View Full Version : Please help identify a series of books.

2008-02-29, 03:25 AM
All I can remember of them is the following:-

1) They are "Choose Your Own Adventure" books.
2) They are set in a fantasy world.
3) You (The reader) are brought there.
4) Your appearance is changed to that of the prince (Or some other member of royalty).
5) I remember at least four of these books.
6) One of the people on the side of the good guys was turned into some form of smallish (I seem to remember something about him being a metal, bipedal ram or something like that) creature by the Big Bad, but still remained sentient.
7) I'm sure one of the books involved a mission to prevent the Big Bad from getting married.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks. I'll post more if I think of anything.