View Full Version : If you could have dinner with any three *fictional* people ...

H. Zee
2008-02-15, 04:01 PM
...Who would you choose?

Yeah, the title pretty much says it all. I posted in the regular 'If you could have dinner with any three people ...' thread and while I was there I saw there were a lot of replies bemoaning the fact that you weren't allowed to select fictional people to have dinner with.

Well, I made this thread for that specific purpose. Fictional people only, and specify which book/film/comic/TV show they originate from. Assume, for the purposes of this thread, that they can fluently speak your language.


Personally, my 3 would be:

1) Harry Dresden from The Dresden Files (book series). He just seems like a really nice guy, and he could do magic tricks for me and provide pithy witticisms. :smallsmile:

2) Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender (TV show). Because he's awesome, and I think him and Dresden would get on really well (similiar sense of humour).

3) Hiro Nakamura from Heroes (TV show). We could discuss nerdy topics, and then he could stop time for me!

So yeah, those are my choices. What are yours?

Doc Leech
2008-02-15, 04:10 PM
derek zoolander
the mule

all at once... might be interesting! :smallsmile:

(edit: sorry, these are from: zoolander, futurama, foundation books)

2008-02-15, 04:13 PM
Hmm... I'm trying to think would would be the best conversation compared to who are the 3 most badass people I'd like to eat dinner with.

One set I think would be Kahlan, Cara, and Nicci from the Sword of Truth series. All intelligent, beautiful, and witty. Totally a win win win situation for me!

Otherwise, I think Lucifer (Paradise Lost), one of the Atreides (Paul, Leto II, Vorian) and Optimus Prime.

2008-02-15, 04:14 PM
1. Sabra, from Marvel Comics. She has had an interesting life, and has controversial views, so the conversation would be lively. She can also grant people super-powers, which'd be a nice parting gift.

2. Patrick Chase-Newman, from the Rotter's Club series, by Jonathan Coe, as he is supposedly very thoughtful, delicate and handsome.

3. Tara Maclay, from Buffy. She's so kind, sweet, and I've always felt such an affinity for her. :smallsmile:

2008-02-15, 04:21 PM
Santa Claus
Easter Bunny
Tooth Fairy


If we are bringing in fictional, I would probably choose three characters that could in turn make me fictional.
Any character that could grant me something that is otherwise impossible. I have yet to decide what characters to look in to for that though...

2008-02-15, 04:30 PM
Willy Loman
Donnie Darko
Greg the Bunny

Just to see what would happen.

2008-02-15, 04:54 PM
and either River Tam or Black Mage from 8 bit

That would be a very interesting dinner... and by dinner i mean slaughter

2008-02-15, 05:16 PM
Buffy, the BuffyBot, and Spike.

2008-02-15, 05:16 PM
1. Rogue. Like my first choice with the real people, because I love her so much.
2. Sora. I think that me and him could get on just fine. Plus, it seems mighty hard to be sad when he's around. He'd be a sort of natural anti-depressent.
3. 2-D. I think that would be pretty cool. Then maybe he can take me along next time he and the band jam.

2008-02-15, 05:20 PM
Vincent Valentine ~ FF7
Legolas ~ Lord of the rings
Gambit ~ X-men

2008-02-15, 05:29 PM
Lex Luthor
Grand Admiral Thrawn

2008-02-15, 06:28 PM
1. Ender, Enders Game. Only when he was about my age. Otherwise, I don't think I'd care too much.

2. Johnny, The Outsiders. He's so completely quiet and introspective, I may just have to fall in love with him. :smallwink:

Can't think of anyone else. Could I meet my own character?? He'd be the first person who would ever come even close to understanding my mind in the slightest.

2008-02-15, 06:36 PM
House, (from the tv serie) becouse of his supernatural skill at insult and sarcasm.
grany weatherwax (from varous pratchet books) "she who would rule the witches if they had a ruler, but grany says they dont, so they dont"
and kaylee from firefly, her power of positive thinking would bring the above two into an entire new realm.

2008-02-15, 06:52 PM
Dr Mckay from the stargate atlantis series, because it would be funny
like the above kaylee from firefly for the same reason, (curse you for getting there first!!!! hehe)
A Warforged from the Ebberon campaign setting, just to see what it would do

2008-02-15, 06:59 PM
Skeeve, from the Myth-Adventures series by Robert Asprin

Jack Sparrow, from Pirates of the Carribean

Jacob Black, from the Twilight series.

