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View Full Version : The Order of the Stick: April

The Giant
2004-04-13, 09:20 PM
OK, this is the new "general comments about OOTS that aren't important enough to warrant their own thread" thread for the month of April. We'll start a new one each month from now on.

Let the commenting begin!!

Grey Watcher
2004-04-13, 10:35 PM
I am officially making the first comment in the new thread:

I love the Order of the Stick!


The Giant
2004-04-13, 11:41 PM
That's just the sort of deep insightful analysis I've come to expect. Well done! ;)

2004-04-13, 11:50 PM
Is it just my imagination, or does the talisman look like a harp?

2004-04-14, 12:44 AM
Nah, I think it a pendant on a chain. But it's so small (in that picture) and yellow (which doesn't show up well against white) that it's kind of hard to tell.

2004-04-14, 05:26 AM
Thanks to Ashlock I'm able to post the Opinicus in all of its glory.


Now can you see why it deserved to be in the Pit of Misfit Monsters?

2004-04-14, 07:44 AM
Cheery sort, isn't he?

Damn right. Join me, and you too will know the power and joy of the Dark Side. Although really, we get just as good lighting as the "Light" Side people, so don't let the name throw you.

2004-04-14, 02:25 PM
rich -

I love your self portrait avatar!

: ) j

Grey Watcher
2004-04-14, 03:24 PM
That's just the sort of deep insightful analysis I've come to expect. Well done! ;)

I was actually going to try to come up with something intelligent to say, but I risked loosing the coveted first post of the new thread! (Well, second really, but you get the idea.....

And, for my thoughts on your new tag, it's cute, but I kinda like the old one. All mysterious and Vorlony. But then, I am only a lowly Pixie....

But not for long, mwahahaha!

2004-04-14, 09:50 PM
Rich, I've been wondering - what do you use to draw the strip? I assume you're using a tablet and doing the whole thing digitally, but I'm curious as to your exact methods.

2004-04-14, 11:22 PM
Thanks to Ashlock I'm able to post the Opinicus in all of its glory.

Now can you see why it deserved to be in the Pit of Misfit Monsters?

Good lord, it looks like a camel designed by committee!

The Giant
2004-04-15, 12:35 AM
Rich, I've been wondering - what do you use to draw the strip? I assume you're using a tablet and doing the whole thing digitally, but I'm curious as to your exact methods.

The whole thing is done in Adobe Illustrator, a high-end vector illustration program for those who might not know. Yes, it takes a $700 piece of professional design software to make them look that crude! Just the other day, I was reflecting on the fact that it takes like 15 times as long to make a complicated panel than it would to draw it by hand.

But I love the clean lines and flat color that digital drawing gives me, especially the perfect circles for heads. Plus, I can cut-and-paste figures and backgrounds to save time. By using a vector program, each line can be adjusted and moved individually after they are drawn, so I can (for example) delete just a character's arms and redraw them in a second, rather than having to erase each pixel of color.

Oh, and I use a mouse, not a tablet. That may seem odd, since it's harder to get the line perfectly placed with a mouse, but I've been using Illustrator professionally for so long (7 years) that adjusting the vectors manually has become second-nature.

2004-04-15, 01:40 AM
I'm wondering what's become of Zz'dtri. We haven't seen him since he stoned the sylph in #53.

He didn't come through the door with the rogues and V in #55, and he's not visible anywhere in #56 either, though everyone else is there. I wonder.

The Giant
2004-04-15, 01:44 AM
What happened is I ran out of room on-panel. You'll notice neither of the dwarves is coming through the door in #55 either, yet they are there in #56.

Trust me, he's there, he just, uh, cast Invisibility on himself. ;)

2004-04-15, 01:55 AM
Firstly, I love the bard. How can anybody not love the bumbly, naive fool? He is so true to the games I've played where the bards are kind of inept. Bards foreva!

Secondly, you would love a tablet. You would. If you tried it and hated it, I'd have to conclude you are just insane. Which, since I don't know you, might be the case anyway... ;)

OOTS is my new favorite strip. ^^

2004-04-15, 02:23 AM

Order of the Stick is completely wonderful. A few weeks back somebody at ENWorld posted a link to the "Wait! I think I failed a Spot check!" strip (actually, it was a reference to people ignoring their familiars after getting them, except for the bonuses). Still my favorite strip. I love Belkar's facial expressions. Also my new favorite strip (I also like PvPOnline, PennyArcade, SomethingPositive, and others). Lastly, any chance of a POBox for donations for those of us afeared of PayPal?


2004-04-15, 04:17 AM
Ok, who didn't see this one coming?

*Raises hand*

*Notices no one else does*

*Lowers hand in a hurry*

Yeah, me neither... :P

2004-04-15, 08:36 AM
All I have to say is dun Dun DUN! :)

Can't wait until monday, dang weekend cliff-hangers. ;D


2004-04-15, 11:41 AM

Cliffhangers, indeed.

The Giant
2004-04-15, 11:54 AM
Hey Dreeble, thanks for the praise!

Lastly, any chance of a POBox for donations for those of us afeared of PayPal?

No, unfortunately I don't. I looked into it, but the cost per month is far greater than I am likely to get in mailed donations. And I would prefer not to give out my home address (my only other valid mailing address). I would recommend if you want to support the site, you could buy a journal or something (assuming you don't want a t-shirt). If ordering over the internet is a problem too, CafePress accepts phone orders: 877-809-1659, 7 am - 5 pm PST, Mon-Fri.

2004-04-15, 12:39 PM
[looks back a bit]

OOO! A flumph! Food source of nerd monster central!

Giant, I think I know where you got the base idea for that strip from.... :) Possibly...Castle Greyhawk?

Different, of course. :)

Grey Watcher
2004-04-15, 12:39 PM
And here I was thinking Nale was above the personal use of physical violence. I'll admit, that one took me off-guard. It's sort of... edgy. But then, Nale survived loosing at least one vital organ, so I'm willing to bet he'll come through in the end (provided Belkar has any more of those green potions Haley can steal).

2004-04-15, 01:31 PM
And here I was thinking Nale was above the personal use of physical violence.

Wouldn't be much point in him taking those fighter levels then :P

I'm pretty surprised too...I'd say I can't wait till Monday, except I have to go back to school on Monday, so I am in fact quite comfortable waiting till Monday.

I just hope this doesn't ruin the beautiful romance of the dwarves :(

The Giant
2004-04-15, 01:44 PM
Giant, I think I know where you got the base idea for that strip from.... :) Possibly...Castle Greyhawk?

Different, of course. :)

Man, everyone wants to attribute my ideas to someone else. >:(

Sorry, I don't know anything about Castle Greyhawk.

