View Full Version : Fall of the Dead: Hidden Menace

2008-03-03, 11:07 PM
Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJdsCm2PV80), I like giving music to help visualize scenes.

Waterdeep, a center of civilization and trade that acted as a beacon to the people of the realms. Hundreds of people lived within it's high stone walls, secure in the knowledge that the city watch and police would keep them safe from the dangers of the wild and the monsters that prowl the land. Every day a veritable sea of humanity bustled through it's streets and alleyways to conduct their own business, receding like the tide at night to the comfort of their own homes. The Masked Lords ensured that the peace was kept and that nothing would harm the citizens under their watch, neither monsters surging up from Undermountain or the insidious agents of such places like Thay. Religions kept their peace within it's walls where in other places they might have come to words or even blows at the differences in their faiths.

All around was idle chatter about the new star in the heavens, visible only some of the time at night with the proper position or equipment, but there all the same. Panic had flown through the masses at first...people worried that it was an omen from the gods that something was amiss or they had been wronged but in the end it seemed as if it meant nothing. It was still un-explained but appeared to be benign and so people ignored it.

Waterdeep was not as safe as it appeared.

Rumors had been flying around the streets and shadowed alleyways lately, stories that a group of people had assaulted a temple of Deneir. Each story was different in what exactly had happened and what the end result was, but the consensus was the same. The newly built temple had been broken into. Close to a full week later the slips of parchment had been nailed up at reputable taverns known for their...adventuresome clientèle. Chaplain Lausk had requested the aid of anyone who thought they possessed a modicum of experience and a willingness to risk their lives if necessary...

Each of them had their own reasons...their own motives for doing it...but the five found themselves waiting in the plain hall outside of the Chaplain's office, waiting for the man to become un-busy. Acolytes and petitioners walked or hurried through the halls of the temple, built merely a stone's throw away from the North Gate. There had been some..dispute about the temple's construction, many viewing it as unnecessary since there was already a temple of Oghma in the city and by many is viewed as more of a library then a place of worship. What could possibly be here that people would risk the wrath of a church to steal?

2008-03-04, 12:06 AM
Norgrim Giantbreaker

The dwarf off to the side of the room smelled like he had spent the night in the gutter. In fact, he probably had.

Stocky and powerfully built like most dwarves, the warrior looked almost chiseled from the stone. Nothing but sharp angles and planes, he seemed to be all muscle. He had a flat nose, bent to one side from a multitude of breaks, and dark brown eyes that seemed to light up whenever a fight was looming. His black hair and beard were coiled into tight dreadlocks interwoven with metal bands and beads and tipped at their ends with small, iron statuettes of each of the dwarven gods. The largest of these statuettes was right down the center, hanging from his beard to his breastplate, depicting Clangeddin Silverbeard. His armor was some kind of odd full-plate of dwarven make with a multitude of spikes and sharp ridges that made the dwarf look like a pincushion. His helmet was T-visored with a bull's horns set into the sides and was currently residing in the hand he wasn't using to lift a waterskin to his mouth. From the strong, alcoholic smell and color, one could surmise that it did not contain water.

The dwarf smacked his lips, some of the ale that had escaped the waterskin before he righted it soaking into his beard. He punctuated the moment with a loud, rolling belch that echoed down the hallways. "AAaaah...Nothin' like a mid-mornin' drink to make yer day tha' much better, righ' lads? Who wants a sip of the innkeeper's best?" he proclaimed loudly. "Now when I say 'best' ye'll have ta keep in mind tha' the inkeeper was not a dwarf, but it gets the job done! At least it certainly did last night! HAHAHA!!" he broke out into boisterous laughter, slamming a hand down hard on a nearby wooden bench, causing the statuettes in his beard to jump and clank together. "Come on then, who'll drink with me?! I dunna like drinkin' alone! Not when there's comp'ny to be had!"

Perhaps the dwarf was still inebriated from the night before and had decided to just steamroll the hangover into a new buzz the next morning. More likely, the spiked, obnoxious dwarf was a few ships short of a fleet. Anyway, he'd either not noticed the fact that he was currently standing in a temple drinking and yelling or just didn't care. He was more interested in the mildest chance of adventure that had been presented to each of those present that day. A chance to earn some coin, do some good, and more than likely bash a few skulls in! Now THAT was a good time! He hadn't had a decent brawl since Sundabar!

2008-03-04, 01:18 AM
Kayden Brangane

Small and slight, for a human at least, Kayden was used to being ignored or passed over. Being inconspicuous had it's advantages after all, especially in her line of work. She was dressed in her usual, dark soft pants tucked into a pair of well worn but serviceable mid-thigh boots, a blouse and a vest. All quite demure; giving the impression of someone who was well-to-do but still worked for a living. Her short, thick, black hair stuck out from her head at odd angles, giving the impression that she had just rolled out of bed not long ago. A closer look would reveal that her black hair was oddly peppered with gray and white, odd for a human not yet in her twenties. While her hair might seem a mess, Kayden's sharp grey eyes missed little.

She had been quietly sitting on the bench leafing through a book while she waited for the chaplain. She looked up over the pages of her book every now and then to note who was passing and in which direction but other than the soft whispher of paper when she turned a page, there was little activity in her corner.

She'd noticed the dwarf right away. It was hard not to. The man reeked of stale alcohol and was obviously still deep in his cups from the night before. People like this were an anomaly to Kayden, and she did her best to hide her grimace of distaste behind her book as the dwarf loudly invited everyone and anyone to join him.

Parsley Man
2008-03-04, 01:29 AM
Bryan Matson

A sober human bearing the trappings accustomed to clerics sat aside watching the lively dwarf reveling in his drink. His sapphire blue eyes belied the thin smile at his lips telling of an inner desire for excitement being held at bay by a strong knowledge of purpose and place.
In a tired motion he removed his helm, brushing aside the stray brown wisps of hair. Then resting his wight against the wall and placeing the helm next to a weather worn lantern he waves his hand toward the dwarf, "I am sorry friend dwarf but i am afraid that I do not have the strength to enjoy a drink after my dawn patrol, perhaps sometime later."
He shifts his wight and moves his attention to the others gathered in the hall, "I am Bryan Matson and am curious to know the names of the men and women courageous enough to answer a call to arms against an unknown enemy confident enough to rob a temple of the faith and then escape unscathed."

2008-03-04, 12:01 PM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

As far as he can be from the alcohol-reeking dwarf, another figure stands silent vigil. He stands about four-and-a-half feet tall. His lean body -- most would say emaciated body, especially for a dwarf, and given the proportions of his body, he definitely was one of the stout folk -- gives him a predatory appearance. Further accentuating the predatory look is the dusky skin, cold black eyes and long -- almost beak-like -- nose, which looks as if it had been broken and poorly healed many times.

A pair of goggles hang around his neck, their smoked lenses are affixed to a stretchy canvas that looks like it ties around the back of the head. Underneath the goggles, a silver symbol on a chain can barely be glimpsed: a gloved hand holding a two-faced coin. A wide-brimmed leather hat sits atop an obviously bald head, though a short but thick iron gray beard is the only hair to be seen upon the man's head.

A black traveler's cloak hangs from his shoulders. Under the cloak, protecting the man's torso, is a shirt of mithral chain. A bulge under the cloak hides most of a well-worn, but sturdy leather pack.

A strongly muscled right hand grasps the haft of a well-crafted scythe. Affixed to the head of the scythe is a transparent black crystal, which seems to glow with a sickly, inner light. The butt of the scythe rests against the right boot of a pair. Multiple brass buckles run from the ankle to the top of the calf on these finely crafted, black leather boots.

Stuck into the man's belt is a heavy pick, in easy reach if needed.
The dwarf seemed to resemble a raven, if nothing else.

After the dwarf's outburst, a sneer crosses the man's lips, though it quickly disappears. Great. This one will at least draw attention so I can do my business properly.

His dispassionate eyes seemed to absorb light. He looks at the others in the room. A human woman, sitting quietly reading a book. Quiet at least. And not one to join in the frivolity of strong drink. But what does she do? The younger man, a priest of some sort, asked for introductions. A talker. He too can draw attention away from me. Hrafnar waits until the others introduce themselves before following suit.

2008-03-05, 09:44 PM
Norgrim Giantbreaker

"BAH!" Norgrim said, giving the bench another slap for emphasis. "I can respect ye for doing yer duty, lad," he said to Bryan with a firm nod, causing the statuettes in his beard to clank together again. "Aye, but dunna think yer gettin' off that easy! Soon as yer up to it we ought to get to drinkin'! Ha!"

"I'm beginnin' to think I'm scaring these other two." he motioned towards Hrafnar and Kayden, who remained silent. "Not even a polite refusal like yerself. Hmph...well, I suppose ye can't expect any more from a damn duergar anyway." he singled out Hrafnar, spitting on the ground at the mention of his cursed race. "Don't think I haven't noticed ye skulkin' over there me dark cousin! Why yer even here I dunna even know! Me and my kin have sent hunnerds 'o' ye back down into yer stinkin' holes!" he grinned at Bryan. "Seems we missed one, eh, lad?" he sneered, turning back to point a gauntleted finger at Hrafnar. "And don't be thinkin' I won't be willin' to send ye along after em if ye cross the line around me! I'm watchin' ye, motherless deep-dweller!"

Norgrim nodded with a sense of finality, as he'd said his piece and knew he'd been heard. "Ah, but I haven't introduced meself, Master Matson! I'm Norgrim, of the Clan Giantbreaker out 'o' Citadel Felbarr to the North! Son of Hargrim, I am! Pleased to make yer acquaintance!" he announced with a thump of his fist to his breastplate.

