View Full Version : Gimli vs Legolas

2008-02-10, 11:47 PM
TCM is showing a commercial free premiere of "The Return of the King" and unlike any sane man I decided to watch it instead of pop in the DVD I bought with good ol' legal tender. But to the title at hand, Gimli is totally more awesome than Legolas. Totally. I'm not even sure why I'm posting this, cause it's not even a debate. Contribute praise to Gimli here.

Edit: Rules, rules, rules. You want an outline, I'll give you an outline.

Gimli, son of Gloin
- Beard like no other
- Standard dwarf family connections to lords, ancient heroes, etc.
- Lockbearer (albiet it's a bit more creepy than impressive)
- Beat Legolas in an orc-slaying contest
- Established new dwarfish realm
- First dwarf to visit the Undying Lands

- Has a "my dad is better than your dad" point
- Shared his horse with Gimli, how thoughtful
- Founded elf colony
- Gardener supreme

2008-02-11, 12:20 AM
You kidding?! Legolas is totaly more awesome then Gimli!
Legolas killed almost double the number of orcs that Gimli did in the battle for helms deep! Legolas would pwn Gimli so bad that every time he sees an elf he'll scream like a girl!

2008-02-11, 12:26 AM
You kidding?! Legolas is totaly more awesome then Gimli!
Legolas killed almost double the number of orcs that Gimli did in the battle for helms deep! Legolas would pwn Gimli so bad that every time he sees an elf he'll scream like a girl!

Actually Gimli killed one more than Legolas.

Are we talking book or movie?

2008-02-11, 12:34 AM
Actually Gimli killed one more than Legolas.

Are we talking book or movie?

Either, Gimli is the manlier man and by far the dwarfiest dwarf.

Contrary to all other evidence, NOBODY TOSSES A DWARF!
Gimli held the gate at Helms Deep for God knows how long with Aragorn
If I remember correctly Gimli was the third party to charge in the last battle in "Return of the King", after Aragorn and the hobbits
Gimli is the only one in the Fellowship who loses a family member, he takes it like a dwarf and cracks open enough goblin skulls to pay for it twice over

2008-02-11, 12:43 AM
Show me an orc who fights like an elf.

That's not a vote for Legolas, btw, just something to consider. I personally am more inclined to Dwarves than Elves, however.

2008-02-11, 12:47 AM
Im sorry but if they were to actualy fight, Legolas would win.
Speed and ranged attacks will trump melee combat.
Gimli would never get a hit in before he got an arrow though the neck.

2008-02-11, 12:59 AM
Im sorry but if they were to actualy fight, Legolas would win.
Speed and ranged attacks will trump melee combat.
Gimli would never get a hit in before he got an arrow though the neck.

Pssh, like Legolas would see it coming. Besides this is comparative awesomeness, not head on combat. But it'd most likely play out like this

"Aye elf boy, thanks for that scenic disposal of one or two orcs"
"Sure, *short joke #27 directed to Gimli*"
*Axe to the hip*

Edit: On a more concessionary note, yeah Legolas has a good if not favorable chance if they started out a distance apart. But then the argument boils down to a where rather than who. I prefer to measure them by their coterminal termination of orckind.

2008-02-11, 01:39 AM
Gimli killed more orcs than Legolas at Helms Deep...even considering the fact that Legolas is an archer on a giant wall, and most likely had time to kill around 20 orcs before Gimli even swung his axe.

2008-02-11, 01:47 AM
After which, he ran out of arrows and had to make do with knives and salvaged arrows, as seen here (http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=1062).

2008-02-11, 01:52 AM
Yes, but my point is that he had a huge head start and still lost. And if he had to make due with just knives that's really his own fault isn't it? Was he expecting the battle to last less than 5 minutes?

(I'm pretty sure Legolas in the books had a sword.)

2008-02-11, 01:55 AM
It's more that it's not realistic to be able to carry more than 20 or so arrows at a time than that he wasn't expecting a long battle.

I agree with you, but mostly I just needed an excuse to link that.

2008-02-11, 02:36 AM
Judging from the Return of the King game, Legolas is much better than Gimli. Gimli is worthless in that game.

2008-02-11, 02:44 AM
(I'm pretty sure Legolas in the books had a sword.)

As far as I recall, in the books Legolas just had one knife, instead of the two he slices with in the movie.

2008-02-11, 03:35 AM
Legolas, especially in the movie, is very 2 dimensional. He is supposed to be awesome, but in stead does a lot of stupid stuff like skating on shields, running on oliphants and so on.
He has no character development compared to Gimli, who is the one to see elves in new light after meeting Galadriel.

