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View Full Version : Build a gestalt Duskblade?

2008-02-28, 08:58 AM
I was considering this not too long ago. How would you go about building a gestalt Duskblade? I had a few ideas, but not being very experienced with the game, I thought I'd see what others' thoughts were.

My first thought was to go with Wizard as the other class; you get a much larger spell list (to make up for the shrimpy Duskblade list) and you get access to metamagic, which would make your channeled spells even more awesome. Top it off with the Duskblade quick-casting feature, and you're a nightmare.

My second thought was Druid. Imagine taking Natural Spell and Multiattack. Wild-shaped Druid channeling a spell on multiple natural attacks? *Shudder* That would be nasty.

Fighter seems obvious, since Duskblade is a martial class without bonus feats, but it seems like augmenting the spellcasting potential is the best bet.

So, am I missing any ideas? Or does anyone want to expand on what I've thrown out there?

2008-02-28, 09:04 AM
The Armored mage ability (no ASF) only works for spells from your duskblade side. I'd recommend Cleric since they can already cast in armor. This will introduce a little bit of MAD, but if you focus on Int and Wis, everything else can easily be bumbed by spells and items.

2008-02-28, 09:15 AM
rogue/scout bumps up your skill points and add tumble to your skill list. also gain evasion and good reflex saves. scout also boosts your speed and gives skirmish which works well as a highly mobile cannon.
i'd add either of the above in lieu of most classes so as to gain 'all good saves'
even soulknife would give some benefit.

Crimson Avenger
2008-02-28, 09:19 AM
Wizard is best bet for synergystic goodness.

Mithiril armor reduces ASF, and the Twilight ability on armor eliminates ASF altogether. Take feats that gain you access to other spell lists like Arcane Disciple to get a domain list for spells, or extra spell, or any of the others.

When you hit 13th level, and can arcane channel a full blown harm into a full attack pattern, that's just insane. Will save? Who cares! At the first level you pull it off, all of your targets WILL take 65 + weapon damage.

2008-02-28, 09:20 AM
Check this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71548) thread. It has a lot of good Duskblade-based gestalt builds.

I vote for wizard as the other class. You can't use regular armor, but Shield and Greater Luminous Armor(BoED) can make up for it. Specially if you take a few levels in Abjurant champion.

Crimson Avenger
2008-02-28, 09:22 AM
Check this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71548) thread. It has a lot of good Duskblade-based gestalt builds.

I vote for wizard as the other class. You can't use regular armor, but Shield and Greater Luminous Armor(BoED) can make up for it. Specially if you take a few levels in Abjurant champion.

Again, a heavy mithril steel shield with Twilight and Animated has no ASF, and gives more AC bonus that the Shield spell. 'Course it doesn't stop Magic Missile.....

2008-02-28, 09:27 AM
Again, a heavy mithril steel shield with Twilight and Animated has no ASF, and gives more AC bonus that the Shield spell. 'Course it doesn't stop Magic Missile.....

That's why I wrote regular armor :smallwink:

Otherwise get a Mithral Twilight Thristeldown(I think) padded full plate and take a level of Spell Sword at lvl 5. The only problem is you lose a bonus metamagic feat.

2008-02-28, 11:13 AM

My first thought was Cleric because they have rather a lot of pretty decent touch spells, and then I remembered that Archivist will cut down on MAD since Duskblades are INT casters. (And also have the nice side effect of allowing you every divine casting class's spells if you can get ahold of them. Paladin and Ranger have some nice spells for gish-types.)

Possibly also some Abjurant Champion (likely on the Duskblade side), though your DM may decide it falls under the "advancing two classes" sorts of PrCs that the gestalt rules don't outright forbid but do kinda recommend against allowing. :smalltongue:

2008-02-28, 11:45 AM
You could always go Beguiler. You can go with a Mithril Breastplate. Or, if you're willing to spend a feat, Mithril Fullplate. Lots and lots of skillpoints per level and Int synergy is always good. There's a few decent touch spells too. You can channel Touch of Idiocy, or Overwhelm, or even Otto's Irresistable Dance later on when you get high enough with Advanced Learning.

You'll have trapfinding, skills, spells, and full BAB. Pretty self-sufficient. Since you also have UMD, you can also use wands of Lesser Vigor to heal yourself up after battle.

2008-02-28, 12:15 PM
Beguiler and Archivist are excellent, as people have mentioned.

I'd also like to throw out Factotum and Artificer, that second one especially if you're a warforged duskblade (and warforged make excellent duskblades).

Factotums really come into play in the long haul type of adventures where you're on a time limit or otherwise unable to nova and walk away. It also adds a lot of versatility to the build.

Artificers are really one of the best classes, period, and you gain a lot of versatility without compromising any of your 'primary' abilities from duskblade.

2008-02-28, 01:14 PM
Psion is also good, if you can convince your DM to let psionics work for Duskblade abilities like Channeling.

Squash Monster
2008-02-28, 05:16 PM
Duskblade//Wizard is definitely the way to go.

You can take a one-level Spellsword dip at 5th level, which reduces ASF by 10%, which allows you to get some pretty nifty armor. From there on, just take your favorite Wizard prestige class and be happy.

If you really want to wreck though, feel free to steal my submission from the gestalt gish challenge (hey, it won). The Bloodstorm Blade combo works very nicely.


(As a request: if you do use my build, post about it! I'd like to know how it works in practice.

2008-02-28, 05:24 PM
A good class that I would strongly suggest that you put some levels of on the other side is the Elightened Fist. You only need seven levels, and then you can use ray spells like disintigrate with channeling.:smallsmile:

2008-02-29, 05:06 AM
A good class that I would strongly suggest that you put some levels of on the other side is the Elightened Fist. You only need seven levels, and then you can use ray spells like disintigrate with channeling.:smallsmile:

While it would be good, enlightened fist advances both monk abilities and spellcasting. So it's a DM call.

2008-02-29, 07:43 AM
It's probably not anything resembling optimized, but I kind of want to build a Soulknife/Soulbow//Duskblade/Arcane Archer. Full BaB, full saves, the ability to deliver magical violent death through your lightsaber or mind bullets.