2008-03-06, 04:26 PM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

The duergar turns his impassive look to Norgrim. "The only things about you that scares me are your smell and your manners, deserter," he says in a deep monotone. "I did not wish to speak over another in introducing myself. I am Hrafnar Steelshadow. I do not drink when I am at work or about to work, though I thank you for the offer," Hrafnar mock bows, a thin smile touching the corners of his lips. "And if I ever cross a line with you, you won't see anything. Ever. Again."

2008-03-06, 05:07 PM
((Click for music. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlr90NLDp-0)))

"I ask you not to do that again my friend. The acolytes who must clean the floors after you leave would not appreciate the extra work." The speaker of that kind voice, the sort that calms in times of troubles and settles jagged nerves, was a middle-aged man. Grey-streaked black hair was swept back raggedly from a weary face, tired brown eyes observing all of you with an equally appraising look is to take a measure of your moral fiber. Clad in the vestments of Deneir, he gestures for all of you to enter into the office.

Very...loosely furnished, one could go so far as to call it empty if was not for the desk littered with scrolls and registers or the shelf full of thick tomes set against the far wall. The man takes a seat behind the desk, letting each of you decide on your own to take one of the plain wooden chairs or to stand. Leaning his elbows on his desk, the man smiles for a brief moment before he spoke once more.

"As you may guessed by now, I am Chaplain Lausk and it is I who sent out the call for aid from the community. It heartens me to see such a prompt response from the people." He says with obvious relief, his sagging shoulders lifting some if a weight had begun to be risen from them and his voice grew in eagerness and anger as he continued. "Anyway I.... We, need your help. Last week, a group of robbers, a, a, a vile den of thieves came and robbed us. Can you believe that? Robbed us!"

Chaplain Lausk paused then, taking his face into his hands, kneading it as if that would work out the obvious stress just talking about this ordeal was bringing up. When he brought himself to speak once more, his voice held none of the vigor it had a moment ago. "Not only that, they killed several of my spiritual brothers in the process, leaving their bodies on the floor of our new temple. The rats could have at least done something for our dead if they took the time to deal with theirs...."

The chaplain stood, shaking his disgust at the treatment of his fallen brothers away and neared the business at hand. Pacing across the wooden floor behind the desk and falling silent, again appraising each of you for only a moment each. His hands clutching each other behind his back as he finally turned to face you fully, stern and un-yielding in his posture. "We are most worried about what they stole; An old manuscript from our vault. I don't know what it is, or really, that it was even there until it was gone, but we simply can not let them get away with such a valuable scroll! We have used our divinations to reveal that they are heading to the Maiden's Tomb Tor outside the city, and even sent a few agents to investigate. They have not returned, so we're pretty sure they have been killed or captured by our robbers there. Now, we want you to go there and see if you can not return that manuscript to us, and we would not oppose you bringing as many of those thieves to justice as you can in the process." Lausk smiled a bit wistfully at that but quickly shakes his head and returns his attention to the four who were currently with him.

"Of course you will be compensated for your troubles..I know this could be risky...And...I know what I said before. I truly do not believe those I have sent before to still be alive, but if there are or you find their remains then please return them here. The least I can do for their efforts is ensure a burial and that their family hears of their respective fates. Are there any questions I can answer for you? I really must return to my work..if there was one un-registered item there could be more!"

Parsley Man
2008-03-06, 06:57 PM

Bryan's face contorts between stern anger and solid determination as the chaplain speaks. Once he is done the statue that was Bryan comes alive as he asks his question. "Yes one, would you have, or know where to find, a map of the tomb and the area around it?"

2008-03-06, 10:57 PM
Kayden Brangane

Kayden listens to the talk in the hallway with growing dismay. The two dwarfs could tear each other apart for all she cared but not on her time and not while risking her skin and profit! She stands up, slamming her book shut and storing it in her pack. She's about to speak when Chaplain Lausk beats her too it. Since she's already standing, she follows him into his office...? No. More like a library, fitting considering the setting, but not very comfortable. She takes one of the far chairs, sitting with one foot on the seat and her arms clasped around the shin. She listens quietly and when the chaplain finishes she asks, "Do you know how many were involved the other night? It'd be nice to have an idea before we leave." in a soft and calm voice.

2008-03-07, 03:14 PM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

The duergar listens to the Chaplain's response to the previous questions before commenting. "Justice will find them. I will see to that," he says in his deep monotone, then bows his head briefly before looking up once more to meet Chaplain Lausk's eyes. "Did they leave anything behind?"

2008-03-09, 10:54 PM
"A map of the Tomb is not something that we possess. As a new church here in Waterdeep we have not yet had time to fully stock our shelves with Deneir's bounty so to speak. I believe that if you were to poke about the public records then you may find a map of it's construction...but I would prefer you wouldn't." Lausk says in a grave tone of voice, addressing Bryan first with a hint of respect for a fellow priest. "As it stands all there are only rumors about what has happened here. If you begin poking around in the records for a map of a memorial, so soon after visiting me, then it will be a sign of weakness to every brigand or house thief looking for an easy mark. To say nothing of the damage it could possibly do in our relations with other churches. This is a mark of shame and grief good priest...we do not wish to display it to others."

Finally returning to his seat behind his desk, the chaplain leans back. "No, nothing was left behind. They were almost meticulous in their work which also makes their numbers difficult to determine. Our efforts would put the number who struck here at less the a half-dozen, though there is always the potential they met with others once outside the city." Lausk rose and walked to the door to his office, opening the door standing there before he continued. "There should be another joining you. I'm surprised at his tardiness but I assure you that his particular talents should be invaluable in your efforts. Please...I know you may have more questions but I must return to my work. If you wait, I'm sure your last companion will arrive shortly. Make all haste with your duty...if something important does lay in that tome, then I shudder to think of it falling into the wrong hands or being sold to unsavory types."

Diarmud should be back tomorrow, so he should be able to join in before you lot hurry off.

2008-03-10, 03:40 PM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

"Your losses shall be avenged," the duergar vows. "By your leave," Hrafnar bows his head briefly and spins on his heel, leaving the room quickly and with barely a sound. He returns to the waiting area, hoping to find the tardy member of the small band waiting for them. With that not the case, he returns to his previous spot and waits -- silently staring -- once more.

Parsley Man
2008-03-11, 01:13 AM

Frustrated, Bryan turns and follows Hrafnar out of the room and plops down on a bench in the hallway placing his tower shield between him and the rest of the hall as he mutters under his breath.

"Nothing has changed. The desk clergy always with the 'holier-than-thou' attitude looking down on the good men in the field doing the important work, only concerned with status and appearances. Always, always with the view that the world rides on them and their god's shoulders, every effort made to hide any sign of weakness with no actual willingness to admit mistakes and then work openly to fix them. It is not like no-one knows of the robbery, yet the chaplain acted as tho it was not already on the tips of every drunks tong and any possibility of drawing attention be avoided. Hah. But what can be done? This is the way it is and one voice will not change it. I must abide."

With a deep sigh the incomprehensible turmoil behind the shield ends.

A somber face is revealed as Bryan moves the shield aside producing a silver disk with the image of a brilliant sunrise on it and begins to pray.

2008-03-11, 04:19 PM

A towering figure stomps its way into the receiving hall of the temple, a scowl marring an ugly, grey-green face. The figure obviously has orcish blood in his veins, but one might wonder at the concentration considering the yellow-brown tusks protruding from his lips, one from the bottom jaw up..and another from the top jaw down on opposite sides of his face.

His face is sun wrinkled, and battle-hardened. A bald pate sports a ring of greasy black hair that starts at each ear and circles behind his head. It hangs limply, clumping together in some places, thinned by age, stress, or gods knows what.

Dark green pupils sit centered in slightly bloodshot eyes, themselves almost shadowed by a severely protruding brow adorned with a forest of thick black hairs. Those same eyes dart between the group gathered there, taking in their measure. His focus stops and lingers on the duergar and eventually he nods slightly to himself as he apparently answers his own question.

His voice is low and gravelly as he addresses everyone,

"Guess you're here to help with the job? I'm guessing by yer looks that yer waitin on me. Sorry 'bout that, a little runt halfling decided ta try and lift my purse. He wont be trying that again for a while. Didja already talk to tha priests or were they waitin fer me afore givin up the details?"

His speech is simple, but direct.

Taking a closer look at him, his massive frame is well over six feet tall, and his shoulders might be close to 3 feet wide. His torso is covered by a well made, shirt of chain, though not nearly as impressive as the mithril worn by Hrafnar. The shoulder of the chain sports a small quartz crystal affixed to the links. A simple cloak grey is pinned around his neck, and a few small pouches adorn the leather belt he wears. Though his hair and teeth show obvious signs of neglect, all of his clothes appear clean and neat, and his belongings seem to be very organized on his person.

His massive hands envelop the leather-wrapped handle of a greataxe that has seen its share of use. It is hard to tell if the many nicks and notches in the blade are further evidence of this, or perhaps a wicked blacksmith's idea for improving on an old standard. The wood between the two heads of the axe sports a blood red gem apparently stuck directly into the wood. A silvery warhammer rests through a loop in his belt, hanging easily at his side. The spiked back of the hammer sports an odd gold ring from which dangles bright white ivory carving of a skeletal finger. The tip of a bowstave pokes from under the corner of the cloak over his left shoulder.

A tell-tale bulge under his cloak belies the stereotypical backpack that all adventurers carry, though perhaps his bag is larger than others. Even still, if it is...he does not appear to even notice its weight across his shoulders. His stance is rigid, almost military in its exactness.

2008-03-11, 04:42 PM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

As the half-orc enters, Hrafnar locks his raptor-gaze upon him. He gives the man a slight nod in return for his own.

"Your tardiness is of no consequence. We have been briefed by Chaplain Lausk. Now that you have arrived, we head for Maiden's Tomb Tor. I am Hrafnar Steelshadow," the duergar explains in his deep monotonal voice. Resting the scythe in the crook of his arm, Hrafnar lifts his wide-brimmed hat back onto his bald head and places the smoky-lensed goggles over his eyes, allowing the silver symbol hanging around his neck to be more clearly seen.