I also think that arrows would d o little harm to his dwarfforged armour, while an axe would really hurt Legolas

2008-02-11, 04:48 AM
Legolas is sexy, Gimli isn't. Match, Legolas.

2008-02-11, 04:53 AM
You are missing something here.

Legolas was played by Pretty-Pansy-Boy Orlando Bloom.

Gimli was played by Awesomesause Incarnate, John Rhys-Davies.

Why is this even a contest? And everyone knows that true dwarfhood would get all the hot Elven Hoties over those stick-figured puny Elves, who in turn would not be even be able to get the Dwarven Womens to look at them.

2008-02-11, 04:59 AM
I take this moment to inform you that those stick figures are in fact sexier.

2008-02-11, 05:30 AM
Clearly you are neither Dwarven or Elven. Case closed.

2008-02-11, 07:12 AM
Legolas, only in the movie, is very 2 dimensional. He is supposed to be awesome, but in stead does a lot of stupid stuff like skating on shields, running on oliphants and so on.
He has no character development compared to Gimli, who is the one to see elves in new light after meeting Galadriel.
Corrected for you. Legolas does niether of those in the books.

2008-02-11, 09:11 AM
Gimli has been a favorite character of mine since I first read the books (but I've always been more partial to Tolkien's dwarves than the elves).

In the book, Legolas had to use his *one* knife after he ran out of arrows at Helm's Deep. Gimli wins the contest with a score of 42 to 41 (in the extended version of the film he still wins 43 to 42, but I'm not sure why they made that change). The nice thing about axes is that they don't run out of ammunition.

Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!

2008-02-11, 09:26 AM
GoC - I don't need anybody else to correct me. And the right way to correct it would be a line break after my first sentence, as Legolas has little character development in the book.
In the movie he's plain annoying with his "elven tricks", but that's not what is making him 2 - dimensional.

Rutee - I doubt that atractivness is the way to win the fight, so it's not really an argument acceptable to us who aren't atracted to men/boys.

2008-02-11, 09:40 AM
If you want proper warfare, you have to go for a Gimli.

2008-02-11, 09:44 AM
Gimli would mangle his sissy elven ass. No contest.

2008-02-11, 09:54 AM
A contest of awesomeness or of battle prowess. Legolas has a bow, and a fully loaded quiver. I'm sorry but unless someone specifies "Gimli manages to catch Legolas on empty or to make him run out of ammo" the elf has to win, or is quite likely to.

Which is also a moot point, because what's the point of making a Vs thread where "guy B" has lost all his edges. Why don't you make a "Hattori Hanzo Vs my Aunt thread" specifying that

a) Hattori Hanzo does not have a katana
b) my aunt has a low recoil railgun on autofire
c) they start 10 meters apart
d) Hattori Hanzo is tied to a stake....

warty goblin
2008-02-11, 10:05 AM
Legolas is sexy, Gimli isn't. Match, Legolas.

Oh I donno about that, Gimli's got a little something-something...

2008-02-11, 10:08 AM
A contest of awesomeness or of battle prowess. Legolas has a bow, and a fully loaded quiver. I'm sorry but unless someone specifies "Gimli manages to catch Legolas on empty or to make him run out of ammo" the elf has to win, or is quite likely to.

Threads like this are generally strange...

In fight like this circumstances are everything

They start fight 100 metres from each other/ or/and Legolas ambushes?
- Legolas wins.

10 metres from each other?
- You can throw axe pretty well, and even shooted Gimli can still reach elf.

Fight somehow starts in close range/ or and Gimli ambushes ?
- Gimli wins.

Depends on weapons et cetera, et cetera. Gimli wins in bar brawl, no contest.

And we are talking about movie, or book?

In book Gimli have only short mail, but in movie has some full armor which looks definetly arrow proof (some wierd scales + heavy mail + some gambeson under it, I presume).

On the other side Legolas in book have only "small bow" in Fellowship of the Ring, Galadriel gives him some "heavier" one.

Anyway this is great example of web fencing.

2008-02-11, 10:14 AM
Why is this even a contest? And everyone knows that true dwarfhood would get all the hot Elven Hoties over those stick-figured puny Elves, who in turn would not be even be able to get the Dwarven Womens to look at them.

Which just leads to the question: Would Legolas even want the attention of Dwarven women? I mean, beards aren't for everyone.

2008-02-11, 10:33 AM
Oh, well, just in case anyone cares, Legolas and Gimli were skilled and brave and well trained representatives of their countries/factions, and displayed quite a level of kickassery against orcs, but I don't recall that they had ben chosen as "champions on a suicidal mission" by their kindred. When they went to the Council of Elrond they did so because of blood ties with the "monarchs" of their kind AND because they were noble examples of what a good elf/dwarf is, not the most effectively built combat engines made for players of D&D. An expedition to Mordor wasn't even an option (that's why as soon as it was brought up everybody either laughed their asses off or were outraged by the stupidity of the idea, esp. since the ring was to be carried by a puny insignificant halfling from the B.F.S.)