2004-04-15, 03:04 PM

Castle Greyhawk was a joke module generally considered horrible, full of bad puns and lame jokes. One of the funnier bits was a demiplane of lame monsters, where all of the stupider beasties were banished. Flumph was their main food source.

2004-04-15, 03:07 PM
First: I don't think I can give you enough praise for the strip. I absolutley love it. It makes my Mondays and Thursdays less bleh.

*just now notices you have a paypal button*

On #56: I never thought I'd hear a wizard say "sucks".
Poor, poor little Elan.

And what on earth is the thing with the bunny on it's head?

2004-04-15, 03:09 PM
Ack, I think I'll expire from the anticipation before Monday comes. What a cliff hanger! :)

2004-04-15, 03:10 PM

No, not attribute your ideas. Inspiration is different from stealing. Castle Greyhawk had the land of the Nerd Monsters, with all of the really silly monsters from the various books (different than yours, you see, but similar enough that I though you might have taken inspiration).

Inspiration is a good thing. As are flumphs.

As for Castle Greyhawk being full of lame jokes, I found it hilarious, myself. ^_^

The Giant
2004-04-15, 03:21 PM
Sounds funny; in retrospect, I can see how the one would remind you of the other. But no, I never read it...I pretty much never read any Greyhawk stuff. I've long been a fan of the flumph for their sheer uselessness. I used to tell people my WOTC setting was called "Flumphworld: The Quest to Not Get Flipped Over". ;D

2004-04-15, 03:25 PM
Flumphs ARE hilarious.... :) Poor things.

I bet your setting was REALLY popular.

I'm not actually certain that Castle Greyhawk had anything to do with the Greyhawk setting, oddly enough... ^_^

2004-04-15, 03:26 PM
And what on earth is the thing with the bunny on it's head?


Grey Watcher
2004-04-15, 04:36 PM
I just hope this doesn't ruin the beautiful romance of the dwarves :(

Well, considering that he serves Thor and she Loki, I sort of had it pegged under the whole doomed romance thing.

Would someone mind telling me the properties of these flumphs? Apart from looking like pale jellyfish with eyes and being Lawful Good, I really don't know a thing about them.

And Giant, for some reason the image of Nale and Sabine kissing and being all diabolical together is making me think of the Bond movie A View to a Kill. Deliberate reference or reader insanity?

The Giant
2004-04-15, 04:55 PM
Would someone mind telling me the properties of these flumphs? Apart from looking like pale jellyfish with eyes and being Lawful Good, I really don't know a thing about them.

Flumph description article. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flumph)
Homebrew 3E conversion that does not do justice to its silliness. (http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/aberration/flumph.htm)

And Giant, for some reason the image of Nale and Sabine kissing and being all diabolical together is making me think of the Bond movie A View to a Kill. Deliberate reference or reader insanity?

Reader insanity.

2004-04-15, 05:15 PM
OMG! They killed Elan! Those fish poops! :P

2004-04-15, 07:34 PM
On several different topics:

1) Love the strip. I go into cataclysmic laughter every time I read ThorPrayer(tm).

2) Why in #56 is Haley's tongue...orange?

3) The Flumph....well, here's the info from the Fiend Folio:

Strange saucer shaped, pure white creatures. 4 inch tall eyestalks on either side of its mouth which is on top of the 2 foot diameter disc-body-whatever. The flumph "flies" by sucking air into its mouth and expelling it through its underside. Can fly up to 10 feet high. Normal attack is by way of foul smelling liquid. Save vs poison or flee in disgust. The effect of the liquid lasts for 1-4 hours, and during this time will be shunned by his companions who cannot tolerate being within 100 feet of the victim.

If that method fails, then its alternate attack is to float above its target, and fall down onto it, impaling the victim with the spikes which project from its underside. In addition to the spikey damage, there is additional acid damage from secretions. A flumph is helpless if turned over.

The thing with their flight mechanism makes them especially goofy. I imagine that a floating flumph sounds an awful lot like a continuous fart noise as it is constantly sucking in air and expelling it.

2004-04-15, 09:04 PM
Hence, their name.

2004-04-15, 09:17 PM
Just for kicks and giggles there should be a campaign wherein all the characters are monsters from that pit.

Picture it: Flumph Paladin.

2004-04-18, 07:37 PM
You, sir Giant, are a genius. An eeeeevil genius. Just when my useless but perky little bard/sorceror had adopted Elan as her hero, you get him stabbed in the back! I warn you - if he dies on Monday, I will never* read your strip again!

*"Never" meaning "on Thursday morning, with even greater anticipation, if possible" ;)

The Giant
2004-04-18, 08:22 PM
I prefer to think of myself as a spoooooky genius. ;)

Thanks for the praise, and welcome to the site! We could always do with a few more perky bard/sorcereresses around here. ;D

2004-04-18, 09:42 PM
Spooky, but very polite ;) Thanks much! This'll be a good place for her to hang out when the rest of the party just wishes she'd go away (some people don't like cheery wake-up songs after a night of drinking - go figure). No "accidental" cones of cold, though... yet...

*crosses fingers for Elan before going to bed. Night all*

2004-04-18, 10:47 PM
I prefer to think of myself as a spoooooky genius. ;)

Having played in a game you ran, I'd say "evil genius." Yep, definitely evil. I'll just say two words to back me up: "Ethan Goldblade."

2004-04-19, 12:34 AM
Holy crap. Very well-executed.

2004-04-19, 07:47 AM
:o They're all doomed! Doomed, I tell you! Their only hope is for the flumphs to finally reveal that they are ninjas and take out the baddies using Phenomenal Cosmic PowerTM.

Hey, could happen.

Anyhoo, it's amazing how tG can get people emotionally involved with stick figures. He must be an evil GM indeed.

2004-04-19, 11:56 AM
Just wanted to say hello, and that the Order of the Stick has become one of my very favorite gaming comics. I found it on the Forgotten Realms Portal site, and have read the whole run at least 3 times now. Our gaming group talks about the strips every week, and the lines from them keep coming up during play.

Keep up the good work :)

Grey Watcher
2004-04-19, 12:27 PM
Yeeesh, we turn our backs for a weekend (in my case, to rehearse for Tommy, and the strip turns all serious on us! Still, it does explain some of the needless convolutions in the plots of Nale.

A) Bards can't be Lawful, so he HAD to construct it piecemeal.

B) Getting the Talisman by using the OotS is, perhaps, more a matter of convenience than anything.

But I have three questions:

So is Sabine supposed to be some sort of Dragon Disciple? I didn't know they could hide their wings (without severe discomfort, at least, which might explain why she is so b*&^hy).