"More information can be diseminated as we travel. Are you prepared to see this through to its conclusion, whether it be for weal or woe?" he asks as he tilts his head to one side and awaits a response, drawing yet another comparison to the raven he seems to resemble so much.

2008-03-11, 08:17 PM
Norgrim Giantbreaker

"Half a dozen or two hunnerd dozen, they'll all taste the blade 'o' me axe if'n they want to get in front of it." Norgrim said as everyone filed out of the room. He'd been surprisingly quiet during the small briefing, simply taking it all in. Every once in awhile he'd shake his head or make a disgusted sound and some grumpy cursing noises, causing his beard to jostle about. "This be why temples to dwarven gods have armed guards! Ye'd ne'er be seein' these shenanigans happening at the lodge 'o' Moradin or Clangeddin Silverbeard! Somethin' to think on, methinks, Chaplain, eh?" he grinned at the human priest and slapped a hand down on the desk before following the others out.

At the sight of the half-orc, Norgrim's grin fell to a disgruntled scowl, his mustache bristling like an angry mutt. "Aye...first the deep-dwelling, fungus-eating, crow-begotten duergar and NOW an orc-spawn! Who'll be joinin' us next, eh? Drow? Giants?" he said, his whole body seeming to shake like a wet dog, resulting in much clanging of metal on metal. "Still, I s'pose I can't fault ye for one 'o' ye parents now can I? Long as ye don't still pal around with the hairy wretch." he said almost regretfully. "A warrior are ye, lad? Come to help us break a few damned thieves fer stickin their hands in Deneir's purse, eh?" he said, some of that grin returning as he marched up to the half-orc. The difference in their height was comical but Norgrim didn't seem to notice.

"The name's Norgrim, 'o' the clan Giantbreaker, by the way. I plan to notch me axe on some skulls before this adventure's at an end meself!"

2008-03-11, 10:17 PM

Since they had the location and the "target," now all that remained was a) getting there, b) recovering the target, and c) returning for the reward. Getting there should be simple enough. If it was more than an hour or two away it'd be worth renting horses, ponies for the dwarfs... She risks a side long glance at Bryan as he starts mumbling to himself and, still walking forward, she almost runs straight into the large, solid, and threatening form of the orc... man. Half-orc maybe? Who knew? She hurriedly scurries back, surprise and startlement written all over her face.

"So-Sorry." She manages finally. "There isn't much to tell, nothing that can't be told on the way at least. Does anyone know how far away this tomb is? We might want to consider getting horses, or ponies." She finishes rather lamely looking a bit red in the face. What if they take offense to the pony-thing? she thinks to herself, well, what else would they ride? Mules?

Parsley Man
2008-03-12, 02:28 AM

Using his shield to help him stand Bryan faces the latecomer. "I am Bryan Matson and pleased that you arrived without too much delay."
Turning away he slowly gathers his gear while addressing the woman. "I agree with you, some mode of transportation would be useful especially for the return journey as we may have prisoners. I will go and procure a cart and mule from the merchant quarter where I am sure I can get simple directions. Afterward where shall I find everyone? At the edge of town? Or would a local tavern be more fitting?"
He pauses mulling some thoughts over and then rejecting them with a shake of his head. Obviously he is unsatisfied with something, but what it is seems to elude his own mind.

2008-03-12, 08:22 AM

Accepting the duergar's introduction with a slight inclination of his head, the large half-orc responds in kind,

"I am called Jorrath. Dont quite recognise the name o' tha place. One of you know where it is?"

At the dwarf's words, Jorrath visibly bristles and he moves to stand towering over the prickly dwarf. As he speaks, he holds up the hand not grasping his axe and extends a single finger while staring down,

"That'll be the only time talk of my family e'er escapes those beer-stenched lips of yers. Unnerstand?"

As the talk moves on to how to get where they're going, and Bryan begins discussing a mule and cart, the half-orc quirks and eyebrow and chuckles deep in his belly,

"I think we might be putting the ol' cart afore the horse here folks. Guess yer all doin this outta tha kindness o' yer hearts...and there's nothin wrong with that. But what I wanna know...is what we're getting in return for whatever it is they want done."

As he finishes he rubs his thumb and forefinger together in the well-known symbol for money.

"I wont know just 'ow willing I be ta see this through until I know if the.....ummmm"

He scrunches up his nose as he tries to remember the term that gnome had used in a similar sitution,

"....umm.....Spends justimfer the spleens.?."

The last part is almost spoken like a question, but the smile splitting his horrible features would seem to say that he is happy with himself for remembering properly, or at least properly enough for him.

Parsley Man
2008-03-12, 12:17 PM

A thin smile passes his lips in responce to Jorrath's statement.

"That would be 'End justifies the means' my friend. Unfortunately, tho the good chaplain spoke much he said very little. As far as reward, he was quite vague. However if he should not provide enough to satisfy your/our wants after we have completed the task then not only will his name be tarnished but he wont get the item returned."

Smirking slightly he continues on.

"Simply put, he will pay very well or we will have items of great value to sell for high profit. My earlier statement regarding the cart shows that I believe that we may be walking away with a nice bit of loot after the mission."

His mood greatly improved after thoroughly enjoying his rant he turns a good natured smile back upon the group.


2008-03-13, 03:49 PM

The large half-orc apathetically shrugged and shouldered his large axe.

"So long as none of you is gonna git all holier than pow if the priests dont wanna pay us and I dont wanna give em what we got for em. So, did they at least tell ya where this Toomtor thing is?"

2008-03-13, 10:07 PM

Kayden winces at Bryan's words. Blackmail was the last thing she'd expected to hear out of the mouth of a "holy man." She quickly glances over her shoulder and notices that Chaplin Lausk's door is open, and that he obviously heard every stupid word that had just come out of Bryan's mouth.

"Stop it." She says looking back at the cleric. "You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting such a thing. We're not going to blackmail anyone." She says looking at each of the four men in turn before returning to Bryan. "If you want to do that, then leave. There's no place for you in this group. We were promised good pay for completing this task and if that's not enough for you then find another job." The quite shy girl is gone, having been replaced with one with flashing green eyes and steel in her voice and manner.

2008-03-14, 08:33 AM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

Hrafnar merely nods in acceptance of the human girl's -- no, woman's -- words. "Well said."

The duergar turns his gaze to the others assembled for the task as he thinks to himself. Clearly more to her than a first assessment allows. Good. We'll need someone else to help keep discipline amongst this lot. The priest surprises me with his mercenary attitude. I will have to keep watch on him.

2008-03-15, 10:20 AM
Lausk's eyes had been steadily widening in outrage as he stood there listening to the mercenary comments from Bryan and from Jorrath though one was to be expected to a fashion. Mouth dropped open in shock, the chaplain merely stared until Kayden had spoken up before his mouth closed with an audible click.

"Perhaps this is a mistake..." the man said doubtfully, eyes growing even more worrisome before storming into his office and slamming the door shut with a loud bang that made several acolytes whip around and stare. Evidently Lausk was not known for such...loud displays of emotion. Without any further delay though you progress out into the city proper in order to locate a cart...and possibly directions as well.

Of course finding a cart was easy enough to find, but the disbelieving looks from a couple of people when asked for directions to the Tomb were more embrassing. Maiden's Tomb Tor may have been a monument to a barbarian but it was still at least known to roughly half the citizens of Waterdeep, even if they never really visited it. If one followed the road north out of Waterdeep until reaching the juncture of the High Road and Ampmail Road, then they could Ampmail for about day and a half on foot or at a walk for horses then turn north until you hit the tor and the small village that had set up close to the tor itself.

Destination in mind and supplies in hand you soon all gather at the road leading out past the walls of Waterdeep with the road ahead stretching out before you.

Take this opportunity to purchase any equipment last minute or finish something up inside of Waterdeep real quick before meeting at the gate and heading out.

2008-03-16, 02:58 PM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

The duergar waits patiently, goggles covering his eyes and wide-brimmed hat pulled low over his bald head. "Are we prepared to begin" he asks the others.

"May Vengeance be satisfied," Hrafnar intones as the group sets out.

2008-03-16, 11:06 PM

The half-orc merely shrugged as one of the priests slammed a door.

"Might bit of a touchy folk, these Deh-neerians. S'long as their gold is...well...gold, I'm 'appy."

Following the group out into the marketplace, he procures a steaming "meat" pie for himself and devours it in far fewer bites than would normally be required. Nodding to himself at having sated his appetite for a while, he also purchases a few days of food for the road.

3 days iron rations added to equipment

Hefting his axe and adjusting the straps on his backpack, he seems ready to leave and follows whoever drives the cart.

"Well...aint we a molty croo."

2008-03-18, 02:46 PM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

Hrafnar faces the half-orc, head tilted to the side for a moment as he considers Jorrath's words. "I believe the word you want is motley," he offers in his dry monotone.

Where's eveyone?

2008-03-18, 09:00 PM

The woman sighs at the half-orc's reaction. "They're not touchy; they're frustrated that the people they decided to trust don't trust them." Seeing the looks of incomprehension and uncaring on some of the faces around her she decides to drop the issue. "Well whatever let's get going. We're burning daylight standing around like this. I'm Kayden by the way, I don't think I had the opportunity to say so before." [hr] Once in the open air Kayden watches the group disperse with mixed feelings. She doesn't have anything to pick up at the marekt, so she waits on steps for the others to return.

Parsley Man
2008-03-19, 12:23 AM

Slightly embarrassed and humbled by his failed attempt at diplomacy Bryan quietly goes off and purchases a cart and mule as he planed, getting basic directions from the merchant he meets up with the others and heads toward the tomb.

((ooc: char sheet updated with money reduction and item addition.))

