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2008-02-27, 08:13 PM
Hunting ground.

The land just beyond the Akuma-Yomi Province borders is a hunting ground.
Who hunts who depends on who gets in that killing stroke. Demon may hunt mortals, mortals may hunt demons. Demons take from mortals their flesh, their joy, and their freedom, while mortals take from demons their lives, their skulls, and their bones.

It is a wild place.

One bastion stands out in the wilderness of this wilderness, a certain border fort that would be more appropriately named a large hunting lodge. The fort, so remote and so considered unimportant by the Shogunate that it was not even given a name, gives shelter to demon hunters who roam the forests, the wastelands, and the plains searching for demon parts. The walls are fairly high since the fort was built in a day when demon raids were quite frequent, but the outermost layers are falling apart. The buildings are run down, as though no one ever bothered to even try fixing them. The soldiers are all bored out of their minds, and act more like occupants of a large bar than warriors. The Taisa screams and rails at his subordinates' incompetence, but he too does nothing aside from complain. Little happens inside the fort.

Outside the fort, it is different. Bands of brave hunters roam the land, seeking supernatural creatures to slay. A few lucky hunters encounter Oni, and the especially fortunate might find an enchanted Oni club. Some make a comfortable living off of killing demons, while others quench their lust for violence on fiends that any mortal would gladly exterminate.

Still others come for something different, such as a group of Tungusk hunters seen hanging around the area recently. They enter the wilderness for weeks, yet they bring back scant trophies. So few return unharmed, even though no healers go with them. And despite all of this, they always return covered in head to toe with blood...Luckily for these tribesmen, few ask questions and fewer press their inquiries in this forsaken land.

Enter three warriors. One a dark hand of two rulers from across the sea: one a two-faced warrior, skilled with a flute: one the last of her people, her swords shedding darkness and light.

2008-02-27, 08:50 PM
As he approaches, one of the travelers stops for a moment to examine the fort's exterior. Pitiful, he thinks. He is young man of medium height and medium build with unremarkable features--except for the eyes. One might remember the eyes. His dress is unremarkable as well: a simple brown traveling tunic and breeches with an accompanying cloak. The only weapons visible on his person are a pair of daggers and a small hunting bow.

Idly brushing some of the road dust from his breeches, he muses silently, Still, I shouldn't have to worry about intense scrutiny from the garrison if the condition of their stronghold reflects their morale and discipline--and I've yet to see a keep that didn't.

Having seen enough, the man resumes his trek to the gate, humming almost inaudibly.

2008-02-28, 05:08 AM
Another man approaches the castle, this time from the south. He approaches calmly, and looks to the worn fort through a small window in the straw conical hat that hides his features. So this is the place my lord sends me to... he sighs.

The man wears a black hakama and a dark grey kimono, with only the slightest touch of colour in the form of some sakura flower petals embroided in the sleeves. To his left side, held in place by the obi, rest a couple of swords in ornate but similarly dark sayas.

The left hand rests on the hilt of the katana. In his right hand he holds a long leaf, which he takes to his mouth to make a humming sound, probably playing a popular song, although with poor skill. The man approaches slowly, studying the surroundings, perhaps admiring the wilderness or looking for something, impossible to tell under the shadow of the hat.

Absently, he lays his left hand in a large boulder, probably from the outer walls of the fortress, as if it could tell him its story. The man tries to imagine the claw of a the demon that tore it from its place, but now the stone is covered in moss, as that happened ages away. The screams of the Taisa return him to the present, and so the samurai begins to walk around the fortress, to find the main gate.

2008-02-28, 08:52 AM

A woman approaches the forest with practiced, inhuman grace. Her geta clink and clack as she walks up to the stout fortress wall. She wears a sky blue kimono that remains undecorated except for bright white flowers embroidered onto it's chest. No hakama covers her legs, and the kimono ends in a much looser affair than most normal female kimono. Her dress is nothing like any peasant across Yama. Her kimono appears exceptionally well done, as if woven by a master of the loom, and it's bright white obi is obviously silken in make. A bright red gem hangs from a necklace across her neck, but the only other jewelry she wears is a simple jade comb tucked into her long, flowing white hair.

The woman shifts her weight, causing the small rounded backpack slung over her shoulder to shift into a more comfortable position. A simple archer's quiver matches the backpack on her opposite shoulder, but the most prominent issue are the two swords tucked into her obi. Both are sheathed, and neither appears to be nothing more than a very well done katana. But both bear an inscription written in very fine Yaman. The first reads simply "This sword is the Silent Tears of God". The other reads "Thus do I wear my Vengeful Heart on my hip".

The sky-blue woman wears a sakkat much like the only other traveler on this road. She's about forty-feet behind a man dressed like a samurai, but she doesn't seem to acknowledge him or anyone else. Her sakkat is angled down, and her eyes remain unseen. I did not expect to see these people again, and certainly not this soon.. No swordsman has entered my maai so far.. I pity what my home has become. The woman's right hand is wrapped around a long walking stick with a bent curve to it. She looks up and looks toward the only visible samurai on the road. "Maybe he will prove worth it.."

Unless otherwise noted, Marlia'zara is always in her Hearing the Air stance. She refers to the 30ft of blindsense as her "maai".

2008-02-28, 09:14 AM
The gate, which used to be a fairly impressive edifice, is now a decaying thing. Two guards, one sleeping and another smoking a long, thin pipe, guard the entrance. Neither of them seem to be paying too much attention to who's coming in and out.

2008-02-28, 09:58 PM
The man with the daggers in his belt walks purposefully through the entrance without so much as a glance at the lounging guardsmen. Upon gaining entrance, he quickly scans the interior of the fort without breaking stride.

2008-02-29, 03:06 AM

The man pauses slightly when he sees the woman in the road. He even interrupts his song. He watches her approach and lifts his left hand to the border of the hat in some kind of salute. What a strange woman he thinks.

Nonetheless, he doesn't pause to wait her or address her in any other manner. He just walks towards the gate as he had previously been doing. A keen observer would notice that his head is ever so slightly turned as if to have a better hearing of the woman's geta on the floor, though.

She wears clothes fit for a noble, two katanas... could that woman be a Nitöichi master? She is walking confidently in Oni infested lands, after all the man's mind boils with questions, despite his outer calm appearance. After all in my clan there are several kunoichi more skilled than I he concedes but none are so bold to walk with long blades in the open...

Lost in his thoughts, he salutes the guards, barely murmuring Konnichi wa as he walks by. Right after crossing the gate, he turns to the right and walks a couple of metres away from the main arch, leaning against the wall and cleaning a small stone from the sole of his sandal.

From that spot near the entrance, he tries to get a first impression of the insides of the fort.

2008-02-29, 03:41 AM

The woman watches the samurai disappear behind decrepit walls out of the corner of her eyes. The subtle shift of the weight in his neck. Even the touch of his hat to her. None of these things were the mark of a samurai. Must be a green one.. Guess he isn't worthy.

When she passes both guards her gaze and hat turn skyward, drinking in the clouds while trying to gauge the time of day. She might have time for a quick match, though she couldn't quite trust the sun so much. The woman's long, elven ears twitch as she took in every movement around her. Only an innocent child would be able to escape the senses of her maai, which brought the swordswoman a form of comfort.

(Yaman)"You." She ignores both guards, they either didn't exist or simply didn't register to the woman. Her eyes remained skyward for sometime afterward, but she quietly lowers her gaze and levels it at the samurai. Her voice is deep, a harsh contraction to the soft visage her kimono and body presented. She spoke in fluent Yaman, not breaking stride in herr speech like a tourist or newcomer would. (Yaman)"A samurai, no? From what school?" The swordswoman settles both of her hands on her hips, taking an almost accusatory stance. A slight shift of her weight broadcasted her next move to even the most green novice. A hand danced slowly to the blade at her hip.

