View Full Version : How would you end brand new day or break up the relationship.

Emperor Demonking
2008-02-23, 04:52 AM
1) Imagine one more day didn't exist and your a writer. If you had to break up MJ and Pter how would you?
2) How would you end brand new day.

2008-02-23, 05:32 AM
1. A few years into the future, Peter is killed by a crazed villain (who would then become a cult icon). Mary-Jane, devastated, takes up the Spider-Man outfit, and becomes the new, true Scarlet Spider. She wouldn't use gadgets, instead killing villains, with a magic blade, and adopting their powers. Peter's dead - so the relationship is over, but we get a new villain, and cool new anti-hero/hero out of the mix. :smallsmile:

2. Claim it was Ultimate Loki.

Elliot Kane
2008-02-23, 07:09 AM
1. Divorce, pure and simple. I would have Peter decide that the only way to protect MJ after he had stupidly made his identity public was to divorce her and send her abroad to start a new life. As long as they were married she would stay a target, so because he loves her and in order to protect her he would divorce her.

That gives a 'heroic' reason for divorce that the readers may or may not like but could certainly understand. it also leaves the way clear for MJ to return at a future point with the inevitable re-hiding of Peter's secret identity.

It DOES however clear the deck for all those utterly non-existent stories that can supposedly be written about an unmarried Peter but not about a married one.

2. OMD as written could only really end in one way that would leave it slightly less of a piss-poor train wreck - and that's with the death of Aunt May. After Peter sells his family and, in effect, his soul too, May steps out of the house in the closing sequence and is run over by a runaway truck, dying instantly. A shadowy Mephisto is seen laughing against the sky.

W Herzog Zwei
2008-02-23, 07:25 AM
1. I think I'd have to go for a Marvel/DC crossover for this: Mary Jane (or Peter!) has an "affair" with Bueno Excellente.

2. Well, I wouldn't. Fire Quesada and return to the original continuity with no explanation whatsoever and then mock Quesada and Brand New Day on the editorial page.

2008-02-23, 10:19 AM
SHIELD (officially) figures out that Aunt May is in the hospital and do a stakeout. Guards everywhere, and lots of Stark-tech so that Spidey can't just sneak around them. Peter and MJ get into an argument over what they can do. Peter eventually decides that he needs to run the gauntlet so that he can be there with Aunt May when she dies, and MJ obviously thinks this is an idiotic idea ("She wouldn't want you to sacrifice yourself because of her" blah blah blah). The argument culminates with MJ admitting that she is pregnant (and that she doesn't know if she could raise a child without Peter), but Peter basically says that May was his mother for all intents and purposes, and that he can't abandon her in her last hours. Do a two issue sequence that is just Spider-Man fighting against everything SHIELD has to throw at him as he races to Aunt May's room, all the while Stark is yelling at everyone he can find to get SHIELD to back off and just let Peter see his aunt. All the while, have shots of Norman Osborn seeing the developing news on the SHIELD security cameras. As Peter reaches the floor where May is, pan out from Norman and reveal a suit of Iron-Man-Tech (Green Goblin style) to his left, a tearful (and bound) Mary Jane to the right, and that this is all taking place on some sort of flying vehicle. End the two-issue sequence with Spider-Man opening the door, only to see a Green Goblin with Iron-Man-tech standing there, with May in his arms (and Mary Jane tied up in the corner). In the next issue, Osborn tosses her out the window and immediately attacks Peter (who, by this point, is wearing a tattered costume, to show that he is more Peter than Spider-Man at this point). No "You can save her while I laugh" this time, just a brutal and wordless assault as Mary Jane is forced to watch the man that she loves get the snot beat out of him. The Green Goblin is about to kill Peter (who has suffered serious wounds) when suddenly the Scarlet Spiders and Iron Man himself arrive on the scene. Stark tells Peter that May is okay (he caught her) and that he is deeply sorry that SHIELD would sink to such a level. The Scarlet Spiders and Iron Man proceed to attack this super Green Goblin, but get their butts handed to them (hell, let two or the Scarlet Spiders die. Not like they aren't replacable). However, with his head now clear, Peter begins to think coherently and starts making angry wise-cracks while fighting with a level of rage only seen in every other "Peter is mad" issue. After at least one more issue of brutal fighting, Peter's Other-spikey things are extended and he impales Norman in the chest. The spikey-things break off (so that he no longer has that power), Osborn is paralyzed (and imply that he is dying, but we know what that is worth), Stark's current suit is destroyed, and Peter is barely even alive. Let Stark and Peter talk for a bit about how Stark had good intentions with the SHRA, and that he feels horrible about what he did to Peter. As Peter sits there, holding Mary Jane (while doctors are trying to resuscitated Aunt May, all with the flatline of May's EKG in the background), Peter begins to lose consciousness (imply that he is dying). Stark says that he will make things right and the doctors call May's time of death just as Peter loses consciousness. Next issue is Peter flashing in and out of consciousness in a hospital room as images of his life flash before his eyes. Show the good times, and his screw ups (with a heavy emphasis on Captain Stacy and Gwen Stacy). He eventually awakens to see Tony Stark and Mary Jane (in a wheelchair) by his bedside. Stark then explains that he wanted to make things right, so he basically claimed that Peter Parker agreed to be an agent of SHIELD because "He was a trustworthy individual, was well-known in Spider-Man circles, and was courageous enough to give up his career to be bait for particularly nasty super-villains (like the Green Goblin)" but that it went horribly wrong when information was leaked and his family was attacked. As such, the world as a whole thinks Stark is a piece of crap and that Peter just happened to have bitten off a bit more than he could chew. As Stark leaves (saying something like "I am sure you have a lot to talk about, and I can understand if you never want to see me again"), Peter and MJ begin to talk. We find out that the trauma of the night caused MJ to lose the baby, and Peter basically does the whole "It is too dangerous for me to be happy, blah blah blah, I am sorry MJ", resulting in a(nother) separation (but not a divorce, so Joey Q can be happy). Aunt May is dead (for at least a little while), Peter is single, and his identity is just slightly less known than Daredevil's. Problem solved.
As people have said, Mephisto does not have the power to do what he did. So have Spider-Man and Jackpot clash for a few issues. Then, as the world begins to unravel (House of M-style), they find out that Mephsto was just messing with them. He did take their love after all. Aunt May is alive, Peter and MJ are separated, baby is poofed away, and we can pretend that Mephisto at least had enough power to put mental blocks in the whole "Peter is Spider-Man" thing. The world knows he unmasked, but they think it was just some nobody unless it would make Mephisto happy for them to know (ie. most of the supervillains who would use it against Peter, but wouldn't expose him). SHIELD can still know, but we all know that there will be a scene in Secret Invasion where Stark heroically destroys the SHRA databases so that the Skrull can't get it.