If nothing else, at least in the Riders of Rohan episode (do I need to quote to be believed?) Legolas make a shaft literally appear already set on the bow string (aiming at Eomer, right?).
When you are fighting a talking and walking axe swinging bank caveau all you need to do is shoot for the eyes or even better, for the foot. A crippled Gimli would most definitely have a hard time at catching up with a running elf, who would in turn make apin cushon of of him from a safe distance.

As for the brawl, well, Gimli seems to have an advantage, but I don't think he'd beat the elf to a pulp without breaking a sweat. Axe vs Dagger seems hardly a smart contest to enter, no matter your kin, but you never know.

Middle Earh is full of orks who killed heroes, elves who slaughtered dwarves and dwarves who slaughtered elves (especially starting with Elu Thingol 's death when the "nauglamir accident" occurred). It's still a tie to me.


2008-02-11, 11:07 AM
About circumstances, if Gimly was expecting Legolas in an underground tunnel he would jsut wait around the corner for the elf and then SMACK! Pulped elf.

2008-02-11, 11:45 AM
They. Are. Not. Fighting. Each. Other.

The topic creator clearly said this,

Do you people even read? The thread isn't even two pages yet.

2008-02-11, 11:54 AM
Gimli still wins if it comes to close combat. Daggers aren't as good at killing as axes.

2008-02-11, 01:46 PM
They. Are. Not. Fighting. Each. Other.

Let the mods sort it out. To many forum vigilantes around here. Should I maybe create a new thread? One with guidelines for combat in the first post? Oh sure, nobody would send me back to this thread with the patented "we already have one of those." And this coming after Anteros interjected his opinion several times on who would in a fight.

The answer is simple. WH40k beats them both fair and square, though Gimli kills 42 of them before they beat them.

2008-02-11, 02:06 PM
LotR vs. threads need a notation about whether they are talking about the movies or the novels. Especially when it comes to what a character does or uses they are quite different. For example, in the books (I don't know why anyone would make a thread about the movies or use an argument from the movies) Legolas is armed with a longbow (originally one from Mirkwood, later one from Lorien) and a white handled dagger. Gimli carries a hand axe. Thats all either of them uses for the duration of the series.

2008-02-11, 02:10 PM
Rutee - I doubt that atractivness is the way to win the fight, so it's not really an argument acceptable to us who aren't atracted to men/boys.

They're pretty much established as equals in combat, to my knowledge. How were /you/ going to resolve this dispute?

2008-02-11, 02:13 PM
Oh my god I'm such a GEEEEK...anyway, Legolas judges the shot to be too far for his short-bow of the woods, somewhere near the battle of the bridge of Khazad Dum.

The bow of the galadrim was probably the equivalent of a longbow for accuracy and power, and far more beautiful, but I fail to remember when it was called longbow (I mean, in the Robin Hood Movie Welsh-Longbow acception of the word).

Back OT, I totally agree on the movie-books distinction. Blame it on the need of a more efective visual impact or on the tast for flashy and cool stuff of our age as opposed to that of the publication of the trilogy, but equipment varies greatly.

As to the "let's Vs them" and ignore the OP, that's probably the vox populi that hijacked the thread, as a praise of a dwarf wasn't that intriguing to begin with, was it? :smallbiggrin:


2008-02-11, 02:13 PM
LotR vs. threads need a notation about whether they are talking about the movies or the novels. Especially when it comes to what a character does or uses they are quite different. For example, in the books (I don't know why anyone would make a thread about the movies or use an argument from the movies) Legolas is armed with a longbow (originally one from Mirkwood, later one from Lorien) and a white handled dagger. Gimli carries a hand axe. Thats all either of them uses for the duration of the series.

Since it's been a good 3 years since I read the books and I was referring to the movie in the OP I'd say this post defaults to the movies. You can pull from the book if you really want to though.

On a different note, the "oliphaunt incident" of the movies has been brought up. It's not fair, Eomer kills two mumakils with a single spear, but nooooooooooo. It's pretty elf boy who everyone remembers for doing his flippant flippy acrobatics all over one.

2008-02-11, 02:18 PM
They're pretty much established as equals in combat, to my knowledge. How were /you/ going to resolve this dispute?

When in doubt the one with the beard always wins

2008-02-11, 02:29 PM
When in doubt the one with the beard always wins

Now that's just silly. Sexiness is hardly less important then beard presence.

