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View Full Version : Saint Evans in Dungeons and Dragons

2008-02-13, 01:26 AM
How powerful would St Evans, from Breath of Fire II, be in Dungeons and Dragons? Bear in mind he has a global religion.

2008-02-13, 02:26 AM
On one hand, he's technically God and he can ruin your whole party, fast. On another, he goes down in one hit to the hero. On a third hand, he then reincarnates into a god that actually has survivability.

On the fourth hand (also explaining why you have so many hands)... the first three games should be retitled "an incarnation of Shiva explains why your religion is a misinterpretation of Hindi, and then kicks your god's ass", so you're another facet of the same god that he is, and in fact the destroyer who's supposed undo his work so that the screwed up world can begin anew. On the fifth hand, the world contines to get continually more screwed. On the sixth, comes far more complex philisophical ramblings I doubt anyone'd be interested in, because it's hard as hell to reconcile with the 4th game.

His human-ish form would be hard to describe, since it's a scripted battle, but I'd say "high level wizard, possibly with the saint template (Book O' Exalted Deeds, p184)" to make him almost magic immune- however, this also gives him fast healing (obscene), so he needs to be really squishy to go down.

As Deatheven, make him far more durable and far less deady. Some kind of massive monster, melee focused.

And, Hakubaru (the "Pope" of their religion) still goes down in 3 rounds (my party had Jean, too), and is out-of-battle about as deadly as St. Evans (and can still hurt you in battle, worse than Deatheven). I'd give him all 5 levels of Evangelist, otherwise just enough to get some decent magic & telepathy (cleric w/knowledge and something else?).