2008-02-23, 11:40 AM
:smallfrown: Soon.

I would end brand new day very very soon.

2008-02-23, 12:05 PM
I think it's pretty damn obvious, really: Someone (say, Kingpin) tries to kill MJ as revenge against Spider-Man, and she is saved only be some no-name registered hero because Spidy was too busy hiding from SHIELD. Have them break up because of safety issues like that.

Or, with OMD in place, there are a few ways to end it fast. My favorite is to have Dr. Strange burst into Spidy's apartment and say the devil's stolen his true love and screwed his life up. They then go to hell and kick the snot out of Mephisto until he returns things to the way they were. (Incidentally, the fight should begin with then wandering through hell looking for him. They see a middle-aged white tortured soul who looks like Quesada, and Spidy realizes instinctively that this is the person who screwed his life up. Strange disagrees, saying he's not getting any mystic power readings, but Spidy leaps over and punches the "tortured soul" in the face, ruining the illusion.)

Oh, and Gundato? How sad is it that your first story is way better then what actually happened? In fact, if you add a press release that "Peter Parker" was never actually Spider-Man, just some random shmuck hired to pressure Spidy into registering, that takes care of secret identity as well.

2008-02-23, 07:56 PM
I'm bleak and depressing. One day, one of them says they aren't in love with the other any more. And it turns out they never were, it was just they were confused about their own emotions. Of course, people may well hate that even more than the weird deal with a devil nonsense. But then again, it's kind of supposed to.

Hey, this is Spiderman. It supposed to be depressing and angsty.

I could probably make up something with aliens or magic, but that defeats the point.

I think though I'd much rather leave them married, because that was an indication that some level of progress happened in the story.

As far as how to erase the events of one day after. I could make up something with aliens or magic, but that's doesn't seem an appropriate way to handle the situation. Treats it with far too much respect. No, I vote say "it never happened".

2008-02-23, 09:50 PM
1. If I had to break up MJ and Peter? Kill off Mary Jane. It's a comic book, we can always bring her back later if necessary. Have her die in some way that is brutal and obvious she is dead (no plane crashes, nothing like that). Maybe have some snot level Spidey villain do it. Is Mysterio alive? No, that'd leave to many openings... Hmm... OH! I'll have Venom kill her! The Thunderbolts tracked down Spidey, and as they're fighting, Venom's sneaking up on Pete. MJ sacrifices herself to give him the time necessary to escape from the T-Bolts.