2008-03-19, 02:39 PM
Norgrim Giantbreaker

The dwarf clanked up beside Kayden, grumbling and taking swigs from his beer-skin, the idols woven into his beard banging against his breastplate. He'd been shocked into what would have been silence for most races and peoples, but for Norgrim instead turned into near indecipherable cursing at his companion's behavior. He hadn't even been able to string a sentence together he was so angry at the mercenary attitude most were displaying and the sheer lack of any dwarf-like behavior he was used to. They were being sent to take on a hive of scum and villainy and they were focused on the money?? Norgrim was reminded again and again how the other races wouldn't be as noble as his kin, who would have done something about the theft just because it was wrong and there was an opportunity to bash some heads. He was relieved that at least Kayden seemed to have a good head on her shoulders.

"Lass, ye surprised me there. Good to know one 'o' me new traveling companions has the heart 'o' a dwarf after all. Ye stick by me, Kayden, and we'll get this job done right and true like it ought'te. Let the rabble worry over the gold." he spat. "Tch...GOLD! Plenty 'o' that to go around. It's honor and glory they should be after, lass!"

2008-03-19, 03:51 PM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

Ignoring the dwarf's comments to Kayden, Hrafnar continues toward Maiden's Tomb Tor. What do I care if the abandoner likes me? I do this for vengeance's sake, not money. I know my heart.

He looks over his shoulder at the woman, mentally trying to measure her. "I am Hrafnar Shadowsteel, in case you missed my previous introduction, Kayden." He nods to the human woman. "I look forward to working with you." There is the slightest of inflection on the last word, though easily missed given the duergar's monotone.

2008-03-20, 02:56 PM
Just a note, need to know who's riding in the cart and who's walking along side it.

The cart proved to be a luxurious purchase as the five set out from the north gate along the very same path that had been described to Bryan. A fair amount of travel seemed to come and go along that road and several odd stares were directed towards the cart, though with all of the well-armored and varied species there it wasn't hard to question why. Progess was good, if slow, and gradually the traffic dwindled as the crossroads came closer and closer. Finally when the sun was high it comes into sight and not without a fair bit of relief either, the sun was merciless this day and beat down upon those uncovered with the sticky heat that was far more common to the south.

You all can spy a caravan coming down the High Road from the dust cloud it was sending up, not too uncommon but Ampmail was surprisingly bare of traffic and looked to have been deserted for a couple of days to Nogrim and Hrafnar. Despite the lack of travel along it nothing appeared to be wrong with Ampmail road and the rest of the day passed without incident. Camp was set up quickly and orderly with two watches quickly established to cover the night and allow those who needed their rest to get it. Off in the distance Kayden, Jorrath, and Bryan can spy the pin-point of light from another camp-fire, probably from a traveling merchant or another caravan but by the time their watch had expired the fire had gone out and they had gone to sleep.
__________________________________________________ ______________

The next days travels were not as easy and light-hearted as the previous. Down the road close to where Kayden and Bryan had spied the camp-fire you find the remains of several wagons. Barrels of foodstuffs and sacks of grain lay strewn about on the ground with other debris, a mess of things that leaves a sour taste in one's mouth. Each of the wagons looked as if they had been cut at with large holes as if a horse had kicked at them as well but of the owners or who might have done this there was little sign. Here and there one could spot splashes of blood in the dirt but it had mostly dried during the night. All of the pack animals had fled from the tracks but still...there were no bodies in the open space within the circle the four wagons made.

2008-03-22, 03:40 PM

It seems likely that the same people who raided the temple might also have been the ones who attacked the caravan. Kayden jumps down from the wagon and examine the remains of the struggle laid out on the ground, looking for any clues or valuables that may have been left behind.

search: (1d20+10=25) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1535006/)

ooc: she's not in the wagon obviously...

2008-03-22, 10:33 PM
Norgrim Giantbreaker

Norgrim grunted as he hauled himself off of the cart. He had decided against a horse or pony as he couldn't stand the damn things and they hated him just as much, with all the points and ridges on his plate digging into the animals' flanks. He made sure to steer well clear of any animals as he clanked over beside Kayden and dropped noisily to his haunches beside her. He made sure to at least make the attempt to tread where she had stepped so he wouldn't foul up the evidence.

"Don'tche think thieves would have taken the time to ransack the wagons, taken the grain and the barrels instead of just leaving them strewn across the ground? The way me back leg is quiverin' I'd say this was some kind 'o beastie attack, especially considerin' the looks 'o' that wagon there. I'd guess they took the sweeter meats back home, possibly the pack animals, too. Whatever it was didn't seem interested in what these poor souls were carryin', only the travelers themselves." Norgrim frowned, his bushy beard ruffling up again like an angry dog as he thumped the haft of his axe on the ground. "'Course, I only know some 'o' the signs. Not much of a tracker, am I." he admitted, shaking his head.

Norgrim seemed to have sobered up a good deal since they'd made camp last. Now that battle was looming on the horizon he was fast turning from drunken nutcase, to battle-hardened nutcase. The insanity seemed to go straight to the bone, but at least he had direction of it. "I be lookin' forward to payin' 'em back fer this monstrous work if I could. Thieves we be lookin' for or no, more travelers might be at risk if who or what did this keeps on roamin' free without me axe buried in its noggin'." he said, thumping his breastplate and causing the iron statuettes to jangle and clank around.

"Well, what say the rest 'o' ye? Any ideas what done this bit 'o' murderin'? Recognize the style of any yer kin, mayhap?" Norgrim said to the rest of the group, glaring at Hrafnar and Jorrath. Apparently, the past day or so hadn't changed his racial prejudices too much.

Search (1d20+1=18) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1535293/)

2008-03-24, 09:48 AM

The half-orc disinterestedly kicked through some of the debris, casually looking for anything of obvious value.

"I'm not one for followin tracks, but this just dont seem right. We should try'n find out where these people were taken and save em."

The compassion in his voice seems odd after the way he held himself in the temple earlier. As he talks, he's scanning the horizon for signs of movement.

Walking along beside the cart

2008-03-24, 10:29 AM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

With a very brief glance at Norgrim as he walks over, Hrafnar shakes his head. "I doubt this was done by duergar or orc. Too little blood for the latter, and there'd be no reason for a strike team to take only the people without the goods as well. There is a purpose to this attack that eludes me at the moment. If the tracks head in the direction of our own quarry, I've no qualms about further investigation. Otherwise it should wait until we've acomplished our primary objectives."

Are there any hills capable of containing an entrance to the Underdark within sight?
Search: 1d20+3

2008-03-25, 11:25 PM

"Does no one know anything about tracking?!?" Kayden asks, a bit of the exasperation she feels manages to creep into her voice. "That's one of the very few skills I have yet to acquire, but if they've left a clear trail, it shouldn't be a problem." even for a group as hopeless as ours she mentally adds. That's one thought she plans to keep to herself for now.

2008-03-26, 10:32 AM

The ugly half orc scrunches up his mangled features and plants his axehead on the ground resting both forearms on the bottom of the haft as he squints at Kayden,

"Are you gettin all mad cuz no one knows 'ow ta do somethin' you ne'er bothered ta learn neither? Dodn't that seem a might hip...hippo...hippocartigan? I'm fer finding who or what mighta done this so's we dont end up the same...but if everyone else wants ta move on ta the goal what we already set...well I guess that's OK too."

Kneeling near one of the wagons with a hole in it, he sniffs around the area, trying to see if he can recognise anything.


2008-03-27, 12:00 PM
Without much ado the group splits up to search the wagons and the opened crates and barrels of foodstuffs for some sign of the small caravan's occupants or for their valuables. The valuables were found easily enough, left out in the open by whoever had raided the wagons in the first place and discarded as if unwanted. Kayden finds a heavy gold statue of a fearsome dragon rearing up to attack, looking like it was made from solid gold with a silver bracelet dangling around it's neck as if the owner of the two used the dragon to hold the bracelet.

Norgrim finds a small pouch and upon investigating it finds a small mass of pink pearls glittering up at him from inside but finds nothing more notable then...there were no bodies. At least in the wagon that he had searched but the others weren't having much luck in their search for the luckless owners either. The lock box had been shattered open, the lock dangling uselessly, but nothing inside seemed to have been taken. A mound of silver coins still glittered enticingly inside with a gold comb with the jade initials of 'A.K' on the one side. And still no sign of bodies! Not even so much as a limb or digit! Just disgruntled looking ravens eying the site and it's interlopers with some distaste and cawing loudly.

That wasn't all though...there was plenty of foot prints in the grounds and runs from where the wagons had been pulled in for the night but there were very few drag marks on the ground. So if the bodies hadn't been found...nor had they been dragged away or carried away (No footprints lead away from that center ring that didn't end abruptly with a splash of crimson) then what on earth had happened?

Still peering around for signs of motion the half-orc paused...There was movement farther along the road...No dustcloud but it appeared to be a rider on horseback.

A tally of things found...

Broken Chest: 2,000 shards.

Gold statue of a rearing dragon (10 lbs.)
Appraise DC 15: 600 dragons.
Appraise DC11-14: 450 dragons.

Pouch of pink pearls (Negligible weight)
Appraise DC 20: 5,000 dragons all together
Appraise DC 15-19: 6.368 all together.

Silver Bracelet (Negligible weight)
Appraise DC 13: 50 dragons
Appraise DC 9-12: 47 dragons

Gold comb with jade inlay (Negligible weight)
Appraise DC 14: 300 dragons
Appraise DC 11-13: 386 dragons

2008-03-27, 08:59 PM

"No, I'm not trying to be hypocritical. I just find it rather... amazing is all."

Kayden eyes the gold dragon statue that she found among the remains of the caravan. The workmanship is fine and the statue it's self is heavy, it's obviously worth quite a lot. The silver bracelet is also good work, but not worth nearly as much as the statue. She quietly warps her finds in some loose fabric before adding them to her pack. She glances at the other finds, a bag of pearls and a comb, but just shrugs in response if anyone asks her what she thinks they're worth.

