices, every building in the square is a seedy bar, rough tavern, or shady inn, all of which are architecturally designed for the maximum number of dark corners in which hooded strangers can sit alone at tables. At the more exclusive places, it is recommended that you reserve a corner table at which you can sit silently two weeks in advance.) A guild card provides discounts at blacksmiths, inns, libraries, shops, temples, hospitals, and prisons the world over. Also, most cities, towns, or abandoned mines/fortresses/temples have a IGMA office somewhere where due paying members can go to check for available contracts, request information or assistance, or chat with other members.
The guild provides it’s members with various services, they will take care of your house/stronghold while you are out, help you sell any “Proffesional Acquisitions”, provide medical/ psychological assistance, help you purchase professional equipment, and gives you a free subscription to “Killing things for Money Monthly”. Of course members are usually most grateful for the legal protection the guild provides. Most nations ,Including the Steelwind empire, recognize the guild as an official and useful organization, and therefore it’s members gain some legal protection for actions they commit under contract. In case it goes beyond that, the guild employs a famous legal corps (it’s most famous member being the elder Dragon Norkial, who defended the Guild in the case International Guild of Mercenary Adventures Vs the People of Greentide City almost immediately after defending the guild house in a riot that goes by the same name). Though occasionally you can get better rates hiring non-guilded adventurers, the guild provides a guarantee to return your fee or provide you with another group should your initial hire’s break the contract or fail in the assigned task.
Every member of the IGMA carries a magical scroll case featuring the guild crest as proof of identity. If a piece of paper is placed within this scroll case and a command word is spoken and the case transcribes the bearer’s resume onto the paper. In some cases a second piece of paper may need to be added. A second command word transcribes the standard guild contract onto the page, this requires Five pages (double sided) due to all the complicated language that you can probably skip, I mean, you trust us, right?

2008-05-28, 04:43 PM
...requires Five pages (double sided) due to all the complicated language that you can probably skip, I mean, you trust us, right?


Very nice!

2008-05-29, 10:15 PM
Hey All. Last day of school (not counting finals, of which I only have two, GO AP's!) Tommorow.

I was going to use that sentance to make a clever and/or witty pun with the comic's title, but I can't think of anything. So here you go
Golem Ol' Fisticuffs


2008-05-29, 10:23 PM
Not good. :smalleek:

I'm talking about the events in the comic, not the comic itself, the comic is as good as always.

2008-05-29, 11:06 PM
Hmmm. Yes, things don't look so good.

2008-05-30, 09:44 AM
Weeeee! Power Fist battle!

2008-05-30, 11:37 AM
We'll have to see how this turns out, but anyway, here's some brief backround on the good Marshal.

Marshal Brimsalt
Marshal Antony Brimsalt is the vetern's vetern. He worked his way up from a common swordsman to command rank through sheer merit and effectivness. If it's fightable, he's fought it or commanded troops who have; his career is so long and varied that he is known as "The Scarred Wolf", a name given to him by an Orcish warlord he fought alongside once, who compared him to an alpha wolf that has survived countless challenges. His men remain confident that nothing could surprise their commander, and that his firsthand experience in battle will discourage him risking their lives needlessly.
Equipment: Brimsalt's long campaigns have given him a collection of equipment to rival a succsessful mercenary-adventurers.

Armor: Brimsalt dosn't seem like the type to wear golden armor, and in fact, he dosn't. After protecting a Solamite high priest on a diplomatic visit from a group of rouge glass magisters (A conflict that cost him his hand). As a reward the High Priest gave him a suit of armor made from Dry Iron. Dry Iron is a durable yet lightweight metal that makes great armor, the only downside being it's habit of rusting very quickly. To counteract this, Dry Iron is often coated in a rustproof metal such as gold to seal it from the outside. Due to the high priests's status, gold was used for this particular armor.

Golem's Fist: Marshal Brimsalt recived this weapon as a gift from the dwarven king after he commanded Steelwind troops alongside the Dwarven royalists who battled a group of giants, though he had the dwarven insignia replaced by a steelwind one. It is more powerful than a standard golem's fist like the one Rob uses. He got it after he lost his hand, and had it permentally attatched to his arm, like all goelm's fists it is permentally closed, so it's only real purpose is hitting things.
Cloak: Just a spiffy, lightly enchanted cloak that Brimsalt wears so people don't spend all their time staring at his missing hand and leg. Also keeps the rain off.

2008-05-30, 12:26 PM
So the trick to beating the Marshal is breaking through the gold of his armor at focusing on his missing leg to get him down.

2008-05-30, 03:24 PM
Burn the leg!! :smallamused:

2008-05-30, 09:03 PM
Sweep kick! Then punch through his armor.

2008-06-01, 11:27 PM
It;s getting late and inkscape is being stupid.
Thar will be a comic in the morning.