How is Thog flying? Sabine has her wings, Nale is being carried by Sabine, Zz'dtri has a Fly spell, Yikyik is clinging to Zz'dtri, and Helgya is likewise hanging onto Thog, but HOW IS THOG FLYING? He's a sub-moronic Half-Orc Fighter! He shouldn't have anything remotely resembling flight capabilites! (Or are we supposed to buy that he has an insane Jump modifier?)

Is it me, or has Durkon's accent softened over the course of the strip?

2004-04-19, 12:30 PM
I thought Sabine might be a Teifling...but perhaps she was just under an illusion spell, like disguise self.

AS for Thog, he either has boots of flying or some such magic device, or he got fly cast on him. You can only fit so much in the panels after all. :)

I think the point is, though, that they are all powerful enough to be able to get away the way they are, leaving our heroes in almost certain doom. ;)

2004-04-19, 12:50 PM
Sabine could be a half-fiend, since she apparently used a nasty spell-like ability on Durkon (also one of my favorite characters :'().

I wonder why Vaarsuvius didn't light those blighters up as they flew away....?

The Giant
2004-04-19, 01:18 PM
Answer Time!

B) Getting the Talisman by using the OotS is, perhaps, more a matter of convenience than anything.

Yes, exactly. Nale didn't know going in that he would be facing his long-lost brother any more than Elan did. He just doesn't let the knowledge stop him.

So is Sabine supposed to be some sort of Dragon Disciple? I didn't know they could hide their wings (without severe discomfort, at least, which might explain why she is so b*&^hy).

No, think "fiend" not "dragon". I'm not giving away anymore details than that, yet. That was definitely supposed to be a shapechanging effect, though, because you see the wings and tail "grow" from panel 2 to 3, not just appear (as would be the case with an illusion).

How is Thog flying? Sabine has her wings, Nale is being carried by Sabine, Zz'dtri has a Fly spell, Yikyik is clinging to Zz'dtri, and Helgya is likewise hanging onto Thog, but HOW IS THOG FLYING? He's a sub-moronic Half-Orc Fighter! He shouldn't have anything remotely resembling flight capabilites! (Or are we supposed to buy that he has an insane Jump modifier?)

Zz'dtri cast Fly on him, I just didn't show it. I figured it was kind of unnecessary, since we know he can cast it and we see him cast it on himself. It wouldn't have really added anything to the scene, and I was pressed for space with such a complicated scene.

Is it me, or has Durkon's accent softened over the course of the strip?

It softens when I need his words to be understandable to deliver important lines. But it's always there in some form.

2004-04-19, 01:54 PM
Nice job!

Funny thing, I felt an emotional twang when Elan got the sword, but when treachery hit all the others, I found it amusing and intrigueing, but not sad. I guess Elan is just the sympathetic one to me!

2004-04-19, 02:56 PM
Ah, right, I did notice the wings growing from the previous panel. :)

Thanks for the Answers Giant.

2004-04-19, 04:58 PM
I can't wait to hear what Haley has to say about this turn of events. I'd love to see a stick figure "i told you so" dance.

2004-04-19, 05:06 PM
BTW, I love Roy pounding on the ice wall in panel 7. It's especially ironic that he's the one letting pure anger and frustration overcome common sense to the point of violence - or maybe he thought bludgeoning damage would succeed where slashing had failed. Yeah, that's it.

2004-04-19, 07:39 PM
What I don't understand is this.

Nale says Xykon was unaware that the Talisman of Dorukan lay within his dungeon. But Elan says Xykon built the dungeon, which is named the "Dungeon of Dorukan".

So did Elan botch some roll the "Summon Plot Exposition" required, or...what?

The Giant
2004-04-19, 07:51 PM
What I don't understand is this.

Nale says Xykon was unaware that the Talisman of Dorukan lay within his dungeon. But Elan says Xykon built the dungeon, which is named the "Dungeon of Dorukan".

So did Elan botch some roll the "Summon Plot Exposition" required, or...what?

Not really. Reread #13 carefully:
"We quest in the deep dark Dungeon of Dorukan, a horrible pit filled with evil monsters.
Created by the mad lich Xykon..."

It's the MONSTERS that Xykon created, NOT the dungeon. And actually, that's not 100% true, since he didn't create goblins or ogres, but he did create zombies and ogre zombies and whatever is in the shadows there. But the intent is that Xykon is the one who turned it into a "horrible pit", not that he constructed the physical building. He trapped it, for example. But I know who Dorukan is and why his castle was standing empty, but it may take a while before that gets explained.

Further, Nale doesn't say that Xykon is unaware that the Talisman of Dorukan is in the dungeon, just that he is unaware that what Nale is LOOKING FOR is in the dungeon. As in, Nale didn't tell him he was looking for the Talisman of Dorukan and Xykon didn't ask.

Trust me, I know what I'm doing. ;)

2004-04-19, 07:55 PM
I was kinda surprised that we didn't get an MST3K commentary by Xykon and his crew as they viewed the proceedings on their PiP crystal ball . . . ;)

But it is kinda fun to imagine their comments off-camera.

2004-04-19, 08:18 PM
Trust me, I know what I'm doing. ;)

Hey, never any doubt there man. Thanks for clearing that up :)

Semantically, the quote sounded like Xykon had created the actual building and not just the monsters (compare "...monsters created by the mad lich Xykon..." instead of "...monsters. Created by the mad lich Xykon...") but I get it all now.

Anyway, if he had created it I guess it'd be the "Dungeon of Xykon" but whatever.

Either way...I'm still diggin' it.

2004-04-19, 11:51 PM
Belkar, Belkar, Belkar. Don't you know anything? Never point out a flaw in the villain's plan while the villain is still around! Always wait until he leaves, just in case he hasn't seen it yet!

<shaking head> I'm dissappointed in the little guy.

2004-04-20, 12:42 AM
My Rogue character, Myrkah, would totally fall for Haley. Cos of the frizzy little strand of hair.

Oh yeah, awesome comic :) It's become a cult favourite amongst my workmates (we all roleplay once a week) - one even bought a completel suite of Order of the Stick t-shirts last week. He's the cool one, now :)

2004-04-20, 05:22 AM
Man, look at Vaasuvius's expression. (S)He's all... :o

Grey Watcher
2004-04-20, 10:01 AM
No, think "fiend" not "dragon". I'm not giving away anymore details than that, yet. That was definitely supposed to be a shapechanging effect, though, because you see the wings and tail "grow" from panel 2 to 3, not just appear (as would be the case with an illusion).

