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2008-02-18, 11:44 PM
I've met a lot of gamers who have these. For example, I've got one player in my current game who always leaves them at their maximum value when they're not being handled. I've had others who insist they always roll better if they're allowed to use a particular color, and other, stranger things.

What are yours? :)

Roland St. Jude
2008-02-18, 11:48 PM
Never swallow the dice.

2008-02-18, 11:48 PM
I'm a dice atheist.

2008-02-18, 11:48 PM
I've met a lot of gamers who have these. For example, I've got one player in my current game who always leaves them at their maximum value when they're not being handled. I've had others who insist they always roll better if they're allowed to use a particular color, and other, stranger things.

What are yours? :)

that's wierd, actually, i keep them at their maximum values, and i don't even have any supersitious bearings for it

2008-02-18, 11:49 PM
Well, nothing like that, but at the dnd I regularly go to which is amazingly well-run old-school first edition, the dice come up as a 1 or a 20 about a quarter of the time. It always enhances the already epic-ness of the situation.

2008-02-18, 11:51 PM
My dice talk to me telepathically. My d4 is a real jerk, he scares me.
I love my d6, though. He's so nice! I can ask for just about any result from him. Same goes for d8.
I don't think d12 and d20 like me very much.
I can also transfer luck into and out of them.
Like a fatespinner, but with worse art.

2008-02-18, 11:59 PM
When the dice goes off the table by accident, it will always come up over a 15 (Not mine, but I know the person) the scary part is that about 75% of the time, it does.

2008-02-19, 12:01 AM
When dice "misbehave" my friends will throw them in the freezer.
40K players I know will take a d6 and burn it in front of the other dice as a warning to the others.

2008-02-19, 12:18 AM
Dice hate me, so I figure if I piss 'em off enough, their revenge will be less detrimental than what they already do.

2008-02-19, 12:21 AM
I used to keep mine warm by keeping them in my pocket- nowadays I just keep them in a fancy pouch I sewed with a bunch of shiny quarters. They mostly treat me nice. Regular black-and-white gambling dice for stats, shiny red dice for anything that doesn't require multiples of any particular type.

We have a person in my group, though, who's kind of a weird... sinkhole for dice-luck, or a magnet or something. Rolls terrible to average for himself, if he touches others' dice they get infected, if we roll his dice they're not bad, and if *we* are rolling horribly... we hand them to him, then take them back, and it's like a double-negative and they're suddenly behaving better.

2008-02-19, 12:24 AM
It has been experimentally proven that if you put a die into your mouth before an important roll, the chances of rolling a good score will be much higher.

2008-02-19, 12:24 AM
I possess the d20 of DM power, it performs perfect ally normal in the hands of a player, but in the hands of a DM it tends to threaten more critical then not. To this day i am not allowed to use it while DMing, and this comes from a group of people who are all well grounded in reality, at least half of which have taken college level physics classes.

It makes no logical sense, the die should be unbiased, and the being DM shouldn't change that fact, but empirical data suggests otherwise.

2008-02-19, 12:42 AM
My superstitions:
Leave them in maximum value when not in use, they like high number and status quo is good. Blow on them for unimportant roles, let them behave naturally for important ones (they seem to like being untampered when I am in a save or die situation.) Never beg the dice, they like seeing weakness. Lastly, roll parallel to the body, if it makes a nice parallel line with my torso, the rolls seem to be favorable.

2008-02-19, 12:44 AM
GM friend of mine has a set of clear dice. He is almost always the GM. A second friend of mine never has dice of his own so he grabs a hand full out of the GM's Lego bag. We then discovered the second night he barrowed the clear dice he always rolled horrificly well. After afew weeks the GM refused to let him use the clear dice. However they always seem to end up in my friends pile of dice anyway.

When we played Battletech my GM friend alwasy used a pair of pink and light green dice. Not very manly but it was murder on the crittical hits.

I have a clear green D6 with white dots. I dont know whare I got it Ive alwasy had it. For 3 years it was even at the bottom of a fish tank. That die rolls 6s like you wouldnt beleave. I rolled a 38 charisma stat for rifts with that die alone. I alwasy use it for the wild die in star wars and it must be used when playing shadowrun. Its my lucky green die.