Steven the Lich
2008-02-11, 02:30 PM
Unholy gods of the netherworld... I saw this on my way to the Lich King vs. Sauron Thread, and I wanted to join.
Now first... Legolas has the bows, the acrobatics, the twin scimitars, the good looks.
Gimli... He has the poweful axe, he's as stubborn as a mule, tough to take down, and has an outrageous accent.
Alright, it depends on settings. Gimli is slow but deadly, and in complete melee combat, he could win. However, Legolas has on him speed, agility, relexes, and elf senses (They do get senses... right?).

Range attacks... Phhft:smallyuk: , Gimli is a goner, because he's too slow to dodge Legolas' arrows, and Legolas can dodge what he can toss. Also, Legolas can shoot multiple arrows at once or he can shoot extremly fast.

And that "pretty elf boy" took down a colossal foe with nothing but arrows and two tiny scimitars... A spear is easier to kill with, because of its length. Sorry dude. Besides, what really makes it memorable is when Gimli in awe says "That still only counts as one!"
Gimli himself is fearful of Legolas' feats of power!

I don't diss the dwarf... I love him, but I like Legolas more, and he just wins out on him for the most part. Simple as that.
My personal oppinion has been posted, you are now free to counter it.
EDIT: Prepare to be counter-counter-pointed, though...

2008-02-11, 02:40 PM
Why don't you understand:

If. You. Want. Proper. Warfare. You. Have. To. Go. For. A. Gimli!

2008-02-11, 02:54 PM
When in doubt the one with the beard always wins


Gimli still wins on that criteria, though.

2008-02-11, 03:13 PM
Your "Action Hank" argument is sound. However, the argument further enhances Gimli's chances. Gimli's beard is not purely an external feature; the fellow is one of the most bearded warriors in literature.

Whereas Legolas definitely does not have a "beard on the inside."

warty goblin
2008-02-11, 03:16 PM
Now that's just silly. Sexiness is hardly less important then beard presence.

Yeah, but Gimli's also way sexier than Legolas. I mean c'mon, anybody can be moderately attracted to the skinny and graceful, but it takes a real man to love Gimli.

That and Gimli does sweettalk better.

2008-02-11, 03:21 PM
Your "Action Hank" argument is sound. However, the argument further enhances Gimli's chances. Gimli's beard is not purely an external feature; the fellow is one of the most bearded warriors in literature.

Whereas Legolas definitely does not have a "beard on the inside."

I did say that Gimli wins, didn't I? Gimli is clearly superior, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a daisy-eater. :smalltongue:

2008-02-11, 03:37 PM
how I would deside who is most powerfull fighter?
Let's look at the creation of dwarfs and elves.
Elves were created to be beings of beaty (most of them reside in Valinor, never leaving the residence of the Majar and Valar there and engaging in art and stuff) and were deemed to be so endangered in Middleearth that they were taken to Valinor by the Valar almost as soon as they were discovered (simplification, but you get my point)
The dwarves vere made by the valar commanding earth and stone to withstand the evilpower of Morgoth and his fiends. They withstand poison and do fine against dragons in their face covering masks.
Dwarfs by far reach.

Funny thought: an army of dwarfs and elves that actually combines their drawbacks and abilities in combat, like a line of elven archers defended by dwarfen axemen :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-11, 03:39 PM
Gimili, for me.

One of the biggest reasons I love LotR is because it doesn't fall into the all too common epic hero fantasy. The "heroes" in LotR are all too human (or elf or dwarf). Boromir is one of my favorite characters for that very reason. The Battle of the Morannon is my favorite moments and battles for that reason as well, simply because they thought they were going to die, they were saying their goodbye's for a reason. None of this epic unlimited hp crap. They knew what they were going up against and they knew what was coming. That's why I like Gimili. He's not over the top CGI stuff, he's not the guy who I found myself rolling my eyes at every other time he spoke (to be fair it was mostly Legolas' persona in the movie more then the book that did that). I disliked the whole personification of Legolas in the movies, like her was there for action relief. I couldn't get behind his knifes (OMG now he has two wands! Rue it hard!) but I could get behind Gimili's ax or Aragorn's blade. There was more weight and drama behind it, for me. While when Legolas started fighting you knew he was gonna win. Because he's has that epic hero fantasy behind him. With everyone else there was tension.

But to be fair, Tolkien elves are practically supernatural. And I guess that's there way of doing it? Still think it could be done better, like with the other elves in the movies.

2008-02-11, 03:46 PM
Yeah, but Gimli's also way sexier than Legolas. I mean c'mon, anybody can be moderately attracted to the skinny and graceful, but it takes a real man to love Gimli.
I'll concur with that sentiment. It would take a real man to love Gimli.