Yeah, the glowing red eyes and pointy horns should've tipped me off to the whole demon-spawn thing.... And I did see the growth, of the things, which is why I didn't attribute it to illusion.

Zz'dtri cast Fly on him, I just didn't show it. I figured it was kind of unnecessary, since we know he can cast it and we see him cast it on himself. It wouldn't have really added anything to the scene, and I was pressed for space with such a complicated scene.

I figured as much, but I just felt like being picky. After all, buying all those Nitpicker's Guides to Star Trek wasn't just a hobby.

It softens when I need his words to be understandable to deliver important lines. But it's always there in some form.

Ah, now I see the patterns. It just struck me, looking back at #1, that his line about the stability feat was a lot thicker than, say, his line aboot, -er, ahem, about needing more ranks in Knowledge (Religion) to know to be worried.

Trust me.

I know of no scarier phrase in the English language.

2004-04-20, 10:32 AM
I'm left wondering what spells V-Man has memorized, since he just stood there impotently while the bad guys flew away. Maybe that cleric of Loki cast silence on him while nobody was looking?

One cone of cold might've been useful as the villains flew away. And shouldn't his fly spell still be active from his adventure finding the air sigil? Or maybe he walked through an unhallow that dispelled the flight?

The Giant
2004-04-20, 10:44 AM
The bad guys haven't "flown away" yet. They simply got in the air. Don't jump to conclusions. :P I can only fit so much action in each strip.

And since Zz'dtri had to recast his Fly spell, it stands to reason the spells he cast on Haley and Vaarsuvius also expired.

In other words, the time span between comics varies widely; it might have taken hours to finsh each Sigil quest, and then only 2-3 rounds passed in the most recent comic. The next comic will pick up at the exact moment after this one. But I think you'll see Vaarsuvius has his hands full with another problem...

2004-04-20, 11:14 AM
But I think you'll see Vaarsuvius has his hands full with another problem...

Then she is a he! I mean, he is a his! I mean... aw, heck. :P

Hey, I just noticed that "Vaarsuvius" greatly resembles "Vesuvius." Appropriate given his mighty and explosively-oriented powers :)

The Giant
2004-04-20, 11:40 AM
I will neither confirm nor deny Vaarsuvius' gender at this time. I am the Lord of Illusions!

Grey Watcher
2004-04-20, 01:02 PM
Most of the characters refer to Vaarsuvius as a he. I just assumed that he was rather slender and highly intellectual (which sometimes people read as effeminacy). Belkar's line in a strip "You know I always suspected...." I thought was refering to the idea that Vaarsuvius might be gay, not female.

2004-04-20, 01:15 PM
What happen if some of the monsters in the pit are ufficially updated to 3rd editions?
for example the osquip are in a FR accessory (races of faerun)....

2004-04-20, 01:57 PM
Oh, Nale you were doing so well. You had dropped two of them and a full ambush could easily carried the day.

But alas, like many evil masterminds you choose to leave while letting the heroes die an 'exotic death' at the hands of your untested minions.

Fool! Those outdated monsters are still using the THAC0 system! Their attacks will hit ACs ranging from roughly -5 to 15! Only the weakest of the monsters will have a chance to even touch the Order of the Stick.

Sadly another neophyte gives Evil Overlords a bad name. ;)

2004-04-20, 02:17 PM
While the monsters' own ACs will be in the same range. What's it like to fight something with AC 2? (Answer: fun!)

The Giant
2004-04-20, 02:33 PM
Fool! Those outdated monsters are still using the THAC0 system! Their attacks will hit ACs ranging from roughly -5 to 15! Only the weakest of the monsters will have a chance to even touch the Order of the Stick.

To the contrary: You subtract the AC from the THAC0 for the number needed on the d20. A 1-HD monster in 2e had a THAC0 of 20, so if the OOTS all have ACs of 20 or higher (likely), then even the lowliest of monsters cannot fail to hit them! (Except on a natural 1.) A more powerful monster with a THAC0 of 10 would need to roll a -10 on the die to miss. No, those monsters are killing machines against 3E AC scores.

Likewise, it should be child's play for the OOTSers to hit the monsters' ACs of 2 or so.

Looks like a bloodbath is comin'... ;D

2004-04-20, 02:52 PM
I think the flumphs are gonna save the day! ;D ;D ;D

2004-04-20, 03:15 PM
Ah - but what if the OotS gang takes off all of their armor and doesn't dodge any attacks? Then they'll have the incredible AC of 5 (except Belkar)! And if the V-ster casts mass enlarge person, it'll go down to 4! The monsters will barely be able to touch 'em and they can clean up. Unless the monsters also don't dodge OotS' attacks, which I guess would increase their AC, and then a hole would be ripped in the space-time continuum as everyone throws themselves on each others' weapons without getting scratched... :P

Yeah, I guess it's all up to the flumphs.

Grey Watcher
2004-04-20, 03:44 PM
I think the flumphs are gonna save the day! ;D ;D ;D

On the one hand, given the Giant's sense of humor, I'd be inclined to agree. On the other hand, we thought of it, and I think he goes out of his way to frustrate our expectations. Personally, I'm working on the theory that something about the difference in rules will make things work out in some hilariously awkward manner.

2004-04-20, 04:40 PM
The Osquip isn't the only one that shouldn't be in there. That Death Dog (published in the 3rd edition Fiend Folio) really shouldn't be controllable by the amulet. I would suggest it save the day, if it weren't such a crappy creature now.

2004-04-20, 05:10 PM
Guessing the content of future strips and taking away the fun by doing that is really beyond my unterstanding. Why the hell are some people that dedicated to this kind of party-pooping? Why are some people unable to simply enjoying the marvelous strips two times a week and leave it at that?

Mr. Burlow already told the community, that he's not very happy about those kind of postings. So, why disrespecting his talent by trying to spoil the fun? Looks to me like hunting for much needed self-affirmation by successfully predicting the strips.

Don't want to be overly insulting. I'm simply curious for the reasons because i'm only able to assume them.

2004-04-20, 05:26 PM
I don't think anyone was seriously trying to guess the content of future strips. We were just joking around about silly monsters and silly 2ed rules. Sorry. :-/ :-[ :-X

2004-04-20, 05:30 PM
The bad guys haven't "flown away" yet. They simply got in the air. Don't jump to conclusions. :P I can only fit so much action in each strip.

What? You mean evil hasn't won yet? Darn. :)

I guess I need to be more patient.

2004-04-20, 07:53 PM
We were just joking around about silly monsters and silly 2ed rules. Sorry. :-/ :-[ :-X
Well, my posting wasn't directed at anyone directly. It is simply an observation I've made more than once or twice during the last few weeks.