"Something very strange is going on here. And as important as our current job is, I don't feel right just picking over the remains and leaving. We should try to figure out what happened to the people here, so we can at least make a cohert report when we get back." And try to prepare ourselves in case we run into whatever did this...

ooc: successful appraise checks for statue and bracelet in ooc thread.

2008-03-28, 08:16 AM

The half-orc's eyes kept widening as his companions continued to unearth surprising treasures from among the wreckage, but he vigilantly kept trying to figure out what had happened.

While pacing, the movement further up the road caught his attention. Whistling sharply, he let everyone know what to expect,

"Someone's riding this way from farther up the road."

As he turned to address his companions, a potentially bad thought occurred to him as he viewed the scene before him,

"And umm...this dodnt look too good to anyone who might come up on us. Whoe'er it is could ask some questions we'd find hard to answer proper-like. One of you should prob'ly do any talking. I'll stay back near our cart out o' tha way."

Moving back to the cart, Jorrath draws up his hood to partially hide his possibly questionable appearance. Sliding his greataxe into the cart, he hopes to cut a much less imposing figure squatting on his haunches next to the cart.

Attempting to appear as a somewhat shorter, less imposing figure.


2008-04-02, 09:02 PM
Norgrim Giantbreaker

While pacing, the movement further up the road caught his attention. Whistling sharply, he let everyone know what to expect,

"Someone's riding this way from farther up the road."

As he turned to address his companions, a potentially bad thought occurred to him as he viewed the scene before him,

"And umm...this dodnt look too good to anyone who might come up on us. Whoe'er it is could ask some questions we'd find hard to answer proper-like. One of you should prob'ly do any talking. I'll stay back near our cart out o' tha way."

"BAH! Ye go ahead and hide. I ain't done nothin' wrong." Norgrim shouted back in response as he left the bag of pearls where they lay for the moment and clanged over to face the incoming rider. Wouldn't do any good to have a pouch of stolen goods hanging from his belt when he went to face a potential accuser, even if the former owners probably wouldn't be needing it any longer. After they'd seen to the rider he'd go and collect them. He was intending on taking them along instead of just letting them lie, but on the off chance the merchants were alive he guessed they'd be wanting their valuables back. Stealing he tended to have a small problem with, but a reward wasn't something he was above accepting.

"Who goes there?! Ye be wantin' te stand and be seen before I decide ye had somethin' to do with this!" Norgrim shouted at the incoming rider. He let one of his throwing hammers fall into his palm, shifting his waraxe to his other hand underneath his steel shield. If the rider wasn't going to be stopping for a chat, Norgrim just might have to persuade him into doing so. Besides, sometimes a show of force worked wonders. (Anyway, Norgrim didn't really know of any other way to be.)

2008-04-02, 11:32 PM

Ah great, why not paint a bull's eye on your thick skull and hand them a throwing knife while you're at it! Kayden thinks sourly to herself as Norgrim starts shouting.

She takes a quick look a round and decides that given the uncertain nature of the person approaching, and her companions, she'd best be "waiting in the wings." So she pulls up the hood of her cloak and moves toward one of the wagons, intending to use it as cover. Once positioned she'll slip a dagger into each hand.

hide check: [roll0]

2008-04-02, 11:46 PM
Hrafnar Steelshadow

Moving towards a secluded point away from the other members of his group, Hrafnar thinks to himself. Excellent! Draw attention and let me maneuver to an optimal position for striking, should it prove necessary.

The duergar makes an attempt at hiding, but shortly thereafter fades from the view of anyone who might have been looking in his direction at that moment.

Now invisible, Hrafnar moves out to a position to strike the rider should he approach Norgrim with hostility.

Hide: [roll0].
Then use invisibility, and if there's enough time, move to a position about 20 feet from Norgrim and wherever the rider should be when he nears the dwarf, allowing me space for a charge if necessary.

Parsley Man
2008-04-06, 07:30 PM

Saddened by the apparent raid Bryan sits in the cart holding onto the reighens as the others search and loot.
More victims of this cruel world, how many must suffer before people look up from their petty political squabbles and start caring for the welfare of their fellow man?
The sound of a horse rider and the disappearance of the party awakes him from his mood and he turns to see what is coming.

2008-04-06, 08:18 PM
There was no answer to Norgrim's call to be accounted for, the rider simply continuing to approach towards the cluster of ruined wagons and the new one without sound. Not even the neighing or breathing of a horse. Finally the rider stopped not a hundred feet away and settled back into his saddle. A man in resplendent shining plate mail gazed back at the dwarf, stoic brown eyes locking unto the dwarf before glancing to the wagon and the two figures sitting there. A prancing lion was embossed on the rider's shield over top of an elegant and flowery coat of arms. A plain sword hilt rests at one side, out of place with the expensive armor and decorative helm that left his face exposed. He rode on a black horse with a gray mane and tail, legs trailing off into wispy nothingness before even touching the ground, probably the reason for the soundless approach.

The hard line of his mouth was set in a firm line as he stared down the dwarf until finally it turned down in a sneer. "Little idiot..." With a loud ominous tone the knight drew forth his longsword and his fantastic mount rears, snorting loudly before charging across the expanse between the two of them, the man holding his blade raised in the air. Stopping just in front of Norgrim the knight leaned down in his saddle and brought down the longsword in a heavy-handed chop that cut deep into his shoulder, bringing a ruthless smile to his attacker's face. Before he could yank the blade free though Norgrim felt something dark burn at the slash mark, making his flesh crawl and burn from it's assault.

Iniatives please!

Spellcraft check 13 to determine the horse is a Phantasmal Steed.
Spot Check DC: 20 from those watching the rider.
Norgrim gets an AoO and takes 19 points of damage.

2008-04-06, 09:11 PM

Kayden's bad feeling doesn't go away once she sees the horse that the "knight" is riding. No hoofs, no prints, it looked like whatever got the caravan was now doing a good job "getting" the dwarf.

From her hiding place, Kayden considers her choices. She could easily break cover and help the dwarf, but the others were closer. No, for now, she'd better just prepare for the man to get closer.

initiative: [roll0]
spellcraft check: [roll1]
edit: failed my spot...
ooc: delaying action until the knight moves closer (Callos said he's about 35' away from Kayden), or someone else "attacks" him.

Parsley Man
2008-04-06, 09:17 PM

Sadness to curiosity to rage. It made no difference weather this man was evil or not, his actions were unacceptable. Flinging off his traveling cloak Bryan stands tall, the sunrise of Lathander in his hand he shouts "You will repent" and starts casting some spell.

ooc: Casting Hold Person DC 15 on [roll0]

2008-04-06, 11:24 PM
Norgrim Giantbreaker
HP: 43/62
AC: 23

When the man spurred his steed, Norgrim grinned a maniac's grin. "Oooh, so he wants to play does he? GOOD!!" he shouted at the charging rider. Before the enemy could close the distance, Norgrim let fly with the hammer he'd been holding in his hand, twirling it briefly above his head by the strap before tossing it kind of like a sling. The hammer flew straight, as if the heavy mallet was pulled by its own weight through the air, instead of tumbling end over end like a thrown dagger. He didn't wait to see if it hit, though. Instead, he transferred his axe back to his main hand and braced his shield against the charge.

Unfortunately, it didn't stop the much taller rider from swinging down and biting into his spiked pauldrons. But Norgrim was a dwarf, so his enemy didn't receive much more than an annoyed grunt for his trouble. No, instead Norgrim threw his weight back forward and returned the blow in kind. "A fine hit, longshanks! Here! Take one 'o' mine!" With a roar, he sent his notched axe swinging toward's the man's midsection, trying to unseat him.

Initiative (1d20+1=21) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1553697/)
Spot (1d20=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1553684/)
AoO (Thrown Hammer): 1d20+6=15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1553690/)
AoO (Thrown Hammer)Damage: 1d4+4=8 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1553693/)
Axe Attack: 1d20+11=27 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1553687/)
Axe Damage: 1d10+5=13 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1553696/)

2008-04-07, 10:33 AM
HP: 49/49
Armor Class: 18, Touch: 13, Flat-Footed: 15


The half-orc didnt like the look of the strange wispy-legged steed, but he knew the look of a knight when he saw one. Plenty of haughty knights had given trouble during his years in Waterdeep.

As the man drew his sword and charged the dwarf, Jorrath swore loudly in Orchish and reached for the axe he had lain the cart before moving into a supporting position threatening the rider from the side.

Not exactly sure on distance, but MEA to grab my axe, and the MEA (up to 40') to get into a position where he could attack the rider next round.

2008-04-07, 10:53 AM
Hrafnar SteelshadowHP: 26/26; AC 18; t 13, ff 15

It is as I thought. The surfacers have as little regard for one another as most in the Underdark. Our worlds are not so different as they wish them to be.

With a thought, the duergar's invisible form grows in size and mass until he stands nearly nine feet in height and weighs over half a ton. He readies his now large scythe for a charge at the next opportunity.

Wait right there, knight, and feel Hoar's sting of retribution shortly. Hrafnar thinks towards Norgrim's assailant as a thin smile touches the duergar's lips.

Initiative: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Callos: Did I get close enough to make a charge this round? And I'm invisible? Whoot! This is just the Initiative and Spot post. Attack post will follow as needed.
I've decided to save the charge for next round. This round I'll use expansion, so stats will switch to HrafnarXL. I'll just lay a nasty surprise on our new friend next round.