Both hilts appeared cloth-bound and rather old, but one appeared to be ancient in it's construction but very well maintained. The other, the blade she reached for, was much more recent but definitely not made within Ukio's lifetime. (Yaman)"A test then? A quick duel, nothing lethal but a bit of fun between ken-oshiego?" The word was simple: Sword-disciples. Definitely not the word a samurai would have used.

2008-02-29, 07:18 AM

The sakkat covers Ukio's surprise. it seems we have a bold woman here. She inspects her slowly, his face still covered by the hat, and curiosity urges him to learn more about her. Shoujiro dojo. niten'ichi ryu. he surprises himself replying. Since he is officially sent there by his daimyo, it has no sense hiding his identity, so he doesn't use the thousand-faces headband to hide his unusual eyes. You didn't introduce yourself and you raise many more questions than you ask. he sighs. Why do you stick to the old traditions of fighting women, why do you not use the traditional naginata, why do you insist on dueling a complete stranger, why... enough! Ukio frowns and inspires deeply, then releases the air slowly. Samurai are so impractical when compared to shinobi... he reflects.

But As you wish Ukio replies. He adopts an unorthodox stance, directly facing the woman with his left hand resting on the wakizashi If I win will you sit besides me and reply my questions? he inquires, trying to keep curiosity from ruining his concentration.

sense motive:[roll0] let's see what Ukio can find out about her... not much, it seems.

2008-02-29, 08:21 AM
Unless otherwise noted, everything she speaks is in Yaman.


"Well met, ken-oshiego of the niten'chi. I am a self-taught student of no important style." The woman seems to look over her opponent. Her hand now rests against the old sword handle with a practiced balance. She makes no move to draw it, nor does she adopt a fighting stance. "I guess from your position that you are not accustomed to a sudden assault. Your katana is not the first weapon you go to, but instead you reach for the wakizashi at your hip.. A stance like that is rather disrespectful to a katana. I've learned everything I need to, ken-oshiego. I will answer your questions, but I will not fight you this day."

With that, the katana-carrying woman folds her hands into the sleeves of her kimono and turns around to finally acknowledge the 'fortress' proper. She looks around the area before finally settling on the two guards she had completely ignored earlier. "Oh, my apologies for not seeing you. Good morning to you both."

2008-02-29, 09:05 AM

The samurai sighs again, relieved that he will not have to fight the woman. If that's your desire mutters the man, slightly disillusioned. He had enjoyed the adrenalin rush and his complete unability to read her movements. Anyway, self-taught-ken-wielding-onna, don't allow looks to deceive yourself, for I honour both my weapons, a heirloom from my family. he says softly. The katana is longer and my right hand faster. The maai was much shorter for my katana, even sheathed and with my hand far away. he explains.

He bows respectfully, hoping to have cleared her misunderstanding.

2008-02-29, 09:36 AM
The area inside is quite decrepit as well. Soldiers, counting themselves among the drunkard hunters, rowdily traipse up and down the small streets with bottles of sake in hand. The slightly more dutiful soldiers play chess with one another or try to fight off sleep as they stand watch.

You can hear shouts for more wine from inside a dirty looking pub that sits off to the eastern edge of the fort (you entered from the South gates). What looks like the Taisa's headquarters sits directly in the middle of the walled area, looking something like an imposing, if dirty and wretched, overlord. Clangs of metal on metal ring out from the smithy up to the north, while cries of demon-part advertisements ring out from the rather large hunter's lodge in the north-east.

Zero and Elk:
One of the more attentive guards on the wall snaps to attention and yells, "Hey! You two! We'll have no trouble here, alright? If you're hunters, just come on in, we've got an inn and everything!"

You can't really sense from the woman. As far as you can tell, she's just another warrior woman with two swords.

I need to take a look at the OA book again for the Iaijutsu rules, so the results from your rolls will come later.

2008-02-29, 09:48 AM

The woman chuckles ever so lightly. "My name is Marlia'zara, nothing more and nothing less. I demand no respect, so you do not need to bow." She ignores the comment from the guard, as the man has seemingly vanished from her view of the world once again. "Come, you have things to ask and I haven't had a good bottle of sake in quite some time." The woman smiles softly and removes her hand from her sword. She quietly enters into the main section of the lodge, without waiting for the samurai to follow her. "I've been gone for some time, is this region still a good place for sake?"

DC 20, according to the Iaijutsu Rules, is Character Level and How many ranks they have in Iaijutsu Focus.

Knowledge(Local) check: Where are we anyway? [roll0].

2008-02-29, 10:41 AM

You sense that the young samurai is, despite his "meek" demeanor, is easily your match in combat. Should the two of you come to blows, it is likely that the victor will win at the cost of his/her life. You also sense that, though his iaijutsu skill is inferior to yours, is still nothing to sneer at. He's more than he seems.
As you can see from his char sheet, he's level 12 and has 10 ranks in Iaijutsu.

You also remember that this region, a region just beyond the norther borders of the Yomi province, is in the thresholds of demon territory. This place is in the northern 3/4ths of Yama. No lord has any legal right to this land, since it is technically outside Shogunate jurisdiction.

The fortress is known to you as a walled hunting lodge, where hunters come and go to sell demon parts and kill demons. You also know that disobedient soldiers and unruly minor nobles are often stationed here by the Shogunate to be rid of them for a while. Lately, demons have not raided this area, and hunters have had to travel further into the wilderness to kill them. Not that the demon population has gotten that much smaller; it has simply gotten denser, and so fewer hunters come by nowdays.

The region is well known for its expansive forests and frigid tundras, though the season is autumn right now and therefore quite comfortable.

2008-02-29, 04:45 PM

It is my privilege to choose to respect you, Marlia'zara-sama replies Ukio, completely ignorant to the guard's words and following the strange woman. The samurai can't hold a smile in his face. He remembers those days when he drank himself into unconsciousness, and for what he knows, the sake here isn't the best one he's tasted. You must have been away for ages if you think the sake is good this far north. They have a passable söchü, but nothing like the delicate Nihonshu of Ran or the tasty söchü made with black köji in Minnasa. he says.

Visibly cheered up by the presence of the woman, he follows her, not really hurrying to catch up. My name is Ukio Shibagami. he introduces himself. Let's see what they have and I'll invite you to a bottle. he offers. Then we can talk more comfortably. The man seems to flow behind her, his soft words blending in the wind like he blends with the surroundings. His movements don't seem practised or particularly graceful, but seem to naturally follow the path that offers less resistance.

2008-02-29, 08:17 PM

The man with the daggers--currently called Hayashi Kazuo, though he's had many other names--steps from the shadows after observing the antics of the two other newcomers. He watches the mismatched pair enter the pub and tilts his head as if pondering some great question.

After a moment, Kazuo suddenly makes his way to the pub and enters.

2008-02-29, 11:52 PM
The pub is divided into two parts; an area apparently designated for those stricken with ennui, and another area designated for those stricken with bacchanalian debauchery. The bored folks mostly gaze down at their (surprisingly clean) drinking saucers and blurt out a few one-syllable responses. The revelers, on the other hand, whoop and cheer as a man and a woman, the woman being of a rather petite, leather-clad stature and possessing shoulder-length black hair, chug as much alcohol as they can; in a few moments, the man keels over and begins wretching into his barrel-sized clay drinking urn; the woman, on the other hand, simply slams down her urn, grins, and yells for another challenger.

The bar itself is in a general state of disarray, for neither side seems to want to clean up after themselves. Two young waitresses, no more than young girls barely into marriageable age, dash around the pub serving drinks. Currently, there seem to be sake, sochu, an import from Dangun called makgulli, and some fermented mare's milk from the Empire of Gold. One boy, probably a servant boy of a hunter, seems to be sipping normal cow's milk.