2008-06-01, 11:50 PM
Two things; one, did you change your name, and two, how did you do that or am I crazy?

2008-06-02, 09:04 AM
I didn't, the mods did. Apparentally somebody complained, or the mods just finished deciding my name was too politicial, so they asked me what I wanted to change it too. I just had it shortened to BRC.

Oh Right, A Comic! How about one which proves
Firefly References Make Everything Better


2008-06-02, 10:21 AM
Back to being good! :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-02, 10:30 AM
Yay for Vera! Dress yourself up, you get taken out somewhere fun :smalltongue:

2008-06-02, 11:22 AM
Heh, Glad you like it. Anyway, Meet the Steelwinds, or at least the named officers under Brimsalt's command at this point.

2008-06-02, 12:24 PM
Tommy Harris reminds me of someone, I'm not sure who but the name certainly sounds familiar at least

2008-06-02, 12:31 PM
I dunno, I pulled those names out of nowhere (Alough Brimsalt was originally supposed to be Brinesalt, as in Salty Brine, and Tommy Harris's name was supposed to be a bad pun. As in his name is tommy and he uses a gun, get it? proably not, it's so bad I should be ashamed). So any relation to anything is purely coincidental.

Oh, while I have you reading this lying, the summer is coming up, so I'll have lots of free time. I was thinking of doing a couple still pictures showing a random, non canon crossover battle between Steelwind and Moon Elf Imperial forces.

2008-06-02, 01:01 PM
Oh, while I have you reading this lying, the summer is coming up, so I'll have lots of free time. I was thinking of doing a couple still pictures showing a random, non canon crossover battle between Steelwind and Moon Elf Imperial forces.

Sounds fun :smallsmile:

2008-06-02, 03:36 PM
Hehehe.... enjoy attacking them soldiers.... :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-02, 09:32 PM
Here's a random comic for you guys

Wait, What's this! Have the Steelwinds decided to conduct strategy sessions in mute? Did Commie get too lazy to add diolouge and then become too lazy to notice he forgot!
Nope, It's a random and pointless contest. I think I'll call it "Speechless in Steelwind." Your job is to write the script for the above comic, go wild. After a While (proably a couple weeks or until people stop submitting) I'll pick winners for these three catagories.
Best Overall
Best Humor
Best Serious.

You can submit in typed format, like this
Panel 1
Brimsalt: Blah Blah Blah
Panel 2
Harris: Yadda Yadda?
Brimsalt: Blah
ect. You can have people off-panel talking, Whateve you Want

Winners will a Trophy And/Or A Cameo. I have yet to decide

2008-06-02, 10:11 PM
Could be interesting, I shall have to see what I can think up.

2008-06-03, 04:26 PM
No more comments/ insults/ death threats /hellomynameisinigiomontoyayoukilledmyfatherprepare todie/ other stuff?
@v Multiple entries will be accepted, so you can do whatever you think of and if you think of other stuff later you can add it too.

2008-06-03, 04:42 PM
I'm thinking, but all I get is straight-man kinda stuff

2008-06-03, 04:51 PM
Panel 1:
Military strategist: I have a large beard and golden armor, so clearly I am your superior. Look, my son scribbled all over the map. It looks so silly now! It will be so much harder to explain now!
Panel 2:
Military strategist: I say we prepare the troops for battle, as we must defend the keep! Any questions or comments? Please, make them quick. We must make haste!
Guy on left: Whoah, man.... I can, like, see it!
Panel 3:
Wizard: I have a question or comment!
Military strategist: OK, then! Spit it out, sir.
Wizard: Is this an all-expenses-paid job?
Panel 4:
Military strategist: No, we don't have much money. I spent all of our gold on a beautiful dress for my kid.
Guard on left: Little Susie's first dress?
Military strategist: No, actually, it was for Henry.
Guard on left: (Holding back laughing)
Panel 5:
Guard on right: Sir, I have a comment.
Military Strategist: What is it, sir?
Guard on right: The enemy has just breached the western wall. We will all be dead in about two minutes.
Military Strategist: ......
Panel 6:
Guy on left: Whoah! Run away!
Wizard: Wrong way, genius.
Guard on left: I need a vacation.
Guard on right: Flailing my arms wildly in the air helps me run faster!

2008-06-05, 05:04 PM
So yeah, this comic took WAY longer than it had any right to, but hey, Schools out, Ive got time.

The answer is ALWAYS boom!

Finish Greg's Sentence for him
1: LEFT! Going past Marshal Brimsalt, Rob, Capitan Wheelbright, and quite a few soliders.
2: Right! going past Capitan's Hariss and Harband (The guy with the gun and the wizard guy) and a handful of troops, but not many.
3: Through the wall! Hope that nothing too tough is waiting on the other side and make their way to the escape route through the forest.