2008-04-09, 09:53 PM
The knight's violent response was returned in kind as the various assembled people sprang into action when he cut into Norgrim. Jorrath rolled off of the wagon with surprising nimbleness and drew his axe, creeping around into a better position with which to charge his sudden foe. Norgrim's hammer flew wide of the mark to bounce twice off the ground before coming to a complete rest but his axe struck true! The heavy blade pierced through his armor and queerly went without resistance either until it struck a rib, but Norgrim had his answer soon enough. The knight's visage twisted into a sneer of contempt, the features of his face becoming wispy and wraith-like. Bleeding away into the surrounding air as his armor warped and changed, the lion sprouting demon wings for ears and claws becoming longer and hooked. Where before there had been a delicate flowery coat-of-arms behind the fierce lion now there was nothing but a rotten looking mess, a mockery of what had once been there. Not that the corruption stayed at just that. Soon the flesh, if there had even been any, had vanished as well to leave an eerily grinning skull in it's play. Green flames burned in the eye sockets, illuminating the inside of the horned helm as the phantom steed reared in the air, formless hooves kicking as it's master cackled aloud.

"I find it weak and lacking fool!" And it was true, despite how powerful the blow had been there was only a chip in the rib he had struck and then the skeletal knight was pulling back his sword for another blow. A moment later the sword struck downward with a loud clang that sent the dwarf's ears ringing with the noise and left a rather sizable dent in it as well. Then the undead horror's gaze swiveled about to the growing duergar and it raised it's sword for another charge.

"You will repent!"

It paused...swiveling it's head back around to look at Bryan and then it pointed it's sword at him. The next words to come from it's mouth was un-intelligible but unspeakably foul sounding as it kicked it's steed's flanks and sending it running towards the young cleric. Kayden's eyes widen seeing this and steps out of hiding, working her hands in arcane gestures as she tapped the Weave and called forth a crackling ball of electricity that she sent surging towards the 'knight'. Her aim proved true when it slammed into the center of it's back and splayed crackles of electricity all over the animated skeleton, obviously hurting it from the wisps of smoke coming up from it...but not slowing it an inch.

Norgrim gets another AoO (can use his axe though) and was missed. Kayden uses ready action to cast lesser orb of electricity and deal 8 points of damage. It is now out of range of Hraf's charge range (Unless he got faster...). Brian needs to make a Will Save DC 17.

Parsley Man
2008-04-09, 10:14 PM


The sunrise in Bryans hands shines as the dark rider's powers wash over him harmlessly only leaving a hardened scowl outlining mumbling lips as a blast of light reaches out from his hand striking toward the charging enemy.

/ooc [Roll=Searing Light ranged touch attack]1d20+5
/ooc 5d6 If he hits.

2008-04-10, 08:56 AM
HP: 49/49
Armor Class: 18, Touch: 13, Flat-Footed: 15

Jorrath scowled at the thing as it reformed itself into an undead monster, and a skeletal one at that. Knowing full well that his axe would be all but useless against this creature he dropped it to the ground and drew his warhammer as he circled into a favorable position from which to strike. As he nears the skeletal knight, the charm affixed to the spiked end of his hammer begins to glow every so softly. Taking up the silvery weapon in two hands, he levels a massive swing.

Bit of artistic license with the Truedeath Crystal affixed to the warhammer, hope that's not too big a problem.

If I can get into a flank with 40 feet of movement, I will, if not then just close to attack, charging if necessary.

[roll0] (Flanking bonus and Charging not taken into account....not that it likely matters)
[roll1] (Alchemical Silver, Bludgeoning)
[roll2] (Bonus damage vs Undead, MIC)

The thing shouldnt be able to see the duergar as he's invisible iirc.

Swiveling his head to see how his companions are faring, he yells out,

"Well...we really stepped in it 'ere...didn'a we?"

2008-04-10, 02:48 PM
It is now out of range of Hraf's charge range (Unless he got faster...).

Acrobat Boots - +2 Tumble; 3 charges/day: 1 charge- +10' speed enhancement bonus for 1 rd; 2 charges- +15' speed enhancement bonus for 1 rd; 3 charges- +20' speed enhancement bonus for 1 rd.

So how many charges would I have to use to get my Charge action? :smallbiggrin:
Also, as Diarmuid mentioned, did it notice me given my invisibility? Cause that'd suck. :smalleek:

2008-04-10, 05:12 PM
Hrafnar SteelshadowHP: 26/26; AC 14; t 9, ff 12 (includes size and charge penalty)

Muttering the word to activate his boots, "Azazel!" Hrafnar speeds towards the mounted being, readying his scythe to strike.

Swift Action: activate acrobat boots.
Attack: [roll0]; includes charge. C'mon crit x4!
Crit?: [roll1]; includes charge. C'mon crit x4!
Damage: [roll2]

2008-04-10, 10:07 PM
Norgrim Giantbreaker
HP: 43/62
AC: 21 (-2 Charge)

Norgrim felt his helmet ring like a church bell over his head, but was stunned for only the moment it took him to reach up and push it back away from his eyes. There was a sizeable dent in his horned, spiked helm but it didn't seem to have affected him any. His fierce grin, which looked more like an animalistic snarl than anything "human" at this point, only widened.

"Aint'cher mother ever tell ye ne'er to hit a dwarf on the head, boyo?" he spoke up as he ripped his axe out of the skeleton rider's ribcage and turned the backswing into a spinning blow around the other side that would hopefully catch the undead creature as he tried to move away. Unfortunately, he just succeeded in spinning himself around like a top as he missed.

Norgrim gathered himself with a snarl and took off running after the creature, his frustrated growl turning into a battle cry as he charged, rapidly closing the distance. "GrrrraAAAAAHH!! FOR FELBARR!!" he cried as his short, but strong legs propelled him into a jump, his arms bringing his axe down in an overhead blow at the creature.

AoO (Axe) (1d20+11=13) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1559373/)
AoO Damage: Not needed. Missed. :smallmad:
Attack (-5 Power Attack, +2 Charge): 1d20+8=23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1559384/)
Damage: (+5 Power Attack): Damage (1d10+10=19) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1559388/)

2008-04-11, 09:16 AM

Something is very wrong here! Kayden thinks to herself as the skeletal knight continues his charge toward Bryan.
I don't know if this will work, but if it does then it should help.

Kayden reaches into the small pouch on her belt and pulls out a small flask of clear liquid which breaks when she sends an icy ray toward the rider.

Casting Ray of Ice (http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=df7kkbxm_9c9mwwqfh) at the rider, NOT his horse.
ranged touch attack for ray of ice: (1d20+5=19) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1559830/)
Damage for Ray of Ice: (1d6=3) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1559831/)*
*see ooc

2008-04-16, 09:26 PM
Bryan's Info:You recognize this creature from some of the religious texts that you studied during your apprenticeship, called a spectral rider. These undead are elite undead knights in the service of powerful necromancers. They ride ghostly steeds they can summon at will.These dark knights spread desecration with every step, and they can assume a ghostly incorporeal form as they move. They are protected against goodness, and their weapons are made unholy by their touch. The reason the various attacks 'miss' during this latest charge is most likely because it has shifted to it's ghostly form during the charge.

No matter what seemed to be thrown at the knight nothing seemed to give it pause or hesitation, especially from the wildly thrown swipes of the suddenly visible Duergar's scythe or Jorrath's hammer. However something more sinister proved to be the case as it thundered closer and closer to Bryan and the cleric struck out with two bright rays of fiery light...just to have them pass through the rider's body harmlessly. Kayden's chilly attack of her own proved to be about as effective as Bryan's divine magic, passing through the cackling rider harmlessly despite striking it dead on.

Norgrim proved to have just as about as much luck despite the sharp blade of his axe cleaving right the space between the skeletal rider's shoulder blades to no ill effect and didn't even draw it's attention. But then it was rearing up, raising up it's sword for another powerful downward chop, but this time it was at the young man who had called on Lathander to banish this unholy abomination. Scrambling backwards from his position in the wagon, Bryan was barely able to pull up his gleaming shield to defend himself before the cut landed and another loud clang rang through the air.

2008-04-21, 09:52 AM

Concerned at the group's inability to fight this thing, the half-orc tried to time his swing for when the "knight" tried to swing it's own weapon at one of his friends.

Move to threatening/flanking the knight if not already doing so and it's possible.

Ready action to attack the knight when it attacks in melee.

[roll0] (bonus for flanking not applied if possible)
[roll1] (Alchemical Silver)
[roll2] (from weapon crystal, if applicable)

Frustrated at an opponent whose blood he cant simply spray across the ground, he growls to he companions,

"Yarrrgghg!, someone fling some magic at it, or make it my weapons'll bite its flesh!

Parsley Man
2008-04-21, 01:24 PM

Infuriated at his hasty use of valuble spells against an unknown opponenet his reply to the mounted monstrosities attack is immediate. Running across the cart to it's edge he throws himself at the dark rider who moments ago struck at him in a desperate attempt to dismount it before it has the chance to phase to another plane where his furry could not follow.

/ooc Bull Rush, I am at the same level and he just struck me so unless he goes twice in a row I think I can make contact. He also gets an attack of opportunity. [roll0]

2008-04-22, 10:43 PM

Gritting her teeth in frustration, Kayden unleashes her final attack spell at the rider.

casting magic missile: magic missiles: (1d4+1=2, 1d4+1=2) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1574551/)

ooc: (omfg - where ever i go, the die rollers hate me).

2008-04-23, 12:44 AM
Norgrim Giantbreaker
HP: 43/62
AC: 21 (-2 Charge)

Norgrim wasn't the sharpest axe in the armory, but even he could see that they were getting nowhere fast with the knight phasing in and out like that. It seemed like the knight was solid when he attacked. Norgrim's shoulder and dented helmet could attest to that, but whenever the others attacked it while it was charging around on that phantom steed their attacks passed right through it. He'd hit it, though, hadn't he? What had he done that was different that time? Why hadn't any of his other blows landed?