2008-03-01, 07:38 AM

The woman frowns at the state of her countrymen. Were it her choice, this bar wouldn't even exist and all these soldiers would be out in the yard doing drills. She turns and speaks low to Ukio. "This place has become very unrestricted. Has all of Yama become this way in my absence?"

Without waiting for a response, Marlia'zara moves over an empty table and sits down quietly. She raises her hand and extends one finger as a sign for a waitress. "So I assume you suggest the sochu, Ukio of the niten'chi?"

2008-03-02, 12:14 AM

Kazuo enters the bar and takes in the scene with a quick glance. As the ebb and flow of the crowd permits, Kazuo eases his way towards the most dimly lit table from which he may listen to the other newcomers and observe the rest of the pub's patrons. After settling himself, Kazuo marks those who are partaking in the fermented mare's milk and files the information away for future use.

2008-03-02, 01:33 PM

Ukio smiles. The woman seems to have listened to his words. He nods as he asks for a bottle of sochu to share with the strange swordswoman. How long have you been away, Marlia'zara? asks Ukio while paying the drink. He repeats the name, enjoying the sound, trying to get the pronunciation correctly. It's been quite a long time since the way of the warrior became unfashionable for women and most female samurai decided to lead a quiet life he comments, almost like lamenting the fashion. I guess their husbands were ashamed to have a woman more skilled than them. he says, pointing at what he guesses is the true reason behind the new custom.

Are you a practicioner of the nitōichi? he inquires, asking about the style that focuses on two swords of equal length. Ukio smiles and realizes he just asked two unrelated questions on a row. First things first. He says. Where are you from, Marlia'zara, and how long have you been away? he says, repeating his first question, and trying to follow some order

2008-03-02, 02:41 PM

Over by a table in hidden in the Rowdy section, you can barely overhear a group of Yaman hunters muttering something about an odd group of Tugusks traipsing around the area. They don't seem to be saying much else, though.

Another pack of Tungusk hunters loudly laugh about their latest demon catch, spilling some mare's milk as they do so.

Zero and Elk:

A slip of a young girl hurriedly brings the two of you a bottle of Yaman sochu. It's quite cold, , strong, and is fairly decent, but is nothing to write home about. The girl asks, "That'll be five chibikoku, please."
a chibioku is one copper.

2008-03-02, 04:47 PM

The elven woman takes her drink and quietly gives the young girl a single platnium piece and five chibikoku. "Keep it for yourself. But don't tell anyone, ok?" With that, she sits back and sips the cold drink. "How long.. Well, I have not set foot upon Yama in nearly a century and a quarter.." The woman sighs softly, looking up toward the ceiling. Her thin, long ears twitch as she takes in the sounds. "Has it truly been that long..? Ah well. As for where I am from, well, I am Yaman--born and raised as such. While I do understand the purpose behind nitōichi, I do not favor it. My swords exist as separate entities, and I treat them as such. As for my style, it is a mixture of things but exists primarily as battōjutsu."

Marlia'zara glances about at the arrayed ruffians in the bar. "And what about yourself? A soldier like them or..?" Marlia'zara lets the question die. Instead, her gaze turns back to Ukio. "To clarify, I am no samurai and I make no claim to the title."

2008-03-02, 07:34 PM

Kazuo subtly alters his face to make his brow and nose more prominent and his clothing to resemble traditional Tungusk hunting regalia (using his disguise headgear). Affecting a slightly intoxicated demeanor, Kazuo then walks a touch unsteadily to the portion of the bar nearest the Tungusk hunters.

Kazuo slams his fist on the bar and shouts in Tungusk, "Get me some kumis and make it quick."

2008-03-03, 11:08 AM

Ukio rises his eyebrows when he hears Marlia'zara say the time she's been away. Well, then, replying to your first question, I must say that no, Yama is still a very orderly place, particularly Mon or Yami, but we are so far north that this can barely be called Yama anymore. He looks around to the people congregated in the inn. This is a good place for misfits. After the second shadow, the power of the shogunate here is quite weak.

Ukio takes a small sip of the sochu, then replies to the second question. I am no soldier myself he says. My sword currently serves lord Zaku of Iga, and will do so for as long as I deem him worthy. he takes another sip and smiles. I hope he is, as his father before him he says, recalling the latter lord, and raises the cup once again in a silent cheer for the deceased.

One hundred and twenty five years, that surely is a long time. he says, shifting the conversation to her again. You must've travelled far in all those years. I'd like to hear about those travels. You surely must've seen a few wonders out there. he guesses. I wonder what kept you away for so long, or what brings you back then.

2008-03-03, 01:50 PM

"Time passes slowly, Ukio. But you're mistaken. I am a traveler, yes, but I do not have stories to tell nor do I have anything particularly important to tell.. However, I do believe this place has become too informal for my tastes." With that, Marlia'zara places her cup on the table, then slowly stands. "I must have words with the leader of this rabble. It's possible that things may devolve into violence, so I suggest against coming with me."

Marlia'zara steps outside, as calm and collected as fresh snow. She gathers her hair into a bun and pins it against her head with the jade comb, then finds and asks a local soldier about the lodge's leader. Once she has her information, she immediately heads to his office and barges in with only the minimal amount of respect required for his station.

Diplomacy check VS guard if necessary: [roll0]

2008-03-03, 07:14 PM

The Tungusk hunters give you blank stares...


And then burst out into raucous laughter.

"Hey, barwench!" one screams above the approving roar of the other hunters, "Another round of kumis! And put it on that fellow's tab!" He points to a passed out Dangun hunter (who may as well be dead from all the alcohol he consumed...).


The guard scrambles to attention as you barge through the door. He fails to muster the sense required to even say, "Halt!"

The Taisa's office is unusually spic and span. A large, well-made desk, low enough to be used while sitting on the tatami floor mats, sits in front of a well dressed man in his early thirties. He wears a long black obi made of fine, durable cloth, and with his hand he adjusts his noble's topknot.

He looks up from the scroll he was reading and with a loud, obnoxious voice he screams, "What?! Who are you, and why the hell have you barged into my-"

He notices something about you, the way you stand, the warrior's look in your eyes. The Taisa seems to immediately change his demeanor towards you.


You're not a run of the mill hunter, are you?

Ahem. Forgive me for my crass behavior. I am Taisa Shinji Ikamara, son of Lord Ikamara of the Yomi province. It has been some time since I have had need to act with more...courtesy. Such manners are wasted on the rabble out there, you see.

So, madam, you have come into my office unannounced and unsummoned. If it were not for the strong spirit that I sense from you, I would be yelling at you as though you were an unwashed hunter. So speak quickly."

2008-03-03, 09:49 PM

"Then I can only say that it was by the grace of your senses that you still have your tongue." She speaks quickly, quietly, and to the point. "Your soldiers are undisciplined. Your walls are in disrepair. Not even a single guard has raised his voice or his hand to halt me. Demons have the run of the land around your lodge. And yet you sit here, reading, rather than bringing order to this chaos? I'll give you some time to explain yourself, Ikamara, before I make my decision." With that last statement, she calmly awaits a response.

Intimidate - [roll0]

2008-03-03, 10:52 PM

A flicker of agitation passes in the Taisa's eyes, but that swiftly turns into the same old weariness. He gives you an amused smirk and says,

"Ha. That is an impressive amount of courage you have there, swordswoman. You might do well not to threaten a tiger in his lair...

As for my men, I have tried. I am no warrior; I am better suited for a courtroom, making edicts and laying down laws for the good of all. When I was first sent here for my impudence against my father, I did my best to clean up the place, to whip the soldiers into shape. But how does one motivate soldiers forced into the middle of a wilderness, ordered to guard something that does not get attacked? There are no villages in this area, demons and ogres have no reason to attack or even pass by this fort." He lets out a tired sigh.

"I tried. I tried. But the sheer boredom and...sameness of this place is soul crushing. I gave up trying, and eventually stopped showing the noble courtesy I had drilled into me during my stay at my father's court. What was the point, really? No one cares. The Shogunate certainly does not care whether this little outhouse gets wiped off the map or not.

