View Full Version : Ice cream

2008-02-14, 08:26 PM
Just had an absolute urge to post this.

What is everyone's favourite kind of ice cream? Gimme some original and exciting ways of enjoying this particular treat! There is a reason for this, believe me!

2008-02-14, 08:28 PM
Mango sorbet and vanilla, microwave slightly, then mix.

But, I'm weird.

2008-02-14, 08:30 PM
Neopolitan. Or any kind of sherbert. The best way is simply to eat it from the container.

Mauve Shirt
2008-02-14, 08:32 PM
Rocky Road. Though Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream is also delicious. And Lee's downtown makes the BEST maple walnut ice cream, that is without a doubt my favorite flavor EVER.

2008-02-14, 08:33 PM
Vanilla soft serve, microwaved until it is a liquid. Drink it, and know what God and His angels have with their Heavenly meals.

2008-02-14, 08:35 PM
I really like cookie dough or toffy/caramel flavoured ice cream.

I used to make milkshakes out of ice cream by getting some scoops of any ice cream and some milk and just whizzing it through a blender for 30 seconds. Serve it up in a glass with a straw and prepare for brain freeze! :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-14, 08:47 PM
Ive always loved tiger. But lately Ive been having a mint chocolate chip craving.

2008-02-14, 09:00 PM
Straight up vanilla, slice some banana and lightly sprinkle with chocolate sauce.

Or put that mix in a blender along with some milk, replace chocolate sauce with powder for a smoothie.

2008-02-14, 09:01 PM
Chocolate chip cookie dough used to be my favorite, but now I can't eat almost any cookie doughs anymore due to dietary issues. Now, I'd have to say my favorite is Take the Cake, a special American Idol flavor produced by Dreyers. It has real frosting and sprinkles, and is made of sheer win.
The classics, especially vanilla and chocolate chip, also rank high up there.

Midnight Son
2008-02-14, 09:06 PM
Hagen Daas Dulce De Leche and Cinnamon.

Their Vanilla with chocolate covered almonds is really good, too.

*raids the freezer*

2008-02-14, 09:07 PM
Cookie Dough! Or cookies and Cream. Possibly even Tortoise or Tin roof if I feel experimental.

2008-02-14, 09:15 PM
Plain vanilla ice cream. Either in a bowl, or in a waffle cone.

Alternatively, a Nutty Buddy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutty_Buddy).

I'm not that exciting. :smallredface:

2008-02-14, 09:35 PM
heh, chocolate Factory's doubledare flavor of the month about 2 years ago, i have never seen it since then, but it is either the coolest flavor, the most original one, or the most disgusting.:smallbiggrin:

Garlic. It was ice cream that tasted garlicky and had frozen chunks of garlic in it. It was the best i have ever tasted :smallbiggrin: . I reeked of garlic for days after that, so i went vampire hunting :smallamused:

2008-02-14, 09:50 PM
black cherry and black raspberry
there is only 1 little place i can find it, but man is it good. :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-14, 10:15 PM
Cake Batter.

Hands down.

2008-02-14, 10:22 PM
Rocky road. The more "stuff" in my ice cream, the better.

2008-02-14, 10:36 PM
Vanilla ftw. It's the original one for a reason.:smallwink:

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough comes a close second.

2008-02-14, 10:36 PM
Any variation on Moose Tracks (http://www.moosetracks.com/flavors/detail/12), but especially Bear Claw (http://www.moosetracks.com/flavors/detail/23). It has the added advantage of making you feel like you're off doing something rugged and manly in a forest instead of sitting around eating ice cream.

Jack Squat
2008-02-14, 10:49 PM
It's much easier for me to post the ice creams I don't like as much than the one that I would deem "favorites," so here goes my "I'll still eat it, but not buy it" list.

Vanilla - (yes, it's a classic, but I'd rather have something with taste. An exception is if it's used to accent something, such as being on top of a brownie, pie, etc, or in a float.
Coffee - I like coffee...but why would I need an ice cream version of it when I can just brew a cup?
Life Saver - same as above, if I wanted Life Savers, I'd buy a pack of Life Savers. Maybe if it was a little less creamy, and tasted a little more like a life saver melting away in your mouth, I'd like it; but that's not the case.
Anything with banana or coconut in it. This stems from the fact that I don't like these fruits, so I shouldn't really be expected to eat an ice cream based off of them.