Norgrim's beard bristled up like an angry cat and he broke into a run. As the creature made to attack Bryan, Norgrim opened his mouth and let out a furious battlecry. His stunted legs pumped as fast as they could, his armor jostling and clanking, and he aimed a blow for the rider's spine with his notched waraxe.

Attack (-5 Power Attack, forgot to add +2 for charge.): 1d20+4=21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1574630/) +2 Charge = 23
Damage: 1d10+10=18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1574631/)

2008-04-25, 08:22 AM
Hrafnar SteelshadowHP: 26/26; PP:10/14;
AC 14; t 9, ff 12 (includes size and charge penalty)

Hrafnar sighs lightly, the only concession he makes to his irritation at having missed the dead knight. The duergar moves to the knight and sweeps his scythe in a powerful strike. Ebon trails seem to flow from the scythe.

Attack: [roll0] C'mon crit x4!
Crit?: [roll1] C'mon crit x4!
Damage: [roll2]-->Activate Lurk Augment: Solid Strike, spend 4pp for +6 damage.

2008-04-27, 06:52 PM
Finally things seemed to turn in the favor of the valiant defenders as Norgrim charged the undead menace with a bellowing battle cry, mighty cut digging deep into the plate mail and actually cracking two ribs clean off as the knight's helm briefly swiveled to look at it's assailant, leaving the perfect opening for Hrafnar to cleave down with his scythe and almost severe the spectral rider's sword arm entirely. Unluckily for Jorrath his weapon bounced off of the rider's armor ineffectually but told him quite clearly that the rider was in fact solid enough to be hit now. Which might not have been a bad thing as it raised it's sword arm, eyes simmering brightly as it prepared a decapitating blow against the half-orc.

Bryan's desperate lunge from the top of the wagon proved to be more then a bit startling to everyone but himself but the rider especially, bowling the skeletal man right off of his fantastic mount and leaving them both rolling to a stop in the dirt. For a moment it seemed as if the rider was down for good...but then it was rising to it's feet, armor straps and bones equally creaking as it briefly dusted itself off and returned it's skeletal grimace to the young cleric who had dared to attack him. A moment later twin glowing darts of magical energy blasted into the knight, sending him tumbling backwards from the blows.

2008-04-28, 03:01 PM

A steely determination settled onto the half-orc's face as he stared his mortality in the...skull? Surprise overwhelmed him as Bryan leapt at the creature and bowled it off it's mount. Not quick enough to press the advantage of the creature being on the ground, Jorrath still choked up on his warhammer with both meaty hands and went into a blindy frenzy of ferocious activity.

5 foot stepping into flanking position if possible.

Activating Whirling Frenzy
+4 Str
+2 AC
+2 Reflex Saves
+1 Extra Attack at Highest BAB, all Attacks suffer -2 penalty

Power Attacking for 2 points

Attacking the skeletal thing twice.

[roll0] (no bonus for flanking taken into account)
[roll1] (Alchemical Silver, Bludgeoning)
[roll2] (Crystal of Truedeath)

[roll3] (no bonus for flanking taken into account)
[roll4] (Alchemical Silver, Bludgeoning)
[roll5] (Crystal of Truedeath)

2008-04-30, 04:40 PM
Hrafnar SteelshadowHP: 26/26; PP:6/14;
AC 16; t 11, ff 14 (includes size penalty)

Shifting his spacing to take advantage of a possible flanking position, the duergar swings his scythe once more. Once more, it trails ebon smoke.

I'd like to try and move to a flanking position before attacking, if possible... Please add +2 to Attack and Crit (if necessary) if I can do so!
[roll0] C'mon crit x4!
[roll1] C'mon crit x4!
[roll2] -->Activate Lurk Augment: Solid Strike, spend 4pp for +6 damage.
EDIT: FUGAZI! CRIMINY! When'll I get some decent attack rolls?

2008-04-30, 10:14 PM

Kayden grits her teeth as she watches the three men take on the corpse-thing. That one of them had managed to knock it off it's mount was good, but it still seemed to have plenty of fight left in it.

Ducking around one of the spilled wagons, she shoots a silvery ray at the animated corpse and keeps moving, being careful to stay a good distance away from the fight.

casting disrupt undead; ray attack: (1d20+5=22) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1583471/); ray damage: (1d6=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1583472/)

Parsley Man
2008-05-01, 12:31 AM

Having gotten the attention of the enemy Bryan rises to his feet and prepares for the coming attack, his shield held at the ready while taunting the warrior.
"The ones that created you chose their stock poorly, explains why they have sent you on a mission to your destruction!"

/ooc Readying action to take full cover behind tower shield when he attacks.

2008-05-01, 05:53 PM
Norgrim Giantbreaker
HP: 43/62
AC: 23

Norgrim tightened his grip on his axe and swung straight down at the top of the skeleton rider's head as he made to get back to his feet, letting out another roar which came out as mix of insane laughter and bestial ferocity. He swung down with enough strength to bury the axe almost halfway into the dirt as it cleaved through bone, rotted tendons, and armor and exited somewhere around the rider's pelvic bone.

Attack: 1d20+11=31 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1584280/)
Confirm Crit: 1d20+11=18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1584281/)
Damage (and Crit Damage): 1d10+5=15, 1d10+5=15, 1d10+5=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1584282/)

2008-05-03, 03:03 PM
Again the rider spoke in that evil tongue, glaring at Bryan as the green flames set deep in it's skull flared brighter then ever. With a quick pass over the spectral rider held unto his sword with his shield hand and muscled towards the waiting Bryan.

"Raaagggghhhhhh!" It roared out it's hate as it reached out with an empty hand that suddenly wreathed itself in ghostly black flames. With a cry Bryan slammed his tower shield forward at the undead abomination, jarring it and then crouching behind it as the skeletal hand reached around to claw at his body. Just when one of those bony fingertips reached the cleric's face Jorrath dashed at the hideous monster, swinging his hammer in a reckless fury. The first blow only slide off of the rider's plate-mail and served for it to swing it's head around to look at it's assailant when the hammer came back for a second blow. This time the half-orc hit the mark, cracking right through the open part of the helmet and, unlike Norgrim's axe or Hrafnar's scythe, Jorrath's hammer didn't face any supernatural resistance as it shattered the skull beneath into dozens of little fragments of bone and bone poweder.

For a brief moment it looked as if the rider wouldn't fall from even this, wobbling back and forth on it's legs but as the half-orc wrenched his hammer back the last support the body had was removed and it tobbled backwards against Bryan's shield before falling to the ground with the clatter of bones in armor...

2008-05-07, 12:04 PM

Never one to assume a downed enemy is no longer a threat, the half-orc kicked away the thing's weapon, and then ground the pieces of its skull into finer powder.

"Ok, what in hells was that? And now that it dead....we still have no answer for who killed the caravan."

He trusts that someone else can figure out what that thing was as he backs away from the corpse and moves to get his axe and sheathe it across his back. He looked around for the strange mount and for any other dangers that might be coming.


2008-05-08, 12:01 AM

Kayden jumps out from behind one of the overturned wagons and lands in a crouch. She'd been about to send her last spell at the monster but seems to have arrived just in time to see Jorrath's hammer smash it's skull in.

She stands there for a moment, crouched with one dagger drawn, before straightening up and joining the men around the corpse. After a few moments of thoughtful considerations she says, "Well if there are anymore of these I think we'd better go back to town and pick up some more supplies before we continue on to the Maiden's Tomb Tor. We thought we'd be fighting-flesh-and-blood thieves, not undead.
"I think it's also safe to say that there's not likely to be any survivors from last nights raid here. Does anyone object to taking the valuables we find here and putting them towards equipment to better face more of those things?"

If no one objects, Kayden will pick up the other items found before the attack (pearls, gold pieces, comb, etc).

Parsley Man
2008-05-08, 12:48 AM

Bryan rises to his feet slowly, "Nice hit Jorath. That was a spectral rider and his presence in addition to the missing bodies and our unfortunate destination means that this has turned into a necro hunt; heh, also explains the lack of evidence at the temple." walking over to the remains he pokes the pile of bones and continues to talk, "It is a pity we could not capture him, had he been human my hold spell would have worked. In any case I agree with
Kayden, what can be recovered would best be put to use in obtaining revenge for them, anything given to the militia will get lost in the beaurocratic muckery and never find any kin should they even exist. As far as stopping by the town...letting them know of undead highwaymen is the least we can do to prevent a similar atrocity until we find the cause."

/ooc [roll0]

2008-05-08, 12:52 AM

"Aye" Norgrim agreed with Kayden's assessment, spitting on the bones in disgust before retrieving the pearls he'd found earlier and left on the ground to avoid any suspicion of them robbing the wagon. With the spectral rider defeated there seemed no doubt of what had done the heinous deed. He felt the spirits of the dead would have wanted a little payback...well, if they were dwarves they would have anyway.

2008-05-08, 08:45 AM

The hulking barbarian chewed his lip a bit as the others discussed what to do. Picking out the few bits that interested him, he spat his response,

"I'm all fer not leaving anythin vallable lyin on the ground 'ere...but I dont feel like turnin around and going back ta Waterdeep ta buy stuff."

Swinging the head of his hammer into his open, meaty palm he offers,

"This 'ere's all I've ever needed ta bust up somethin that couldnt figger out it shoulda stayed dead. An we got ourselves a 'oly man...what else ye plannin on buying with that little bit o' baubles? Grab whats worth spit, and let's git goin on ta this torn temple or whatever."

Jorrath occupies himself with grinding the thing's bones into dust while the others gather up the valuables then either leads the way if they continue to linger, or follows along beside the cart if they all get back on the move.

2008-05-08, 09:17 AM
Hrafnar SteelshadowHP: 26/26; PP:6/14;
AC 18 (t 13, ff 15)

"Well done, companions," the duergar offers what counts as praise in his monotone then nods at the half-orc. "I concur with him." Hraafnar waits for the others to pick over the bones of the caravan before traveling alongside the cart when the group is ready to continue. After a short while, the duergar returns to his normal size.