2008-06-05, 10:49 PM
Blow through the wall! :biggrin:

2008-06-06, 05:35 AM
I vote for Through

2008-06-06, 07:10 AM
I vote for blasting through the wall.

2008-06-06, 07:18 AM
Another vote for Through.

2008-06-06, 08:58 AM
callin it now, there's an owlbear on the other side

2008-06-06, 09:25 AM
Plan 4! Go to the right and wipe out Harband and the now-weakened Hariss, then go back to the left and give Rob a hand.

2008-06-06, 11:10 AM
Plan 4! Go to the right and wipe out Harband and the now-weakened Hariss, then go back to the left and give Rob a hand.
Harband is the Wizard, Hariss is the Gunner. Rob is capable of disengaging himself from the fight. Also, the reason that plan wouldn't work is that now that the shardhawk is gone, nothing is keeping soliders off their backs, so they would get zerg rushed fairly quickly.

Uncle Festy
2008-06-06, 11:35 AM
Through The Wall, Pippin!

2008-06-06, 11:37 AM
Hey, if you've got to fail, you might as well fail completely.

Edit: Plan 5, then. THROUGH the FOURTH WALL!

2008-06-08, 06:49 PM
Looks like I'll get to work on the next update tonight.

Also, no more entry's for the contest?

2008-06-09, 01:52 AM
While making this comic, I kind of started to like the two nameless soliders. I would bring them back later, except that I neglected to make them look any different from every other nameless mookshirt.
Anyway, here it is
The Dangers of Gambling


2008-06-09, 06:11 AM
Anyway, here it is
The Dangers of Gambling

One word out of you and the halberd goes to the face.

Here comic, comic, comic...

2008-06-09, 08:11 AM
Lo, I travel forward into the future to pluck forth the comic from Commie's eventual edit and place it here for your consumption.


No, I did not just "guess" the filename from his previous comics! It is a far more specialized art, time traveling!

2008-06-09, 10:41 AM
Woah, Abaradem has mad time traveling Skillz!

But yeah, sorry about that. It was late and it looks like I forgot to make sure I had the comic on my clipboard when I clicked "Paste"

2008-06-09, 02:42 PM
No comments/ other contest entries /other stuff.

Sorry about the messing up of the comic posting.

2008-06-09, 02:56 PM
Certainly a "Don't say it could be worse" moment for them, what happens next will probably result from either the new hole in the wall or the adventurers that escaped through it.

Well done art-wise and script-wise :smallsmile:

2008-06-09, 05:38 PM
Ahhhh.... The original post makes sense now! :smallbiggrin:

As for contest, busy right now with finals, so probably no entry from me until thurs/fri.

2008-06-09, 11:04 PM
I'm going to try to get started on the next comic tonight, as soon as I decide what exactly I'm going to do with it.

Anyway, Here's a little picture I made, it comes from 20 or so years before the current events. It show's Capitain Anthony Brimsalt wielding a magic sword he won from an adventurer in a game of Drunkards Darts (A bar game that combines all the saftey of dart throwing with alchohal consumption)

2008-06-10, 12:01 PM
Choo Choo! I'm a Comic Machine today. It's a short one, but it's main purpose is to wrap up the whole "Jailbreak" arc. Anyway, here it is.

Hell of a Lucky Guess


2008-06-10, 03:01 PM
Choo Choo! I'm a Comic Machine today. It's a short one, but it's main purpose is to wrap up the whole "Jailbreak" arc. Anyway, here it is.

Hell of a Lucky Guess


The guards have no faces?

2008-06-10, 03:53 PM
Know what else doesn't have a face? The back of a person's head. :P

2008-06-10, 04:02 PM
Yeah, their supposed to be facing the other direction.

Uncle Festy
2008-06-10, 09:10 PM
Oh dear god those two are great. :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-10, 09:14 PM
Oh dear god those two are great. :smallbiggrin:

Yeah, I may have to give them distinguishing features at some point. For now, I will give them names. Steve the Swordsman and Halberd Hank
EDIT: Working on the next comic. Which, due to the fact that the comics have somehow expanded to mammoth proportions, I have shrunk down to half size.

2008-06-10, 10:23 PM
So, Jack going to "run" by the pair as well? We haven't seen him for a while...

2008-06-11, 01:27 AM
Chugga Chugga Chugga CHOO CHOO
Meeting with the Boss

Who should our Heroes (and I use the term loosely) request as backup.
1: Righty (armed with a chattergun) plus Smokestack and Proffessor (each armed with shotguns)
2: Mister Nicholas Beat (Armed with Vera)
3: Angelface (Armed with a highly enchanted chattergun)
Whew. Two comics in one day.

Oh, and on a note that is, as far as you know, completally unrelated to anything I have planned for the comic, could you guys name me any mobster/heist/ crime oriented movies that you can think of. Things like The Godfather, Cool Hand Luke, The Italian Job, ect.