View Full Version : Dread

2008-02-26, 07:09 PM
Just an informational post here--

dread is diceless numberless horror role-playing

is is... what is the word? revolutionary!

instead of dice the main mechanic is a jenga stack... whenever you would take an action that would require a roll you instead pull one (sometimes more) block(s) from the stack.

Whenever the stack falls... YOU DIE!

If you are wondering how it works then visit www.tiltingatwindmills.net it will explain it in whole.

Not only does it explain the mechanics of it; it also provides several ready-made scenarios that will BLOW. YOUR. MIND. (especially behind the mask, which was my group and I's best role-playing experience ever)

Make sure your host knows how to run a good game before trying out either the mask scenario. it is so well written that if you try it the first time, you can ruin it.

WARNING: this game is for ROLE (not roll) players only... if you want to really emerse yourself in a game and not just play a stereotyped piece of paper then Pick This Up...