2008-02-19, 12:51 AM
When the dice goes off the table by accident, it will always come up over a 15 (Not mine, but I know the person) the scary part is that about 75% of the time, it does.The really freaky thing is, it was a d8 that got dropped!

2008-02-19, 12:56 AM
I give all my dice hot loving.
Warm 'em up in my hands will make 'em better!

2008-02-19, 12:57 AM
When dice "misbehave" my friends will throw them in the freezer.
40K players I know will take a d6 and burn it in front of the other dice as a warning to the others.

My God! That's crazy!

It has been experimentally proven that if you put a die into your mouth before an important roll, the chances of rolling a good score will be much higher.

I concur.

I always leave them on their maximum values. This is not superstition. It is fact that people do not like to leave their comfort zones. When you put them on max values, they get comfy there. Or, it could be that they're practiced in that side pointing up. Either way.

I also have a very, very unlucky friend named Matt. He has a grab bag of dice from which some other friends pick. There is one putrid green d20 that no one else ever touches. This is his assigned d20. It is proven to be the unluckiest die in existence, even in the hands of others. Furthermore, if he touches someone else's dice, they get passed to each of the three luckiest players at the table for some "quality time." Of course, one night Matt was DM'ing a solo campaign for me and rolled three critical hits in a row on three seperate traps, then maxed the damage roll too, while I was rolling 1s to disable. He said something stupid about karma.

I am generally considered to be the "luckiest" player in my group. I consider this in part due to my "dice training," in part due to my supreme luck, and in part due to my rolling style, to which one DM asked "Where'd you learn to roll dice, shooting craps?"

2008-02-19, 12:57 AM
I believe that by leaving dice on their maximum number gravity will slowly (and naturally!) weight them, making them more likely to settle in that position. The general wisdom of the rest of my D&D group is that the opposite should be done, that if you leave dice on ones they will want to come up on a different number when you roll them just for variety's sake.

I also have faction-themed dice for Mechwarrior that I swear roll better for their own faction than they do for other factions. They nearly always fail heat effect rolls, though, so I keep spare sets on hand to use for heat.

2008-02-19, 01:05 AM
Personally I find that dice have a limited amount of 20s on them, and every 20 you roll knocks that count one closer to zero. When it hits zero the die can't roll any more 20s, luckily rolling a 1 will add another charge onto that limit.

That and my dice will always roll 1s on Move Silently checks made while invisible.

2008-02-19, 01:20 AM
I don't have any, but one of my first ever groups had a wiccan girl in it who would always have a new set of dice blessed before she used.

2008-02-19, 02:02 AM
whenever i roll dice i have to put all the same sided dice in my hands, shake em up, and pick up however many i need without looking. my dice become fickle if i don't keep them randomized.

2008-02-19, 02:05 AM
I keep my dice at maximum too.....must be really common. I also like warming them up from time to time.

2008-02-19, 02:10 AM
I have certain dice that need to be rolled together. I also have a set I bought at GenCon this year that I keep separate from the others. I tried intermixing them for the dice-orgy that is my dicebox, but they didn't like that. Fickle, bigoted dice that they are, they roll better than any set I've ever seen.

Admiral Squish
2008-02-19, 02:15 AM
Only blood relatives may touch the red dice. Nonred d6s must be stacked in-line with one another, in such a way that they all show the same number upwards.

2008-02-19, 02:50 AM
I'm a dice atheist.

What? You don't beleive in dice?

Squash Monster
2008-02-19, 03:03 AM
Not mine, my players:

The dice always roll higher when the DM is holding them.

2008-02-19, 03:29 AM
Not mine, my players:

The dice always roll higher when the DM is holding them.

That seems to happen with me a lot when I DM. It's kind of bizarre. I'M not trying to kill my players, but my dice are.

2008-02-19, 06:31 AM
Get the signature of a famous rpg developer, preferably Gary Gygax. Rub a die right over it to roll high, left to roll low.

2008-02-19, 07:06 AM
I leave mine with the high number on top, but that's not superstition, its physics. Plastic is slightly amorphous(?) just like glass, so over time the plastic moves down to the bottom and thusly the side opposite the high number is larger/heavier.

