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2008-02-09, 10:27 PM
The Ninja Assassin

Firstly before you read onward allow me to explain that, while ninja where one of the major inspirations behind designing this class the end result is not truly intended to represent ninja alone. I therefore urge you to view this classes name as simply that, a name. Instead consider this class to represent any highly skilled acrobatic individual who prefers to infiltrate and illuminate her targets in a procedural manor, rather than wading in to the heart of the battle (though she is not to be thought of as incapable in these situations either).

The ninja assassin chooses her adversaries wisely, considering any number of opponents to be merely individual objectives which must be overcome one at a time. She prefers to stalk her quarry, luring away from any allies it may have before despatching it with an overwhelming force.

She excels when granted freedom to move unhindered about her foes and relies strongly upon her mobility to draw them out of their defensive positions before exploiting any weaknesses they may present. Consequently a successful ninja assassin actively avoids becoming bogged down in static combat and should always seek to out manoeuvre her foes in order to dispatch her objectives as efficiently as possible.

Few individuals can endure a ninja assassin’s offensive superiorities for long, however a truly masterful ninja assassin understands that it is ultimately her judgement and cunning which prevail. For the border between victory and defeat often rest upon those decisions made before any action has even been taken.

Wisdom is essential to the often un-armoured ninja assassin who, like the monk, relies upon it to provide her with greater AC. Wisdom also later determines the number of times a ninja assassin can use her Evasive Mind and Body ability. Dexterity is also important to a ninja assassin as it provides her with an increased AC and supports many of her more acrobatic manoeuvres. If the ninja assassin wishes to have a strong array of skills intelligence may also prove important. Finally a ninja assassin’s relatively low number of hit points can be bolstered by an improved constitution score.

The Ninja Assassin
{table="head"]Level|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Special |
AC Bonus|
Fast Movement

1st|+0|+0|+2|+0|Acrobatics, Trapfinding, Objective (+1d6 / +0AC)|
+00 ft.

2nd|+1|+0|+3|+0|Evasion, Stalk (objective only)|
+00 ft.

3rd|+2|+1|+3|+1|Poison use, Skirmish (+1d6 / +0AC)|
+00 ft.

4th|+3|+1|+4|+1|Uncanny dodge|
+00 ft.

5th|+3|+1|+4|+1|Kip up, Objective (+1d6 / +1AC)|
+10 ft.

6th|+4|+2|+5|+2|Improved improvisation, Overwhelm (objective)|
+10 ft.

7th|+5|+2|+5|+2|Wall stride, Skirmish (+1d6 / +1AC)|
+10 ft.

8th|+6/+1|+2|+6|+2|Improved uncanny dodge|
+10 ft.

9th|+6/+1|+3|+6|+3|Improved poison use, Objective (+2d6 / +1AC)|
+10 ft.

10th|+7/+2|+3|+7|+3|Improved evasion, Confounding mobility (objective)|
+20 ft.

11th|+8/+3|+3|+7|+3|Skirmish (+2d6 / +1AC)|
+20 ft.

12th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+4|Second step|
+20 ft.

13th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+4|Instinctive (+2), Objective (+2d6 / +2AC)|
+20 ft.

14th|+10/+5|+4|+9|+4|Evasive mind and body (objective)|
+20 ft.

15th|+11/+6/+1|+5|+9|+5|Skirmish (+2d6 / +2AC)|
+30 ft.

16th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+5|Instinctive (+4), Skill mastery|
+30 ft.

17th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+5|Objective (+3d6 / +2AC)|
+30 ft.

18th|+13/+8/+3|+6|+11|+6|paralysing strike (objective)|
+30 ft.

19th|+14/+9/+4|+6|+11|+6|Instinctive (+6), Skirmish (+3d6 / +2AC)|
+30 ft.

20th|+15/+10/+5|+6|+12|+6|Second objective|
+40 ft.


Hit Die: 1d6

Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Sense Motive, Slight of Hand, Spot, Swim, Tumble and Use Rope.

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armour Proficiency
Ninja Assassins are proficient all simple weapons, plus the kama, nunchaku, sai, shuriken, siangham, and sling.

Ninja Assassins are not proficient with any armour or shields
When wearing armour, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a Ninja Assassin loses her AC bonus and her fast movement bonus.

AC Bonus (Ex)
When unarmored and unencumbered, the ninja assassin adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC. In addition, a ninja assassin gains a +1 bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 every five levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level).

These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the ninja assassin is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armour, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.