You are certainly welcome to try to turn these pigs into warriors, swordswoman. It may mean your death."

2008-03-03, 11:22 PM

"A tiger? As you said, you are not warrior. Were I the mind to, I don't think anything would be stopping me from killing you and your guard. I would give you six seconds, at best."

Marlia'zara turns her back on the noble, to prove both that she does not see him as a threat and to show her disgust with his abilities. "Demons do not attack because there is nothing here. Peace causes complacency, which dulls the mind and the blade. So there is but one answer. Battle will either harden these men or kill them. Either way, they live and die honorably and this lodge becomes profitable."

Marlia'zara turns her head and pierces the man with her cold eyes. "Shinji. I want you to surrender control of this fortress over to me. Then I want you to spend your time here, in this room. Do whatever you want, but do not try to interfere with my plans. And when this lodge becomes useful and has a purpose again, then you may tell your father that you have successfully turned a ragtag hunter's lodge into a formidable fortress. You may take full credit for my actions, because I pity you too much to take that away from you."

Marlia'zara turns to face the door and begins to leave. "You have one hour to decide, Shinji. Are you going to have glory, or die in obscurity?"

Do I need to make another intimidate check for this?

2008-03-04, 03:57 AM

The samurai shrugs as the woman stands and walks away. Ah well. he sighs. You've scared her away he chuckles. He walks slowly away of the table, avoiding thumping into anyone on his way out of the crowded place. The man blends well with the people, to the point of being difficult to follow with the eyes. So difficult, in fact, that the casual observer would stop noticing him, and someone following him would loose him in the crowd.

Troubled about what Marlia'zara was about to do, he chased after, keeping a good distance, but close enough to help her. He curses when she enters a locked room, since that would prevent him from reaching her, and looks for a window in the building she just entered, so that he could hear what was going on inside.

2008-03-05, 12:16 AM

Shinji gives you a good long stare. He then breaks out into a highly amused grin.

"Kill me, woman? How amusing. If anything, that would at least throw the usual drudgery here into chaos.


Perhaps I WILL take up on your offer. It will be...entertaining to watch you try to whip these fools into shape, yes? If that is the case, then I turn full authority over this fortress to you." He tosses her a crimson silk sash, a badge of office.

"There. Welcome to your new job as my..."lieutenant", madam.

Ah, before I forget...may I ask of your name?"


You easily slip past the unwary guards and hunters and come to eavesdropping range of the conversation.

Elkhantar, you have permission to look at the fluff spoilers are meant for Zero. You may also read Zero's posts.

Before both of you can do much else, a terrified scream shatters the usual ennui.


2008-03-05, 12:51 AM

The elf catches the sash and tucks it into her kimono. She doesn't particularly need nor want it, but it's obvious that Ikamara is useless. When she hears the shout, Marlia'zara simply turns toward the exit. "I have some business to take care of, obviously. My name is not important, Shinji. For now, I am just the Honorable Mistress of Lightning." She does nothing more than leave quietly. She steps out the door and motions to the guard outside. "Keep the idiot alive and safe."

(Assuming Ukio is within 30ft of the entrance)
A tentative brush among her maai announced another being. She looked toward the area, her eyes focusing but noticing nothing. She calmly states her business in the general direction of the feeling. "I assume you are a shinobi to hide that well. If you're going to kill Ikamara, then I am obligated by my station to stop you. However, I suggest you assist me in dealing with these demons."

Marlia'zara looks toward where the voice came from.

Hearing the Air only grants Blindsense, so she knows where Ukio is if he's in 30ft, but doesn't know it's him.

2008-03-05, 03:57 AM

Marlia'zara's proposal surprises Ukio She really is a bold woman. but he is glad her interview doesn't devolve into violence, and is about to allow himself a sigh of relief when he heard the call to arms. Before he can turn away, though, Marlia'zara is out of the Taisa's quarters and speaking to him. Ukio can tell that she doesn't outright see him, since she's not looking him into the eyes and her eyes tried to focus in the air, but the fact that she even notices him leaves him startled. What kind of jutsu is she using? he wonders. can she tell it's me?.

Deciding that the demons are the most urgent threat, Ukio leaves, walking away of the strange woman. Why did you even worry about her in the first place? he scolds himself.

After he's put a safe distance (and a visual obstacle) between themselves, Ukio exits the shadows, just as if he was turning a corner, and hurries to the wall to inspect the incoming demons.

So, how are the walls? is any ring complete without any apparent breach for the demons to come through? I expect so, since there was an open gate with guards (so there should be at least a complete ring).

If there's a wall, Ukio will climb up to see what were those cries about and if there is any demon/oni coming.

2008-03-05, 11:49 PM

Upon hearing the alarm, Kazuo drops his cup and shouts to the Tungusk hunters (still in Tungusk), "Let us go spill some demon blood and show these weaklings what the Tungusk are made of!"

(Kazuo will then leave with the hunters but remain in the back of the group, drawing his daggers as he heads outside.)

2008-03-06, 12:20 AM

You sense that someone was just behind a nearby window, but that presence disappeared when the cry of alarm was shouted.


The hunters roar in agreement and swarm out of the bar and to the north wall. Many cups, mugs, and platters are scattered onto the floor in the general rush. No one seems to notice you fading into the back of the group.

Aldrik and Elk:

The two of you make your way to the north wall, and as you hurry along you notice that half of the crowd is coming towards you, a terrified mixture of guards and hunters. Complacency has weakened this fort indeed.

As you reach the wall, this scene unfolds in front of you:

Tactical Map:


Green = Oh-Oni
Black = Oni
Turqoise = Dretch
Red = guards who haven't fled
Blue = hunters who haven't fled
Brown squares = top of wall
Gray squares = ramp to get to top of wall

You recognize the largest creature as a vicious Oh-Oni, an intelligent and powerful type of ogre. The slightly smaller ones are normal Oni, looking stupid as ever as they pound their clubs into their hands. Finally, the small demons up in front are dretches, the footsoldiers of the demons. All of these creatures are advancing towards you at a steady pace.

The guards, meanwhile, are in a panic and are frantically trying to close the gate. A few bowmen on the walls have started firing, but their arrows seem to have little effect.

Elk, you can start anywhere along the brown squares if you wish. Aldrik, you may start anywhere behind the wall.

2008-03-06, 12:41 AM

(If the blues are Tungusk hunters, Kazuo will start at S-10. If not, he will start at Q-16)

(Initiative roll (when needed): [roll0])

2008-03-06, 01:39 AM

The elven warrior took a moment to contemplate her choice in profession. But her resolve returned the moment she noticed the crowd running away from one of the gates. She dashes toward the gates, assuming a new stance in the process. Once she's within sight of the gate, she takes stock of the situation quickly. Marlia'zara begins shouting out commands and hoping to atleast put some semblance of order into these soldiers. "Archers, aim for the smaller creatures! Gatekeepers, forget about closing the gate, the oni will just damage it getting inside. Fall back and form a line with the hunters!"

Initiative: [roll0]

Swift: Shift over to Leading the Charge.
Full-Round: Run(120ft movement) over to the gate.

2008-03-06, 04:35 AM

Surprised by the sudden attack on the fort, Ukio is nonetheless glad that the demons appeared at the right moment to lash out his frustration. He observes the upcoming demons, and his frustration only grows when he sees the incompetence of the guards, which are incapable of even closing the door.

Deciding that his abilities will be more useful on the floor, he descends to the ground with great skill, ready to face the demons.

Ukio has slow fall (30 ft) and can take 10 in tumble for a total skill check of 34 to treat the fall as 20 ft shorter. So unless it is a very high wall (>50ft) he can just jump down. (e.g. to N20)


2008-03-06, 10:57 PM
The guards hesitate at the random swordswoman's shouting, but they quickly heed their orders. The few hunters and guard who have not fled form up behind Marlia, while the ones on the wall continue to fire arrows.