2008-02-19, 07:25 AM
Hmm, I keep dice at maximum values until I use them, then they stay on what they rolled last time.

And my dice must be rotated - If I have dice A, B and C and I roll 2d20s per round I'll use AB, then BC, CA, AB, etc...

2008-02-19, 07:36 AM
I leave mine with the high number on top, but that's not superstition, its physics. Plastic is slightly amorphous(?) just like glass, so over time the plastic moves down to the bottom and thusly the side opposite the high number is larger/heavier.
Urban myth, at least concerning the glass. You will argue that really old glass windows will have thicker glass near the bottom. This is because glassblowers' technique wasn't perfect at the time the windowpane was made, so one end of the pane was thicker. For stability, they put the thick end down. :smallwink:

2008-02-19, 07:41 AM
When I DM and it gets to a critial roll where a player might get killed just because of "random bad luck", we break out my white D20 if we feel the player deserves a break.
The white D20 will always (in the hands of the DM) roll the most appropriate number for players. All my other D20s will conspire to kill my players.

Eg: Monster needs a 11 to confirm critial (x3) and kill player. White D20 rolls 10. All other D20s in my collection roll 11+.

This had become such a household thing that when players see me rolling the white D20, they know I'm giving them a break and "cheating" in their favor.

2008-02-19, 07:56 AM
Urban myth, at least concerning the glass. You will argue that really old glass windows will have thicker glass near the bottom. This is because glassblowers' technique wasn't perfect at the time the windowpane was made, so one end of the pane was thicker. For stability, they put the thick end down. :smallwink:

This is the truth.

On topic, I don't let anybody touch my personal set. But that's mostly a joke. I do put them directly back in their case as soon as I am done using them, except for my d20 which I allow to sit out and enjoy the game. I have two d20s in my set though, and when I feel I'm starting to roll consistently bad, I swap them. Exhaustion, I guess. Or just laziness.

2008-02-19, 09:40 AM
I am completely rational and scientific when it comes to my dice.

I get a new set of dice, of whatever appropriate style (polyhedrals, d6s, dFs, etc.) for each new campaign I play in or run. This blocks the Dice Karma, see.

Yup. Purely rational.

2008-02-19, 09:51 AM
I don't have any, but one of my first ever groups had a wiccan girl in it who would always have a new set of dice blessed before she used.

There are a couple of folks in my group who do the same thing. ("The gods like a good game too," they say.) And while I suspect this is my pattern-finding brain working overtime, they sure seem to roll well. I've had them bless my dice, but the gods apparently know who the true believers are and do not appreciate the non-devout begging favor with them. :smallwink:

2008-02-19, 10:00 AM
Well I don't know if its superstition, but for d6 rolls I always use my teeny cm3 dice from Warhammer Quest because there so diddy and awww

2008-02-19, 10:21 AM
My favorite one that I've seen in my group:

For important saves (death effects and the like), they'll pick up all of their d20s, and roll them all. Remove the highest value. Repeat until you have one left. Supposedly after rolling low so many times in a row, it's that one's turn to roll high. :smalltongue:

2008-02-19, 10:28 AM
2d6 always roll high when in the hands of a player. Make sure the DM rolls it or it's rolled well in a cup.

..wait, that's not superstition, that's having had a group of players that trained at cheating at craps.

Putting your dice in the freezer retracts the plastic back to original point... slightly. However, a lower temperature dice should actually roll about -less-, due to what little elasticity it has will be even less...

Really, the only odd thing that occurs for me, is that I seemingly have a higher chance of critting when the crit chance is only on a 20, rather than with a 19-20.
I refuse to use scythes against my players.

2008-02-19, 10:40 AM
Urban myth, at least concerning the glass. You will argue that really old glass windows will have thicker glass near the bottom. This is because glassblowers' technique wasn't perfect at the time the windowpane was made, so one end of the pane was thicker. For stability, they put the thick end down. :smallwink:

Actually, it is true.
if you have two panes of glass lying on top of each other, and you leave them like that for...many years, they will be sliiightly more difficult to pull apart, than two panes placed on top of each other a minute ago.

whether doing this to dice has any noticeable effect, well, that's up to yourself to decide:smallwink:

2008-02-19, 08:52 PM
I put my 4d6 in the bottom of the bad, then the 2d10, then the d4 is nestled between thee d8 and d12, and the 5d20s are put together with my good one on top. One playeralways asks me to roll with a certain d20 on every check, and he usually gets good results. Then, before all the players had dice, I had a d20 for each player, and "their" d20s roll better for them than me.