This ability stacks with the Monks class feature, combine the two classes levels in order to work out the ninja assassins total AC bonus.

Acrobatics (Ex)
A ninja assassin is extraordinarily nimble and capable of gymnastic movements far beyond that of mere rouge. A ninja assassin gains a bonus equal to half her class level (to a minimum of 1) to all Balance, Jump and Tumble checks. A ninja assassin only benefits from this ability when wearing no armour.

Trapfinding (Ex)
A ninja assassin gains the Trapfinding special ability at first level. See the rouges class feature (PHB page 50) for more information.

Objective (Ex)
Ninja assassins selectively choose and defeat their targets one at a time. They do this so they can channel the full force of their unwavering focus and marshal discipline against a single chink in the armour of the enemy war machine, shattering it utterly before advancing onward. Due to the sheer amount of concentration, pride or inner strength ninja assassins plunge into these attacks they regard the recipients of their focus as more than mere target but instead as objective which must be accomplished no matter the cost.

A ninja assassin may, as a free action, select any foe within a range of 60-feet as her objective. Once selected a ninja assassin can’t withdraw her selection, though the selection may become void (explained bellow), allowing a ninja assassin to select a new objective as a replacement. A ninja assassin is therefore compelled to act against her objective before selecting a new one, thereby slowly working their way through the foes they encounter.

If a ninja assassin’s target is killed (even by a source other than the ninja assassin herself) she may instantly select a new objective, even if it’s not her turn to act. She may also select a new objective if the creature surrenders, retreats (regardless of their motive) or is otherwise considered to be defeated by the DM. Adopting a defensive fighting style does not cause a target to be considered defeated as it’s an entirely legitimate method of combat.

A ninja assassin’s selection may, if she so chooses, be considered void if the selected objective later became an ally or non-combatant (being turned to stone or compelled to act as an ally as a result of magical means are to such examples, ultimately your DM will decide what is and is not void). Similarly a magically befriended ninja could well be forced to consider their objective to be an ally and regard any selection which they held void, if the caster so desired.

There is no maximum length of time that a ninja assassin can hold a single target as her objective. Indeed several of the most determined and honour bound ninja assassins have been known to stalk a single objective for many years.

If the ninja assassin fails to defeat her objective she may choose to cancel her selection, this desision is however not one to be made lightly. A ninja assassin who cancels her objective may not select a replacement objective for a period of 1 day, thereby reducing her potential effectiveness during this time.

At first level a ninja assassin gains a +1d6 bonus to all damage rolls made against her objective when within 60-feet of their location (with a line of sight to her target). This bonus to damage increases at 9th level to 2d6 and at 17th level to 3d6. This additional damage is precision based and is therefore ineffective against those creatures immune to critical hits.

Additionally at 5th level the ninja assassin gains a +1 bonus to AC against all attack made against her by her objective. This bonus to AC later improves to +2 at 13th level.

As a ninja increases in level she gains numerous additional abilities that become effective against her objective.

If a ninja assassin’s objective is located exceeds a distance of 60-feet she gains no bonus to damage against the objective until she is able to move back within 60-feet of the creature. A ninja assassin still maintains her bonus to AC and any other benefit she gains through later class features (unless specifically stated) even if her objective is positioned more than 60-feet away.

All the benefits a ninja assassin would ordinarily gain against her objective are suppressed if she wears armour. Wearing armour does not however void or otherwise end an objectives period of selection.

Evasion (Ex)
Upon attaining her second level a ninja assassin gains the Evasion special ability. See the rouges class feature (PHB page 50) for more information.

Stalk (Ex)
A ninja assassin is trained to track down her objective wherever they roam. At second level she gains the ability to track (as though she possessed the Track feat, PHB page 101) any creature she has currently selected as her objective. This class feature does not actually grant ninja assassin the track feat, merely an equivalent.

In addition the ninja assassin is highly trained at evading her objectives attention, her objective therefore makes all spot and listen checks at a -4 penalty when attempting to locate her. This penalty only effects the spot and listen checks of the ninja assassin’s objective and no one else.

Poison Use (Ex)
At third level and higher, a ninja assassin never risks accidentally poisoning herself when applying poison to a weapon.

Skirmish (Ex)
When a ninja assassin reaches third level she gains the Skirmish special ability. See the scouts class feature (CADV page 12) for more information.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
A ninja of forth level (or higher) gains the Uncanny Dodge special ability. See the barbarians class feature (PHB page 26) for more information.

If the character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.