2004-04-20, 08:46 PM
I guess it's natural for some people to read yesterday's strip and think "Wow, how're they gonna get out of that?" then go on with their lives until all is revealed, because to them it's a story being unfolded. OTOH it's equally natural for others to think "Wow, how're they gonna get out of that?" then try to answer the question, because to them it's a puzzle to be solved.

Please, those in group #1, be patient with us in #2. Feel free to use many ::) and :P icons. ;)

Grey Watcher
2004-04-21, 11:30 AM
Guessing the content of future strips and taking away the fun by doing that is really beyond my unterstanding. Why the hell are some people that dedicated to this kind of party-pooping? Why are some people unable to simply enjoying the marvelous strips two times a week and leave it at that?

Mr. Burlow already told the community, that he's not very happy about those kind of postings. So, why disrespecting his talent by trying to spoil the fun? Looks to me like hunting for much needed self-affirmation by successfully predicting the strips.

Well, I know in my case, I'm not looking for any kind of gratification. I tend to be analytical by nature, and, as Tarlonniel said, I just like to speculate. To tell you the truth, I'm more satisfied when the strip defies my expectations and gives me something cooler. For example, I honestly didn't expect the strip to take such a dark turn as having Nale run Elan through the back. I figured there would be some comic mishap that would either loose or destroy the amulet or prove it to be completely worthless, but I was pleasantly surprised by the Giant taking such a dramatic trun.

As far as the Giant's potential disapproval goes, I hardly think he'd allow this thread to continue unabashed in this manner if he were really offended by it. When he did post on the subject of our speculations, I took it to mean that he would not incorporate things into the strip just because we wanted them, and I respect that. It's his work, and I'm not trying to tell him how to do it, I'm just curious about how things will turn out and enjoy bantering about our idle (but amusing) speculations.

Don't want to be overly insulting. I'm simply curious for the reasons because i'm only able to assume them.

"overly insulting"? I would advise that you try to avoid being insulting altogether. I can understand that all of this might look like petty attempts to second guess the Giant, but it might behoove you to be a bit more polite when entering a conversation.

2004-04-21, 11:08 PM
I haven't even been following all the comments relating to this recent discussion, but I can see what they're about. I can definitely empathize with Rich.

I've often had my players guessing as many possible outcomes to a cliffhanger in my campaign that they eventually hit on the "right one." Then that spoils my fun. Because when it finally happens, it seems as though I got my idea from their little guessing spree. And then all the drama is gone. :(

In any case, I'm personally happy to let OotS unfold as Rich imagines it with as few influences on that as possible—which is not to say that he's susceptible to such influences, but I, too, know the temptation of deliberately going against all the suggestions.

That said, the latest one, Rich—Episode #58—is great! Belkar is such fun.

The Giant
2004-04-21, 11:24 PM
Daveric is the undisputed MASTER of doing that at our D&D games. Drives us nuts.

2004-04-22, 04:09 AM
Elan made it! :D I'm so pleased. Is it safe to assume that Durkon will just come round eventually or is he still in danger?

2004-04-22, 04:46 AM
Clearly someone needs to cast Owl's Wisdom on Brooke Shields...I had no idea until today's strip that it included the effect of "Banish Monobrow".

Edit...meant to mention this the first time, but I love in strip #10 how the goblins in the background are speaking Ewok. Damn furry little blighters ruin a perfectly good movie.

Edit #2...clearly Sabine is either a Succubus or an Erinyes. Most likely a Succubus, since they have bat wings, and Erinyes are described as having feathered wings...although since Nale is LE, an Erinyes might make a better fit, alignment-wise.

2004-04-22, 07:42 AM
:D Okay, today's strip is definitely one of my all-time favorites! It's very funny and every detail was perfect, right down to Belkar's shirt changing color. You rock, Giant ;D

2004-04-22, 07:55 AM
Just went through that with Daveric online. :) I can see what you mean..Daveric - Master of Hypotheses!

Can't say if he got anything right, of course. :)

'That just means I can beat him with both scrolls at the same time!'

Best line ever. :)

2004-04-22, 08:22 AM
Daveric is the undisputed MASTER of doing that at our D&D games. Drives us nuts.

Hey, I've been very, VERY good of late. ;)

At least I am master at something. :) :-/

2004-04-22, 09:04 AM
Awww, Belkar has a soft spot for small furry creatures.

I wonder if that will be his undoing?

The Giant
2004-04-22, 09:41 AM
:D Okay, today's strip is definitely one of my all-time favorites! It's very funny and every detail was perfect, right down to Belkar's shirt changing color. You rock, Giant ;D

Thanks! The shirt changing color was a direct result of the "How is Thog flying?" questions. I realized that if I was going to have a spell effect that influenced the events, I needed some kind of visual cue that it was happening. I think it worked out well, as it gives him this "enlightened" look. :)

2004-04-22, 09:49 AM
'That just means I can beat him with both scrolls at the same time!'

Best line ever. :)
I agree! I love that little guy. And hurray for Elan!

2004-04-22, 10:11 AM
hey! , new to forum just wanted to do a quick post and say how much i love OOTS, keep up the fantastic work,

p.s. the "i think i've failed a spot check thread" was the funniest thing i've seen for many years in terms of AD&D humour

2004-04-22, 10:27 AM
Thanks! The shirt changing color was a direct result of the "How is Thog flying?" questions. I realized that if I was going to have a spell effect that influenced the events, I needed some kind of visual cue that it was happening. I think it worked out well, as it gives him this "enlightened" look. :)

heh, well, for a while, I thought you forgot to set the fill color on his shirt, then I remembered that you have a library of premade figures to build from.

2004-04-22, 10:39 AM
'twasn't just the shirt - his whole outfit got a temporary brightening-up (obviously Owl's Wisdom washes with Tide ;) ).

Still worried about Durkon, though. *goes to look up Erin-somethings and Succu-whatevers in the SRD*

Grey Watcher
2004-04-22, 11:05 AM
I like his shirt changing color. I agree it somehow makes him look more sage-like, as opposed to the indiscriminately violent Belkar we've all come to know and love (don't tell him I said that, my insurance doesn't cover stabbings from halflings).

I'm actually kind of glad you didn't try to do too many things in a single strip. Trying to resolve Elan's and Durkon's injuries, the attacking monsters, AND the escape attempt of the Linear Guild would be an insane amount to pack into a strip. Plus, giving us a bit of humor maintains enough suspense without giving us all ulcers. ;D

2004-04-22, 01:24 PM
Belkar: ((I've wasted my life on anger and needless rage, when I could have been healing. My eyes are finally open. From this day and forward I'm never hurting another living creature ever again))

V-(wo)man:"Dismiss Owls Wisdom"

Belkar: Lets kill those losers!

