View Full Version : role play tips

2008-03-04, 05:35 PM
hi all,
A few weeks ago I introduced a new character to a campaign im in( based of the savage tides one from dungeon if anyone is interested)
Anyway he is C.E. in a predominantly good/lawful party, his interestes coincide with those of the other members and up till recently he has been smart enough to keep himself in check. However, some party members are beginning to cotton on as to his true nature and now I want to start hitting home just how much of a monster the party has sided with.

flavour wise, hes a goliath disciple of dispater doing the heavy tanking work for the party.

What Im really looking for are role playing ideas and things to do in combat to express just how big a monster he really is

2008-03-04, 06:14 PM
Fight brutal, fight dirty. Do whatever the paladin won't. You are CE, after all.

2008-03-04, 06:23 PM
I agree. If possible, take the time to coup de grace all your fallen opponents. (And describe it in detail. Be creative.) See if your DM will allow creative alternatives for coup de grace, such as maiming or dismemberment. Remeber, when your opponent is helpless, you can pretty much do whatever you want.

Start suggesting increasingly brutal or heartless strategies whenever the rest of your can't come up with an idea of how to proceed.

2008-03-04, 06:24 PM
If you want the others to see how much of a monster he is just use agressive, really agressive tactics. Use the biggest weapons you have and try to intimidate your enemies (I dont know how much ranks you have in intimidate), charge a lot and take trophies from your enemies (I used to have this character that collected eyes and teeth from dead enemies and made collars). Dont let the other party members boss you around but don overdo it or they'll just stop travelling with you (wich translates to leaving you or killing you). If you have rage, rage a lot. Try to take on the enemies by yourself, do not request aid of any kind during battle unless you need healing wich you should demand it and try to be the first one healed wich it should'nt be difficult if you consider that you are killing most of the monsters. If you find yourself without weapons fight with your fists or your shield, you are a killing machine, the weapon is just a good tool, but it is not necesary for you to make a bloodbath (This is when improved unarmed strike comes in handy).

2008-03-04, 07:10 PM
Sorry for being off-topic but how does a CE Disciple of Dispater work out?

Isn't Dispater one of the Archdevils? Pinnacles of LE?

2008-03-04, 07:17 PM
Abuse your ranks in Intimidate. See if you can work in Sense Motive and volunteer to become the group interrogator.

Edit: If you're in the habit of taking nasty hits, take up masochism. Not sexual (eww, horny goliath), but as a kind of communion for your unholy patron.

2008-03-04, 07:43 PM
... charge a lot and take trophies from your enemies (I used to have this character that collected eyes and teeth from dead enemies and made collars).

No, no, no! A real monster would collect eyes and teeth from living enemies. Remember, once they're helpless, do whatever you want!

2008-03-04, 07:44 PM
Use poison, challenge opponents to a one-on-one duel and then cheat (bringing allies into it), make enemies beg for surrender and then kill them anyways. When you attack an enemy camp, kill the old, the women and the children.

Use subdual damage to knock them out, then maim/kill them while they're helpless.

2008-03-04, 08:39 PM
You're a Goliath, right? You've got that "Large Build" thing going on, yes?


Want to see a party get severely unnerved? Pick up one of your foes, and beat his friends to death with him. Do not stop at one. Describe the arc. Describe the force. Leave the actual injuries and carnage to their imagination.

Make use of terrain. Is there a wall? Is there an altar? Why aren't you grinding your foe's face into it? Why aren't you holding his arm against the wall, and pulping the bones with your hammer? Why not try performing a Curb-Stomp as a Coup-de-gras? Why not break their arms, and legs, and leave them there, alive? Why not tie two of your foes legs together, then break the bound legs, and leave them to extricate themselves?

Cruelty and Brutality. Imagination and an understanding of how to make your fellow players fill in their own details as to what and how you are wrecking hideous carnage upon your fallen opponents. These are your hammer and nails of your "I'm a mortal F#&$#* Terror" Toolbox.

