View Full Version : Sweating a lot while sleeping.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-24, 03:54 AM
For some reason, I always seem to sweat a lot while I'm asleep, even though I'm often not hot when I go to bed (I just wake up to find that I've sweated a lot). I'm a healthy weight for my height, and I find it to be really annoying (in nothing else, it results in me feeling cold when I get up, which is annoying in Winter). If anyone can give me any advice on why this happens, please cold you tell me?

2008-02-24, 06:19 AM
Here are some places that have some suggestions.




According to all of these, there could be several underlying causes, some more serious than others. Take a read through them and see if anything strikes you as likely.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-24, 07:22 AM
Thanks. I don't think it's anything too serious due to a lack of other symptoms (it's probably just because I'm a young adult). I'll keep he links in mind in case anything else happens, though.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-02-24, 07:42 AM
Well - Not reading any of the links:
Is it hot where you are?
Are you wearing extra-warm PJs (A hoodie and sweatpants, even)?
How about your blanket? Heavy? Still using a winter blanket?
Whats your pre-bed ritual? Do you excercise to tire yourself out?
Hows your H2O intake?

I know you're not hot when you sleep, but you'd be surprised at the heat factor playing a role.
If you're wearing warm PJs, get some less-warm ones (Maybe an old pair of hosital scrubs, or sleep shirtless/in the buff).
If you're astill using a thermal blanket, sleep on top of the covers, or switch it out to one significantly less warm.
If you do some crunches or whatever before hitting your rack, shower afterward, drink some water, and let your body generally relax before turning in. If you go to sleep sweaty, you'll wake up sweat-soaked.
If you wake up soaked in sweat, hydrate. Immediatly, your body just lost a bunch of water and electrolytes and you need to replenish them. (as they told me in RTC, if your urine isn't clear, you aren't drinking enough water - they were considerably cruder about it, though)

As an alternative, you may be experiancing nightmares and not remembering them. These, while bad, will most likely go away in time.
Just my very un-professional, I'm-far-from-and-expert 2 copper.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-24, 07:56 AM
It's not really hot in Lincolnshire (due to central heating, my room is often around 75 degrees F when I go to bed, and it can often be that hot in the Summer). I always wear long dark blue or dark grey pajamas (ie: they have long sleaves and legs, but they are made out of thin material), ad I'm currently using a Winter blanket with 1 sheet under it. I sometimes send Reiki before I go to sleep, but often I just ground myself first (I usually feel really tired when I go to bed). Also, I typically drink 9 or 10 cups of water with 2 glasses of fruitjuice or smoothie throughout each day.

I usually have a shouwer about 2- 2:30 hours before I go to bed, and I would probably end up feeling cold if I switched to a lighter blanket (my room is above the garage). I have tried sleeping naked before, but I didn't really feelcomfortable when doing it (I also tried just wearing y-fronts in bed). Often the only dreams I remember "play" like Starfox, Residant Evil or House of the Dead games (which isn't a problem because I usually enjoy them), but I'll keep your nightmare theory in mind. Thanks for the advice on drinking as soon as I wake up as well (incidentally, what's the RTC?).

Thanatos 51-50
2008-02-24, 08:01 AM
RTC means Recruit Training Command, its basically U.S. Navy boot camp.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-24, 08:07 AM
Thanks for telling me (admittedly, I think I drink plenty of water most of the time anyway).

2008-02-24, 08:59 AM
It could be that 75 degrees may be too warm for you as a setting in the house. I have heard before that if it is cooler while sleeping, you get more restful sleep. If setting the house thermostat lower is not an option, perhaps you can get a fan for your room?

In winter, you don't even have to aim it at yourself, and it will cool down the room.

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-24, 09:40 AM
I never knew that. I normally speel really well dispite sweating a lot. Thanks for the fan advice, though (the problem is that if my room gets too cold, I wouldn't be able to sleep).

2008-02-24, 11:40 AM
*leans his head into the thread*

At night the fairies pee on you. Trog suggests hanging a "restroom closed" sign on your door. Or maybe one of those "If you sprinkle when you tinkle" signs inside your room.

*leans out*

*leans back in again*

Or install hot air hand dryers. They hate those.

*leans out*

2008-02-24, 12:33 PM
Eeww....Trog! That's gross! Although he has a point, what if it is fairies peeing on you? :smallconfused:

Better get some fairy repellant.

2008-02-25, 11:13 AM
could well be some kind of infection, how long have you had this issue?

i had this for 6 weeks around xmas time and woke most nights literally running with sweat, not nice. once the infection went though it stopped.
i am a hot person though. :smallwink:

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-25, 11:15 AM
It's been happening for at least 2 years (I can't remember when it started). If it is an infection, the lack of other symptoms would be a concern (thanks for suggesting it, though).

2008-02-25, 11:46 AM
My ex used to sweat buckets every single night of his life. Our bedroom was not hot (Edinburgh, no central heating), he slept in the nude, and only used one thin summer duvet even in the depths of winter. There was no underlying infection or any other health issue, and he never showered before bed (he would do that in the morning). We just presumed that was the way his metabolism worked.

It was never a big issue. Well, ok, actually it was rather disgusting to wake up next to a puddle every morning, but I just used to cocoon myself in the duvet every night so the sweat wouldn't seep onto me ... and we lived with it. (Did a lot of laundry, mind. The duvet and mattress needed a lot of airing and dry-cleaning...)

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-25, 02:19 PM
That sounds really annoying (thankfully, I don't sweat that much: my bed usually dries up within a few minutes of me getting up, if it hadn't already done so when I was asleep).

2008-02-25, 06:15 PM
I'm also one of those people that get hot while I sleep. It doesn't really matter the weight of my blanket or my sleepwear, and my house is usually around 70F. I still lightly sweat while I'm asleep. About the only discomfort I've ever had from it is from while I was married. I don't like to be touched in any way while I'm sleeping. I don't like the skin to skin contact. I don't even like it when, say, my arms touch each other when I'm asleep, so I tend to sleep a bit sprawled out. When I wake up, I usually feel hot, but the feeling soon passes.

2008-02-25, 06:28 PM
My ex used to sweat buckets every single night of his life. Our bedroom was not hot (Edinburgh, no central heating), he slept in the nude, and only used one thin summer duvet even in the depths of winter. There was no underlying infection or any other health issue, and he never showered before bed (he would do that in the morning). We just presumed that was the way his metabolism worked.

It was never a big issue. Well, ok, actually it was rather disgusting to wake up next to a puddle every morning, but I just used to cocoon myself in the duvet every night so the sweat wouldn't seep onto me ... and we lived with it. (Did a lot of laundry, mind. The duvet and mattress needed a lot of airing and dry-cleaning...)

same with my boyfriend, except you sound much more forgiving than i am, i hate it when he has a particually bad night.

But it is something to do with metabolism as he has a very very high metabolism and deposits fat as brown fat (rather than the usual white fat) and its the brown fat that burns off very quickly and makes him so hot even at night -sometihng like that anyway

Tempest Fennac
2008-02-26, 02:10 AM
How can you tell whether it's brown or white fat? I think I have quite a fast metabolism based on the fact that I'm naturally quite fast.

2008-02-26, 02:35 AM
Trying to remember back to my physiology class, but I don't think humans make brown fat. It's more for bats and birds and mice :smallconfused:

2008-02-26, 12:56 PM
In my case, I sweat more when sleeping naked.

2008-02-26, 07:11 PM
Try washing your sheets the next day.

I get it in bursts. Every night for a week and then nothing for 2 months and then one bad night and then nothing... I swear I must be going through menopause at 21. It's brutal and I hate it. Totally disrupts my sleep.