View Full Version : Good DS / Wii Games out now / soon?

2008-02-20, 07:50 AM
I have both a DS and a Wii, but i'm not sure what games to buy for them. I havent bought any in a while. Any reccomendatons?
For the DS i have Pokemon, Lostmagic, Castlevania and a few others that dont get played as much.
The Wii has Zelda, Mario galaxy, Wario ware and Metriod Prime 3.

Help me, Gaming! :smalltongue:

2008-02-20, 08:23 AM

Meteos is pretty good; it's like tetris with space rockets and techno music, in a way.

LoZ:Phantom Hourglass is decent. Don't bother with the online, 'cuz 50%+ of players just disconnect when you win. :smallannoyed:

Elite Beat Agents: I don't have this, but I played it every day at Gamestop for a couple weeks on their demo. You'll love it, or you'll hate it. It's sort of like DDR with the stylus. Sort of.

Mario Kart DS: This is THE game for DS wifi.


Super Smash Bros Brawl: Not out yet, but it's Brawl. 'Nuff said.

Archpaladin Zousha
2008-02-20, 08:34 AM
For the Wii, if you don't mind Rated M games, I'd reccomend No More Heroes. It's an entertaining ride (though some of the minigames are rather tedious), laden with plenty of blood spraying everywhere, coins bouncing around, wacky enemies, even wackier bosses, a lovably inept protagonist and an adorable little kitty. What's not to like?!

2008-02-20, 08:38 AM

I would strongly recommend *against* EBA. It just failed to pique my interest. Half of the references went over my head, and I found the storylines retarded. The sketchy song selection didn't help either (For Emperor'ssake, the song you pick for the last level should be the *best* one, not a hideous no-beat monstrousity) If you happen to know Japanese culture very well, pick up the orignal, non-localized Osu! Tatakae! Ouedan and its sequel Moeru Nekketsu! Rhythm Damashii! instead.

If you don't... well, suffice to say you won't enjoy them. At all. In the same way that I didn't enjoy EBA.

Moving on:

If you're into reading awesome dialogue instead of playing through it, pick up Phoenix Wright. There isn't any gameplay to speak off, but the game (visual novel?) is the stuff that awesome is made out of.

There are several also several nice GBA games that you can pick up too, such as the Fire Emblem games, Golden Sun, Riviera, Pokemon Rescue Rangers, etc.


Resident Evil is good. Very good.

As is Elebits

If you're getting Fire Emblem DS/GBA games, pick up Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Be warned that the story is a continuation from Path of Radiance.

The Naruto and Bleach fighting games are surprisingly good.

If you don't have any other 7th gen consoles, Guitar Hero is good. If you do, get it for the PS3 or the 360 instead. Rocking out is kinda hard with pixelated blotches.

2008-02-20, 09:54 AM
DS: Geometry Wars Galaxies. Think asteroids + space invaders + seizure inducingly beautiful graphics/sound.

2008-02-20, 10:02 AM
I'm going to second Phoenix Wright for the DS. It's just brilliant, I believe the next story arc with Apollo Justice is coming out soon. EBA was also really fun. If GBA games are also a possibility get any and every Fire Emblem game you can get.

For the Wii you must get SSBB, and you should get Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, beat it, then get the sequel, Radiant Dawn, which comes out next month. Other than that you've got the best games available... You could probably pick up Mario Kart Wii when it comes out too.

Cynan Machae
2008-02-20, 04:21 PM
SSBB is a must. Really :smallbiggrin: .

Like I said in another topic, I really enjoyed Mario Strikers Charged for the Wii, if you're into party-like sport games. Decent single player, great multiplayer and online.

2008-02-20, 05:51 PM
I think it's actually illegal to own a Wii but not but SSBB...

Pensive Pine
2008-03-01, 09:23 PM
I'm gonna second EBA. I picked it up on the recommendation of a friend, and I'm glad I did. Also for the DS, if you like brainteasers and mysteries, definitely get Professor Layton and the Curious Village. It's so addicting!

2008-03-02, 08:16 AM
Your DS collection is shockingly lacking in Advance Wars titles, which are strong candidates for the title of best TBS games of all time. Rectify this. This shouldn't be too difficult as the 4th game (Dark Conflict/Days of Ruin depending on what part of the world you live) is available in most shops. I'd strongly suggest getting the entire series, but the first two games are pretty hard to find now.

2008-03-02, 09:18 AM
Am I the only person who doesn't like Advance Wars?

2008-03-02, 09:23 AM
Am I the only person who doesn't like Advance Wars?