I think that those 3 pictures could be a perfect picture for a T-shirt. I simply love Belkar, Haley and Elan, especially the part where Haley offers Elan Belkars potion.....

Hi *waves*

2004-04-22, 01:58 PM
After reading today's strip for the *mumble*th time, I realized that Elan somewhat confusedly refers to Vaarsuvius as "Mommy." Yet another twist in the V-ster gender debate!

2004-04-22, 03:52 PM
How can you tell a persons gender because they call they mother 'mommy' (don't laugh I'm a foreigner). I first thought it was a woman (purple hair, dress and all) then I saw that joke with 'weapon of choice' and I changed oppinion and now I have only guesses left :'( :'( :'(

Grey Watcher
2004-04-22, 04:11 PM
I didn't take it as any kind of reflection on Vaarsuvius at all. It's a very old gag (possibly of vaudeville origin) where a character who is just waking up from deep sleep, unconsciousness due to injury, or drug/alcohol induced stupor responds with something to the effect of "Mommy, I don't wanna go to school today." The point is, they're so out of it, part of their brain thinks they're are sleepy schoolchildren being woken up by their mothers, regardless of whether or not their in combat, an army camp, or passed out in a bar. I stand by my evaluation of Vaarsuvius as a lithe, slender male.

2004-04-22, 04:27 PM
You're right, it's not relevant to Elan's gender. I was saying that confusion of someone with one's mother is easier if that someone is female - which may or may not indicate something about V-(wo)man.

Grey_Watcher: yes, I know, just pointing out the interesting coincidence that it was Vaarsuvius being mistaken for mommy, not, say, Belkar ;)

2004-04-22, 10:33 PM
After reading today's strip for the *mumble*th time, I realized that Elan somewhat confusedly refers to Vaarsuvius as "Mommy." Yet another twist in the V-ster gender debate!

I was the biggest supporter of V being a woman and I tried to keep the conspiracy alive as long as possible. But whether he intended to or not, it is clear in my mind that Rich revealed that V is in fact a male character many episodes ago. I didn't want it to be so but alas, it's a he.

2004-04-22, 11:00 PM
I'm proud of you, Bogotter, for admitting that you were wrong.

You're a good otter.

2004-04-22, 11:59 PM
As a woman, I refuse to give up on the possibility that there may be more than one of "us" in OotS. Especially one so much more like me than Haley is. :)

2004-04-23, 11:15 AM
OK, I just found out about the Order.

Killed me Dead it did. We have a Hackmaster group consisting of myself, a pro comic book artist, a stoner, a used car salesman, and our GM is the Worshipful Master of the local Masons. Even our group is less disfuntional than the order.

The Thor strips crack me up. You sir, are a genus.

2004-04-23, 06:15 PM
I'm proud of you, Bogotter, for admitting that you were wrong.

You're a good otter.

Nope......I'm a Bog Otter.

Grey Watcher
2004-04-24, 10:41 AM
Before I forget, I want to say Bravo to the Giant for actually having a character's personality altered by a spell like Owl's Wisdom. As a veteran of computer gaming, I'm WAAAAY to used to spells vastly increasing a character's Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma and it having no effect whatsoever on the character's personality.

2004-04-24, 12:16 PM
You know...when I saw Thog flying, I wasn't thinking "how is Thog flying?"

I was laughing my arse off because of the little superhero pose he has while doing it. ;D

2004-04-25, 10:31 AM
I think that the Giant is a genius, my only critisism (SP?) is that it only comes twice a week ;D Anyway V is more of a background charecter to me, although I gotta admit that I checked everything I could to find an answer.

I (almost) think that an entire board could run on that discussion, except it would be my word against everyone elses.

I vote that it is neither (V)!!

*Tries to keep a straight face*

2004-04-25, 10:43 AM
I'm sorry....Giant didn't reveal the gender in the actual strip....it was something he posted. Here's my post where I called him on it:

OK I'll admit it finally....I was wrong about Vaarsuvius.......she's a he.

Here's a post from Giant where he revealed the gender of V-man....whether on purpose or not:

Quote: Hence the OOTS where Vaarsuvius' raven "pops" into existence when he needs it.


The Giant
2004-04-25, 01:17 PM
I think that the Giant is a genius, my only critisism (SP?) is that it only comes twice a week.

All I'm saying is that you are going to be very happy starting on Thursday. ;)

2004-04-25, 01:30 PM
V a background character? No way, dude! But otherwise JD speaks wisdom. We await the strip where V puts on that Belt of Femininity/Masculinity and nothing happens ;D

Edit: What's that? We may get more OotS updates per week? Joy! :D

2004-04-25, 11:41 PM
Yay for prophecy!

It would have been funny if one of the Talisman of Dorukan's side-effects was dying his hair red...oh what am I saying. It's already funny. :p

2004-04-25, 11:44 PM
Woohoo! Bravo Haley! Bravo Roy! Bravo Giant! ;D

2004-04-26, 05:41 AM
Err.... I was just about to quote "I don't get it", when it all clicked...

Goes of to re-read the relevant parts..

2004-04-26, 06:12 AM
Hmph. I think I'm missing something.

2004-04-26, 06:52 AM
I definately don't get it...goatee = natural 20?

On a side note, the Al-mi'raj is really cute.

I don't recognize the 4-arm 3-legged orange beasty Roy is fighting on the top right, or the red quasi-illithid at the bottom.

2004-04-26, 08:47 AM
For those a little confused, go re-read Roy's prophecy that he recieved . . . it'll all fall into place. ;)

Good job Rich, I didn't see it until Roy did.

Is the muti-limbed thing supposed to be a Tirapheg?

The Giant
2004-04-26, 09:53 AM
Yeah, it's a Tripheg. The other red unidentified creature is just another hordling. The brown basilisk-looking thing is from the old FR Monstrous Compendium; its name escapes me at the moment.

For those who don't "get it" yet, rest assured Roy will explain it on Thursday. ;)

By the way, there's a secret sneak preview waiting for you if you vote on BuzzComix or TopWebcomics this week (preferrably both)...

2004-04-26, 10:35 AM
By the way, there's a secret sneak preview waiting for you if you vote on BuzzComix or TopWebcomics this week (preferrably both)...

Just discovered that! Wow - a whole week of epic OotS battles just in time to take my mind off final exams and other unpleasantnesses. Sweet. :D 8)

Grey Watcher
2004-04-26, 11:57 AM
At first I didn't get it. But someone said something in this thread that put me on the right track. Bravissimo. :applause:

2004-04-26, 06:20 PM
Yeah, it's a Tripheg.