2008-02-19, 09:26 PM
Let me see...

D 20's: I have two an ugly green and yellow one I call snotty and a white and yellow one I call Buttered popcorn. I roll Snotty and Popcorn three times and take Snotty he will roll just barely enough for me to always always always hit whatever I'm swinging at but will fail every and all skill rolls (seriously +13 to survival looking for a stick in a forest what do I get...nat. one...three damn times.) also never ever rolls a critical. Buttered Popcorn either rolls a 19-20 or a 2-4 every time never a 1 never 5-18.

D 10: An orange and yellow one I call Cheeto will stabilize more often then not and always gets me past concelment/displacment type stuff every thing else no way Jose.

D 8's: They loves me and I love them they get to sit at the top of my dice they are lucky lucky lucky never roll less then a seven for damage keep them separate from the others on the table and treat them with the upmost respect and kindness.

2008-02-19, 09:33 PM
I believe that the dice like to try to achieve an average based on face time. As in, if I leave my dice on 1, then they will roll more 18s, 19s, 20s, etc. in order to balance out all the time spent with 1 on top.

I used to use my old DM's dice because he had insanely good rolls.

We always set aside bad D20's until the next initiative roll because our group gets insane initiative rolls except for our DM, who has bad initiative rolls.

2008-02-19, 09:36 PM
We have a person in my group, though, who's kind of a weird... sinkhole for dice-luck, or a magnet or something. Rolls terrible to average for himself, if he touches others' dice they get infected, if we roll his dice they're not bad, and if *we* are rolling horribly... we hand them to him, then take them back, and it's like a double-negative and they're suddenly behaving better.

Hahaha, that is me in my group! We actually tested it a few times, and each time created a disproportionate number of 1's.

This power is so strong, that when I bought a set of d10's for each of the newbie players in my Vampire:tM game, I took extreme care not to touch them. No use given people broken dice :smallwink:

2008-02-19, 09:46 PM
Mine is that, whenever rolling for anything important, or if turns are taking a while, I'll roll until I get a poor result (less than 10 or less than what I need, whichever is lower) 3 times in a row, then roll for real. This works surprisingly well, and has resulted in me failing only about 3 saves in the past several sessions. This may be because I have obscene saves and I'm practically invisible so nothing targets me, ANYway, but. Still. I also hit a lot more than I should, considering my slightly lower than Medium BAB and Soulknife class (and I multiclassed, so my weapon sucks).

2008-02-19, 09:46 PM
Any roll where it is a matter of life or death, the die rolled must be a tiny die known as a "fate die." This is too be done from a standing position and be given a swift underarm swing sending the die across the entire floor of the room, bouncing off everything and anything. Then all players must begin scouring the floor for said die to see if a character dies.

Waffle Master
2008-02-19, 11:22 PM
The only superstition I have is that I never let anyone use my first die. I own 2 sets of normal DND dice. One Red with white numbers, and one black with red numbers, but before i purchased either of those i bought a solitary d20 that is speckled red and black with orange numbers....this one is mine, no you may not touch it.

Jack Zander
2008-02-20, 12:03 AM
Not really a superstition, but one of my players never rolls between a 6 and a 14 on the d20.

Another player who always plays a half-orc barbarian with a greataxe consistently gets 18s and 19s, but still refuses to wield a greatsword because the d6 is "a puny die for damage rolls."

My personal set of dice roll only what is most dramatic at the moment. I've never lost a character except when saving my friends. When one of my player's character's life or death is hanging on a die roll, my dice will save them. When the players are all at 1-9 hp left and the mage casts one last spell before the BBEG's turn, he'll finally roll a 1 on his save. If my character is jumping over something for fun or to be cool, he'll fall flat on his rump, but if he has to leap across a chasm while being chased by an Indiana Jones rock, he'll soar like a eagle.

