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View Full Version : Planescape - Sigil information

2008-02-17, 05:19 PM
I'm looking for a comprehensive guide to the city of Sigil, anybody know where I can find one? Preferably on the less-expensive end if at all possible.

2008-02-17, 05:22 PM
The Planar Handbook has some good stuff on Sigil, including it's "city stats", a configure-map of the city itself, descriptions of its areas, a history, and even a statted out character if I remember correctly.

2008-02-17, 05:24 PM
The Planar Handbook has some good stuff on Sigil, including it's "city stats", a configure-map of the city itself, descriptions of its areas, a history, and even a statted out character if I remember correctly.

Is this the 3.5 one? I have the old 3.0 one but it's not terribly forthcoming in information.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-02-17, 05:25 PM
This (http://www.planewalker.com/) is excellent on the subject.

2008-02-17, 05:28 PM
Sorry, the Planar Handbook is the 3.5 edition one. It is really nice if you have players who want Planar flavor though, lots of feats, classes, and equipment.

Planar Touchstones are cool too, special powers that you trade for a feat, but to recharge them, you have to earn them through combat and some sort of cool sidequest.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-02-17, 05:37 PM
Of course, those describe the city itself. To get to knwo the inhabitants, I'd play Planescape Torment.

2008-02-17, 07:55 PM
"In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil" is an AD&D supplement for Planescape. Sounds exactly like what you are looking for. Good luck to find it. I bet it won't be cheap on Ebay.

But I also recommend to take a look at www.planewalker.com.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-02-17, 08:29 PM
Ninja'd you by 2.5 hr, Amiria. :smalltongue:

2008-02-18, 04:10 AM
Ninja'd you by 2.5 hr, Amiria. :smalltongue:

:smallconfused: Only on the link, and I saw that. That's why I used "but" and especially "also" in that sentence.