The outside forces, meanwhile, advance forward, surging towards the gate. The Oh Oni in the back does not budge, however, and simply watches the battle with an amused smile.

Tactical map at the end of the round:


Initiative order:
Ukio (23)
Oni (19)
Oh Oni (18)
Marlia (15)
Bowmen (8)
Dretch (2)

Actions of the round:

Ukio leaps down safely from the wall. Most of the enemy seems to be more concerned with attacking the gate, but one oni heads toward Ukio.

The Oni, meanwhile, surge forward and allow the dretch to take most of the damage from the resistance. One heads off towards Ukio.

The Oh Oni sits in the back and watches the battle.

Marlia moves to the gate and shouts to the guards. The guards form up with the hunters behind the action.

The bowmen, meanwhile, open fire on the dretch. All but one of the arrows bounce off the tough demon shells, while the last one manages to stick in the demon's hide. It completely ignores the damage, however.

The dretch move forward and crowd into the gate. They leer at Marlia with beady, hungry eyes.

2008-03-07, 05:39 AM

Wondering whether the oni will be worthy opponents, Ukio advances to meet the one that detached from the group. He zig-zags with tremendous speed, arriving next to the oni in the blink of an eye, then unleashes a strike from his sheathed katana with blinding speed.

Ukio tumbles (takes 10, no roll needed) to k20, then uses the blurstrike property of his katana to make an attack on the oni. If he doesn't have blindsight he is considered flat-footed. He also dodges the closest oni.
iaijutsu focus:[roll0]
attack: [roll1]

If it hits;
damage: [roll2]
sneak attack damage: [roll3]
iaijutsu damage: [roll4]
Ukio can only get up to 6 dice (if I roll a 19), so add from the left to the right depending on the iaijutsu focus roll.

Ok, 19 is only 2d6, so 12 iaijutsu damage it is.

2008-03-07, 07:48 PM

"What kind of fortress doesn't have silver arrows..!" She shouts toward the soldiers behind her. "Spears! Quickly! Stay out of their reach! Archers, switch target to the central oni!"

Without further ado, Marlia'zara steps forward and prepares to do what she was born and bred to do. "May the Gods receive your souls in peace." Marlia'zara stepped forward and drew her katana, the blade immediately began to glow a light blue color as she cut toward the first demon with it. She followed through with another two cuts, aiming to cleave through all three demons before her in one move.

Five-foot step to O-14. Quick-Draw Anrui no Kami. Attack dretches in N-13/N-14/N-15.

Attack Rolls (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1520183/) = (N-13; 23), (N-14; 25), (N-15; 26).

Damage Rolls (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1520187/) = (N-13; 8+11+1+6=26), (N-14; 6+11+6+3=26), (N-15; 2+11+5+6=24)

Action Breakdown:
Swift - Switch stance to Tactics of the Wolf.
Five Foot Step to O-14
Full Round - Full Attack.

Dretch N-13: Attack Roll - 23. Damage - 26 total. Pierces DR/Good.
Dretch N-14: Attack Roll - 25. Damage - 26 total. Pierces DR/Good.
Dretch N-15: Attack Roll - 26. Damage - 24 total. Pierces DR/Good.

2008-03-08, 01:12 AM
Hmm...if Adrik does not post by the morning, I will have to move on.

2008-03-08, 01:35 AM

Kazuo runs up the stairs to his left and runs along the wall before finally crouching down behind a battlement.

Kazuo activates his Assassin's Stance as a swift action and runs up the stairs onto the wall, crouching down at O-10.

2008-03-08, 02:59 AM
Round over. Please post your next actions.


Round events:

Ukio moves to the ogre's flank and utterly disembowels it with one swift iaijutsu draw. It stares in surprise at its stomach as it keels over, dead.

The central ogre, noticing that its comrade had just fallen, moves over to Ukio and takes a swing. Ukio easily dodges the blow, however. The other ogre, noting the bowmen, shifts into a more defensive posture (gains +4 to AC).

Kazuo practically teleports near the bowmen on top of the walls and shifts to an assassin's stance. The nearby archers blink in surprise but quickly turn their attention back to the battle.

The Oh Oni still does nothing.

Marlia steps forward and with mighty slash decapitates three of the dretches at once. The hunters and guards in the back stare at the martial display.

The bowmen aim for the ogre who just attacked Ukio and turn it into a pincushion. The beast looks badly injured.

The dretches swing their claws at Marlia. Two of them miss, but a third manages to get a nasty gash past Marlia's guard (-6 HP for Marlia).

2008-03-08, 08:53 AM

Kazuo drops lightly down on the other side of the wall and moves over to the ogre nearest him.

Kazuo suddenly feints to the left and then strikes at the Oni's right with one of his daggers.

If hit, damage = 9 + 6 + 6 = 21
If feint, total damage = 21 + 25 = 46

Notice to DM: If at any point in the encounter the Oh-Oni hits Kazuo in melee combat, Kazuo will be electing to use his Zephyr Dance counter maneuver to add +4 dodge AC to that attack and redetermine if the attack actually hit.

2008-03-08, 11:21 PM

Marlia'zara shouts toward the guards one last time. "I called for spears! That means now! Archers, aim for the big one!" The swordsman immediately turns on the dretches, unleashing another flurry of attacks.

Once the last swing is made, she sheathes the sword and turns her gaze toward the Oh-Oni. She takes a moment to focus, then shouts out to the group at large. "We have to bring that beast down! Don't let up, and keep the arrows coming!"

Again, attacking dretches in N-12/N-13/N-14.

Attack Rolls (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1521324/) - 28/23/12

Lightning Recovery (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1521329/) - 15

Damage Rolls (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1521330/) - (13; 4), (16; 4), (12; 4).

N-12: Attack Roll - 28; Damage Total - 17. Bypasses DR/Good.
N-13: Attack Roll - 23; Damage Total - 20. Bypasses DR/Good.
N-14: Attack Roll - 15; Damage Total - 16. Bypasses DR/Good.

Action Breakdown:
Full-Round: Full-Attack.
Swift: Lightning Recovery.
Free: Sheathe sword.

2008-03-09, 08:13 AM

The young samurai steps aside and waits for the next opponent. So, you wanna end up like him? he says, sneering. As soon as he gets into striking distance, he unsheathes his wakizasi on the left hand, and drives his blades into the Oni.

5-foot step to L20 (towards the wall) and full-attack with TWF. (Hey, I have to make up for the lack of SA!)

Attack, Katana[roll0] damage [roll1]
Attack, Wakizashi[roll2] damage [roll3]
2nd Attack, Katana[roll4] damage [roll5] +1 con damage.

Also, Ukio now dodges the closest Oni.

2008-03-09, 08:16 AM
Gah, I mixed up attack and damage rolls between the katana and wakizashi. Just switch the damage roll from the wakizashi and the second katana strike.

Also, it threatened a critical, so critical confirmation: [roll0] and if it hits, damage again [roll1] +1 con

2008-03-09, 04:04 PM
Tactical map at this round's end:


Round's events:

Ukio steps over and finishes off the badly injured ogre, removing its head in one blow.

The last ogre roars in fury and attempts an attack on Marlia, but the lithe swordswoman ducks under the blow.

Kazuo stabs the last ogre's kidneys and brings it down.

The Oh-Oni finally grins and pulls out its huge morningstar. It remains where it is, barely out of accurate firing range of the bowmen.

Marlia easily brings down two of the four remaining dretch, but her last target barely dodges her blow.

The remaining infantry heed Marlia's words and move forward. One spearman manages to impale the dretch that Marlia just missed, hurting it badly. The other, unable to reach the dretch, is content to stay put, forming a miniature spear-wall with his companion. The hunters, meanwhile, let loose a volley of missles, but since Marlia is in the way they all miss.