2008-02-20, 12:07 AM
I use a program I made for dice rolls. I added an inbuilt fudge system.:smalltongue:

2008-02-20, 12:19 AM
I roll my dice only when absolutely necessary, to save those natural 20s for when they're needed. It'd be a crime to waste them; after all, they're a finite resource! :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-20, 12:32 AM
I keep "my" dice bag in my big dice bag with the stuff other people are allowed to use.

The Faceless
2008-02-20, 12:59 AM
All dice must be lined up in rows, arranged in geometrically pleasing patterns, or stacked in towers when not in use.

Numbers must follow some pattern, whether it's all the same, high to low or low to high, spelling out my birthdate or whatever.

The preferred colours are darker blues, apart from metal dice, in which case silver.

Outsized or otherwise exotic dice must be used wherever possible if within budget.

Dice that come in containers must be kept in said containers, and only those dice may be kept within.

Never roll another players dice without permission.

Show no emotion to the dice, emotion is weakness. The dice respect only the strong.

Be sure to keep your dice safe, rolling off the table is a portent of doom.

2008-02-20, 01:18 AM
Oh, in addition to what I mentioned earlier, I believe that it is absolutely necessary to "break in" new dice before actually using them in a game. It may just be my own imagination in overdrive, but it certainly seems that the first 5-10 rolls of any given die will average much lower than their usual performances.

2008-02-20, 01:28 AM
If you are a Paladin, never, ever yell "SMITE EVIL" before rolling the dice. It is a miss 90% of the time. 100% if you have only 1 smite left for the day. Instead, say something like "I am doing what a Paladin does when he attacks", no yelling. Do not allow your dice to know you are using a 1/day class feature. :smallsigh:

This works in a reverse manner as well. Whenever the DM roll against you, yell "SMITE EVIL" so he will roll low. Believe, it works! :smalltongue:

Now, if you want to make things go right for you... Ask a Girl in the table to blow the dice for you. It works for the next time you roll it, so it will probably be wasted if you roll the dice for fun. In my experience it works once for every game session. :smallamused:

What I do to help most of the time is this: Whenever I roll my dice I yell "It is a Sport!" due to a time where I rolled a 20 in my Bluff check and it was enough to make a Frost Giant believe that we were climbing his mountain in the midle of a snowstorm just because we liked "radical sports". It is my lucky moto. :smallbiggrin:

Also, if you allow your dice to be exposed to epic power metal, they tend to get inspired and roll better. :smallcool:

If you are into Catholic stuff, try to sink them in Holy Water, or put a small silver Cross in the same container you store them. :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-20, 02:06 AM
Of my six or seven sets of dice I have found only one that rolls well consistantly, and so I keep it in its own dice bag. Those dice absolutely hate anyone not a PC, so if I use them to roll attack rolls, damage, or what have you against PCs, PCs die. Horribly. The rest of the time, they just tend not to roll anything realy low.

2008-02-24, 12:41 AM
I thought of some more.

I stack every d6 in a chessex cube the exact same way(6 facing up, of course). It isn't hard to maintain once you put in the work on the front end.

If someone puts a bunch of d6s out on the table, I stack them in straight railroad track rows all the way across the table.

I roll my d12s on occasion to keep them fresh, it's like a lefty reliever, you don't need them often, but when you do, you really need them to know what they're doing.

2008-02-24, 12:52 AM
when I first decided to play D&D, I wend to the bob and george forums thread(+5 thread), I was told that it was unlucky to use another players dice, when I bought my first books I also bought a premium dice pack and bag.

2008-02-24, 01:59 AM
Our only wierd dice superstition is with one d20 in particular. We have all dubbed it:


The reason we call it that, is because no d20 on the face of the earth can roll as bad as this dice does. It doesn't matter who it belongs to, who rolls it, what phase the moon is in: This dice is horrible.

So, as players, we insist the DM use it. Hence, THE DM'S DICE. Forcing the DM to use this dice has saved my bacon (and when I'm DM, has saved my player's bacon) more times than I can count. Many a PC owes his/her life to the horific performance of this dice.

