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View Full Version : How to keep a puppy safe in the middle of battle?

2008-02-22, 08:36 AM
Hello everyone!

In an upcoming WOWrpg game I will play a melee type hunter. A huge half-ogre who focuses on getting in close (wich is quite easy since he is large)and grapple his foes so the rogue can stab them. =)

Now, hunters get pets. But Im starting as a lvl 5 hunter, and as such can only get pets with 3HD. I didnt want any of those. I want a worg =)

So, the DM houseruled that I can keep one as a puppy and train it. When i reach the appropriate level he will get all the benefits of a trained hunter pet.

The question is, how do I keep it safe until then? Of course i will not let it get near any meleetypes. But how do I make sure it doesnt get git by a frost nova? (fireball) Do you have any suggestions on items, feats (for me) or skills I should take to kepp the little one alive for two levels.

I have a very cruel DM (who hasnt ^^) who would love to kill my little pup and watch me cry. Well, the ogre cry at least. =)

2008-02-22, 09:14 AM
Well I'm not familiar with the system used (homebrew?) but the best advice will come from your DM.

2008-02-22, 09:23 AM
Instead of all that, why not just take an advanced riding dog (ie: one of the "bigger" dog breeds) as your companion right now, calling it a worg puppy, and then when you have enough HD to actually have a worg, say that he's all grown up?

Follows the base rules just fine without adding any "DM wants to screw me over" systems.

2008-02-22, 09:31 AM
When you go on an adventure, leave him with a pet sitter?

2008-02-22, 10:55 AM
Sofaking, It is basically DnD but with differetn classes and items. Anything from DnD goes. =)

ZekeArgo, thats an awesome idea! I'll have to talk to my DM right away. ^^

Riffington, I thought of that, but we usually never come back to the same town in our campaigns so that wouldnt work unfortunatly.

But even if he is a big dog, he probablly wont survive the collateral damage of a frost nova/fireball. Any thoughts on items or such that can protect it?

2008-02-22, 03:25 PM
Resilient Sphere is the spell for the job, but I don't know anyone from your part could access it until after it was needed.

2008-02-22, 08:41 PM
Sounds to me like you need a Wand of Resilient Sphere.

2008-02-22, 08:48 PM
If it's a short battle, toss him in a Bag of Holding. He won't suffocate for 10 minutes.

2008-02-22, 09:06 PM
If you kill the puppy out of battle, you don't have to worry about it dying mid battle.

You could disguise it or have someone invisibility it.

2008-02-22, 09:07 PM
Don't animal companions get Evasion? That ought to put the kabosh on any AE nastiness. Most AE stuff has Reflex save for half. And that little puppy should have a decent Ref save.

Kurald Galain
2008-02-22, 09:25 PM
Treat him like Vaarsuvius treats his familiar, and the puppy will be perfectly safe.

2008-02-22, 09:30 PM
Stick it in your backpack. Odds are if someone's trying to hurt something, they'll aim for the half-ogre rather than the puppy.

2008-02-22, 09:30 PM
Rope Trick, Bag of Holding, Portable Hole, Handy Haversack. Most characters have one by 5th level, just toss him in there and leave the top open. Burst affects don't spread (I think) so he should remain safe.

2008-02-22, 09:42 PM
If you kill the puppy out of battle, you don't have to worry about it dying mid battle.

:smalleek: Th... that's horrible! You are a horrible person. Poor puppy. :smallfrown:

Stick it in your backpack. Odds are if someone's trying to hurt something, they'll aim for the half-ogre rather than the puppy.

This actually isn't a terrible solution. By RAW, your equipment doesn't actually get affected by AOE attacks, unless you roll a natural one on your saving throw and use some rules that no one actually uses, and even then it's much kely that your weapon/armor/shield would be affected.

2008-02-22, 09:52 PM
if it dies can't you just res your pet and feed it to make it happy? Takes less than a minute...what hunter doesn't bring extra food :smallbiggrin:

Paragon Badger
2008-02-22, 10:44 PM
Keep him tucked away in a cute little pocket or inside of your shirt. ^_^ As long as you avoid melee, he should be safe. :smalltongue:

(Shikamaru! <3)

2008-02-22, 11:00 PM
Ask the monsters not to eat your puppy?

2008-02-23, 10:05 AM
Bag of holding is good, if you can throw in Necklace of Adaptation or a Bottle of Air so it won't suffocate. And for good measure, you can seal the bag in an air-tight adamantium container to keep it from being accidentally pierced.

Kurald Galain
2008-02-23, 10:44 AM
Or make the bag of holding out of adamantium :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-23, 11:28 AM
Take a level in druid, or something equivalent in this system, so that your pet shares spells with you. That way, anything that buffs you, buffs the worg.

2008-02-23, 01:07 PM
Adamanine box (5 sides). Drop it over the pup in the beginning of the fight and it will block line of effect from virtually everything. And since its adamantine you don't have to worry about any attacking through it, because if they have time to do that while you're wailing on them then you would have all died anyway.

2008-02-23, 04:23 PM
Hmm, kill yourself, turn into a ghost, and age the puppy until it's old enough to fight?

Alternately, kill the puppy yourself to get 2 free attacks...

2008-02-24, 03:13 AM
stick it in a backpack of dead puppies,

take out a puppy,

let it jangle so it turns into a shellgame

unless you're good aligned, then you can use "dolls"