The last two dretch try to claw at Marlia, but they all also miss. One rakes its claws against Marlia's body armor, but it does nothing aside from making a raking noise.

Round over. Please post your next actions.

2008-03-09, 06:26 PM

Kazuo suddenly disappears.

Kazuo activates his invisibility ring and moves upward in a straight line to D-12. Kazuo moves at half speed through F-12 and E-12 so that he may better evade any attack of opportunity should the Oh-Oni be able to see him.

Tumble check: [roll0]

2008-03-11, 06:16 AM

Facing the Oh-oni, Ukio sheathes his swords and speaks in his foulish language. I don't know what you seek here he says. but if it is death, you've found it.

Without further warning, he hurries forward, closing in with the gigantic demon and unsheathes his katana in a flurry of motion, aiming for the weak spots in the hulkish being.

move-tumble to e-14, then attack with the blurstrike katana to the large beast. Ukio also dodges the oh-oni now.
sneak attack:[roll1]
iaijutsu focus:[roll2]
iaijutsu damage:[roll3]
Three dices, that's 13. Also, I messed up the damage roll (too many l's) I'll roll in the OOC thread

2008-03-12, 08:08 PM

"It is time to bring the fight to the demons!" Marlia'zara shouts out to the soldiers behind her before charging forward. She ducks and weaves between the dretches as she dashes forward. For a moment, she seems to lose herself in the charge.

Father. Is this what you prepared me for? To fight and die in obscurity like the rest of us? Or am I to find my own glory among these people?

Marlia'zara closes both eyes, and suddenly leaps into the sky. In a flash she's drawn Anrui no Kami and it's light fills the sky. The katana flashes downward in an arc as she cleaves toward the Oh-Oni's head.

Action Breakdown:
Swift: Shift stance to Leading the Charge.
Full-Round: Expend Battle Leader's Charge. Charge to E-14. Leap the last twenty-feet of distance.
Free(?): Expend Eternal Training usage for +INT to damage and attack rolls VS Oh-Oni(Monstrous Humanoid, I assume).
Free: Convert +11(Charging, Flanking, and INT bonus) Attack Bonus over to Damage with Power Attack.

Jump Check: Total: 33=30ft (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1525815/).

Attack Roll: 18+17=35 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1525818/).
Damage Roll: 3+29=32 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1525820/)(1d10+4+7+7+11)
Miscellaneous Damage: +10 from Battle Leader's Charge. +10 from Leading the Charge. +11 from Two-Handed Power Attack. +22 from Leap Attack(+100% of Power Attack). +4 from Holy Property (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1525821/).

Attack - 35
Damage - 89(assuming it's got an Evil alignment).

EDIT: Oops! I forgot that Marlia'zara was two-handing. So she -actually- deals +22 with Power Attack and +22 extra with Leap Attack.

EDIT#2: Oops! Forgot to mention which square she landed in. She lands in E-14.

2008-03-13, 12:13 AM
Tactical map:


Kazuo speeds toward the Oh Oni, who still gazes at him in amusement. That amusement is wiped off his face when Kazuo's sword comes within a hair's breadth of penetrating the creature's armor.

"Ha! Not bad, human, but you seem to be ignorant in your knowledge of the supernatural; speaking to me in Infernal is about as useful as speaking Demonic to a devil. Allow me to correct you...with my mace."

It then watches Ukio turn invisible and disappear.

"Oh? Two can play at that game."
The Oh Oni turns invisible as well, fading from all sight.

As Marlia charges past, the dretch tries to claw at her ankles but completely misses.

Marlia's devastating blow teaches the Oh Oni to move right after turning invisible; she deals the beast a frightening blow as she carves right through his body. It roars in fury and pain, screaming for vengeance.

The bowmen, not sure as to what to do, open fire at the Oh Oni once more, hoping that the bloody patch of dirt is where the Oni still is. Unfortunately, all of their missles go wild.

The same spearman takes a jab at the dretch again, again scoring a hit. The dretch keels over into a pool of its own blood.

One hunter tries to aim a javelin at the last dretch, but his aim is awry.

2008-03-13, 01:15 AM

"Ignore them, weakling. Your fight is with me. My people have slain many of your kind, and I have come to this land to guide you to your ancestors." Marlia'zara slowly sheathes her katana while her eyes scan the horizon. Her ears twitch as they take in every movement of the air. "Demon. No, you and your kind are less than that, are they not? You stand as mere servants to true demon masters. Tell me, pretender-demon, have you heard of the Akumasatsu clan?"

Marlia'zara turns her back on where the Oh-Oni had last been. She speaks very calmly to the bowmen and spearmen. "Spears back away. Bows, finish off that last dretch. At least it is a real demon and a real threat."

Swift: Shift Stance to Hearing the Air, which gives her blindsense out to 30ft.
Ready Action: If it attacks, Marlia'zara is gonna Quick Draw Shuunenbukai Iki and Sunder it's Mace. The Sundering enchantment allows her to Sunder an object as if she had the Improved Sunder feat, so she does not provoke an AoO.

2008-03-13, 05:44 AM

Ukio frowns when his katana strikes the Oh-oni's armour. He then resumes his usual smile. One would say it is sensible to know one's master language... but I guess I was giving too much credit to your intelligence. he concludes. Ukio unsheathes his companion sword, nods towards Marlia'zara and slashes the air where the Oh-Oni was last standing.

Full attack on the Oni.
katana 1st attack [roll0] damage [roll1] miss chance [roll2]
wakizashi [roll3] damage [roll4] miss chance [roll5]
katana 2nd attack [roll6] damage [roll7] miss chance [roll8]

Ukio would hit on 2's like marlia'zara before

EDIT: Wohoo! great! Ukio only finds air, I guess... (well, no, the first attack may hit depending on the flanking bonuses, if any)

2008-03-13, 01:19 PM

Kazuo steps quickly to his right and nimbly executes a series of quick slashes and thrusts into the space where he'd last seen the Oh-Oni.

Kazuo takes a 5-foot step to E-13 so that he may flank with his Island of Blades stance.

Kazuo takes a full-round attack action into the space he believes the Oh-Oni to be. Kazuo uses his Combat Expertise feat to take 2 from his attack roll and add 2 to his AC.

Attack Modifiers
All attacks: 50% miss chance due to total concealment (hit on 2 of 1d2)

Primary Hand Attacks:
#1: +18 for BAB+DEX+Weapon, +2 for attacker invisibility, +2 for flanking, +2 for huge target, -2 for Combat Expertise, -2 for two-handed fighting = +20
#2: +13 for BAB+DEX+Weapon, +2 for flanking, +2 for huge target, -2 for Combat Expertise, -2 for two-handed fighting = +13
Off-Hand Attacks:
#3: +18 for BAB+DEX+Weapon, +2 for flanking, +2 for huge target, -2 for Combat Expertise, -2 for two-handed fighting = +18
#4: +13 for BAB+DEX+Weapon, +2 for flanking, +2 for huge target, -2 for Combat Expertise, -2 for two-handed fighting = +13

Damage Modifiers
Primary hand: 1d4+3 Weapon, +5 DEX (Shadow Blade feat), +1d6 Acid from Crystal, +1d6 from Deadly Defense feat, +4d6 from Sneak Attack = 1d4+8+1d6(Acid)+5d6
Off hand: 1d4+3 Weapon, +5 DEX (Shadow Blade feat), + 1d6 from Deadly Defense, + 4d6 Sneak Attack = 1d4+8+5d6

Attack & Damage Rolls
Attack #1:
Concealment roll: [roll0]
Attack roll: [roll1]
Damage roll: [roll2]+[roll3](acid)+[roll4]

Attack #2:
Concealment roll: [roll5]
Attack roll: [roll6]
Damage roll: [roll7]+[roll8](acid)+[roll9]

Attack #3
Concealment roll: [roll10]
Attack roll: [roll11]
Damage roll: [roll12]+[roll13]

Attack #4
Concealment roll: [roll14]
Attack roll: [roll15]
Damage roll: [roll16]+[roll17]

2008-03-14, 10:19 PM
Tactical map of this round's events:


Dark green = beginnings of forest (creatures within have 10% concealment, and there are shadows here and there).