2. Ok, I've thought about this for a while. Aunt May gets attacked again. Peter does a similar set of looking for solutions, and right before he turns to the final solution, Utau the Watcher comes down and tells him that it would be a monumentally stupid idea, that he did that once before and in doing so allowed Mephisto to gain unprecedented power. It is revealed that every new villain that Spidey's fought since OMD was granted their powers by Mephisto to help balance the books so to speak for all the lives that Pete only saved because of MJ's moral support. Without their marraige in place, there are thousands of lives he would have failed to save so the new villains have to kill to make up the difference. Upon learning all this, Spider-Man teams up with Dr. Strange and Mr. Fantastic and they go to Mephisto's realm and undo the magic that he wrought. The undo doesn't work completely however, so we end up with a third, middle ground area where Pete & MJ are together, but the world doesn't know Pete's identity and he lost all his new powers. Unfortunately, however, May dies. Peter is left with the anguished thought that he not only failed to save his aunt's life, but caused the deaths of thousands in the process. Have a few months where Pete & MJ try to work it out, but have MJ get frustrated at peter's moping over may's death ("It's been three months Pete! I miss her too, and I understand she was like your mom, but we can't live like this!") MJ walks out for a bit. Pete contemplates suicide, but MJ comes back at the last instant to talk him out of it.

2008-02-26, 12:59 AM
1.) If I had to break up Peter and MJ or lose my job... I'd be in a lot of trouble, because they've been written to withstand much greater stresses in their lives than anything I can come up with. I could kill MJ, which I wouldn't want to do because too many members of the supporting cast (typically women) get killed too often in comics, and Spider-Man has already lost one love interest in a particularly iconic moment. Killing a second means the inevitable third would be doomed to the same fate because it would become a theme for him. I would bite the bullet and call it a divorce. Something around 50% of marriages end in divorce these days (which is a misrepresentation of the data, more information on divorce rates can be found on the internet), and that's a lot of young children who deal with the idea of their parents splitting up. Some kids take it well, others don't. I'm of the opinion that kids could benefit greatly from being assured by Spider-Man that their parents aren't evil, mean, or wrong by getting a divorce... that they still love them (the child) and life will still be okay, it's not the end of the world.

You know what, I'd go the whole mile and return May (the younger) to them right after their divorce is finalized, let them talk at length about how they'll split up time, but still protect the little girl and each other. This can inspire angst and drama from so many directions it isn't even funny. Peter loses partial custody due to missing a pickup time because he was busy fighting the Rhino, and MJ has to vouch for him to get it reinstated. Peter formulates a close alliance with a few other heroes to make up for the fact that he will have nights he absolutely can't go out, and they get annoyed by his aloofness or have personality clashes with each other... I dunno, that seems like a rich source of stories to me.

2.) I'm 100% behind the "Spidey is locked in a pocket dimension by Mephisto, Dr. Strange helps bust him out, Mephisto gains the Spider-Totem, but Spider-Man keeps his classic powers, proving Peter was right in saying that his powers were BOTH science and magic." approach. Really, if Mephisto has the power to block the Sorcerer Supreme's supernatural senses, how is it possible the greater mystic foe, the Dread Dormammu has never bested old Steve?

2008-02-26, 11:51 AM

Nice story you got here. Too bad you don't write comics. Now there are some changes I would make mainly to make it a possible out instead Fan Fic. First implement the Brand new day story line you came up with. Then at the end reveal that while Aunt May is alive she isn't for long. Mephisto's spell has been broken and while he can't just simply reverse all the effects like the cloaking of Peter ID, Aunt May will die again and Spiderman's Totem Powers will return. Not all of the effects of the spell should go away.

Aunt May should collapse mysteriously with friends and in up in the hospital about 2 comic’s after Mephisto’s spell is broken. Return to the hospital with your first story taking off from there. Overall would make some excellent reading. All this does is make 2 great story lines work just in a reversed order that they were planned in.

2008-02-28, 05:55 PM
2. Cut to Hawkeye hitting Wanda so hard she snaps out of it and it's revealed House of M never ended and the last few years have been due to her mental collapse and very thin veneer of sanity over it.
I don't normally advocate domestic abuse as a solution, but hey - if Superboy could hit the universe so hard it broke, I'm pretty sure hitting Wanda could repair Marvel. Or mental repair crews. Whatever it takes.

A total slap in the face to all the writers involved in Spider-Man, Civil War, World War Hulk etc, but at this point they kind of earned that.

2008-02-29, 04:34 PM
1) Anyway other than how it happened. Up to and including MJ being a skrull.