Yes. Now go and flagellate yourself in shame :smalltongue:

2008-03-02, 10:23 AM
My personal recommendations for DS:

Animal Crossing: Wild World.
Advance Wars: Dual Strike and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
TLOZ: Phantom Hourglass
The whole Ace Attourney series (Phoenix Wright, Justice For All, Trials and Tribulations and Apollo Justice)
Mario Kart DS
Elite Beat Agents
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
Children of Mana
Wario Ware Touched
New Super Mario Bros.
Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
Assassin's Creed
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin
Pokemon Diamond or Pearl
Custom Robo
Trauma Center
Cooking Mama
Hotel Dusk

And for Wii:

No More Heroes
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Dragon Quest Swords
Batallion Wars II
The Godfather
Red Steel
Rayman Raving Rabbids and Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario Party 8
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Metroid Prime 3
Mario Strikers Charged
Cooking Mama: Cook Off
Trauma Center: Second Opinion and Trauma Center: New Blood
One Piece Unlimited Adventure
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Super Paper Mario

The list goes on and on. You choose.

2008-03-02, 02:22 PM
I say...

Super Paper Mario
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Super Smash Bros Brawl

If you like robot v. robot type games, Custom Robo Arena
New Super Mario Bros.
Star Fox Command

There's the VC on the Wii and you can play Gamecube games on it too, get Zelda 2 the Adventure of Link, Super Mario Bros (and Lost Levels!), Super Metriod, and Star Fox 64.

Mando Knight
2008-03-02, 05:18 PM
Radikalskippy, I agree with your entire list. Granted, I haven't played them all yet, but the ones I have are good.

Actually, if you don't mind spending extra $, if you wanna catch 'em all, you may want to have both Diamond and Pearl, and also invest in the GBA Pokemon games. Play the GBA ones first because when you move from the DS down to the GBA, you notice the graphics difference.

Rogue 7
2008-03-02, 05:33 PM
With wifi for the DS, there's really no point in picking up both pokemon games.

Honestly, after Brawl, the only thing I'm looking forward to that I can think of is the sequel to Tales Of Symphonia- Dawn Of The New World, and that's not out for a few months. Of course, Brawl is more than enough to keep me busy until then. Also for the Wii...well, I'm kinda stumped right now. Pick up a bunch of great Virtual Console games and you're pretty much good to go. Been a while since I've played a Wii game other than Twilight Princess.

2008-03-02, 08:08 PM
Good GBA games: The bottom slot in the DS is GBA-compatible. Make good use of it.

River City Ransom EX -- This would have been a perfect port and then some of the old NES classic, except they took out the 2-player action. The rediculously-expanded single player game however, nearly makes up for it.

Super Robot Taisen Original Generation(2) -- If you love Turn-based Strategy, cool attacks, or giant robots, the second game is a must. The first is a must to really appreciate the second's story and characters (On it's own, it's fun, but the graphics are hampered by being a 2002 GBA game that was a bit of a risk just to make).

Golden Sun series -- A great classic-style JRPG, but light on the angst. Nice graphics and attacks, a good story, and you can carry over your characters from one game to the other.

Gunstar Super Heroes -- A remake/sequel of the Sega Genesis classic, with some nice homages to past Sega games. It would have been a great game on it's own, but falls short of it's predecessor (which, if it shows up on the VC, you had damn well better get!).

Castlevania... Anything. If it showed up on the GBA, it was worth playing. Especially Aria of Sorrow.

Sigma Star Saga -- A fun Adventure/Shooter hybrid. Definitely worth a shot.

Metroid Fusion/Zero Mission -- The first is the so far chonologically final Metroid game. The other is a remake of the first, and the origin of the whole Zero Suit thing, which is a nice change of pace for the series. Both also come with the original Metroid as well.

Super Mario Advance series -- Remakes/ports of some of the best Super Mario Bros. games out there.

Astro Boy: Omega Factor -- Treasure's best GBA game ever. Also educational, teaching you about the works of one of the great pioneers of Anime and Manga.

Good DS games:

Megaman ZX -- Mega Man X/Zero done Metroidvania style.

Contra 4 -- Not for the slow of reflex. This game is Nintendo Hard (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NintendoHard), and knows it. But if you were ever a fan of the series, this is the game you've been waiting for since Hard Corps, if not Alien Wars.

Geometry Wars: Galaxies -- Kind of like Asteroids for the new century. Simple, fun, and hell on your thumbs.

Mando Knight
2008-03-02, 11:38 PM
Metroid Fusion/Zero Mission -- The first is the so far chonologically final Metroid game. The other is a remake of the first, and the origin of the whole Zero Suit thing, which is a nice change of pace for the series. Both also come with the original Metroid as well.

Ah... sorry, but Metroid Fusion does not have the original Metroid. It is, instead, an unlockable feature of the first Metroid Prime, obtainable through a Gamecube-GBA link with Metroid Fusion. If both Fusion and Prime have been completed, you get both Fusion Suit mode (different skin for Samus in Prime) and the original Metroid on Metroid Prime.