*I actually think it was from the first set I ever bought. A clearish/black, with red numbers

2008-02-24, 02:42 AM
Here is my favorite set of dice

Blue d20, d12, %ile/d10, d8, d6, d4
White smaller 3d6
dark blue d20
yellow d20

I always keep my highest numbers facing up.
If I roll 1d20, then i use the lighter blue
If I roll 2d20, then i use the dark blue and yellow

It is less of a superstition but rather more of an obsessive compulsive tendency. It also bugs me when people put their sweaty slimly hands on my dice. Just because my dice are in order and lined up all nicely (and easy to find the right dice) and you need a d4 does not give you the right to grab my d4 instead of looking through your large sack/pile of dice for a d4.

Dumbledore lives
2008-02-24, 02:53 AM
I don't know about superstitions but once we had this lucky purple D20 that rolled crits like crazy, and I don't think it ever rolled a 1. Everyone passed it around so it was fair.

2008-02-24, 03:16 AM
So, as players, we insist the DM use it. Hence, THE DM'S DICE. Forcing the DM to use this dice has saved my bacon (and when I'm DM, has saved my player's bacon) more times than I can count. Many a PC owes his/her life to the horific performance of this dice.

Y'all never tried to force me to use it...

2008-02-24, 04:48 AM
Use the black D6 as often as possible.

The dice must roll "good" for them to hit good values.

I am cursed by the dice gods :smallfrown:

2008-02-24, 09:01 AM
Any dice that lands 'cocked' or rolls off the table will not be rerolled - that dice is obviously a trouble-maker, so why risk letting it cause some real aggravation? Instead, a better-behaved substitute will be used.

When not in use, d6's will be stacked into a pyramid-like structure. Not only does this prevent you from mixing up unused dice with rolled ones, but the Wisdom of the Ancient Civilisations will watch over them for you.

Whether in use or idle, dice will be kept together and not scattered about the place. A dice that has been left on it's own, unsupervised, cannot be trusted...

If a dice rolls well, you will say "Thank you!" as you pick it up. If it rolls badly, then for the love of any God you hold dear DO NOT curse at it! Stay silent and return it to the pile so that it can think about what it has done, because a badly treated dice will treat you badly in return.

Cries of "The Emperor Protects!" and similar are to be avoided. If anyone is going to help you it is the dice, which are vain and will punish you for worshipping any other but them.

The name of "Murphy" will never been spoken out loud in a room where dice are being used. Calling His name will only draw his attention, and along with it, His curse....

Careful scientific analysis over the last decade has led me to believe that each and every one of these statements is absolute truth. May they serve you well :smallwink:

2008-02-24, 11:12 AM
All the DnD characters I play have an elemental theme; either the four classic elements, the Japanese elements, or have a Celtic or even a Nordic flair to them. Thus I will use different dice colors and types for the different mythological source. I do not use the same dice for the same characters or abilities during the sessions. For example, I am a part of 2 campaigns now, with 2 separate groups. One character is a Sorcerer/Stormcaster. I keep her dice in a small box inside of a speaker cabinet, or I will store them near the electrical transformers in my house. I will not use the same set of dice for the epic level Dragon Shaman that I have. I store his dice in my freezer (as he has a Cold focus). I would also store my fire creature dice with burnt embers, or my water based creature dice in a fish tank, that sort of thing. The colors of the dice for the different things they do also matters. I would not use a Green d6 to roll for Fire damage, as green = earth, Disintegration effects, or acid damage. For my untyped damage I would use class white dice, for precision damage, I tend to use Red dice (one of the only ones that share a color). Holy based damage is clear, evil characters will use my Cthulu dice.. you get the idea.

Geeky, yes. Expensive? Very. Does it work? I believe it does. :smile:

2008-02-24, 11:39 AM
If the forum roller counts as a dice, then yes. I've heard of people buffer-rolling nonsense d20's in white where you can't see them.

One player always rolls max damage for his spells in my campaign. It's freaky. Another player rolls to hit, and then a confirmation, always. Before he knows whether he rolled a critical, he rolls for confirmation. Just he other day, he critically failed his roll, and critically succeeded on the confirmation. I'm not sure what to do about that.

2008-02-24, 11:52 AM
We have a girl in our group who wigs out if you touch her dice.