Jari Kafghan
2008-02-11, 04:10 PM
Now that's just silly. Sexiness is hardly less important then beard presence.

No no no. Sexiness IS beard presence.

warty goblin
2008-02-11, 05:14 PM
I'll concur with that sentiment. It would take a real man to love Gimli.

AHA! I am now an undisputed man!

2008-02-11, 05:29 PM
Your "Action Hank" argument is sound. However, the argument further enhances Gimli's chances. Gimli's beard is not purely an external feature; the fellow is one of the most bearded warriors in literature.

Whereas Legolas definitely does not have a "beard on the inside."

Precisely, Legolas has such doey eyes and pouty lips I was surprised he didn't line up for the affection of Aragorn right after Arwen and Eowyn.

2008-02-11, 05:29 PM
They're pretty much established as equals in combat, to my knowledge. How were /you/ going to resolve this dispute?
Gimli's great maul is probably bigger.

2008-02-11, 05:30 PM
Legolas is sexy, Gimli isn't. Match, Legolas.

That is like saying Olando Bloom is a better actor, just because he is sexy . That doesn't excuse his acting

2008-02-11, 05:39 PM
Ugh Orlando Bloom... Ronnie Coleman is so much more dreamy. He could give you a real hug to remember. :smallredface:

Steven the Lich
2008-02-11, 06:40 PM
... We're judging them on their careers now... I was judging them on their combat skills. Acting skills and all that... they just don't qualify into real combat.
Plus, Legolas is better looking than Gimli... sorry. A beard, though, can be of great use in times you're about to fall off a cliff, because then someone can grab it and pull you up.

Nobody tosses a dwarf! (jumps over the ledge, and nearly falls. Legolas grabs him by the beard) Not the beard!

2008-02-11, 08:17 PM
... We're judging them on their careers now... I was judging them on their combat skills. Acting skills and all that... they just don't qualify into real combat.
Plus, Legolas is better looking than Gimli... sorry. A beard, though, can be of great use in times you're about to fall off a cliff, because then someone can grab it and pull you up.

1. I was judging Bloom on his portrayal of Legolos, ug
2. Combat skills from the book or the movie?

2008-02-11, 08:31 PM
1. I was judging Bloom on his portrayal of Legolos, ug
2. Combat skills from the book or the movie?

Preferably movie, but if you want to get elaborate feel free to cite the books.

2008-02-11, 08:44 PM
Preferably movie, but if you want to get elaborate feel free to cite the books.

I'll use movie, lets just cover equipment


Two fighting knives, almost two feet in lengths, a little less
Very well make long Bow with thirty arrows i think, these arrows are extremely long by the way
shoulder pauldrens and brancers

A pair of throwing axes
A carrying axe
A hachet
A moon blade axe
A double bladed battle axe
A walking axe
A helmet
A set of plate over chain over leather


2008-02-11, 11:15 PM
A walking axe

That's not an axe, it's a dwarven walking stick with a really big headpiece. He likes 'em heavy... and sharp.

2008-02-11, 11:24 PM
That's not an axe, it's a dwarven walking stick with a really big headpiece. He likes 'em heavy... and sharp.

his tooth brush is very similar.

Movie wise i'd give it to Gimli if they are within 20 yards of each other as Legolas is pretty stupid in the movie. Past that and the range will just own Gimli

2008-02-12, 12:56 AM
For everyone harping on the "but Legolas is prettier" line might I suggest Figwit. Look him up, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

2008-02-12, 10:50 AM
For everyone harping on the "but Legolas is prettier" line might I suggest Figwit. Look him up, you'll be pleasantly surprised.


2008-02-12, 11:14 AM
This is very simple.

It's in Tolkiens middle earth,

One is an elf, and the other is a dwarf.


The elf wins!

2008-02-12, 11:35 AM
This is very simple.

It's in Tolkiens middle earth,

One is an elf, and the other is a dwarf.


The elf wins!

This is true. Even though I oringally argued that Gimli is better, Tolkien would most likely disagree. The man loves his elves.

Legolas it is then.

2008-02-12, 03:51 PM
The way I see it.. Elves are supposed to be refined pretty boys, and Dwarves are supposed to be the essence of manliness.

As a man I must vote for the Dwarf. :smalltongue:

2008-02-12, 03:55 PM
GIMLI! :smallbiggrin:
You thought I'd say something else? :smalltongue:

2008-02-12, 04:00 PM
Is this still Legolas Vs Gimli or has it shifted to Dwarves Vs Elves?

Anyway, I don't remember a dwarf slaying a Balrog in all history. In fact, one of them single handedly kicked them out of their halls. Elves, on the other hand....:smallwink:

warty goblin
2008-02-12, 04:08 PM
Is this still Legolas Vs Gimli or has it shifted to Dwarves Vs Elves?

