View Full Version : Help! I can't remember the name of this comic

2008-02-27, 07:27 PM
There was a comic when I was little about a robot man who looked like an old 20's boxer (had a moustache and all), he was sorta made of brass or some such and you could see inside his chest (clear glass chest). There was some sort of lizard-man as a villian (Technophage? or something) who had this big wheel of portals to various worlds which he ruled over.

I can't remember for the life of me, and I've searched google for hours T_T

Please help if you can!

2008-02-27, 07:34 PM
Nevermind, a friend just ran up to me with what we have been searching for. It was Mr. Hero, the villian was Teknophage. Thanks anyway though :D