I'm not talking a playful friendly superstition here, I'm talking about her eyes going wide, lifting her hand up near her temple and then holding it there like she's trying not to grab her head, hissing at the person...even if it's just an accident.

It's irritating.

2008-02-24, 01:23 PM
There's a sacred rule we figured here. Absolute truth.

"Thou shalt never praise thy dice. Seriously, never."

If a dice is rolling well, be resiliently silent about the fact. If you praise the dice, he will screw you royally in his next roll, ALWAYS.

2008-02-24, 02:48 PM
Y'all never tried to force me to use it...

I actually lost that set of dice for about a year in between moves. Since then, I've kept it hidden, so that players don't force me to use it. However, the next campaign I play where I feel my death is a possibility, I'll bring it back out.

2008-02-24, 06:58 PM
Name your d20s, and pick one as favorite. It rolls well because you pamper it and it loves you, the others roll well to try to become your favorites. But only if they are light colored. Darker dice are like dark elves. EVIL! Never turn your back on them, and put them in a plastic box instead of a comfy dice bag, so they know you arent soft and they fear you.

2008-02-25, 12:32 AM
All d6's in 2 lines, other than bad d6s(later) which are off to the side. All other dice sorted by #(d4, etc). All dice except d6s have the highest number up. D6s used for skill checks(low is good, use a set of d6s I bought just for skills) showing 1s. Other d6s showing 6(used for stats and opposed checks). Bad d6s are ones that came up with a 6 on a skill check or a 1 on an opposed check and are removed from the game to think about what they've done.

Also, DAVID SHALL NOT ROLL PERCENTILES. Seriously, he was GMing last week and rolled to see how bad what happened was when we started mixing magic items. 4 times he got over 90%. We annihilated a town. He also rolled a 3 when asked to roll anything above a 4 on percentiles. His percentiles have a nasty sense of humor.

2008-02-25, 10:56 AM
I believe that the dice like to try to achieve an average based on face time. As in, if I leave my dice on 1, then they will roll more 18s, 19s, 20s, etc. in order to balance out all the time spent with 1 on top.

I used to use my old DM's dice because he had insanely good rolls.

We always set aside bad D20's until the next initiative roll because our group gets insane initiative rolls except for our DM, who has bad initiative rolls.

For those who may disbelieve me, I rolled 5 20's and 0 1's in our last session. Furthermore, I rolled a 19 on a critical dispel and I was twice the only player capable of actions in our group. So, follow my rules.

2008-02-26, 11:14 PM
This reminds me of a Promethean: The Created dice set I had for playing Vampire: The Masquearade. Those things hated me. Must have been the oWoD/nWoD mixing.

At first they rolled average; I'd get maybe 2 or 3 successes, which is alright for most things.

Then they turned into what I like to think of as "cinematic"; whatever looked the coolest, they'd skew themselves to make it so. That meant epic success or epic fails.

Then I realised 3 of them botched more often than others, so I isolated them.

Then they all started failing on me, so I got a new set that seem to do alright and roll reasonably high. Even when you want a low number.

2008-02-26, 11:32 PM
I dont have any of them, but Ive met plenty who do. I have been yelled at for touching them before... I dont game with those dudes anymore. They are both lucky Im a nice guy.

2008-02-27, 05:19 PM
I had battle dice for my one fighter girl based loosely on the samurai concept. Outside of battle? She was eh. Never passed a listen check in her whole career, mostly just stood behind the face looking scary.

In battle?
She was a wrecking machine. Her family blade was sundered? She did a disarm on the enemy, natural 20. Took their uber bastard sword. Full attacked. Rolled two more twenties, pulled off the threats easily, and put him into double digit negatives for HPs.

DM said she effectively cut him in half. :)

She was SPECTACULARLY good at rolling crits. I loved those little red dice for her. The magic never worked for other characters, though. Apparently those dice just liked to see her make the DM cry.

2008-02-27, 06:35 PM
i had a pair of d20.
but i lent one of them to a player... who lost it.

now the other one is on reavenge drive.
when i throw something against that player it results in either 19 or 20.
when the player rolls it results in anything below 6 and about each third is 1.
in relation to any other player it works as a normal die.
but i'm telling you this D20 is on rampage.