2008-05-08, 07:58 PM

Kayden shrugs. "Just so you know, I went through almost all my spells for the day so if we run into something like that again I won't be able to do much. If we find a town I'd be able to buy a wand to help out in situations like this."

Once everyone has finished their searches she climbs into the wagon, ready to go.

2008-05-09, 02:08 PM
Hrafnar SteelshadowHP: 26/26; PP:6/14;
AC 18 (t 13, ff 15)
The duergar shrugs. "If we come across a town, that would be acceptable."

2008-05-13, 02:33 PM
As the last of the dropped belongings were stowed away in various packs the words of Chaplain Lausk seem to almost echo in the air, reminding those present of the small village at the base of the tor where the monument was. With these thoughts in mind the five claim back into the wagon or walk alongside of it as it continues along it's path to the Maiden's Tomb Tor. Despite the brief bit of excitement with the spectral rider the rest of the journey passes without alarm or danger despite, or maybe because of, the diligent watch that all five now kept to see if any other 'knights' might be coming down the road.

By the time the sun had begun to set the small village was in sight. A quaint little place compared to the bustle and splendor of Waterdeep but the people seemed content enough as the wagon rolled into town. There were neither many or very large accomadations available but there was enough room for each person in the small rustic inn close to the dirt trail leading in.

2008-05-13, 02:49 PM
Hrafnar SteelshadowHP: 26/26; PP:6/14;
AC 18 (t 13, ff 15)
Hrafnar keeps the hood of his cloak pulled low over his face, and works his peripheral vision to keep an eye on things around him, not wanting to draw attention to his nature. Most surface-dwellers who knew of his people held a very low opinion of them.

2008-05-13, 10:28 PM

Kayden jumps off the wagon as it stops in front of the inn. With a nod to her mates, she says, "I'm going to go take a look around. I'll catch up with you later," before she quickly sets off to make a quick round of the village.

ooc: Kayden is looking for two things, 1) someone who looks like they want to chat (gossip), and 2) a "pawn shop" or something close. I need a few wands, not that we're likely to find any here

2008-05-13, 11:32 PM

"I'm gonna find a bar, some drinks, and maybe take in a fight or three." Norgrim said, a smile cresting his features underneath his battered helmet. He put his axe on his back and hopped off the cart. "Come an' find me whenever we're ready to leave." It wasn't readily apparent what he meant when he mentioned "taking in a fight" but his grin was the same as the one he wore when he was fighting the spectral rider. He tromped off on his stumpy feet towards the nearest bar.

2008-05-14, 11:59 AM

The large half-orc removes some small lengths of rope from his pack and peace-bonds his weapons as they approach the small town. As people begin to disperse, he offers,

"Someone find out where that tomb is. I wanna be leavin at first light and I'd prefer ta know where we's headin."

With that, he goes into the inn and asks for a room for the evening and hot meal. Once both are secured, he goes to his room and promptly falls asleep. A good soldier always knows how to take his rest when it is offered.

Parsley Man
2008-05-14, 04:31 PM

Abandoned with the cart Bryan finds a stable for the the mule and fills a bucket of feed for it and then proceeds to locate the towns sheriff/mayer to whom he explains their trip, what they found, and the rider that attacked them (leaving out certain bits like how the valuables were left and recovered by the party). He then inquires about their destination emphasizing that any information would be valuable.

/ooc [roll0]

2008-05-16, 09:09 PM
Once in town all five seemed to disappear along their own different paths. Kayden quickly found two of the things she had been looking for though the bargaining for them took much longer and by the time she finally purchased them she couldn't shake the idea she might have been cheated somehow. Jorrath and Hrafnar retreat within the inn to avoid the un-wanted animosity of the towns people to discover that while they were very humble lodgings they were comfortable.

Bryan's trip was more...disappointing in a sense. He was able to find the village elder without difficulty and was pleased to see that he was indeed concerned about this troublesome news...but there was no way they could patrol the entire course of the road reliably, especially if there were more then one spectral rider since sending out a patrol would drastically reduce the thorp's defenses and the patrol would be out of all contact for at least a day and a half. They would post guards at night but that was the extent that could be managed here.

When asked about the Tor though the elder's eyes light up. "Ahhh, another interested soul. There has been quite a bit of traffic up to the Maiden's Tomb Tor. What did you want to know lad?"

Nogrim waddled off in search of a bar fight, eager gleam in his eyes and step...

Parsley Man
2008-05-18, 02:00 PM

The town reacted to the marauding undead much as he expected, fear and worry, but what else could they do? Even tho only a days journey from the center of power in the land no thought had been given to it's protection; in the end all the merchant princes, real princes, high clergy and other bureaucrats only cared for themselves and their protection; as long as the countryside rabble did not disrupt their comfort nothing would be done.

His internal monologue ceased at one word; another.

"Another? Traffic? What has been happening around here? Please tell me all you can about these people and why they were interested in a tomb, it is very important for we have been sent by Chaplain Lausk for he has foreseen a gathering of evil there. Please, anything you can remember and anyone who also interacted with them, the more I know the better my chances of curing this plague on the land before it spreads further."

Although he acts intense and focused his thoughts follow a different path...Wonderful; what is happening there? Why don't I like the way this is heading?

Parsley Man
2008-05-18, 02:05 PM

The town reacted to the marauding undead much as he expected, fear and worry, but what else could they do? Even tho only a days journey from the center of power in the land no thought had been given to it's protection; in the end all the merchant princes, real princes, high clergy and other bureaucrats only cared for themselves and their protection; as long as the countryside rabble did not disrupt their comfort nothing would be done.

His internal monologue ceased at one word; another.

"Another? Traffic? What has been happening around here? Please tell me all you can about these people and why they were interested in a tomb, it is very important for we have been sent by Chaplain Lausk for he has foreseen a gathering of evil there. Please, anything you can remember and anyone who also interacted with them, the more I know the better my chances of curing this plague on the land before it spreads further."

Although he acts intense and focused his thoughts follow a different path...Wonderful; what is happening there? Why don't I like the way this is heading?

2008-05-25, 09:51 PM

Kayden exits the shop shaking her head. The prices had been fair, but she still felt that somehow she'd paid too much. Shaking off the sour feeling she heads toward the inn hoping to find some hot food and a decent bed. After eating she plans to turn in early so as to get a full nights sleep and an early start on the morning.

[ooc: Jorrath and Hrafnar are also at the inn, right?]

2008-05-26, 04:47 PM
"Eh? You look troubled young man, is there something that troubles you? We often have visitors to the Tor you know, mostly young barbarians trying to learn more about their heritage but not this pair. They drove a pair of wagons into town drawn by half-dead mules. Didn't say much and they didn't interact much with anyone else...just spent the remainder of the night at the inn and left before many people were up. Silent folk who didn't cause any trouble." The man said confidently and nodding his head as if confirming what he said in his own mind. Soon enough his eyes opened and he shrugged before speaking once more. "Didn't get any supplies or things from the town if I remember correctly. You might ask the inn keeper, he might know something I don't."

Despite Bryan's further questions unto the nature of the visitors the elder is regrettably unable to provide anymore useful information about the duo with the wagons. Still in search of information the young cleric follows the elder's directions to the inn that the wagon had been put in at. Arriving at roughly the same time as Kayden, Bryan sought out the inn keeper and questions him as to what he knows about the patrons from the last couple of days. From him Bryan learned that both of the duo were tall men with wide-brimmed hats and darkly colored cloaks. Pale to a fault they had eaten a quiet meal then gone straight to sleep. The stable boy had peeked into wagons, for which the inn keeper had thrashed him and forced him to apologize, but they had been forgiving enough about the incident. After which they had left and the stable boy had run off as petty revenge for the beating, still not having returned to work yet.

Parsley Man
2008-05-27, 03:03 AM

Having found the dead end he eats a hearty meal and goes to sleep; in the morning over breakfast he fills in the group:

"It seems there is a gathering, pale men who eat nothing riding in carts full of deadly cargo pulled by sickly mules have been making their way to the crypt. It seems they have avoided attention killing only those that stick their noses in the wrong places however I would caution you all. Necromancers, Vampires, Wraiths, Zombies, Skeletons; all this is likely and possible. If you need anything this may as well be our point of no return; I am ready and will be waiting in the cart."

2008-05-31, 07:07 PM
((For the sake of continuity Bryan briefing everybody would happen AFTER this post.))

The night passes quietly for all those inclined for such things, not many people taking notice of the duergar and half-orc each taking their own rooms or maybe they simply decided to keep such business to themselves instead. When morning came thick clouds hung black and heavy in the sky above, rumbling threatening at moments and allowing rays of sunlight through at others. Gathering in the common room of the inn proved simple enough though it took from time for Norgrim to join the rest of you, bearing a black eye and a joyous grin at what was apparently a good time. But from the looks of it somebody, or multiple somebodies, had paid for his good time in the process.

2008-06-06, 01:32 AM

Norgrim dunked his hands in a flower vase and used the water he found to rub his face. Despite the black eye, he seemed in high spirits. He spit into the makeshift wash basin and clanked past the perturbed inn owners to join the others. "Ready to go then, eh lads and lassies? I reckon there are some more nasty beasties out there we might meet today. Some good brawlers in this town, but nothin' like the fight we had on our hands yest'r'deey." he grinned fiercely.

2008-06-08, 11:49 AM

Kayden wanders down to the common room and orders breakfast. She'd woken up early and spent about an hour reviewing her magic and still found that she'd woken before everyone except Bryan.

She'd thought that Norgrim had been joking when he'd spoken of getting into to bar fight the night before but evidently he hadn't been. She was glad that she'd finished making her purchases last night, otherwise it might have been impossible to get anything depend on who the dwarf had sent to the local healer.

"Lets go then. The sooner the better."