View Full Version : Thread for preventing GB week-based newbie confusion.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-12, 05:38 AM
I've already asked a few friends to help me with this, but I decided I need to make a thread in order to reach more people. If you're interested in helping me with reducing the amount of newbies who may be confused by Gender Bender week, please could you mention the event in your sig when the week starts (or, if you're taking part and you decided to start early, please could you mention it when you start participating). If you've read this and you initially decided you aren't interested in helping, examine your conscience, and ask yourself if you could honestly live with the idea of just 1 newbie being confused due to GB week. If the answer is "yes", I will lose my smile for a couple of minutes over it. Thanks for listening.

(Puts soapbox away for a while).

Zeb The Troll
2008-02-12, 07:16 AM
Sadly, I'd bet that there are a few people who hadn't even thought about the "fun" of confusing new posters yet and this thread will give them the idea to do so. Yes, yes, I know a while ago there was a rash of people who did this and they stopped after not very long, but there have been a lot of new people come here since then that might have missed that unfortunate period. I hope they don't get the same idea. :smallsigh:

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-12, 07:23 AM
Sorry about that (admittedly, a lot of the people I asked wanted to confuse newbies, so I assumed the ones who were doing it to confuse newbies were already going to do it (especially since that seems to be the main point according to the official GB thread).

2008-02-12, 09:59 AM
I tried this last year. GBers, pretty much as a rule, really don't care what effect their life choices have on other people. It's a fairly selfish way of having fun.

Yes, I'm participating. Why do you ask? :smallconfused:

I'd like to note that I dislike the people who are changing early. Dear gods, there's already a week dedicated to it! The whole point of GB week is that it's the week for switching genders! STOP DILUTING IT!

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-12, 10:03 AM
I wasn't really asking (that comment was just for people who were starting early). I see your point about people switching early, though (it does at least mean they get more then 1 weeks worth out of their avatars, though).

2008-02-12, 10:06 AM
About putting on our Gender-Bent avatars early - I think it's kind of harsh for Doihaveaname? and others to go to all the trouble of making us avatars and us only using them for one week. This little lass is staying till the end of February.

EDIT: Damn you, you ninja'ing fluffy!

2008-02-12, 10:09 AM
...and others to go to all the trouble of making us avatars and us only using them for one week. This little lass is staying till the end of February.
Mmmm I won't mind...:smallamused:

I guess I'm not doing GB Week so, *leaves quietly*

2008-02-12, 02:15 PM
I tried this last year. GBers, pretty much as a rule, really don't care what effect their life choices have on other people. It's a fairly selfish way of having fun.

Yes, I'm participating. Why do you ask? :smallconfused:

I'd like to note that I dislike the people who are changing early. Dear gods, there's already a week dedicated to it! The whole point of GB week is that it's the week for switching genders! STOP DILUTING IT!

With all due respect and at risk of angering one of the obviously important playgrounders, what the hell are you talking about?

If this change is having impact on ANYBODY'S life than they need to think about their definition of life. It's not like anybody of us who already changed avatar is doing anything major or important. If that is selfish then well, I guess I like being selfish. And I agree with Kael - this avatar is just too good to keep it on for just one week. If I'm diluting anything by this, at least I'm not doing it alone.

Yes, it will cause confusion. So what! It's half the fun to watch the confusion. And from what I've seen everybody on this board is mature enought to not make fun on anybody who makes a mistake. So I don't really see any problem.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-12, 02:22 PM
I class preventing confusion as being fun, and I hate it anyway, which is why I'm trying to minimise the chances of it happening.

2008-02-12, 02:27 PM
Guess we have different idea of fun, which is fine with me :smallsmile:

I'm guessing you just aren't guy for that. Personaly, I find that a right dose of confusion can spice things greatly. In a good way.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-12, 02:31 PM
If I'm honest, I've always found that even the slightest bit of confusion can cause problems (I know that not all newbies would mind GB Week, but I'm doing it for the benefit of any who may not like it).

Zar Peter
2008-02-12, 02:41 PM
Last year I thought it's silly (and I just had my new avatar then) but this year I nearly can't wait to show my new avatar (when I get it at the right time). And if some of the new (or old) people gets a crush on me... well I think I will stand it.