Anyway, I don't remember a dwarf slaying a Balrog in all history. In fact, one of them single handedly kicked them out of their halls. Elves, on the other hand....:smallwink:

Although only dwarves could stand up to and kill Dragons IIRC. I can't remember an elf ever managing to kill any of the major dragons.

2008-02-12, 04:09 PM
Although only dwarves could stand up to and kill Dragons IIRC. I can't remember an elf ever managing to kill any of the major dragons.

let along a dragon charge

2008-02-12, 04:14 PM
Yeah, the Elves are the "best" people in Tolkien as they're set up to be that way. If you live practically forever and take it into your head to be an archer, I'd say you're probably going to be pretty damn good at it. Why stop there? Become a bowyer and fletcher while you're at it and master the interactions of these three disciplines. You've got all the time in the world to practice (literally in this case). Same goes for any other profession/skill/art you care to take a hand at.

I still like Gimli more than I like Legolas, however.

2008-02-12, 04:59 PM
Legolas can treat Gimli like a pincushion before the dwarf can ever get into range. I like Gimli much much more. But the elf is going to take him out.

2008-02-12, 05:46 PM
Although only dwarves could stand up to and kill Dragons IIRC. I can't remember an elf ever managing to kill any of the major dragons.

On the other hand it was an elf who beat up poor Melkor.:smallamused:

2008-02-12, 09:29 PM
Yeah, the Elves are the "best" people in Tolkien as they're set up to be that way. If you live practically forever and take it into your head to be an archer, I'd say you're probably going to be pretty damn good at it. Why stop there? Become a bowyer and fletcher while you're at it and master the interactions of these three disciplines. You've got all the time in the world to practice (literally in this case). Same goes for any other profession/skill/art you care to take a hand at.

I still like Gimli more than I like Legolas, however.

Didn't Tolkien also say that Legolas was the most useless of the fellowship?

2008-02-12, 10:01 PM
Didn't Tolkien also say that Legolas was the most useless of the fellowship?

More useless than Pippin?:smallconfused:

2008-02-12, 10:27 PM
More useless than Pippin?:smallconfused:

He killed the troll and got the palientir. True he almost blew up his mind and got crushed but still

2008-02-12, 10:48 PM
He killed the troll and got the palientir. True he almost blew up his mind and got crushed but still

The troll?
Oh yeah they had a troll in the film in Moria didn't they?
What about Merry?
Or Boromir? He killed less orcs than Legolas and didn't supply "elvish sight" and agility to the party.

2008-02-12, 10:58 PM
The troll?
Oh yeah they had a troll in the film in Moria didn't they?
What about Merry?
Or Boromir? He killed less orcs than Legolas and didn't supply "elvish sight" and agility to the party.

Battle of the Black Gate, teh head troll was shanked by Pippen when about to eat another trooper

Boromir slew a bunch of orcs and saved Merry and Pippen with his life, as well as helping Aragorn defend the fellowship from orcs when they retreated

Merry Shanked the WK

2008-02-12, 11:30 PM
Battle of the Black Gate, teh head troll was shanked by Pippen when about to eat another trooper

That was some time after the breaking if the fellowshp though. And I'd say 40 orcs is better than one troll.

2008-02-12, 11:33 PM
That was some time after the breaking if the fellowshp though. And I'd say 40 orcs is better than one troll.

1. They were still the members of the fellowship
2. Yeah but you expected the elf to do that, the hobbit killing mordor's troll chief, well that just epic

2008-02-12, 11:47 PM
Was it the troll chief ?
I thought it was just a troll. I seem to remember Pippen thinking " I'm so tiny the best I can hope for is to take outone of the enemy " then when he does take out the first troll in line and it collapses on him thinking " ah well at least I got that one "

2008-02-13, 02:38 AM
Which just leads to the question: Would Legolas even want the attention of Dwarven women? I mean, beards aren't for everyone.


It is tolkien though, so if it were species Elfs win against anything else good (except humans sometimes)

But on an individual level, Gimli. He managed to earn the love of an elf queen!

2008-02-13, 04:53 AM

It is tolkien though, so if it were species Elfs win against anything else good (except humans sometimes)

But on an individual level, Gimli. He managed to earn the love of an elf queen!

Hey I am fairly jealous of Galdriel...or is it Cate Blanchett that I am jealous of? Whatever. I'd say she managed to accomplish a no small feat. Get over the repulsion for a dwarf's look and voice (and, possibly, smell, after a month's trip, on the run in the wilderness...ewww). She was even polite and charming to him.

It's like your buddy's hot mom you secretly have a crush for when you are 16 and you are sweating hormones (and smelling accordingly). She will be understanding and polite to you, but that's about it...