Fast Movement (Ex)
At fifth level, a ninja assassin gains an enhancement bonus to her speed (as shown on table above). A monk in armour or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.

This ability stacks with the Monks class feature, combine the two classes levels in order to work out the ninja assassin’s total bonus to movement speed. Compare this total to whichever class the character has more levels in (if both classes are of equal level the character may choose which table they wish to gain their total bonus from).

Kip Up (Ex)
A ninja who attains fifth level (or higher) may stand from a prone position as a free action.

A ninja assassin may not perform a kip up in medium or heavy armour.

Improved Improvisation (Ex)
A ninja assassin of sixth level or higher is trained to use whatever comes to hand as a weapon, whether it be a weapon of convenience or that of their enemy. Upon attaining her sixth level a ninja who uses either an improvised weapon or a weapon which she is not proficient reduces the penalty to attack rolls by 2 when using such weapons (to a minimum of 0).

Overwhelm (objective) (Ex)
Ninja assassin’s who advance to sixth level (and beyond) are able to waylay their objective by casting caution aside and adopting a more aggressive attacking style. When operating in this mannor a ninja assassin may opt to exchange some or all of her bonus to AC (provided through her objective class feature, see above) in order to increase either her damage or attack bonus.

For every point of this bonus she exchanges the ninja assassin may either gain a +1 bonus to all her attacks against her objective or an additional 1d6 damage to the first successful attack made against her objective. The ninja assassin may only opt to exchange her AC bonus in this way if her objective is no more then 60-feet away.

Wall Stride (Ex)
Ninja assassin’s of seventh level (or higher) are agile to the point of near impossibility and may move at half speed (both horizontally and vertically) along solid horizontal surfaces, such as walls. No climb or balance checks are necessary when moving in this manner and all actions, including attacks, can be perform even while such movement is in progress (though no attack bonus is gained for being upon higher terrain if such situations arise).

A ninja assassin who ends her turn on a horizontal surface as a result of this type of movement must make a DC 15 climb check to prevent herself from falling. A ninja assassin who is forced to make such a check is considered to be climbing and endures whatever penalties may therefore result from their position.

A ninja may only attempt to initiate a wall stride from a climbing position if they pass a DC 25 climb check.

If the horizontal surface upon which the ninja assassin is attempting to move is particularly slippery (such as a wet glass) a wall stride may prove difficult to initiate or sustain and require either a climb or grapple check, in some cases it may even be impossible. Consider the above ruling to represent all ordinary surfaces, such as a typical of a building or dungeon wall. Ultimately the DM will decide if any special consideration has to be made regarding a particular wall stride attempt.

A ninja assassin may only wall stride when wearing no armour.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
A ninja of eighth level (or higher) gains the Improved Uncanny Dodge special ability. See the barbarians class feature (PHB page 26) for more information.

Improved Poison Use (Ex)
At ninth level and higher, a ninja assassin may apply poison to a weapon as a move action. (Normally applying a poison is a standard action, like applying an oil).

Improved Evasion (Ex)
Upon attaining her tenth level a ninja assassin gains the Improved Evasion special ability. See the rouges class feature (PHB page 51) for more information.

Confounding Mobility (objective) (Ex)
Ninja assassin’s who advance to tenth level (and beyond) are able to elude their objective with ease. A ninja assassin never draws attacks of opportunity from her objective when performing any actions requiring a time period of 1 round or less.

This ability is only in effect when the ninja assassin is wearing no armour.

Second Step (Ex)
Ninja assassins are remarkable fleet of foot. At twelfth level and beyond a ninja assassin may perform an additional 5 foot step. Like the first, the second 5-foot step does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The character can take the extra 5-foot step immediately after taking the first, or wait until the end of her other actions for the round. In all other ways, the rules for taking a 5-foot step apply.

Instinctive (Ex)
A ninja assassin is always quick to act. Beginning at thirteenth level she gains a +2 bonus to initiative, this bonus increases to +4 at sixteenth level and again to +6 at nineteenth level.

A ninja assassin only benefits from this ability when she is wearing no armour.

Evasive Mind and Body (objective) (Ex)
Ninja assassin’s who advance to fourteenth level (and beyond) are able to evade attacks made by their objective which threaten their mind or body. The ninja assassin may treat any will or fortitude save as though it were a reflex save if that saves is a direct result of her objectives actions. The ninja assassin may substitute her will or fortitude saves in this manner a number of times a day equal to her wisdom modifier (to a minimum of 1).

As these saves are regarded as reflex saves they also benefit from the ninja assassins Improved Evasion ability (see above) if its effects could be considered applicable.