I thought they had three heads?

The Giant
2004-04-26, 06:53 PM
Maybe they do, I don't have a Fiend Folio anymore. I was going by memory.

2004-04-26, 10:42 PM
I for one was shocked, shocked and appalled at the latest comic! What is this incessant goatee-bashing I see!! I am horrified to see the Giant perpetuating this gross insult to all people who choose to wear pointy facial hair. Personally, I blame G. Roddenberry for starting this slander on of us good, law abiding goatee-wearers. But I am deeply disappointed at the Giant for continuing this prejudice.

TGWDF (The Goatee-Wearers Defence Foundation)

Grey Watcher
2004-04-27, 02:00 PM
In his defense, I am certain that the Giant did not intend to express any personal prejudice against any person or persons who wear goatees. Haley's opinions are those of a single character within the Giant's entire work, and, for plot purposes, it was necessary for Nale to have a goatee.

---LoGD (League of Giant Defenders)

2004-04-27, 03:37 PM
The Giant has a goatee. As such, the combination of his self image and his love of traditional sci fi contrivances, puts him closer to Gannes' hypothesis than GW's.

The Giant
2004-04-27, 04:03 PM
There are two groups of people in this world that I hate: people who judge others based on superficial characterstics, and people with goatees.

Grey Watcher
2004-04-27, 04:11 PM
There are two groups of people in this world that I hate: people who judge others based on superficial characterstics, and people with goatees.

Then why are you one? Are there some deep-rooted psychological difficulties you might be trying to work out. :pulls up a couch and takes out pen and paper:

2004-04-27, 08:26 PM
Then why are you one? Are there some deep-rooted psychological difficulties you might be trying to work out. :pulls up a couch and takes out pen and paper:

Of course! All great masochists hate themselves. It's part of their 'play'. ;)

2004-04-28, 07:47 AM
There's an Ah'mi'raj on the second last panel! Another nerd monster! :)

Hee hee hee....


Okay, I'm going to have to classify myself as a nerd monster for remembering that.

2004-04-28, 08:01 AM
I had a question... How is it that Thog of all people is flying in these latest episodes???

Thog Flies???!!???!!???!

2004-04-28, 08:30 AM
Welcome to the boards Orion. Giant answered this question a week or so ago. Zz'dtri cast fly on Thog. It didn't happen in the panel for space reasons but the assumption was that we could figure it out since we knew Zz'dtri had cast fly on himself.

2004-04-28, 09:38 AM
Having a goatee myself, I was quite amused by 59 ;D

Grey Watcher
2004-04-28, 11:28 AM
Welcome to the boards Orion. Giant answered this question a week or so ago. Zz'dtri cast fly on Thog. It didn't happen in the panel for space reasons but the assumption was that we could figure it out since we knew Zz'dtri had cast fly on himself.

Clearly the Giant vastly overestimated our wisdom scores. ;D

2004-04-28, 01:26 PM
I just wanted to post a congratulations to my ten year old brother who spotted the whole prophecy reference much quicker than I did :-[.

Great comic, as always :D

Grey Watcher
2004-04-28, 07:38 PM
I'm kinda surprised there were no cracks about the discrepancies between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd edition hitting mechanisms.

2004-04-29, 03:02 AM
Ah - this is what we've all ben waiting for!

Q: Is Helga lost to the obsolete horde, or is a kindly flump about to defend her until Nale picks her up on the way out?

2004-04-29, 07:59 AM
That's too bad; Helga was kind of sweet. :)

I'm betting that Rich didn't want to draw two more combatants, and if she IS saved by kindly flumphs then she may be redeemable.

[newscaster voice] "CAN the clerics of Loki and Thor find true love together despite their religious differences? Stay tuned to find out! Check your local Fox affiliate for broadcast times."

Grey Watcher
2004-04-29, 08:10 AM
Wow. That's a lot more planning than I thought this strip had.

She took the words right out of my mouth. ;D

2004-04-29, 08:48 AM
So Giant,

Which musical selections would you recommend listening to whilst reading the strips over the next week?

Or are these the silent type fights from Kung-Fu films?

(Just have to remmeber to check back each day . . . I'm not used to it for this strip ;D )

2004-04-29, 08:53 AM
Woot! Let's get ready to RUMBLE

The Giant
2004-04-29, 09:57 AM
I'm betting that Rich didn't want to draw two more combatants, and if she IS saved by kindly flumphs then she may be redeemable.

Anything's possible...if today's strip should teach anything, it's that I plan for future strips weeks in advance. ;)

2004-04-29, 08:19 PM
What is her proper name, BTW? We've seen both Hilgya and Helgya - which is it meant to be?

2004-04-29, 08:44 PM
What's the critter with the bubbly (?) breath weapon?

The Giant
2004-04-29, 09:05 PM
Oops, screwed up on the name. I like Hilgya better, though.

The creature is the Dracolisk seen earlier; they have an acid breath weapon.

2004-04-29, 10:33 PM
You know, my response to Roy's last order was exactly the same as Belkar's: "Sweeeet!" ;D

Now we come to the fight between brothers, and we see that while Elan is undoubtedly far more dexterous than Nale, he is encountering the greatest disadvantage of his weapon of choice. If you can't sneak attack, the rapier does truly pitiful damage. Nice critical threat range, but pitiful damage.

2004-04-29, 10:39 PM
Elan still has his bardic powers at his disposal, though.

"Deny, deny, deny the psychopathic egomaniac!"

2004-04-30, 01:47 AM
That's the rapier that Haley found for him, isn't it? We (and they) don't actually know what it does... ;D

Rapier of Puncturing might be interesting...

2004-04-30, 01:58 AM
I look forward to the new one each day. I just have to remember to check it :D

2004-04-30, 07:24 AM
"Deny, deny, deny the psychopathic egomaniac!"

Except Nale is "psycopathic", apparently ;D Go Elan... go Elan...

2004-04-30, 07:39 AM
He should have said 'psychopathetic', in my opinion...


But then, Elan isn't given to gratuitious insults. He's too nice.

2004-04-30, 09:20 AM
Seeing Elan "touche'" Nale brought back flashes of that old Tom and Jerry cartoon where Jerry is a Musketeer and he say "touche' poossycat!" in that french accent. I was laughing my arse off!

Keep 'em coming Rich!


The Giant
2004-04-30, 09:55 AM
Except Nale is "psycopathic", apparently ;D Go Elan... go Elan...