Kazuo makes some deft sword blows, but it all ends in futility. He does sense that his first blow scratched something metallic.

Ukio's daggers sink into some soft flesh covered by tough metal, but it feels as though he hit some kind of tough muscle, not vitals.

The Oh Oni reappears and retreats back further along the road, away from the fortress. "Weak? Perhaps, mortal. We must serve the Hordes' every whim lest they carve us to pieces. But freedom is nothing when encased in mortal flesh, whereas my only limitations are my masters. Observe." The Oh Oni begins some kind of incantation, summoning magical energies to itself.
Something feels off however. That Oh Oni doesn't seem quite...real. The shadows don't sync up quite correctly, and you could swear you see that sometimes, the Oh Oni's foot seems to phase right through a pebble or two in the ground. An illusion, perhaps?

It was indeed a phantasm created by the Oh Oni. You sense that the real ogre has moved over to your right (Q18-O20).

2008-03-14, 11:00 PM

The elf woman just points toward her right. "He's over there."

She addresses the oni directly this time. "We have bested your soldiers, and I have wounded you greatly. You've resorted to cowardly tactics to win, but you know this will only result in your death. Save yourself and face your master's humiliation. Or face my blade and certain death."

Again, ready action to sunder his morningstar if he attacks.

2008-03-14, 11:46 PM

Kazuo quickly dismisses the image of the retreating Oh-Oni as trickery and looks quickly around. He sees no trace of the real beast responsible for the illusion--just then, however, the elf woman fighting next to him calls out the creature's location.

Without a second's more hesitation, Kazuo leaps into the air, traveling through the air nearly to the trees to the Northeast.

Kazuo's use of the Sudden Leap maneuver combined with his jump check of 30 allows him to jump 30 feet as a swift action. Kazuo ends his jump on N-17.

Kazuo is subject to attacks of opportunity during the leap but may use tumble to avoid them. Kazuo appears to possibly move out of two threatened squares during the jump. Not knowing exactly, I'll just roll two tumble checks.

Tumble check 1: [roll0]

Tumble check 2: [roll1]

After landing, Kazuo steps quickly into the edge of the tree cover and immediately launches a series of dagger attacks at the location given by the elf woman.

Kazuo takes a 5-foot step to N-18 and takes a full round of attacks, shifting 2 from his to-hit roll to his AC (Combat Expertise)

(Bonuses were calculated in prior turn and should be the same with the exception of the bonus for invisibility on the first attack of last turn)

Primary attack 1
Concealment check: [roll2]
Attack roll: [roll3]
Damage roll: [roll4]+[roll5]+[roll6](acid)

Primary attack 2
Concealment check: [roll7]
Attack roll: [roll8]
Damage roll: [roll9]+[roll10]+[roll11](acid)

Off-Hand attack 1
Concealment check: [roll12]
Attack roll: [roll13]
Damage roll: [roll14]+[roll15]

Off-Hand attack 2
Concealment check: [roll16]
Attack roll: [roll17]
Damage roll: [roll18]+[roll19]

2008-03-15, 04:13 PM
I'm giving Elk until this evening to post his actions. Until then, this space for rent.

2008-03-16, 08:02 AM
Tactical map of this round's events:


Ukio seems to be distracted. Perhaps he left his oven on last night?

Kazuo's deft dagger blows hit nothing but air.

The Oh Oni scoffs somewhere in front of Kazuo. "Cowardly? You humans and your "honor". This is a fight, a life or death situation. Rules are irrelevant. Only victory, glory, and blood are relevant. Let me show you..." It steps over to Ukio's position and gives the distracted warrior a swing, but Marlia tries to sunder the weapon...

[roll0] (Morningstar's attack of +26 + two handed bonus of +4 + three size category weapon difference of +12 (medium vs gargantuan weapon)

2008-03-16, 09:22 PM

As soon as the Oh Oni moves to attack, the elf-woman moves between it and Ukio. Her blade flashes, a dark shadow that cleaves through the night like a bird taking flight. She strikes the morningstar with practiced grace and ease. "And yet my honor proves a stronger blade than your pathetic metal stick. It is my honor and my will that has given me the strength to triumph over you and your kind. It is the honor and resolve of those men at the gate that drove you back. And it will be the honor and will of mortals that sees you destroyed, pretender-demon. This is your final chance to leave, or my Shuunenbukai Iki will claim your life."

Attack Roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1529282/)(19+32=51)

Damage Roll (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1529283/)(1+18=19)

Iaijutsu Focus (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1529285/)(17+19=36)

Iaijutsu Focus Damage (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1529288/)(22)

Shuunenbukai's Will Save (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1529289/)(14+2)

End Result:
Attack Roll - 51
Damage Roll - 41

Using Shuunenbukai Iki, so she ignores Hardness 20 or lower.

Since she didn't move last round, she five-foot steps to Q-15 as part of her readied action.

2008-03-16, 11:21 PM
The morningstar is shorn cleanly in half. The spiked head sails in a clean arc and imbeds itself in a tree.


2008-03-17, 10:34 PM

Kazuo watches the head of the morningstar appear from nothingness and fly off. Knowing that his enemy has been rendered unarmed, he hurries to a position opposite his allies, putting the Oh Oni between them.

Kazuo then draws back his dagger and plunges it forward with surprising force into the space he knows to be occupied by the monster.

Kazuo ends his move at R-19. Again, Kazuo allocates 2 points from his attack roll to his AC with Combat Expertise.

Kazuo also uses his Bonecrusher maneuver with his attack, which inflicts an extra 4d6 points of damage upon a successful hit and requires the target to save (DC13) or suffer a +10 to attackers confirmation of critical threats until the damage is healed.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Concealment: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]+[roll3](acid)+[roll4](deadly defense + bonecrusher)

2008-03-18, 06:46 PM

The Samurai was partially lost recalling how Marlia'zara could see him before, so he has no doubts about trusting her senses and steps besides her to strike the ogre. You should have listened to the woman when she told you to leave he says, putting his swords to good work.

5-ft step diagonally besides Marlia'Zara and the Oh-Oni. (P15) then full attack on the ogre.
katana 1, attack: [roll0] damage: [roll1] miss chance: [roll2]
katana 2, attack: [roll3] damage: [roll4] miss chance: [roll5]
wakizashi, [roll6] damage: [roll7]+1 con miss chance: [roll8]

2008-03-19, 05:53 AM

Readied action to attack the Oh-Oni if it does anything other than withdrawing.

2008-03-19, 10:43 AM
Both Kazuo and Ukio score light blows on the Oh Oni. The beast grunts in pain as the blades slash his body.

You all hear the sound of footsteps retreating into the forest growth, and can see the smaller plants getting trampled underfoot by an invisible being.

"*Huff* *Huff* Ha! Amusing, mortals! Yes, you will serve well, just perfectly. A good thing I'm suited more for espionage than combat, or I might have ended up killing such three fine specimen as yourselves! Ha ha!

Yes, yes...with you three, all may go according to plan...

Remember my name, mortals! Silence of the Grave, at your service!

Oh, and...Demon Sword. Ha!" And with a cackle, he disappears. Three little objects fall in his wake.

Somewhere deep in the woods, the three of you catch a glimpse of someone on a horse. He looks human, and seems to be wearing Tungusk clothing. Before you can do or say more, the figure rides off into the woods.

2008-03-19, 02:10 PM

Kazuo looks around quickly, listening for any nearby movement. He then crouches down and visually examines the three small objects left behind by the pompous beast, looking for any identifying markings or details.