I think that's about it...I haven't had every ice cream out there, but I'm on my way to getting a good chunk of the different types of flavors.

Thubby, where are you? I know a place that sells really good Black Rasberry Chip and Black Cherry, but they're kinda area specific; and shipping might be a little steep if you're not around there, but for special occasions, it's well worht the money.

2008-02-14, 11:09 PM
I love Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. I especially enjoy eating it when I'm outside in the winter with sub-zero temperatures. I love the looks that people give me when I walk outside with my thick jacket, mitts, and scarf on and I'm eating ice cream at the bus stop. :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-14, 11:18 PM
black cherry and black raspberry
there is only 1 little place i can find it, but man is it good. :smallbiggrin:

You...we must have ice cream together.

What he said, essentially, but with capital letters. Berry flavours that aren't strawberry always score big with me. Some sort of blackberry and raspberry mix would be ideal, but so far I think that only exists in my imagination.

Near my grandparents' up north, there's this place in Minden, Ontario that sells the best ice cream on the planet (yes, that includes you, Laura Secord).

Admiral Squish
2008-02-14, 11:47 PM
Favorite ever? Ben & Jerry's Half Baked. Chocolate brownie + cookie dough? I wish I could spell the sound I'm moaning at the mere thought.

I once ate three half-gallon tubs of ice cream in a week, by myself. I am a sick man.

Also, drown it in hot fudge, whipped cream, and caramel.

The Unborne
2008-02-14, 11:52 PM
Mmmm some good choices here...My personal favorite is the Crazy Cow or something like that. Large scoop of banana, large scoop of strawberry, add some real chopped-up strawberries to the mix, and finish it off with macadamia nuts.

Other favorites are those mountain loads of icecream...I can feel the arteries clogging already.

2008-02-14, 11:59 PM
Mmm, ice cream. I am an ice cream addict.

Midnight Son mentioned Haagen Dazs Dulce de Leche. I couldn't agree more. Actually, pretty much anything from Haagen Dazs is delicious, but Dulce de Leche is my personal favorite. When I was a kid, there was a store near where I lived that sold Haagen Dazs by the scoop. Sadly, they closed it down to expand the sandwich shop next door. Lucky for them, they make really good sandwiches, so eventually I forgave them.

There is a local place here that makes a wild Alaskan blueberry ice cream. It is sooo good. Sadly, they are closed for the winter. Yet another reason to long for spring, I guess.

Another favorite of mine is green tea ice cream. It sounds a little weird, but it is absolutely wonderful. If you can find any, I heartily recommend it.

And of course, plain old chocolate is always good.

Ego Slayer
2008-02-15, 12:31 AM
I love Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. I especially enjoy eating it when I'm playing scrabble outside in the winter with sub-zero temperatures.
Fixed for ya. :smallamused:

Roland St. Jude
2008-02-15, 12:44 AM
Cake Batter.

Hands down.


Also, chocolate chip, real vanilla, black cherry, and blue moon.

2008-02-15, 12:45 AM
Fixed for ya. :smallamused:

Hehe. That was a barrel of fun, that was. :smallbiggrin:
Sadly, not enough weird looks eating Scrabble indoors. :smallamused:

* looks at clock *
* realises that he should be asleep right now *
* goes to sleep *

2008-02-15, 12:48 AM
Strawberry Cheesecake
Its awsome.
But I also really like choclate chip cookiedough!

2008-02-15, 05:13 AM
Home-made vanilla or raspberry is the way to go in my opinion.

Emperor Ing
2008-02-15, 05:34 AM
Straught up Chocolate. Add Chocolate syrup, and mix with your spoon while its in the bowl till it turns milk shakey


profit! :smallcool:

2008-02-15, 05:36 AM
Chocolate-chip cookie dough and mint choc-chip are favourites of mine.

Another slightly starnger one that I love is Chocolate Golden Medallion; chocolate and vanilla ice cream with caramel running through it.....I need some right now!

2008-02-15, 07:31 AM
Vanilla + crunchy dill pickles.

Or.. I have an urge to try either chocolate, moose tracks, or vanilla with barbecue sauce now.

I need to get over this barbecue craving :smalleek:

Actually, now vanilla ice cream + honey mustard + barbecue sounds good....