2008-02-15, 07:27 PM
The Doctor from Doctor Who

Dr. Doom, providing that he can't hurt me, of course. :/

and The Presence, from DC Comics....

Raiser Blade
2008-02-15, 08:44 PM
Hobbes (He would be my new best friend)
Optimus Prime
Silver Surfer

Vespe Ratavo
2008-02-15, 08:50 PM
Shadow, from Sonic the Hedgehog
GlaDOS from Portal
And....do semi-fictional characters count? Like the author proxy of a real person...if so, Jen Irwin (http://www.rotfw.fireball20xl.com/). If not, Lynch from Kane and Lynch: Dead Men.

Yes, I am a total geek, why do you ask? :smalltongue:

Man, I can totally imagine the conversation.

GlaDOS: Mr. Lynch, would you like some cake?
Lynch: *pulls out a shotgun* I AM FILLED WITH GENERIC RAGE. *starts shooting*
Shadow: AS AM I GOOD SIR. *also starts shooting*
GlaDOS: *sigh*
Me: *^.^*

2008-02-15, 08:51 PM
Harry Dresden - Totally stealing that, he would be awesome/
Spider Man - Funny, I think we'd get along pretty well.
Santa Claus - How does he do all that? Plus Spidey and Dresden could use a couple christmas miracles.

Vespe Ratavo
2008-02-15, 08:53 PM
Santa Claus - How does he do all that?

Santa Claus is fictional? :smallfrown:


2008-02-15, 08:54 PM
Only three? I don't think I can limit the list that much... :smallwink:

2008-02-15, 08:54 PM
Gimli, son of Gloin

Ash Ketchum


2008-02-15, 08:55 PM
Santa Claus is fictional? :smallfrown:


Well uh err.....

Look out behind you!

2008-02-15, 08:58 PM
Raistilin Majere

Frank Sonatra

Master Chief

2008-02-15, 09:08 PM
@Quinsar: Master Chef > Master Cheif (Sorry, I have to say that everytime I see his name, or I'll lose $20:smalltongue: Even though I am being serious.)


1. GLaDOS- The cake is a lie!:smallbiggrin:

2. Red Mage (Ryan) Sosa- Who inspired my own Red Mageness.

3. Volug- From Fire-Emblem, if people would just notice you can take off that Wild Heart skill at chapter 3 when it's not needed anymore... They figure out he is t3h pWn4AR:smalltongue:

2008-02-15, 09:13 PM
Tifa - Final fantasy character...and shes hot...and stuff... >_> <_< >_>
My mirror clone - because I wanna meet the exact opposite of myself. Since its my exact opposite, I bet it'll be a girl. Maybe she'll be hawt! lol...
Cthulhu - FUN AT PARTIES!:smallbiggrin:

seriously, guys... XD

2008-02-15, 09:14 PM
ooh! thanks for reminding me of my FE!

from Fire Emblem, id pick Mia to teach me how to swordfight

along with Jack Ryan from Tom Clancy

and Lethe from Fire Emblem

id talk with jack ryan about physics and see if Lethe would get fried... :smallwink: :smallbiggrin: :smalltongue:

2008-02-15, 09:18 PM
Richard Sharpe from the Sharpe Series.


Xander form Buufy the Vampire Slayer.

2008-02-15, 09:27 PM
I think, (thanks for reminding me of Fire Emblem by the way)

Link, for the legend of Zelda
Zihark, Fire emblem
and, Mario, from, you know, Mario?

2008-02-15, 09:30 PM
Oh... If we could have four people....

4. Karel- From Fire Emblem 7 (The first in english) even though he's a bit... Well... Just look at his support conversations link. (http://serenesforest.net/fe7/support/index.html)
He is near the bottom.

((If any of you like Fire Emblem lots... I like ranting about it if anyone likes to talk about it via PM... K, shutting up now.))

2008-02-15, 09:32 PM
Mayor McCheese, PacMan, and Captain Crunch

2008-02-15, 09:32 PM
((yeah sure, rant to me, I'm afraid I only have radiant dawn though..))

If we did go with 4,
:elan: , just, cuz.

2008-02-15, 09:51 PM
Gromph Baerne- Drow Archmage
Finbarr Galedeep- Sea otter warrior
Tyler Durden- Fight Club/ Project Mayhem leader

The real question is how soon until a fight breaks out. I'm saying within about 40 seconds.

2008-02-15, 10:16 PM
Any three people? Let's see...

