View Full Version : Saito vs. Furher Bradley, an anime vs. thread

2008-03-02, 12:13 PM
Right, here is my idea, Saito from Ruroni Kenshin vs. Furher King Bradely

The situation


Saito has been charged by the spirits of every single Japanese person who has ever lived to destroy a threat to humanity. The uses the power of his strange hair to travel to destroy
The Furher King Braley. Now the fight takes place in a deserted city , both of them start out on a street facing each other. This is the Manga version of both of them, however Bradley must be called pride for the purpose of this thread because i think that name suits him. I'm still debating if his fighting style changes in the anime of manga, but his eye and powers are based off the manga (he can heal his wounds, but only dies once)

Saito as

1 Katana
1 Sword Cane
1 Short Katana
His police uniform

Bradley has

Military outfit
His eye
5 Court Saber, one of which is on his person

Battle is to the death, who goes down first

Rogue 7
2008-03-02, 05:11 PM
Damn, if this were the anime version of FMA, I'd be more equipped to contribute. Saitou's good, but I don't think he's got any "freaky powers" that Pride's got, so that's an inherent disadvantage.

2008-03-02, 05:14 PM
Unless the manga version of Pride doesn't have multiple lives, the question is "Can Saito kill Pride ten or eleven times before Pride kills him once?"

I think Saito would have a shot in a one-life battle, but this one goes to Pride without a contest.

Oh, so he only dies once? (edit) I'll edit in my response.

Well, okay. Assuming the Fuhrer only dies once, then Saito could probably kill him in the time it takes Pride to take off his eyepatch.

2008-03-02, 05:24 PM
Damn, if this were the anime version of FMA, I'd be more equipped to contribute. Saitou's good, but I don't think he's got any "freaky powers" that Pride's got, so that's an inherent disadvantage.

Other than the name change (he is wrath in the manga) the only real differences is that he can duel wield, has only one life, and moves a lot faster/run up walls

Rogue 7
2008-03-02, 05:37 PM
Right. I think his eye is still the big advantage here. Isn't it similar to the Byakugan in that it sees everything? If not, one Gaoutsu from Saito should end the fight. If so, he might be able to finish him with a Zerokushi, but I think he'd end up pretty beat-up for his efforts.

2008-03-02, 06:03 PM
Right. I think his eye is still the big advantage here. Isn't it similar to the Byakugan in that it sees everything?

It's an eye of ambiguous power.

Pride Bradly can regenerate, since the scene in the Manga where Roy Mustang roasts Lust 20 times was basically transplanted onto Pride in the anime. Unless Wrath Bradly is special he should be just as good at regenerating as Pride Bradly.

Well, okay. Assuming the Fuhrer only dies once, then Saito could probably kill him in the time it takes Pride to take off his eyepatch.

I don't think Pride needs to take off his eye patch for his power to work, he just does it for dramatic effect.

2008-03-02, 06:46 PM
I thought that manga Bradley said that the philosopher's stone used to 'create' him only had exactly one soul, so I'm not sure his regeneration powers are that great (he's never been hit though).

2008-03-02, 08:28 PM
I don't think Pride needs to take off his eye patch for his power to work, he just does it for dramatic effect.

I'm inclined to agree here. I don't know about the manga but the anime makes it pretty clear that the eye can see through things so I doubt it's impeded by the patch. The patch itself is probably there to stop other people seeing the eye, which is particularly unusual in appearance.

Rogue 7
2008-03-02, 08:53 PM
And by "particularly unusual" you mean "completely gives him away as a Homunculus."

2008-03-02, 09:15 PM
And by "particularly unusual" you mean "completely gives him away as a Homunculus."

That would be quite unusual though, wouldn't it?

2008-03-02, 09:17 PM
1. Bradley can regenerate yes, but not from fatal wounds (see below). That being said, in the Manga he is fast enough to dodge bullets and jump away from hand grenades that are right next to him. Unlike Lust he can't literally die then come back, but any would that doesn't instantly kill him will come back
2. The eye patch is for show yes, but it also protects his eye from things like flash grenades. He doesn't like wearing it however

Mr. Scaly
2008-03-02, 11:34 PM
I think the eye lets the fuhrer predict the enemy's moves. Not just where they're going to swing their sword, but how hard, when they pull out of the feint, if they'll fire an energy blast too...

2008-03-03, 03:11 AM
2. The eye patch is for show yes, but it also protects his eye from things like flash grenades.

His eye has a tatoo instead of a pupil, I doubt flash grenades have an effect, not that it's relevent to this fight.

2008-03-03, 04:23 AM
Bradley is most likely much more powerful than what he has shown so far. He was confident to take on Roy Mustang and both Elric brothers at once when he met with them alone in a room after they knew he is a homunculus. I guess all homunculi have a true form but they're supposed to not show them. Gluttony only revealed it to get revenge for Lust and Envy when he thought that they're all going to die anyway(though Pride had to hold him back in an earlier time)

His eye has a tatoo instead of a pupil, I doubt flash grenades have an effect, not that it's relevent to this fight.

After the flash greande Bradley specifically said that he is thankful he wore an eyepatch. Manga chapter 46

2008-03-04, 08:49 PM
But remember, Saito had the whole martial artist swordsmen thing going for him. Bradley has the eye however

2008-03-13, 09:36 PM
Bump, come on, any body interested

2008-03-13, 11:45 PM
I...don't know how I should call this...I'm not knowledgeable enough on Saito or Pride Bradley (Manga) to make a good call on which one wins the fight. They both fill the same respective slot on my 'favorite character of the show' list (2nd place after Scar and Shishio respectively).

And I'm pretty sure that Saito probably has the hand up in superior swordsman ship...the creepy eye powers will probably help even it out though. If Saito's lucky he could pull of a quick kill...otherwise it probably becomes a manuevering/endurance battle. One of which I KNOW Pride is better at while the second I'm iffy on.

Gotta give it to Saito though...like him just a bit better.

2008-03-14, 12:32 AM
Bradley regenerates and has superior reflexes and physical capacity when compared to a human, even one in peak condition. Saito can't one-shot him under these conditions so Saito's screwed.

2008-03-14, 02:21 AM
i imagine it would go like this
saito: *stab followed by smug look*
pride: *grabs arm, stabs back*
saito: *dies*

pride can ignore any non fatal wound, so he doesn't have much reason to dodge a sword of all things. just keep it away from his heart and brain and he's golden.

theres also the whole "more than any human could hope to be" thing.

2008-03-14, 03:47 PM
While they are both awsome, and i have no idea who would win, just like to point out that Saito only needs one fatal attack (Cutting off the head, cutting hte head in half, cutting Bradley in half) to win, Even non fatal hits take a little bit of time to regenerate (it is still pretty fast however)