View Full Version : T.V. Tropes Pantheon Game.

Rogue 7
2008-02-20, 12:28 PM
Alright, I know that many of us here on GiantITP know TV tropes. (http://www.tvtropes.org) If you've been paying attention there, you'll probably have seen the Trope Pantheon (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/TropePantheons). It's a list of characters from any fictional universe you can think of who exemplify anything you can come up with. For example, Toph, of Avatar:The Last Airbender fame, is the goddess of Earth. The Brain, of Pinky and The Brain, is the God of evil Geniuses (I came up with that one :smallbiggrin: ) and so on and so forth. They've all got their alignments and domains, plus many have peculiar personality quirks (the god of Ninjas is locked with an eternal battle with the god of pirates).

So, let's come up with a way to run a campaign centered around this, for no other reason than the potential for sheer awesome is nearly unlimited.

Here's my basic idea- no changes to the rules, your bog-standard D&D game. However, each character is a paragon/disciple of a god. They team up with a group of paragons of other gods, and basically act as errand boys for the gods, descending into the god's individual domains to do various deeds. The main world they live in is basically a hub- they'll return to this area after finishing various quests and receive new orders.

Let's take a basic example-

"Grant", an Artificer, is a paragorn of Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, the gods of mythbusting. He's teamed up with "Mido", a Ranger and paragorn of Link, god of diversified weaponry, and "The Apprentice", a Psychic warrior paragorn of Darth Vader, god of Evil Fathers (Note that I've tried to tie in each character to their gods).

For their first quest, they're on a mission for Adam and Jamie, testing the myth that paragorns of Bugs Bunny, the God of Chutzpah, can survive a fireball spell in the face with no ill effects. They are provided with a wand of fireballs for this purpose. They've got to enter Bugs's domain (let's say, travelling down the wabbit hole after they've fought their way past a crazed hunter or some such thing), find a paragorn, and blast him in the face to see what happens. They then report back with their results.

Basically, it's a massive crossover of whatever you can think of- if you think of a god that isn't on the list, you can either just make him up for your game, or go ahead and add him/her/it to the website. Anyone else have ideas, missions, or overarching campaigns?

2008-02-20, 12:43 PM
Awesome. Simply and utterly awesome.