Damn typos! I'll fix it later tonight.

2004-04-30, 10:10 AM
"Shut, Shut, Shut, Shut Your Mouth And Fight"

I friggin peed myself. I am rolling up a Bard for Hackmaster right away just so I can use that line.

2004-04-30, 11:12 AM
Does it strike anyone else as funny that before two identical twins face off against each other, one says "I'd hate for things to get repetitive"? ;)

Grey Watcher
2004-04-30, 01:23 PM
So, evidently Elan can sing, tumble, AND attack all in the same round! Impressive.


Most impressive.


I can't wait for Haley and Sabine to square off. The Cat-Fight of the Ages!

2004-04-30, 02:50 PM
I have to say this little week long bit is probably the coolest thing I've seen in any webcomic, ever.

Serious props to you man!


Grey Watcher
2004-04-30, 03:18 PM
It'd be funny if Thog found himself unwilling to hurt the "talky man". (After all, Thog seems to like him.) ;D

The question is: Willy Belkar and Yikyik have sufficiently high Spot and Listen scores to even FIND each other?


2004-04-30, 06:07 PM
I wonder if the gamblers in Las Vegas are in on the Linerar Guild vs the Order of the Stick action . . . and what the line is on each match-up.

Grey Watcher
2004-04-30, 06:09 PM
I wonder if the gamblers in Las Vegas are in on the Linerar Guild vs the Order of the Stick action . . . and what the line is on each match-up.

Considering that the strip is called "The Order of the Stick" and it has become the main feature of the site, I think you'd have to be a complete fool to bet on the Linear Guild.

2004-04-30, 06:10 PM
Considering that the strip is called "The Order of the Stick" and it has become the main feature of the site, I think you'd have to be a complete fool to bet on the Linear Guild.

Trust me, there are complete fools out there . . . and people willing to part them from their money. ;D

Grey Watcher
2004-04-30, 06:19 PM
Trust me, there are complete fools out there . . . and people willing to part them from their money. ;D

Touche, WampaxX, touche.

2004-04-30, 07:27 PM
I wonder when Elan will use that Girdle of Feminity/Masculinity... I have a feeling it has to do with Nale, or something, but I dunno. I want to see Vaarsuvius and Zz'dtri duke it out... though Haley and Sabine will be nice, and Yikyik and Belkar...

2004-04-30, 08:35 PM
Yeah, I am kinda looking forward to the mage figtht too. this "week" of battles was an interesting twist, and I really like it :). Nice work Giant.

The Giant
2004-04-30, 11:25 PM
Thanks. It arose from my interest in doing one-on-one duels between the characters, but not wanting this part of the story to drag on for three and a half weeks. It would have been anticlimactic. So instead, I'm going seven straight days of battle action.

And Haley vs. Sabine is up now!

2004-04-30, 11:26 PM
"I 'knew' you evil the whole time!"

Haley must be from the hood, maybe? :P

The Giant
2004-04-30, 11:35 PM
Damn, I've got typos everywhere recently. This morning I locked my keys in the car, too, and I spent an hour looking for (and failing to find) my 3-hole punch. I am losing my mind.

2004-04-30, 11:36 PM
Grrrr... they're all gonna' get away... >:(

2004-04-30, 11:41 PM
Hmmm... wasn't much of a cat fight, but still quite comical. I can see it now, Linear Guild is one of the recurring villains, or at least Sabine is. It makes sense for Sabine though, since she's a devil or is it demon? or devil? arrgggh!!

2004-04-30, 11:45 PM
Damn, I've got typos everywhere recently. This morning I locked my keys in the car, too, and I spent an hour looking for (and failing to find) my 3-hole punch. I am losing my mind.

Please, try to finish the grande story arc before that happens . . . ;)

2004-05-01, 12:01 AM
This reminds me so much of one of the last parties I played in. Basically, an earlier party had seriously screwed up and failed to save the world, so now there were hordes of supernatural creatures and such everywhere. And EVERYTHING had Damage Resistance.

Everyone ended up carrying at least five weapons, to try to have SOMETHING that they could fight with. It was nuts.

(Well... everyone except me. I decided to spend a ridiculous amount of money instead to have my weapon made +4, holy, and do lightning and sonic damage...)

Er... right. The comic. It's about time that thee evile helle skanke didst face righteous judgement. If Durkon were up, this would be a great time for Holy Smite...

2004-05-01, 06:37 AM
If I remember my obscure D&D lore correctly, wouldn't Sabine most likely be a devil since devils are the LE ones?

(that's assuming she shares an alignment with her lovah though...so...who knows.)

2004-05-01, 11:01 AM
Duskrider, I am proud to say that I can confirm your obscure D&D fact. Demons are CE, devils are LE.
Of course, Sabine could be a butterfly, which I believe are N. This explains her wings, but not the cleric-fellin' magics.

Grey Watcher
2004-05-01, 03:13 PM
Duskrider, I am proud to say that I can confirm your obscure D&D fact. Demons are CE, devils are LE.
Of course, Sabine could be a butterfly, which I believe are N. This explains her wings, but not the cleric-fellin' magics.

Or, for that matter, the pointy horns on her head. And the fact that her wings don't look at all like butterfly wings....

2004-05-01, 04:18 PM
Or, for that matter, the pointy horns on her head. And the fact that her wings don't look at all like butterfly wings....

She's just a very exotic species of butterfly. The horns are antennae and the wings WOULD have designs on them like a butterfly, but...c'mon, they're stick figures.

I'm kinda saddened that Sabine gave up so easily, though.

2004-05-01, 06:47 PM
Well, If Sabine is a Succubus, then that would explain her shapeshifting powers, bat wings and level draining.

The Tail and Horns are throwing me, though. ???

2004-05-01, 08:21 PM
Leaving aside the fact that I'm a darn dirty heathen mongrel dog with an Int score of 3, and the alignments, and the vulnerability to certain metals, what is the difference between a devil and a demon?
Just curious.

2004-05-01, 09:13 PM
Err... you're posing a difficult question, as alignments ARE what the difference is all about...

Demons are CE psychopaths...

Devils are LE ruthless cunning bastards...

They've been fighting the longest and most infamous war on the planes specifically to determine which ALIGNMENT of evil gets to take over the multiverse...

And on that note, this thread gets locked... all futher info in the next one...

2004-05-01, 09:18 PM
Why would the thread be loc . . . oh, Right, that Whole MAY thing that's happening ::)

2004-05-01, 09:41 PM
:o Xander77? Here?!

Of course, if it is the same guy he probably won't recognize me... I go by an utterly different name... And I'm wasting space with off-topicness. I'll shut up now.