View Full Version : Mana Potions!

2008-02-12, 10:56 AM
Woehoe! I want some of these:

Your very own mana potions! I wonder if they actually have any effect at all...

2008-02-12, 11:00 AM
"And today Gloria, the news tells us that over five-hundred-thousand gamers die of drinking fertiliser!"
"Well, that's just awful, Bob. Speaking as a mother, I hope that it wasn't some kind of hate-crime!"

@v: Yes, that is what I was referring to. I also saw that rant.

2008-02-12, 11:01 AM
..."Speaking as a mother"?
Is that a synonim for...
Wait, wait.
I'm not allowed to steal Bill Bailey rants.
Stupid new years resolution.:smallmad:

2008-02-12, 11:03 AM
Sounds about right... But 4 times as much as coffee? Horrific, that. I would hate to see little Timmy get his hands on those or we might have a sudden influx of cardiac arrest among minors....

The bottle is sorta nifty though...

2008-02-23, 11:55 PM
Ha ha ha! This is the kind of thing that gets little kids killed due to stress! Are they nuts selling this kind of stuff?!

Someone should seriously go over there and decapitate all the people who make that junk.

P.S I like the bottles though. :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-24, 01:14 AM
Woehoe! I want some of these:

Your very own mana potions! I wonder if they actually have any effect at all...
Yes they do.

Drinking one will give a boost that (depending one one's metabolism) will keep a person significantly more alert for about half an hour. Although afterwards a person will be more tired than if he did not take it at all. So, if you need to be alert during an hour-long exam, do not take those or take two - one just before, one halfway through.

Drinking several in close succession will make one's heartbeat rate go very high, cause very high blood pressure, etc...

Basically, those mana potions are pretty strong stimulants. THat means they have the same drawbacks:
- Overdose is dangerous.
- People build up tolerance, so effects get smaller and smaller every time.
- Can cause a person to crave for it. Like in coffe addiction (had withdrawal from that one), one has to either keep taking it or face reduced alertness for a few days (after which all is normal).

P.S. Taking those after playing warcraft for 40 hours straight would be more dangerous than, say, before taking test: 40-hour play is a stress on one's body already and compounding stress from stimulants on top of it is a bad idea.

2008-02-24, 03:28 AM
Yeah, those sound dangerously condensed. Fun idea, and fun marketing though. Hehe, mana potions.

Rare Pink Leech
2008-02-24, 11:07 AM
That stuff looks pretty gross. I do agree that the bottles are pretty nifty.

I showed this to my friend, and after talking about it a bit we came to the same conclusion that over people have: this stuff's dangerous. We're both not crazy about the idea of Red Bull in the first place, but these things are just beyond. The equivalent of two Red Bulls in that tiny bottle?! 160 mg of caffeine? I'm vaguely surprised this stuff's legal.

2008-02-24, 11:08 AM
I ordered some of these a while ago (more for the novelty, the shipping and tax is horrible). As both a gamer (of the PC and video variety) and a computer programmer I consume a lot of caffeine. I would like to point out;

They don't contain that much caffeine (about as much as 1.6 cups of coffee).
The LD50 of caffeine is 192 per kilogram of body mass. These drinks contain 160mg per bottle, so for an average 70kg person we're talking about drinking 84 bottles in one go. At $20 USD a 6 bottle case that would mean about $280 worth of drinks. Not to mention the fact that it has a half life within the body of about 3-5 hours so even if someone could afford to drink that many then they'de have to do it pretty quickly.
Caffeine isn't particularly addictive, and even in cases where people become dependant the amount you consume is irrelevant. What matters is when and how often (i.e. if you drink a cup of coffee in the morning to help wake you up you could be in trouble).

2008-02-24, 06:06 PM
My opinion on the subject is that sleep is the best substitute for caffeine and should be indulged in at every opportunity; I avoid consuming caffeinated beverages in order to stay awake and so would never purchase and drink the mana potions (tho the containers are pretty raw, I'd be willing to use one of those as an everyday drinking glass... :smalltongue: ).

2008-02-24, 06:08 PM
They're all cute and awesome until you realize that the bottle is bite-sized. Had it not been for that, I would've gotten one soloely for that.