2008-02-12, 02:51 PM
With all due respect and at risk of angering one of the obviously important playgrounders

... :smallconfused:

If that was sarcasm, it went waaay under the radar. If it wasn't, I'm hella confused.

And I agree with Kael - this avatar is just too good to keep it on for just one week. If I'm diluting anything by this, at least I'm not doing it alone.

You know you can have a female avatar without GBing, right? Lotsa people do it. But we have a week for GBing, and it loses its special fun-ness if people don't use it. Kinda like how people would get sick if they ate loads of candy every day instead of just Halloweentime.

2008-02-12, 02:57 PM
So is Brickwalls genderbender going to be a pink wall? :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-12, 02:57 PM
... :smallconfused:

If that was sarcasm, it went waaay under the radar. If it wasn't, I'm hella confused.

Only partialy. I mean, anybody who makes it to the firbolg ITP is bound to have some importance on the forum, right?

You know you can have a female avatar without GBing, right? Lotsa people do it. But we have a week for GBing, and it loses its special fun-ness if people don't use it. Kinda like how people would get sick if they ate loads of candy every day instead of just Halloweentime.

That much I know :smallsmile: However, this one is made especially for GB week and I like it way too much to use it just for one week. And Bath put certain amount of work in it(not a small one either, I'm sure of that) and I consider it a sort of praising the author with this gesture.

2008-02-12, 03:01 PM
Yeah I cant lie, if I had gotten my genderbenderatar from Bath by now I think I would have been using it already.

2008-02-12, 03:36 PM
It would be pretty hard to genderbend my avatar..... And I don't want to give mr. saturn an extra burden to do as it is, he's busy enough.

I'l say it in my signature its genderbend week, but who's genderbend and who not?:smallbiggrin:

Dr. Bath
2008-02-12, 03:45 PM
So is Brickwalls genderbender going to be a pink wall? :smallbiggrin:

Yes... I'm helping by not finishing avatars early. Yes. That is what it is.

*skulks out again*

But seriously, I'm working on them. Seriously.

On the topic of confusion, if you do want to advertise that you are taking part that's fine, but it shouldn't make any difference what gender you currently proclaim yourself, and the only confusion I can see is getting your hes and shes mixed up.

I don't think you would have liked identity swap week, Tempest...

2008-02-12, 03:56 PM
They have that too?

Where do I sign? :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-12, 04:08 PM
Yes... I'm helping by not finishing avatars early. Yes. That is what it is.

*skulks out again*

But seriously, I'm working on them. Seriously.

On the topic of confusion, if you do want to advertise that you are taking part that's fine, but it shouldn't make any difference what gender you currently proclaim yourself, and the only confusion I can see is getting your hes and shes mixed up.

I don't think you would have liked identity swap week, Tempest...

Hey Ive been very carefully about not PMing you for a status update again :smallbiggrin:

Zombie pixe
2008-02-12, 04:12 PM
well, all this confusion... :smallconfused:

hmmmm, i am now tempted to get BRC to make me a Female ZP. (if thats possible?)

i cant honestly see all the problems, the new avatars are great :smallbiggrin:

he's and she's get mixed up anyway. the D&D books all refer to almost all classes as she's, no real difference

2008-02-12, 07:14 PM
Yes, it will cause confusion. So what! It's half the fun to watch the confusion.

That right there is my problem with it. You are having fun at someone else's expense.

2008-02-12, 07:46 PM
Which week is it exactly? I've seen people putting up GB avatars, but I'm not aware of which exact week it is, and I be getting one...

2008-02-12, 07:56 PM
I took my first steps to get out of the closet at last year GB week. :smallsmile:

It means a lot to me. :smallsmile:

2008-02-12, 08:21 PM
About putting on our Gender-Bent avatars early - I think it's kind of harsh for Doihaveaname? and others to go to all the trouble of making us avatars and us only using them for one week. This little lass is staying till the end of February.

EDIT: Damn you, you ninja'ing fluffy!

I'm not using Doihaveaname? I'm using Baboon Army. I'll bet he can make my avatar female just as easily.
Yes, I just recently decided to participate, I'm doing so any minute.

2008-02-12, 08:26 PM
About putting on our Gender-Bent avatars early - I think it's kind of harsh for Doihaveaname? and others to go to all the trouble of making us avatars and us only using them for one week. This little lass is staying till the end of February.