Oh, and on the elves not killing Dragons, it was almost 'implicit' in the descriptions of the various battles, when 'hordes' of dragons were met face to face by the elven champions at the gates of Gondolin, Agband, Utumno and so on. I'm referring mostly to the "Lost Tales".
Dwarves, on the other hand, were brave enough to stand up to dragons and actually wound one. Still, their kill count dragons-wise seems to be still around "0".

2008-02-13, 03:31 PM
Hey I am fairly jealous of Galdriel...or is it Cate Blanchett that I am jealous of? Whatever. I'd say she managed to accomplish a no small feat. Get over the repulsion for a dwarf's look and voice (and, possibly, smell, after a month's trip, on the run in the wilderness...ewww). She was even polite and charming to him.

It's like your buddy's hot mom you secretly have a crush for when you are 16 and you are sweating hormones (and smelling accordingly). She will be understanding and polite to you, but that's about it...

Oh, and on the elves not killing Dragons, it was almost 'implicit' in the descriptions of the various battles, when 'hordes' of dragons were met face to face by the elven champions at the gates of Gondolin, Agband, Utumno and so on. I'm referring mostly to the "Lost Tales".
Dwarves, on the other hand, were brave enough to stand up to dragons and actually wound one. Still, their kill count dragons-wise seems to be still around "0".
I thought they killed some and wounded the head dragon

2008-02-13, 06:12 PM
Hey I am fairly jealous of Galdriel...or is it Cate Blanchett that I am jealous of? Whatever. I'd say she managed to accomplish a no small feat. Get over the repulsion for a dwarf's look and voice (and, possibly, smell, after a month's trip, on the run in the wilderness...ewww). She was even polite and charming to him.

An example of her prim and proper royal upbringing or Gimli's blackhole-esque personal gravity?

2008-02-14, 05:03 AM
An example of her prim and proper royal upbringing or Gimli's blackhole-esque personal gravity?

Come to think of it, it could be either...STANG! Now I am devoured by doubts....:smalleek:

Steven the Lich
2008-02-14, 03:36 PM
Okay, I think it has become an all out war between elves and dwarves and orcs and trolls and other things... :smallsigh:
We're talking Legolas and Gimli.
Let me reassess my conclusion. Legolas has the advantage of distance and speed over Gimli. Simple as that. You can't just have Gimli win automatically because he is the best in melee. Even if it comes down to the bare tactics of mortal combat, Legolas could still win since he has speed, grace, and acrobatics on his side, and could outmanuever Gimli right up front. Gimli is the tank, and thus is extremly slow. That armor he wears doesn't help the fact any, and he has short legs. If Gimli can land a blow on Legolas, then he wins if he can pull a coup de grace on the elf prince before the guy rolls away. In some environments, Legolas can earn an easy victory, like the bridge of the Khazad'Dun in Moria (Shoot Gimli while he's on the bridge and he falls from lack of balance), or maybe if Legolas was on the top of a cliff and Gimli at the bottom. Surroundings play into this as well.
Please people, judge them on their skills, not gear, popularity, their races background, or any of that kind of stuff.

Beard and looks don't matter, and acting skills do not play into this.

Melkor was defeated by an elf? Ow, that hurts his reputation.

Legolas actually was quite useful in my view. He took down an Oliphaunt (And everyone on top of it), shot a troll in its nose and killed him, bulls-eyed a goblin in Moria from the stairs right in the head, and other exploits that could be seen throughout the series. (If we go by the movie, I'm actually not sure what he did in the books, its been ages since I read the Trilogy itself.

I foresee many angry replies to this post:smallfrown: , but I shall show no fear as I walk in the valley of shadow...

2008-02-14, 05:27 PM
Okay, I think it has become an all out war between elves and dwarves and orcs and trolls and other things... :smallsigh:
We're talking Legolas and Gimli.
Let me reassess my conclusion. Legolas has the advantage of distance and speed over Gimli. Simple as that. You can't just have Gimli win automatically because he is the best in melee. Even if it comes down to the bare tactics of mortal combat, Legolas could still win since he has speed, grace, and acrobatics on his side, and could outmanuever Gimli right up front. Gimli is the tank, and thus is extremly slow. That armor he wears doesn't help the fact any, and he has short legs. If Gimli can land a blow on Legolas, then he wins if he can pull a coup de grace on the elf prince before the guy rolls away. In some environments, Legolas can earn an easy victory, like the bridge of the Khazad'Dun in Moria (Shoot Gimli while he's on the bridge and he falls from lack of balance), or maybe if Legolas was on the top of a cliff and Gimli at the bottom. Surroundings play into this as well.
Please people, judge them on their skills, not gear, popularity, their races background, or any of that kind of stuff.

