View Full Version : An Amusing Tale[IC]

2008-02-28, 08:07 PM
[OOC Thread] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73176)

The year is 200X. All of the students at Morrowbrook Academy of the Arts are anxiously awaiting the finals of their spring semester, and even more so, the ensuing quarter of summer freedom. Being that the finals are one short month away, the eager adolescents are hard at work, writing the term papers that, in retrospect, should already have been well on the way to completion, but as yet consist of ten blank pages awaiting script. (You know you've procrastinated, admit it!) But four of these students are about to have their worlds turned upside-down!

Cassandra:Leaving the library late this night, Cassandra arrives at her dormitory night on the hour of twelve. From the corner of one eye, she sees a transparent, but dark figure on four legs rush past down the corridor and down the stairs toward the courtyard. Just unsure enough that it is a hallucination induced by lack of sleep, she considers following it outside.

Henry:In the afternoon, Henry opens an email advertising an art sale, including images of some of the featured paintings. His eyes stop on an irresistible piece that takes his breath away. With his parents' credit card at his side, Henry knows that price is no object. The art sale will be held at midnight in the dormitory's courtyard.