EDIT: Damn you, you ninja'ing fluffy!

I'm not using Doihaveaname? I'm using Baboon Army. I'll bet he can make my avatar female just as easily.
Yes, I just recently decided to participate, I'm doing so any minute.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2008-02-12, 08:57 PM
Zee eagerness und impatience observed in zee male psyche, and occasionally in zee female psyche, in embracink Gender Bender Week early iz too apparent to attempt to damper vit your nonsensical logic.

Vhile zee week in question does not start until zee eighteenth, a study into zee minds of zee afflicted iz best done vit more time for observation. Further, it iz fun, vhether young ones iz confuzzed or not.

Some of us have merely decided to have Gender Bender Month instead of Week, and you cannot take that away from us!

2008-02-12, 09:34 PM
Zee eagerness und impatience observed in zee male psyche, and occasionally in zee female psyche, in embracink Gender Bender Week early iz too apparent to attempt to damper vit your nonsensical logic.

Vhile zee week in question does not start until zee eighteenth, a study into zee minds of zee afflicted iz best done vit more time for observation. Further, it iz fun, vhether young ones iz confuzzed or not.

Nice accent. Iz very entertaining indeed.

Midnight Son
2008-02-12, 09:42 PM
I can pretty much guarantee that no one is going to be confused by me, no matter which avatar and gender symbol I decide to use.

2008-02-12, 09:51 PM
That right there is my problem with it. You are having fun at someone else's expense.

Well, DU-uh. Seriously, that's the point. How was this not obvious?

Anyway, my GB avatar is a surprise. I'm not having anyone make it for me because, well, I'm a very good avatar maker myself, and do not need anyone else to do it for me. Besides, none of you lot can keep a secret. I trust none of you.

2008-02-12, 10:15 PM

I was a newbie during last year's GB week, and I enjoyed the hell out of figuring out people's true genders. I don't really see why this all is necessary.

2008-02-12, 10:30 PM
Some of us have merely decided to have Gender Bender Month instead of Week, and you cannot take that away from us!

Yes, but some of us are still working on the GB avi, and don't let me talk about the avi to be Gb'ed!!

also, confusion is good and funny, it fills the cybercube with spazz. Most pixies go directly to the comics or media sections and stay there, anyways.

and no, i'm not Gb'ing the doggy, the doggy is a good avi when i'm feeling gender-neutral.:smallsmile:

2008-02-12, 10:39 PM
I became active in the middle of Mistaken Identity(?) week, and became really confused, but it was still fun.
I think any newbs coming in during GB week have less to worry about than I did =P

2008-02-13, 12:16 AM
It's part of the magic of this place.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-13, 02:23 AM
What happened during Identity Swap week exactly? I'm guessing it somehoe involved swapping usernames and avatas, but I just wanted to check.

2008-02-13, 02:25 AM
Really all its going to do is make this place look like the holy mecca of websites with the numerous females posting :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-13, 02:35 AM
That right there is my problem with it. You are having fun at someone else's expense.

And that is bad why? It's not like I'm Eric Cartman, pointing at somebody and yelling "haha, you have no parents, you're a looser!"

This is what I call innocent fun and have no problem with it. Just few days ago I made ass of myself when I thought that Jibar was female :smallbiggrin: It was funny and I wasn't offended by that in the slightest. I don't see why anybody should be.

2008-02-13, 04:00 AM
Seeing as I became active pretty much at the same time as Snakeboy, I have to agree. I enjoyed it a lot and found it fun. Confusion is not a bad state to be in for me, especially if it's just harmless fun like this.

2008-02-13, 04:47 AM
Technically GB weeks is extremely mean to some people...I got a grand old bullocksing (not really, but I did kinda get told off) by (iirc) Rawhide last year about using my female avatar a biiiit too much.

Some people, surprisingly enough, don't look in the You threads to see what their crushes look like. Gender Bender week is fun, so long as no one is mislead or deceived in a bad way.

I think that sums up one of my few 'serious' posts in this forum...Have fun y'all.

Death, your friend the Reaper
2008-02-13, 08:17 AM
I had the problem more guys had a crush just on the avatar:smallwink:

I guess thats a, um, semi compliment to your avatarist skills?

2008-02-13, 08:30 AM
Gender Bender Week, for most of the participants, is masquerade. It's a teeny bit off-putting to have someone shout "THEY'RE ALL WEARING MASKS!", but a single thread for doing that is polite enough. I still sniffle at the missed opportunity to title it Unbent and Unbroken.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-13, 08:54 AM
One problem with relying on the picture thread (apart from how finding people's posts on there can be awkward sometimes) is that not everyone can post images online, so searching the threads may turn into a wold goosechase. Ironically, I'd find that reassuring, Quincunx. What were the supposed missed opportunities with he thread title? In regards to Mistaken Identity week, that wouldn't confuse me as much due to how I tend to go on names rather then sigs and avatars.

Mattarias, King.
2008-02-13, 02:56 PM
I as a newbie was traumatized by GB week myself (:smalleek: NEVER questioning cat-muffins...), I fully support informing the public. :smallsigh: Er, new public.

...Almost a star-wars reference..

2008-02-13, 03:12 PM
I was a newbie during the last one, I didn't even post back then.

I'm totally in for this one, but I hope not many people get confused.

Here she is! Haruka-chan! :smalltongue: Enjoy!

2008-02-13, 03:31 PM
I think my sig ought to be sufficient now. And it sums up my reasons for participating pretty well, I think. Confusion isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially when the ambiguity is admitted and obvious. Sometimes it helps people learn. :smallsmile:

2008-02-13, 03:36 PM
I as a newbie was traumatized by GB week myself (:smalleek: NEVER questioning cat-muffins...), I fully support informing the public. :smallsigh: Er, new public.

*happy waltz*

I'm da Rogue!
2008-02-13, 03:54 PM
I think it would be funnier if we all changed our avatars on the same day.

I have mine, but wait for Monday to change it. It's funnier when it happens suddenly and organised.

Apparently, some people just can't wait.:smallbiggrin:

Zar Peter
2008-02-13, 03:59 PM
Maybe they want to confuse us all by changing back to their real gender on Gender Bending Week :smallbiggrin:

I'm da Rogue!
2008-02-13, 04:22 PM
^ I knew it! That's their eeeevil plan!

2008-02-13, 05:11 PM
And that is bad why? It's not like I'm Eric Cartman, pointing at somebody and yelling "haha, you have no parents, you're a looser!"

*remembers spending time in the Crushed thread at the time of the last GB week and confusion of long after. Remembers people feeling horrible because of such confusion. Ponders how much more went unknown to other forum-ites*

Actually I think of it as not very much different as that "looser" coment you just leave it understood....or just as bad not care and let the victim thing that's what's understood.

Personally I don't care diddly about Avatars as mine probably makes obvious. The only thing that effects me is is I end up with a lack of standardization of pronouns within the same post-which is a mild annoyance. Normally I'd say go have your fun but I don't see any Two Gentelmen from Veronas coming out of this and having to clear up other people's messes last year for a month afterward. It seems people get just as confused when you all switch back as well.

2008-02-13, 05:25 PM
If I do get to making an avvie for myself for that week, I'm not going to change my gender sign.

2008-02-13, 06:25 PM
How to avoid embarrasment on GB week: A helpful guide

1. Assume all forumites are male.
2. If someone calls you on an incorrect pronoun usage, ignore them. There aren't any girls on the internet.
3. If there is a girl on the internet, hit on her. There are, like, no geek girls. She might actually date you! DO IT!


Okay, well, #1 is still useful.

If you do happen to use it, and call a non-GBd female a male, and she takes offense, remember to redirect her anger towards the deviants who inspired all this confusion. Then you can be angry together. Awww.

Disclaimer: If you get someone's gender wrong, I will still laugh at you. Bwahaha. :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-13, 09:17 PM
I call dibs on crushing on Brickwall Gardenwall? :smalltongue:

2008-02-13, 09:20 PM
I call dibs on crushing on Brickwall Gardenwall? :smalltongue:

Well, now, aren't we selfish?

Vespe Ratavo
2008-02-13, 09:28 PM
1. Assume all forumites are male.

If I recall correctly... I thought Castaras was a guy when I first joined. :smalltongue:

2008-02-13, 09:31 PM
I havent even crushed on you and your already saying that.... that... you some sort of comunal wall:smalleek:

Well Sir/Ma'am I say Good Day!