Are we going by the movie or the book? Because in both your underestmating Gimli. In the book he is pretty fast actually and Legolas only has one Knife.
In the movie Legolas is much faster, but ain't that smart. Gimli has a lot of armor that doesn't slow him down that much, two throwing axes and three axes he can use as throwing axes and Legolas only has 20-30 arrows. We have to know how far they start out against eachother. If Legolas is 350 yards (i think that is the range of his bow, not sure i'll check weapons and warfare) away then Gimli is screwed, however if they are 15 yards a way then we have a different situation.

Melkor was defeated by an elf? Ow, that hurts his reputation.

No Melkor dueled the second most powerful elf ever to live in Middle Earth and won, he just got damaged.

Legolas actually was quite useful in my view. He took down an Oliphaunt (And everyone on top of it), shot a troll in its nose and killed him, bulls-eyed a goblin in Moria from the stairs right in the head, and other exploits that could be seen throughout the series. (If we go by the movie, I'm actually not sure what he did in the books, its been ages since I read the Trilogy itself.

1. In the books Legolas is pretty useless, not totally but he doesn't do anything
2. The Oliphaunt was freaking stupid i'm sorry, such a waste of screen time
3. He shot the troll only after everybody else hacked it down
4. Bulls eye on a goblin<Shanking the Wk
5. It is worth noting that the one time we need Legolas to do something really cool in the movie (shooting the Uruk-hai berserker) he misses twice despite the guy wearing no armor and having a freaking huge torch telling everyone where he is, and yet he then shoots a dozen orcs while sliding down a stair case. WTF?

I foresee many angry replies to this post:smallfrown: , but I shall show no fear as I walk in the valley of shadow...
[Casts summon bigger fish]

2008-02-14, 07:51 PM
1. In the books Legolas is pretty useless, not totally but he doesn't do anything

Killing 41 orcs at Helm's deep springs immediately to mind

2008-02-14, 07:54 PM
Killing 41 orcs at Helm's deep springs immediately to mind

Not as cool as shanking the WK

2008-02-14, 08:04 PM
No Melkor dueled the second most powerful elf ever to live in Middle Earth and won, he just got damaged.
That was some very severe damage as it had him screaming in pain.:smallamused:
While the second most powerful elf he was still just an elf not some superhuman being that fires laserbeams from his eyes and benchpresses Oliphaunts.
Speaking of which I liked that scene. It was funny and cool to look at. Not everyone shares your tastes.
Meridioc helped kill the WK not Pippin. I'd say Legolas>Pippin.

Steven the Lich
2008-02-14, 10:09 PM
Are we going by the movie or the book? Because in both your underestmating Gimli. In the book he is pretty fast actually and Legolas only has one Knife.
In the movie Legolas is much faster, but ain't that smart. Gimli has a lot of armor that doesn't slow him down that much, two throwing axes and three axes he can use as throwing axes and Legolas only has 20-30 arrows. We have to know how far they start out against eachother. If Legolas is 350 yards (i think that is the range of his bow, not sure i'll check weapons and warfare) away then Gimli is screwed, however if they are 15 yards a way then we have a different situation.

No Melkor dueled the second most powerful elf ever to live in Middle Earth and won, he just got damaged.

1. In the books Legolas is pretty useless, not totally but he doesn't do anything
2. The Oliphaunt was freaking stupid i'm sorry, such a waste of screen time
3. He shot the troll only after everybody else hacked it down
4. Bulls eye on a goblin<Shanking the Wk
5. It is worth noting that the one time we need Legolas to do something really cool in the movie (shooting the Uruk-hai berserker) he misses twice despite the guy wearing no armor and having a freaking huge torch telling everyone where he is, and yet he then shoots a dozen orcs while sliding down a stair case. WTF?

[Casts summon bigger fish]

Underestimating him eh? K, been a while since I saw the movie and read the books and all that, but I'm kinda using my own logic. So strike one on myself. I suppose with Gimli's strength he could run around in his armor with ease. However, it is my view that Legolas still is faster.
Thought he had two... my mistake, he's depicted with two in the games, and I didn't notice he only had one in the movie or book.

Yeah, Merry helped to kill the WK. Eowyn killed him in the end though. Shanking the WK is cool, but I think it is rather easier to do than shoot an goblin in the forehead from 100 or 200 feet away, especially when it could go behind a nearby pillar.

Also, Legolas may have shot it while everyone else hacked it, but I think he got a critical shot in the mouth or nose. People went for the exterior.
Eh, I may be outmatched here. I think I may have to read my 3 in one book of the entire trilogy. I'll read it and come back with a more accurate assessement