View Full Version : Going to the movies tomorrow - which should I watch?

2008-02-18, 11:46 AM
Pretty straight-forward. I'm going to the movies tomorrow afternoon, and I have some options of which to choose from. They're not the best there are, but hey, it's an hour long bus drive to get there, and there aren't many buses going out in the evening. I watch what I can.

These are my options. Which should I watch?

National Treasure: Book of Secrets
The Golden Compass
Asterix at the Olympic games
Dark Floors

Those are the options I'm considering. At the moment I'm leaning towards National Treasure, since it's on the biggest screen and I just saw the first part this Sunday.

What's your opinion?

2008-02-18, 11:54 AM
Out of those 5, I've only seen National Treaure and Golden Compass, but National Tresure was better by a fairly large margin.

2008-02-18, 02:24 PM
At the moment I've reserved tickets for the National Treasure - not yet bought - but I can still change my mind tomorrow morning, so... Feel free to post your opinions.

2008-02-18, 02:43 PM
I would personally recommend the Golden Compass - if you get past the lack of religion and the occasional name-dropping of "a Golden Compass", it's a good film. Amazing visuals, great casting, and a decent plot.
Also, if you've read the book, watch out for
The typically Hollywood feel-good kick-in-the-balls that is the ending.

I haven't seen National Treasure, but it looks like a fairly amusing spoof of Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, etc. All the treasure hunt movies. Am I right?

2008-02-18, 03:00 PM
Well, I haven't seen the new National Treasure, but the first one was quite good. The second one looks a little bit over the top/ridiculous.

I have heard from a friend that the Golden Compass movie is the most offensive book to movie adaptation he has ever seen. The book is excellent. From what I can tell, if you have read the book, the movie sucks, if you haven't maybe alright. I can guarantee the second and third movies, if they make them, will be the same way except more extreme because of all the things they'll have to get rid of because they are offensive...like the plot.