Gilbert Grissom, CSI
Ciaphas Cain, WH40k
Ryu Hayabusa, Ninja Gaiden

2008-02-15, 10:22 PM
Jack Sparrow
CHIEF Inspector Clousou (Sp?)

Eksar Lindisfar
2008-02-15, 10:35 PM
I'm more classical

Master Yoda, Gandalf the White, and Pippin Took

2008-02-15, 11:54 PM
Susan Calvin, R. Daneel Olivaw and Hari Seldon.


Ed Elric, Spike Spiegel and Sousuke Sagara


Kona-chan, Osaka and Mikuru-chan


Link and Sora


Yoda, Dohko and Miyagi-san

Edit: I forgot:

Indiana Jones, Han Solo and Richard Kimble


Mike Corleone, Col. Frank Slade and Tony Montana

2008-02-16, 12:16 AM
The Doctor, from Doctor Who.

Bob the Skull, from The Dresden Files.

Macgyver, from Macgyver.

2008-02-16, 12:48 AM
For my first set: Darth Vader, King Arthur, and Sora (KH)(coolest fighters)

Second: Tifa Lockheart (FF7), Katara (Avatar), and Judy Nails (Guitar Hero games, especially 3) (Because they're all smokin hot!)

Third: Samuel Vimes, Death, and Havelock Vetinari (my favorite discworlders, but if I could have four, i'd pick Esmerelda Weatherwax because she rocks!)

Fourth: Sergeant Detritus (discworld), Yoda, and Sephiroth(FF7) (for sheer bad-*^%ery)

And Fifth: Iko, Carl, and Tiera (some of my own characters, and I've wondered for some time if I'd get along with Carl.)

Finn Solomon
2008-02-16, 12:48 AM
Oh, that's an easy one. Lord Vetinari, for engrossing discussions on politics, Ankh-Morpork and the arts. Death of the Endless, because she's so sweet and warm and a conversation with her will be delightful. And Rorschach, because he deserves a good meal and the prospect of watching him actually match wits with Vetinari in a heated debate while reacting totally awkwardly to Death's kindness would be awesome.

2008-02-16, 05:01 AM
Lord Vetinari
Factol Rhys of the Transcendent Order (Planescape reference)
The Scarlet Empress (from Exalted)

That should make for some interesting conversation.

2008-02-16, 05:23 AM
Opera Vectra from Star Ocean 3
Chun Li

2008-02-16, 05:39 AM
Nymphadora Tonks, Fleur Delacour and Albus Dumbledore(all on different dinners though), from Harry Potter.

I mean being able to change your body at will, Veela, all mighty spellcaster!

Or, Link, Zora, Zelda, from Zelda....

Or Q... and uhm..... Q and the other Q..... From startrek and whatever else they are in...(And not the Q from this forum)

2008-02-16, 08:35 AM
I would have to say:

Matthew from Fire Emblem- because he was really really complex

Hawkeye from Ultimates- he is the most awesome comic book character I've found in Marvel

Leon from The Professional- If you've seen the movie, you know why

I'm da Rogue!
2008-02-16, 11:06 AM
1. Sephiroth, FF VII. *sigh* He's evil and I love him.
2. Arya Stark from "A Song of Ice and Fire". She rocks.

3. V from "V for Vendetta". There's much I'd like to discuss with the guy.

2008-02-16, 11:19 AM
The God-Emperor of Man. First, to fulfill my neardy dreams. Second, to talk with the friggin' God-Emperor of Man! In his walking and talking state, of course.

Samuel Vimes. I always loved him the most of all the Discworld personel.

Elminster. I want to know the trick he does with the women. And, by the way, Elminster!


Cthulhu + H.P. Lovecraft + Gregor Eisenhorn

2008-02-16, 11:33 AM
Gonna have to steal Hobbes. Nothing like a batch of fuzz therapy. Inigo Montoya and Jarlaxle Baenre.

2008-02-16, 12:02 PM
Eddard Stark, Jaime Lannister and Renly Baratheon
So I could warn them all to bloody well stab Cersei in the face.

Alternately, Bob the Skull (Dresden Files), Carmine the Bowler (Mystery Men) and the Eye of Fear and Flames, post-decapitation, just for the novelty of eating dinner with a CN, CG and CE set of dead talking heads /air spirits

Maybe also Dr. House, Dr. Cox and Dr. Tam... and hopefully someone at the next table is violently ill.

Seriously, though, I'd be happy to sit down and eat with most of my characters from D&D games (except Mandible Bones. That guy is a jerk and would probably stiff me with the check. Frakking pirates). Hmm. Yes, I think sitting down with Meia, Ailil and Rook would be rather fun.