2008-02-13, 09:40 PM
I havent even crushed on you and your already saying that.... that... you some sort of comunal wall:smalleek:

Mmmm...that's me alright.

I'm such a slut. :smallbiggrin:

The Extinguisher
2008-02-13, 09:57 PM
Just use he. It's perfectly valid when you don't know the gender.

Also, I may continue using this avatar after. It's one of my better ones.
So yay for more confusing?

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-14, 02:34 AM
What were people talking about on the Crushed Thread last year, sktarq? (I didn't honestly expect that nyone would have really gotten upset over it excluding me, and I just thought it was because I'm really neurotic). I tend to use "they" or "them" if they don't know the gender (admittedly, I'm good at remembering people's real genders anyway). I'd have to agree with Brickwall's advice as well if I'm being honest.

2008-02-14, 05:13 AM
Regarding Crush'd + Gender Bending Week: I do remember a few people expressing crushes for people based on their professed genders. I also remember that there was maybe one of those people who, once being corrected, did anything other than feel a bit embarassed and laugh it off. Personally, I'd be at least as flattered by a crush from a gay guy or straight woman as I would be by a straight guy or a gay woman :smallbiggrin:
Anyway, I would've thought that having a thread called "Gender Bender Week - 18th to 24th February" should be a bit of a givaway to all but the most unobservant people.

2008-02-14, 05:19 AM
Regarding Crush'd + Gender Bending Week: I do remember a few people expressing crushes for people based on their professed genders. I also remember that there was maybe one of those people who, once being corrected, did anything other than feel a bit embarassed and laugh it off. Personally, I'd be at least as flattered by a crush from a gay guy or straight woman as I would be by a straight guy or a gay woman :smallbiggrin:
Anyway, I would've thought that having a thread called "Gender Bender Week - 18th to 24th February" should be a bit of a givaway to all but the most unobservant people.

Everything my darling Serpy said. After all, I have a massive crush on her new male avatar, so I'm inclined to agree. :smallwink:

Overall, I just think people are overreacting a little over this. It's just till the end of February (or earlier), and since we don't have a Crush thread at the moment, it is less likely that newbies will make mistakes upon getting their little crushes. In fact, I think it's flattering to have someone beleive that you are of the gender you're temporarily emulating - it compliments both your roleplaying ability, your feminine intuition/manly... stuff, and is fun!

Also, what's Misstaken Idetity Week?

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-14, 05:53 AM
My idea behind having it announced in sigs is so that there's more chance of people who don't visit the Friendly Banter forum regularly seeing it. Here's the Mistaken Identity Week thread, which a friend found for me yesterday: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49943&highlight=Mistaken+Identity+week . My problem with trying to convince people that you are the opposite sex is down to the fact that I really hate lying (I like to be completely honest due to how it's so easy to lie over the internet).

2008-02-14, 10:49 AM
My idea behind having it announced in sigs is so that there's more chance of people who don't visit the Friendly Banter forum regularly seeing it. Here's the Mistaken Identity Week thread, which a friend found for me yesterday: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49943&highlight=Mistaken+Identity+week . My problem with trying to convince people that you are the opposite sex id down to the fact that I really ate lying (I like to be completely honest due to how it's so easy to lie over the internet).

Seeing as the entire POINT of GB Week is to mess with people's heads (and thus, I'm participating), I can't see why you're GB-ing but attempting not to do so. The only other reason you'd be participating is if you got your kinks from that sort of thing.


Here you go Tempest, proof that we'll still love you when you come out of the closet: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62225

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-14, 10:52 AM
What was that comment supposed to mean? Being as I'm not taking part in it, I fail to see what that comment has to do with anything.

2008-02-15, 02:55 AM
I think that it is probably wrong to have fun at a serious other peoples' expense, but watching a little harmless confusion is probably not too serious. Although it makes people feel like idiots, we live and recover, and I can guarantee we've all felt like idiots at time to time.

2008-02-15, 07:51 AM
Props to Tempest Fennac for putting this thread up and helping newbies out.
Just genderbended avatars wouldn't be a problem, but I can very easily see people embarassing the hell out of themselves because they don't know that the forumite is actually a guy/girl.

