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View Full Version : Need help with Incation-based class to replace Druid

2008-03-03, 05:52 PM
Okay, I've seen the horrid imbalances in D&D, primarily the caster classes. Batman Wizards, CoDzillas, the whole nine yards. I'm trying to fix that.

I've already made the Arcanist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67999), the Priest (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67998), and the Bard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68250). Arcanist replaces Wizard and Sorcerer. The Priest replaces the Cleric. I like the new Bard better, it has more uses, better skillmonkey, and better SLA's.

Now to replace the Druid. I've got a name, Wylder, but I'm a bit stumped on what to do.

Oh, I've got most of the incantations down, and the class abilities (Wild Empathy, Trackless Step, Venom Immunity), and I've replaced Wildshape with Aspect incantations. Basically, Aspect incantations are 24 hour duration buffs which grants them some bonus or ability. Lower level ones grant bonuses on various skills or give minor abilities like scent. Medium range ones give things like bonuses to a given stat (enhancement bonuses so they won't stack with magic items) or Rage. Higher level ones give really useful stuff like extra reach.

You notice with the other three classes that I've basically kept to the Warlock mold of the eldrich blast progression? Well, the Bard has his music, but it progresses on the same level. So, what is a Wylder supposed to advance? Wildshape is out, since I've replaced it with Aspects. He's got a pet, but that advances seperately. I'm not sure if I really want him to summon a bunch of stuff on an 'at will' basis.

Ideas? Suggestions?

2008-03-03, 10:13 PM
maybe somethign spirit-related. werewolf the apocalypse is coming to mind so far with some of your description. fetishes or the like.

or maybe a thorny version of eb or something.

2008-03-03, 10:34 PM
I like the idea of a "Nature Blast" or some such thing. Perhaps his "blast" is a nature spirit that has merged itself somewhat with the Wylder, or is an extension of his being or something. The spirit wouldn't be so much thrown at a foe and discarded, but rather cast out like a fishing line and reeled back in to its master (it wouldn't be able to go far from its master, being fused to him or something.)
The spirit might appear like a fey or an animal, and when you gained damage with it, the spirit would reflect it by gaining size, claws, teeth, pointy bits, whatever.

Also, are the druid spells still there, or are they being replaced by one of these abilities?

2008-03-04, 02:05 PM
Druid spells are being replaced by an Incantation system, much like the Warlock. On the up side, this means infinite number of times per day. On the down side, you only know 12 incantations, and that includes your Aspect incantations.

For spell-like incantations, I was giving them stuff like Control Plants, Charm Animal, Entangle, Venom (is a Greater or Greatest, for infinite stat damage), Purify food and drink, Faerie Fire...

I'm trying to stay away from a 'blast' for this one. Druids are not known for their blasty-ness. It shouldn't be a group buff thing, that's what the Bard is for.

My problem with the summoning is that it can be broke too easily. In the Summon Nature's Ally list, too many things are too powerful to do it 'at will', including things like Unicorns for healing. Summon Nature's Ally V includes the Janni, which has Plane Shift. VII has a Djinni which has the same. IX has a Celestial Charger, which is a unicorn that has Cleric class levels. Maybe just limit what can and cannot be summoned?

2008-03-04, 04:45 PM
That's one option.

Druids basically have control over plants and animals. If you focus on teh plants, you end up with entangle and venom and stuff like that. If you focus on the animal, you have either summoning or something like wildshape. Perhaps you could give it the ability to partially transform, like developing bear claws but not turning into a bear. Look at the wild feats from complete divine to see what I'm talking about.

What kind of class do you want the wylder to be? Not a blaster. Do you want it to summon things, but don't want it to be broken? Perhaps a debuffer specializing in poisons and abilities that slow the enemy down or make them weaker.

2008-03-04, 10:29 PM
That's one option.

Druids basically have control over plants and animals. If you focus on teh plants, you end up with entangle and venom and stuff like that. If you focus on the animal, you have either summoning or something like wildshape. Perhaps you could give it the ability to partially transform, like developing bear claws but not turning into a bear. Look at the wild feats from complete divine to see what I'm talking about.

What kind of class do you want the wylder to be? Not a blaster. Do you want it to summon things, but don't want it to be broken? Perhaps a debuffer specializing in poisons and abilities that slow the enemy down or make them weaker.

The original concept was battlefield control and utility, with a potential secondary of save or suck OR melee monster depending on incantations taken. Arcanist is the blaster master with utility. Priest is save or screwed guy, as well as fix-it. Bard does mostly mind-affecting area effect stuff, both party buffing and multiple opponent debuffing, with a lot of mind-affecting lockdown stuff. Druid was going to have a lot of battlefield control like Entangle and stuff.

The Wild feats from Complete Divine was where I got my idea for the Aspects, to replace the horridly broken Wildshape.