2008-02-16, 03:30 PM
Actually, I want to change mine, from Zihark, to LORD CHAOS!!! (E-cookie to whoever tells me correctly what he's from)

2008-02-16, 03:32 PM
Cthulhu + H.P. Lovecraft + Gregor Eisenhorn

Why not have the three be:
1. Hastur
2. Hastur
3. Hastur
? :smallamused:

Darth Mario
2008-02-16, 03:53 PM
1. Colonel Jack O'Neil, Stargate SG-1.
2. The Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who.
3. Sayid Hassan Jarrah, Lost.

Needless to say, the combination of the Doctor and Jack alone would be... interesting, maybe too much so, as the only thing they have in common is a sense of humor, especially given this Doctor's ability to technobabble like there's no tomorrow and Jack's need for straightforward answers. Sayid is a middle ground for both.

Zombie pixe
2008-02-16, 04:59 PM
1. Tyler Durden (for obvious reasons)

2. Rincewind (hes my hero)

3. the emperor (from warhammer)


2008-02-16, 05:21 PM
I'd invite the three most thorough pains in the patoot from my old war-game's forums, set the table in medieval style with plenty of sharp knives on a sturdy table, introduce a topic of dissension, hide beneath said table until there was only one, and then stick a utensil in his eye a la Pirates of the Caribbean. Jerks.

Alternately, I'd lay in a supply of chocolate and booze, then get the high priestesses: Wench as a devotee of Cybele, Tzimfemme (the nekkid) as a devotee of Baubo, and (the frankly terrifying) Kali Morgane. Lock up your sons and fathers, if you think they can't destroy locks.

Archonic Energy
2008-02-16, 06:26 PM
the mule

Hari Seldon

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-02-16, 09:22 PM
Dural and Magneto, just to see what would happen. And then Captain Picard for the conversation.

Em Blackleaf
2008-02-17, 12:35 AM
1. Don Konaji (from Bleach)
2. Toki Wartooth (from Dethklok)
3. Optimus Prime

That would be the most awesome meal EVAR!

2008-02-17, 01:30 AM
I reckon Voldemort, Sepiroth and Godzilla would make a mad party.

2008-02-18, 12:38 AM
Nintendo's Mario. We'd probably have Lasagna. :smallbiggrin: Even if I wouldn't be able to understand a thing he's saying.

Kasuga "Osaka" Ayumu, from Azumanga Daioh. I'd probably tell her I love her or something. XD

*saves last one*

I don't know who the third one would be. :smalltongue:

Hell Puppi
2008-02-18, 12:55 AM
Jack Sparrow
Tyler Durdan
V from v for vendetta

...and me into that mix and something is going to be drank and blowed up (yes I know 'blowed' isn't a word, spell checker, I still like it).

Now I feel like I'm missing a party by NOT getting these guys together :smallannoyed:

2008-02-18, 04:17 AM
1. The Boss (Metal Gear Solid 3) - I bet that would be an interesting talk on politics.

2. Jon Snow (A Song of Ice and Fire) - I'm only 600 pages into book 1, but he seems like a truly intriguing character.

3. Adrian Cronauer (Good Morning, Vietnam) - Funny, and intellegent, and an all-around honest guy.

Naturally there are a tonne more, and probably even some better ones, but those were the first three to pop into my head.

2008-02-18, 05:21 AM
Kirk, Spock, McCoy.

I was originally going to go with just Spock, choosing the other two from other fiction, but they're just more fun when they're together.

Alternatively: Char Aznable, Amuro Ray, Lalah Sune... because the results would be fun to watch.

2008-02-18, 07:25 PM
hmm... Willy Wonka, Bilbo Baggins and The Goblin King Jarreth

2008-02-18, 07:26 PM
V (as in, "For Vendetta"), Death (as in, one of the seven endless (she's the best conversationalist you must admit)) and myself.

2008-02-18, 07:38 PM
You're still back!
Let's see. Another vote here for V, Rincwind, and, of course, D'Anna Biers.

2008-02-18, 08:08 PM
1. Pun Pun
2. Chuck Norris
3. God

I wouldn't be surprised if only one person/entity showed up :smalltongue:

2008-02-18, 08:10 PM
I think I would take

This one:


This one:


And this one:


-all out on the same night and try to seduce them all simultaneously.

(That's an Imperial Canoness, Astral Deva, and Arthas Menethil, by the way)

Afterwards, we'd take over the world together.