It may be funny for you, but I know I'd be really embarassed if I called someone who was actually a guy a girl (or vice versa) even if it was GB week. It makes the place even stranger for newbies, unless they've been lurking for a while.
Still, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, just don't laugh at anyone for getting it wrong. :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-15, 08:49 AM
meh, when i was a pixie, i had a crush on someone with an avatrar of the other gender. When i found out, i was a little embarrased, but i just laughed it away. Silly stuff happens, and there's always some kind of "initiation trial" on large groups.

Seriously, i remember on the Dungeon Crawl INc. forums, when i accidently watched a Gb'ed version of the Archidruid...one of those where you only masterfully add hair..anf..you know...

it still haunts my dreams...when i have dreams, that is. :smalltongue:

2008-02-15, 09:03 AM
I can see how it causes confusion, but there are people who always play fast and lose with their genders on these forums, or any other for that matter. I don't really see it as a serios problem, certainly less so than Mistaken Identity week, I'd only just started posting regularly and must admit I got hopelessly confused, especially when there were several people going around with the same avatar :smalleek:

I'm not sure how much of a crush a new poster would be able to build up in a week, it's not a long time really. I've got my avatar ready for Monday, and I'm making the concession of noting it in my sig, though not because I believe the confusion will be bad enough to warrant it.

2008-02-15, 09:16 AM
I'll just say that I personally would feel insulted if someone had a crush on me and would feel bad if I turned out to have the wrong gender. I want people to like or dislike me for my personality, not for what bits I have and what not. But then, I am bisexual, so I really don't understand any of this.
And I will laugh at your expense if you feel bad about crushing on the wrong gender. You deserve no other.
But... meh, to each her or his own, I liked GB week because it confused me and made me think about people, and because I had to check out the You thread. Why should others not do this? Because they can't be bothered to do so? Then I'm sorry, but I have no pity for those who are too lazy to confirm their questions.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-15, 10:21 AM
The problems with relying on the Picture Thread are that not everyone is willing or able to post on there, and it can be next to impossible to find people on it (I've tried before, and the Search function has been useless). Also, what exactly were you refering to regarding an Archidruid, Malmagor Andrigal, and why should there be any sort of initiation on any messagbe board? Regarding Banjo's point about MI week, I fail to see how it's really a problem as long as you go with the usernames rather then avatars (I know people who change their avatars quite often, and it doesn't confuse me). Admittedly, I'll probably mention that in my sig if it happens again to help prevent confusion over it.

2008-02-15, 12:17 PM
well, there's always some kind of "initiation". but most of the times it's not necessarily a ritual.

and i also agree mostly with Banjo and CSk on the issue.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-15, 01:51 PM
I never noticed any sort of initiation on any of the forums I've ever been on (I just signed up, and then I started posting things). I'm sorry for not realising everyone's phots on the Picture Thread were indexed at the start (to be fair, how many newbies would notice that they are unless they had been told or they just decided to look through the thread from the start?).

2008-02-15, 02:51 PM
always some kind of "initiation trial" on large groups.

Not from what I've seen, I frequent several forums with quite a large community and there isn't really an initiation on any of them.

We should be trying to make newbs feel welcome, not making things awkward for them. Not everyone wants to run through dozens of pictures just to confirm the gender of forumites.

I'm not against GB week, we just shouldn't take the attitude "let newbs deal".

2008-02-15, 02:54 PM
I never noticed any sort of initiation on any of the forums I've ever been on (I just signed up, and then I started posting things). I'm sorry for not realising everyone's phots on the Picture Thread were indexed at the start (to be fair, how many newbies would notice that they are unless they had been told or they just decided to look through the thread from the start?).

If we're being fair, then we should probably also remember that people look at the first post of a thread to find out any critical information about the thread, so that they don't make any faux pas or totally misunderstand the purpose. Only people who don't know how to navigate forums would miss that easy way of understanding things.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-15, 02:56 PM
Good point. Admittedlty, there is a chance that some people won't notice the thread in question for some reason (I know that peole can be really unobservant).

2008-02-15, 02:59 PM
Good point. Admittedlty, there is a chance that some people won't notice the thread in question for some reason (I know that peole can be really unobservant).

Well, of course. I wouldn't know about it at all if I hadn't joined before it started. It's not very obvious.

Lordvader: Yeah, but if we tell them who's genderbending, it takes the fun out of things. We confuse other forumites, we might as well confuse newer ones too.