Doc Leech
2008-02-15, 10:16 AM
wow, that's one hell of a combo... it's right up there with my little sister's 2 year long obsession with milk + ketchup.

anyway, french vanilla for me. no toppings other than some gummy bears. they get all cold and rock hard, freakin perfect! i like my food potentially damaging.

2008-02-15, 11:13 AM
Maggie Moo's Peanut Butter is quite tasty, add some butterfinger and it's great stuff. I don't generally do plain ice cream, usually I get butterfinger Blizzards at DQ to satisfy my ice cream cravings.

2008-02-15, 12:20 PM
:smallannoyed: Now I want some and the Co-op sells sucky stuff or ice cream I can't afford.

Lidls sold Cherry Garcia ice cream a long time ago. It was so tangy sweet and gorgeous and the tub was so little. This was when I was ten.
Seven years (close enough) down the line and I haven't found another tub.:smallfrown:

I tried Ben&Jerry's cookie dough ice cream a while ago and it was nice. But my favourite is one of my own concoction:

Down the street is Jelberts. A gorgeous ice cream shop that sells only homemade vanilla ice cream with real cream.
Get a large tub of that. Buy two 25p flakes and one packet of white buttons; one of milk choc button and then a pack of (can't remember the name) those sour sweets sold by 'Willy WOnka'. Sour orange and strawberry I believe.
Crumble/mix them all in. Wait one minute.


2008-02-15, 12:43 PM
For hot summer days: large soft-serve strawberry ice cream cone dipped in chocolate. (I do prefer a large chocolate frozen custard cone dipped in chocolate, but that's not technically ice cream).

For standard eating: a bowl of Cherry Garcia.

Lord Herman
2008-02-15, 01:26 PM
Mmmm, ice cream...

Let's see... I love pistachio. I also like caramel ice cream, preferably with big chunks of caramel. And mint with chocolate chips.

2008-02-15, 01:37 PM
Strawberry Cheesecake
Its awsome.
But I also really like choclate chip cookiedough!

Strawberry Cheesecake icecream is awesome.

As for other flavors-
Moose Tracks is good, I found this really weird Birthday Cake ice cream which was pretty tasty (if odd).
Those are the 'somewhat odd' ones I like, anyways.

2008-02-15, 04:00 PM
Mint Chocolate Chip is my all-time favorite, with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough being a close second.

2008-02-15, 05:17 PM
I like toffee fudge ice cream, with chunks of fudge.

And that's British fudge, not American fudge. Your fudge is just chocolate syrup, more or less. Ours is... fudge. I don't even think you have an equivalent confectionary, or at least if you do I haven't the faintest idea what it is.

I also really like ginger ice cream.

2008-02-15, 05:54 PM
Butter Pecan and anything that has cookie dough in it

2008-02-15, 06:09 PM
Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby

2008-02-15, 10:50 PM
Vanilla milkshakes for the WIN!!!:smallbiggrin:
My recipe is: Take Haagen Dazs vanilla ice cream, put in blender. While blending, add vanilla extract and vanilla beans. Drink. Stare at the pretty colours...:smallamused:

2008-02-15, 11:24 PM
Coldstone cheesecake ice cream with graham cracker crumbs and chocolate shavings.

2008-02-15, 11:27 PM
plain Maracuya (i think Passion fruit is the correct translation). the taste is sweet enough to get you happy, and it's sour enough to get you thristy. :smalltongue:

2008-02-16, 03:23 AM
Chocolate-chocolate chip. With mashed potato.

2008-02-19, 09:36 AM
Mint chocolate chip.


I don't have nearly enough ice-cream.

Phae Nymna
2008-02-19, 10:38 PM
Ice Cream: Peppermint, B&J's Half-Baked
Sorbet: Mango, Raspberry
Sherbert: Orange, Lime
Gelato: Anise, Lemon Curd

Yeah, I'm weird.

2008-02-20, 01:35 PM
Strawberry for the win. I do love strawberries. :smallbiggrin:

Good mint chocolate chip comes in a close second.

Mad Scientist
2008-02-21, 11:05 PM
As far as commercial brands, I love Ben and Jerry's oatmeal cookie. Fantastic!
I wish I still lived near the local icecream shop in my college town. They had the most amazing lemon flavored icecream. Plus, you could order the "inner child" where you got 2 little scoops - one each of two flavors - instead of a large scoop of 1 flavor.