2) Is easy. Haveing recently read the last (sob) issue of cable and deadpool I noticed right at the start that 'pools usual forth wall immunities had kicked in and he knew what had happened.

Obviously deadpool would decide to fix things, throwing his considerable kickassedness into setting up M.J and Peter Parker again, starting with something that revealed parkers identity to her. They end up falling in love, having just met etc.

Of course Myphisto and his plot empowered powerup would not be happy with this and would come to destroy the relationship again/collect may parkers life. Spiderman would loose the direct confrontation, and mephisto would reveal, and undo, the blocks on m.j, may and peters memories so they'd know exactly what had happened and he could rip it all away -again-.

Enter deadpool once more, saving the day and killing mephisto, everyone is now happy and deadpool gets some more kudos for being a proper hero. Ending with the superhero poker night and spiderman and deadpool are explaining what happened to the other heros since none of them remember spidey having a wife.

2008-03-07, 08:50 PM
1. I wouldn't split them up. I'd just give Mary Jane superpowers and make her a full fledged superhero alongside Spidey. cough *Jackpot* cough Too many love interests are stuck on the sidelines.

2. If Osbourne Sr. can come back from the dead, so can Harry. Personally, I can live with The Other storyline retconned out. It could've worked, but it wasn't given the chance to breath. Tony Stark got a power upgrade with the Extremis story arc and other writers have excepted it and expanded on it. It's become a distinct part of his modern character. Spider-Man could've been hit by a random radiation beam and lost his organic webshooters. Lots of things could've been done. Sins Past was just terrible and neeeded to be cut.

Basically, altering years of the character's history was a mistake. It would have been better to just cut aside things Quesada didn't want and roll with the punches insead of using a magic memory whipe on everything.

2008-03-18, 05:02 PM
Splitting up due to safety reasons is crap. People know Peter and MJ used to be married, for a long time, and he obviously loves her enough to break up with her. They would still target her. It's not like they care she's not married to peter. It just affords her one less level of protection. It would frankly be idiot for them to get a divorce due to saftey reasons.

I would not split them up and spit in the face of more than 20 years of continuity. The backlash would be rediculous. The negative fan reaction like that of OMD would be so bad I'd take enough blame for it so that my industry position might be comprimised. Not worth it. Something like a 30% drop in Amazing Spiderman comic sales after BND started. Still the top seller, but a 30% drop is huge nomatter how you look at it. There's no reasonable way to go about it.

I'd tie in BND to skrulls and have the marriage never annuled in the first place. Dr Strange can go ahead and fix it.

Also, I liked OMD. I figured it was time for may parker to die.

Seriously, if Quesada wanted to write teenaged spider-man so bad, he could have gone and done it with another new series. But 616 continuity, just messing it up like that? He's gotta be confident his bosses will look at the numbers and not fire him. But this can't be his plan to get them back together, as readership post-event would be the same as redership pre-event, and during the event readership would be lower than normal. That's just stupid. So either he's stupid or he's nuts. Stupid for his failed event, or nuts for not going to go back and change it. Either way I do think his job is in jepordy.

2008-03-18, 06:05 PM
[QUOTE=Dalenthas;3977349]1. If I had to break up MJ and Peter? Kill off Mary Jane. It's a comic book, we can always bring her back later if necessary. Have her die in some way that is brutal and obvious she is dead (no plane crashes, nothing like that). Maybe have some snot level Spidey villain do it. Is Mysterio alive? No, that'd leave to many openings... Hmm... OH! I'll have Venom kill her! The Thunderbolts tracked down Spidey, and as they're fighting, Venom's sneaking up on Pete. MJ sacrifices herself to give him the time necessary to escape from the T-Bolts. [QUOTE]

Not a bad idea, but it promotes Women in Refrigerators. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WomenInRefrigerators)

2008-03-18, 07:31 PM
1. If I had to break up MJ and Peter? Kill off Mary Jane. It's a comic book, we can always bring her back later if necessary. Have her die in some way that is brutal and obvious she is dead (no plane crashes, nothing like that). Maybe have some snot level Spidey villain do it. Is Mysterio alive? No, that'd leave to many openings... Hmm... OH! I'll have Venom kill her! The Thunderbolts tracked down Spidey, and as they're fighting, Venom's sneaking up on Pete. MJ sacrifices herself to give him the time necessary to escape from the T-Bolts.

Not a bad idea, but it promotes Women in Refrigerators. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WomenInRefrigerators)

Hey, I'm not saying that's my preffered way to do it, but I'd rather have her dead than the fiasco that actually happened. Honestly I don't really see the point in breaking them up, some other writer later under some new EIC will just put them back together again. It's like trying to kill the Pheonix or something...