2008-02-15, 03:03 PM
Don't necessarily tell them who's genderbending, just don't giggle at their expense if they make a mistake. Odds are they're already embarrased enough. :smallwink:

2008-02-15, 03:07 PM
... :smallconfused:

I've read through this thread. Several times. I... don't understand why it has to exist.

There is a thread, titled "Gender Bender Week II. February 18-24". On the front page. If people need a warning, isn't that enough? Must we shout and scream "people are switching their genders! Beware! You, gentle pixie, are emotionally fragile, and must be protected from the horrible, tricky older members!"?

2008-02-15, 03:19 PM
Don't necessarily tell them who's genderbending, just don't giggle at their expense if they make a mistake. Odds are they're already embarrased enough. :smallwink:

But then how will they know they were wrong?

2008-02-15, 04:33 PM
But then how will they know they were wrong?

When GB week passes and "she" is suddenly a "he", or vice versa?

2008-02-15, 05:24 PM
Not from what I've seen, I frequent several forums with quite a large community and there isn't really an initiation on any of them.

We should be trying to make newbs feel welcome, not making things awkward for them. Not everyone wants to run through dozens of pictures just to confirm the gender of forumites.

I'm not against GB week, we just shouldn't take the attitude "let newbs deal".

ok, this has definately became a misunderstanding now. :smallsigh:

apparently your idea of initiation is different than mine, but i'm dropping the subject.

2008-02-15, 05:35 PM
When GB week passes and "she" is suddenly a "he", or vice versa?

Please count the number of GBers who are actually confining themselves to GB week? I happened to bring that up in the first page of the thread. Tempest said it was irrelevant then, but I have psychic powers. He could never have known I'd be using the fact later. Anyway, a good half of them take forever to switch back, and some of them never do. Try again.

2008-02-15, 07:37 PM
... :smallconfused:

I've read through this thread. Several times. I... don't understand why it has to exist.

There is a thread, titled "Gender Bender Week II. February 18-24". On the front page. If people need a warning, isn't that enough? Must we shout and scream "people are switching their genders! Beware! You, gentle pixie, are emotionally fragile, and must be protected from the horrible, tricky older members!"?

And yet members have switched their genders already.
On February 15th.

You see my point? :smallwink:

(Made largely redundant by Brickwall's post, but felt I should respond.)

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-16, 02:28 AM
Regarding PhoeKun's post, I started this thread to try and get other people to mention GB week in their sigs. If I'd have tried getting voulenters in the main GB thread, there's a chance that people who were taking part would have thought that I was flaming them, especially since it isn't really relevant to who's taking part in GB week, so I started another thread for the purpose of getting people to help with preventing cofusion. I see your point on the matter, Brickwall. I never said your point was irrelevant, though (I agreed with you while pointing out that starting early means that people get more use out of their avatars).

2008-02-16, 06:01 AM
Woah, Woah, Woah. You're against us using a week to come onto our own (or opposite) gender, make them fall wildly in love with us, then tell em it was all a joke? Guys like you are why I got fired from work (kidding).

The entire above post was meant in jest.
I am speaking a lie.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-16, 03:16 PM
I did guess that that was a joke (to be honest, I never expected that anyone would get crushes on anone based on their GB week avatar/gender icon change anyway).

2008-02-16, 03:18 PM
(to be honest, I never expected that anyone would get crushes on anone based on their GB week avatar/gender icon change anyway).

It happens.
Trust me.

2008-02-16, 10:06 PM
Woah, Woah, Woah. You're against us using a week to come onto our own (or opposite) gender, make them fall wildly in love with us, then tell em it was all a joke? Guys like you are why I got fired from work (kidding).

The entire above post was meant in jest.
I am speaking a lie.

First the cake, now this....what's a lie next?

@TF- I will place an informative bit in my sig when GB week officially starts, as I don't want to defeat the purpose of this thread by confusing newbies even more. :smallbiggrin:

Thanatos 51-50
2008-02-16, 10:23 PM
I'm NOT genderbent. Pay no attention to the YOU thread.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-17, 03:07 AM
Thanks, LordVader (I was intending to wait until today before putting the message in my sig, but I did it a couple of weeks ago because a lot of people had started early). Thanatos5150, please could you do us all a huge favour by putting a few ranks in Bluff?