2008-03-04, 09:29 PM
Remember the things I said? Add torture, bitting and taking parts of your enemies with your bites. Intimidating tatoos, you know what? just be like Belkar. Other things that may work, bathing your weapons (or yourself) with the blood of your enemies. You can take one enemy and keep him alive just to show him how you kill his friends, and why not? his family! You know what? Do the kind of stuff that Cartman from South Park would do. Feast on the flesh of your enemies. About eating, dont eat the same thing the party eats, hunt your own food.

2008-03-04, 11:44 PM
Doing ANY of that will get you kicked out of the group, really. NO maiming, under any circumstances. Killing children and such, you can do, but only if you can explain it away. Like, if you're killing orcs in a camp, don't differentiate.

Cheating is good, fighting dirty is good, raging is good. Play Chaotic, and Evil, but playing Chaotic Evil in a group with any L or G people is just silly.

People offer you jobs? "Go here, get me my stuff, and I'll pay you!" "Well, I like that plan! *stab* *take his stuff* *go there, get his stuff*"

That sort of thing. Try not to be... Eat the baby evil, as my group calls (and by my group, I mean me)

2008-03-04, 11:47 PM
If the possibility comes up somehow, grab one of your enemies, with one hand, lift him up, and SQUEEZE, crushing his skull, and squirting out blood. Or, much the same when you head butt them.

I wouldn't recommend being too much of a Jerk to the rest of the team. Remember that it's convenient to have them around. Your victims are much less likely to be able to defend themselves this way.

Try to get some really intimidating weapon. It doesn't have to be big, but if anyone can pull of a stupidly large weapon, this is an appropriate time for it. If you're going for the Dispater angle, over sized great sword, but out of the handle are two blades instead of one.

When you kill people, really play up the mayhem. Cut in half, and the two halves land pretty far apart from each other.

I recommend against "stupid" and "crazy". I don't even think Eccentric applies here. What you should go for is grim, and imposing.

Being a little disturbing though works.

Do mostly what you are asked, EXCEPT when you're ordered too. In fact, whenever you're ordered to do something, make a make on your arm with whatever weapon you tend to use. If anyone asks, tell them you're, "Keeping count." when they ask "of what?" your reply is, "You'll see."

Before you start, "Keeping count" you should politely say to the group that you don't like being ordered around.

If you want some good symbols, as tattoos, ritual scars, or to put on your equipment, I suggest something eating itself. Or maybe two things eating each other (That goes better with the Dispater theme too).

Hope that helps.

edit: Personally, I think maiming is one of the least likely things you can do as a Chaotic Evil thing without being kicked out. Or murdered.

Mando Knight
2008-03-04, 11:50 PM
Pick the enemies up by the neck, crush their heads, then throw them across the room... if it's a Medium or smaller enemy, of course...

Use poisoned blades. Use nasty-looking weapons. Knock off enemies' heads and use them as salsa bowls and hats. Kill stuff "because I didn't like how he looked."

Literally crucify your foes with arrows, nails, anything. Kill them, then kill the head, then kill the hands, then the legs... kill the enemy until there's not enough left of him to cast "True Resurrection." Even though it doesn't require a part of the body to cast.

EDIT: GAHHH! That's my idea! NINJAAAAA! (camera pans to a shot of Mando sitting at his desk, with screaming NINJAAA! at the top of his lungs while his fists are clenched and his head thrown back...)

2008-03-05, 12:18 AM
I prefer my evil more smart and scheming... but yeah. The trick is to be brutal. Crush disabled foes under your heel... to make sure they never give you trouble again. Make most of your suggestions to solve problems violent ones. When left alone with an enemy... show no mercy. Bite, kick, rip and tear your foes. Honor is for paladins! Give false surrenders... make threats... and show no respect for your foes.

But don't tear your group apart with it. Some parties cannot handle alignment conflict well... thinking that players of opposed alignments MUST fight. Stick to applying your menace and brutality to NPCs....