Spot check: [roll0]

Listen check: [roll1]

Search check: [roll2]

(I have no idea what knowledge check to use, but all of them would have the same roll for me)

Knowledge (?) check: [roll3]

2008-03-20, 01:29 PM

The elf reluctantly eases her stance. She remains alert, and continues to listen and feel for beings near her, but doesn't do so while grasping her hilt. "I have business to attend to, so I'll leave you to cleaning up those ogres. You are hunters, I presume, so you may want their pelts or whatever it is you hunters do with slain oni.. Ukio, was it? I have need of a soldier, and I presume your liege-lord sent you here to help the noble. Come with me."

Without further ado, she leaves Kazuo to his business. Marlia'zara returns to the fortress and addresses the nearest soldier. "Round up the men. I want everyone who isn't on sentry duty in the main courtyard within the hour. This is an official order for them to assemble, and refusal to follow this order falls under treason. Treason, as we all know, is punishable by pain of death."

With that, she moves to the main courtyard and awaits the arrival of the other soldiers. Assuming that Ukio follows her, she leans in close and whispers to him. "I had a recent--discussion, if you will--with the local noble. He is weak, but useful for my purposes. In that battle earlier, you were striking at the Oh-Oni's vital organs. I did not recognize that style of kenjutsu, but I do recognize the work of a.. Well, I don't feel the need to say that out loud. Suffice to say, I am in need of your assistance. What do you say to a short order promotion? You help me make this fortress great, and I ignore whatever it is your lord sent you to accomplish. Agreed?"

2008-03-21, 01:36 PM

The black-haired man sighes as the Oh-oni goes away, and he uses a small tissue to clean his blade clear of blood. Wondering wether the temporary sight of a rider was real or just a figment of his imagination, Ukio lets his blades slide back into the scabbard.

He looks at Kazuo and makes a small bow, recognizing the courage of the only other man to face the Oh-oni. He also notes mentally how he disappeared into thin air, as only the most trained shinobi are capable.

Then, replying with a broad smile to Marlia'Zara's words, he follows her around as she gives orders to the soldiers and hunters gathered near the gate. He doesn't bother confirming or denying her assumption and just follows along.

Ukio tries to feign surprise when the swordswoman talks him about her interview with the castle's lord, despite already knowing the details of the discussion. Her proposal, however, seems to spark his interest.

My kenjustu is subtle, lady, although I'm afraid its most suitable to fight against opponents I can see well he says, frowning. The smiling expresion returns soon, anyway. I did little more than scratching the Oh-Oni's hide. You, however, are quite impressive. Not only could you locate him with ease, but also were able to cut through his armour and weapons. Ukio then realized that he hadn't answered yet. It will be a honour to use my blades to return this fortress to greatness he whispers in reply. and also to learn from a skilled master as you, if you're willing to teach me. he adds.

2008-03-21, 04:04 PM

"I do not teach, Ukio. None the less, I'd like you to visit the noble and tell him that I need someone with your skills in the chain-of-command. If you tell him that I sent you, then he should give you a badge like this." Marlia'zara pulls the badge that noble had given her earlier out of her backpack, then shows it to Ukio. "Once you have one, I'd like you to watch that hunter that helped us against the Oh-Oni. He's strange, and used the same tactic of targeting vital organs as you did."

2008-03-21, 11:03 PM
The soldiers and hunters, noting that the battle is over, begin the cleanup process. Two of the hunters haggle over who gets what demon and Oni parts, while a third calls out to the three of you, "Hail, warriors, or should I say heroes? We've got plenty of demon parts left over, feel free to take the lion's share!" Said hunter quickly silences a halfhearted protest from another hunter.

The soldiers, meanwhile, start collecting fallen arrows and drag in the corpses. One mutters about how with only a handful of the fort's personnel they managed to not only repel, but utterly destroy a demon raid.

Beyond the gate, you see the Taisa and his guards coming over to inspect the carnage. He looks quite relieved and impressed by the complete lack of casualties.

The three of you receive 2100 XP for the encounter. Encounter is officially over.

2008-03-24, 08:43 AM

"I don't do corpses, hunter. You may keep my share, and do with it what you will."

With that, Marlia'zara goes to the Taisa and instructs Ukio to follow her. "Is this proof enough that I can fix the damage you've done to this lodge? Never the less.. This man is a samurai from Iga." She calmly gestures toward Ukio. "I will let that speak for itself. Suffice to say, I have found him a worthy combatant and I ask that he be granted the same privilege I have been granted. What do you say to this, Shinji?"

Marlia'zara is still as disrespectful to the Taisa as she was when she first met the man. She even goes so far as using his first name, in front of his soldiers and his minions.

2008-03-24, 10:42 AM

Kazuo examines the three objects quickly and then tucks them in his haversack. He straightens up and bellows in Tungusk, "See then the bravery of the Tungusk! I will take my lion's share. I have no need of the pretensions of nobility."

Kazuo then picks through the demon parts taking those of value before heading back inside the fortress to the pub.

Kazuo takes 20 on a search of the demon parts.

2008-03-24, 11:30 AM

If he's disappointed by Marlia'Zara's words, his face doesn't reflect it. Ukio nods and he heads towards the Taisa besides her. I'm afraid we have not been introduced... says UkioBut I've found that Marlia'Zara-sama is usually right in her decissions he adds respectfully. If you so wish, send a soldier to seek me, Taisa, to further discuss my status.

Ukio turns to have a better view of the hunters. If you'll excuse me he says, bowing to Marlia'Zara, I'm going to check on those before they begin to cause trouble.

Ukio leaves elvish woman and the Noble, and heads towards the tavern.

2008-03-24, 05:28 PM
The Taisa's bodyguards growl and grip their spears more tightly at Marlia's stinging words, but Shinji casually waves them off.

"Cute," he smirks, "but I've heard worse from fools above my station back in my father's court. My men and I are truly grateful that you and your companion here have driven off the demons, and I do grant you the authority of my Second-in-Command, but you would do well to watch your tongue here.

As for your friend here...perhaps. You have proven yourself worthy, and perhaps he has done so as well, but for now I will observe him. If he does well, I will officially grant him the same status that you hold now. If he does not, then he will be treated as though he were another hunter in residence here." Shinji gazes once more at the bloody, but minimal, carnage of the battle.

"Now that the time for sword-slinging is over, it is time for ink-slinging. I have paper work to do, and messengers to send out. You and your friend, meanwhile, may do as you please. From now on, let me handle political and logistic dealings--I will do everything in my power to get what you need for this fort, whether that me more men, more equipment, or whathaveyou. Does that sound fair?"


I'm a little bit confused as to what you're trying to do here; Ukio's trying to get to the tavern to do...what? :smallconfused:

2008-03-25, 11:02 AM

The Samurai just ignores the Taisa's words. If he wants to argue with Marlia'zara, then so be it, but he didn't want to waste more time. He heads towards the tavern and seeks the Tungusk hunter that fought with them against the Oh-Oni.

2008-03-25, 01:16 PM

"That is fair, and as I said, you can take all the glory for making this place stronger. After all, it is the least I can do for a pitiable man such as yourself. But, there is one thing you would do well to remember.."

Marlia'zara steps forward and lowers her voice. She puts a hard edge to the next words she speaks. "There are no laws holding me in your service. Nothing beyond my word binds me to this place, and as long as this place is weak I will honor my word. You have until this place becomes profitable to find a way to become strong. If you fail, then I may need to cut out the cancer so that the body may grow. Are we perfectly clear, noble?"

Intimidate check - [roll0]

She leaves, regardless of Shinji's reaction. Marlia'zara told her piece, and she would adhere to it. Now was the time to make the men strong, and to do that, she would need to train them. Marlia'zara leaves for the central courtyard, where she had told that guard from earlier to gather everyone in the camp.