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View Full Version : Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (a.k.a Please Forgive Us For Sucking So Much)

2008-03-02, 03:35 AM
If you're one of those strange, strange souls who still buy gaming magazines (props if you are. Keep the industry alive, man.) then you might have picked up the Nintendo Official Magazine March issue, and found glory.
Yes, they've got a preview complete with screens of BioWare's latest franchise restarter. And it looks good.
No, really. It's a Sonic game that looks good.
A four member team made from 11 characters, non-random battles, an original story, well known Sonic locals, and some fresh gameplay.
Combat is a traditional turn based affair with little twists. To attack enemies, you do an Elite Beat Agents style circle timing. Combo attacks can be done based on the members of your team. Big the Cat is apparantly going to be useful (yeah. I'm counting that as a twist).
Movement is intriguing. Every character will have some in the field ability to solve puzzle malarkies, such as Tails flying. All controls are done with the stylus, much as Phantom Hourglass, which is a curse and a blessing. It was good for just walking around, but combat was hell in that game.
Apparantly BioWare are also hoping to fix the story. Probably without resorting to Time Travel so we can destroy everything after Sonic Adventure 2. Yes. I thought it was fine until Sonic Heroes. Anyway, part of this hope is to also make Eggman a real villain again. Yet he's also said to be able to join your team. Suuuuuuure.
If you're sitting waiting for the glory days to come back and have the first good Sonic game for so long, much as I am, then this could be it. If you also hankering for BioWare's next RPG, then this is it too.
Go check it out. Find screens and what not. It'll be worth it.

2008-03-02, 03:52 AM
Eggman? Who is this Eggman you speak of? I recognize no Sonic villian that isn't named Robotnik.Seriously, the worst naming decision ever.

2008-03-02, 09:31 AM
If you're one of those strange, strange souls who still buy gaming magazines (props if you are. Keep the industry alive, man.) then you might have picked up the Nintendo Official Magazine March issue, and found glory.
Yes, they've got a preview complete with screens of BioWare's latest franchise restarter. And it looks good.
No, really. It's a Sonic game that looks good.
A four member team made from 11 characters, non-random battles, an original story, well known Sonic locals, and some fresh gameplay.
Combat is a traditional turn based affair with little twists. To attack enemies, you do an Elite Beat Agents style circle timing. Combo attacks can be done based on the members of your team. Big the Cat is apparantly going to be useful (yeah. I'm counting that as a twist).
Movement is intriguing. Every character will have some in the field ability to solve puzzle malarkies, such as Tails flying. All controls are done with the stylus, much as Phantom Hourglass, which is a curse and a blessing. It was good for just walking around, but combat was hell in that game.
Apparantly BioWare are also hoping to fix the story. Probably without resorting to Time Travel so we can destroy everything after Sonic Adventure 2. Yes. I thought it was fine until Sonic Heroes. Anyway, part of this hope is to also make Eggman a real villain again. Yet he's also said to be able to join your team. Suuuuuuure.
If you're sitting waiting for the glory days to come back and have the first good Sonic game for so long, much as I am, then this could be it. If you also hankering for BioWare's next RPG, then this is it too.
Go check it out. Find screens and what not. It'll be worth it.

Wait, they're remaking Mario RPG? :smallamused:

2008-03-02, 11:20 AM
Anyway, part of this hope is to also make Eggman a real villain again. Yet he's also said to be able to join your team. Suuuuuuure.

In thier defense, Sarevok did pretty well as a villian turned hero. Especially if you download the Ascension mod for ToB, which fleshed out ideas they didn't have time to put into the game. The "who's a better villian" debate between Sarevok and Irenicus is hilarious.

Tempest Fennac
2008-03-03, 04:46 AM
Will it be out for the Wii? If it is, I'll probably get a copy of it (it sounds good).

Mando Knight
2008-03-03, 08:45 AM
Sorry, Fenac, it's only for DS users. However, the thing is only like 130 USD, and there are other good games out for it, so it's a good investment if you have the money...

2008-03-03, 06:12 PM
Cautious optimism... engaged!

Considering the already precipitous length of my DS back list of games I mean to get at some point, I doubt I'll ever actually play it. Still, I support it in spirit.

Tempest Fennac
2008-03-04, 02:46 AM
Thanks for telling me (I don't really want anymore consoles, and I'm saving my money, though).

2008-03-04, 09:50 AM
The only Sonic games I ever played were some 2-d platformers from the time when the franchise was still good, ages ago, but it always amused me that the villain's name is Robotnik - as it means Worker in Polish.

2008-03-04, 04:53 PM
Eggman? Who is this Eggman you speak of? I recognize no Sonic villian that isn't named Robotnik.Seriously, the worst naming decision ever.

Come on, its his damn nickname and he like it so much he use it more then his real name, I dont see why that bother you. Hes a mad genius so he could call himself Lord Fuzzy Bunny if he would want to.

Anyway, Eggman aint a good villain just because hes not evil enough. Hell, he never even want to kill anyone else then Sonic. The only reason Eggman (and Bowser too actually) are villain in their games is because pretty much everyone else are really naive good guys. They are good antagonist but they were never good villains and never will unless you completely change their personnality.

Mando Knight
2008-03-04, 07:47 PM
Something about the Eggman/Robotnik deal...
Robotnik was always known as Eggman in Japan. Somebody at Sega of America or something made the decision to rename him Robotnik... maybe because it sounds vaguely Russian/East European (remember, the guy was introduced only a few years after the Cold War ended...) and emphasizes his Evil Robots theme. When the franchise was revived on the Dreamcast, they decided to... "fix" the name-change by retconning him into Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik.

Honestly, I think that the name Eggman fits better given the names he gives to every last doomsday device he makes. Death Egg, Egg Emperor, Egg Carrier, Egg Pawns, Egg Breaker, Eggrobos...

Yuki Akuma
2008-03-05, 06:54 AM
Eggman likes eggs. Eggman even looks like an egg. Sonic started calling him "Egg man" to tease him, and the name stuck.

His name is still Robotnik. He just goes by Eggman because that's what everyone calls him anyway.

And now: *engages hopeful optimism* Please don't suck, please don't suck...

I hope Tails isn't an annoying technobabbler in this one. >.>

Also, Eggman will never be a true villain. He respects Sonic too much to ever be a true villain. When you start saving your arch-nemesis' life, you stop qualifying for villain material. He's an anti-villain at best.