A ninja assassin only benefits from this ability when she is wearing no armour.

Skill Mastery (Ex)
The Ninja Assassin becomes so assured in the use of certain skills that she can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. Upon gaining this ability, she selects a number of skills equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, she may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so.

Paralysing Strike (objective) (Ex)
A ninja assassin who attains eighteenth level may, as a standard action, make a single melee attack against her objective. If this attack is successful it incurs no damage to the objective, but requires it to pass a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the ninja assassin's class level + the ninja assassin's wisdom modifier) or become paralysed for 1d4 rounds.

If the paralysed creature sustains 1 or more hit points of damage it ceases being paralysed and instead becomes dazed for 1 round.

Second Objective (Ex)
A ninja assassin who reaches her twentieth level (and beyond) is able to simultaneously master two objectives at once. Each objective is treated as entirely separate from the other, so failure in one does not suppress the other.

2008-02-09, 10:37 PM
*Place Holder Post*

2008-02-10, 07:48 PM
Bumpage ahoy! :elan:

2008-02-10, 08:06 PM
Gwa, ger, fwew, waaaaa?:smalleek:
Lots and lots of ninjaness.

Also, no weapon proficiencies.

2008-02-10, 08:14 PM
Gwa, ger, fwew, waaaaa?:smalleek:
Lots and lots of ninjaness.


Also, no weapon proficiencies.

Lol good point i forgot to copy them in! I shall amend asap, thanks!

2008-02-10, 08:32 PM
I have to say it seems redundant. You could do the same more effectively by going 10 Ninja / 10 Assassin. A swift action to turn invisible, a move action to apply poison to your blades and a standard action to attack - with your sudden strike plus your sneak attack bonuses.

Couple of rounds like that and your opponent should be mincemeat - anyway, like I said, this class doesn't really seem that useful or unique when there is already a reasonable powerful path for people who wish to play such characters.

2008-02-10, 08:48 PM
Looking over it completely, I'd have to refute that.
It covers the "focused" part of the classic ninja better than the rogue, ninja or assassin, and it's actually better at assassinating people than the assassin!
Aside from dealing with a high-level-over-ability-itis, it looks perfect.

2008-02-10, 09:31 PM
I have to say it seems redundant. You could do the same more effectively by going 10 Ninja / 10 Assassin. A swift action to turn invisible, a move action to apply poison to your blades and a standard action to attack - with your sudden strike plus your sneak attack bonuses.

Couple of rounds like that and your opponent should be mincemeat - anyway, like I said, this class doesn't really seem that useful or unique when there is already a reasonable powerful path for people who wish to play such characters.

Unlike a ninja/assassin build I wanted to make this class feel like someone more dedicated to two things: 1) the defeating of specifically selected targets 2) superior mobility. I also wanted to do this using as many Ex abilities as possible, I think this grounds the class in some sense of realism (though it’s obviously not realistic at all) which for me gives it more credibility. I think many builds concentrate heavily on how many times you can make something for BANG! POP! KABOOM! I instead wanted to make something that I felt would reward a more tactical player.

The class was also designed to reward players who select their objectives wisely and it is this ability which makes the class different in my opinion. Planning out your movement and how exactly you can exploit your superiority over a single target at a time will decide how well the class fares in any situation. It’s because of these tactical decisions i was drawn to make the idea.

I guess i ultimately felt that there was a potential play style which was going untapped and i hope this class fills some of that gap.

Thanks very much for your comments though!

2008-02-10, 09:33 PM
Looking over it completely, I'd have to refute that.
It covers the "focused" part of the classic ninja better than the rogue, ninja or assassin, and it's actually better at assassinating people than the assassin!
Aside from dealing with a high-level-over-ability-itis, it looks perfect.

Glad you like it :D what did you mean by "high-level-over-ability-itis" though? is there a way i could improve this issue? whatever it is.

thank you!

2008-02-10, 09:39 PM
Instinctive, Evasive Mind and Body, and Skill Mastery all come into the game a little to late to be helpful.

2008-02-11, 10:28 AM
Instinctive, Evasive Mind and Body, and Skill Mastery all come into the game a little to late to be helpful.

True, but i wasn't really sure i could lower the level at which you obtain them without unbalancingt he whole thing... I shall give it thought though!

2008-02-12, 10:43 PM
Hmmm...looks good. Except you might want to tone down the fast movement.
Also, the name itself is redundant. ninjas essentially WERE assassins. but I digress, good class.
