View Full Version : Runescape Legend

2008-02-17, 11:46 PM
Does anyone here who plays Runescape remember Durial321 and 6/06/06? If you do, discuss.

2008-02-20, 05:23 AM

He was a kid with no self-control, who took advantage of a bug in a newly-introduced piece of content to grab the gear of people who were not in the Wilderness, and had every reason to believe they were safe from high-levelled player killers.

Some of those items were rares, which thereafter left the game for good when he was given a (richly deserved) permanent ban.

Lauding him to the skies is absolutely inappropriate in my opinion: if he deserves any reputation, it's in an all-time Hall of Shame, not a Hall of Fame.

Any rational person would have thought, "Gosh, I can attack people outside the Wilderness! It must be a bug. I'd better not use it to kill anyone, in case I lose this high-levelled account and can never play on it again."

Which did indeed happen, and served him right too.

2008-02-20, 08:01 AM
I think Theoldnite should be honored aswell. 2nd best player in the game for a really long time. He died from cancer bout the time construction came out :smallfrown:

2008-02-21, 02:22 AM
The Old Nite I would not presume to speak badly of - not only because he is (assuming the rumour is correct, and I have no reason to think it's not) indeed no longer with us, but also because of the many stories of his kindness that came to light after his (assumed) death was made known.

If a Legend is to be named, let's name him instead of, not as well as, the self-absorbed perpetrator of the Falador Massacre.

2008-02-21, 10:45 AM
Its not really a legend. And I also agree that it was a stupid thing to do. How could he have not seen it coming that he would get banned for it. btw I was there whenever it happened He fortunately didn't kill me though.

EDIT: How did anyone find out he had passed away? Are people just guessing cause he stopped playing all the sudden, and they knew he had cancer?

2008-02-28, 04:38 PM
The point of durial321 is not whether he was a hero, but rather how he became infamous. I would imagine that tons of people, if they found out about Durial321, would want to be in his shoes. Can you imagine what wealth you would receive killing random people and taking their stuff? Granted, the person being owned could not fight back and was probably ticked off, but that is not the point of the legend of Durial321, rather that everyone wishes they did that.
Yay my sixth post!:smallsmile:

2008-02-28, 07:57 PM
Then "everyone" has their head on backwards. He got a permanent ban. He took a whole lot of stuff from other people which he then had no chance to use or otherwise benefit from afterwards, making the whole crime completely pointless.

2008-02-28, 11:22 PM
Then "everyone" has their head on backwards. He got a permanent ban. He took a whole lot of stuff from other people which he then had no chance to use or otherwise benefit from afterwards, making the whole crime completely pointless.

I wouldn't say it was pointless - it was probably a lot of fun, heh. And he's built up quite a reputation for himself (to the point where people call him a "Legend"), so that's quite an accomplishment.

2008-02-29, 10:51 AM
I can think of other far more "accomplished" people in history. I'm cool with my anonymity. :smallbiggrin: