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2008-06-01, 04:37 PM
After having moved to a more secluded location, Jayanti pipes in.
"The sooner the better obviously, but if a week is what you can get then a week it shall be. We also need some help with a friend of ours who was incapacitated by some rogues en route to here."

2008-06-01, 04:43 PM

"Excellent." Seth pauses. "There is another matter. Our friend, Pedram has been poisoned... Is there perhaps someone in town who is an expert on remedies?"

2008-06-02, 12:37 PM
"The best healers in town I'm afraid are the magi whoae forbidden by the new rulers from performing any services. It would shake their soldiers faith in their god if they saw the kind of miracle Ahura's servants can perform. You still try though, I imagine they would help if it's properly hidden. Now if there is nothing else, I have to take care of a some business, do you have a place to stay in town?"

2008-06-02, 01:46 PM
When there's a quiet moment, away from Hormoz, Ista reminds Seth

"We also have other business to conduct in Ctesiphon. Should we ask Hormoz for advice on this? "

2008-06-02, 03:04 PM

To Hormoz; "Not as yet. Can you suggest suitable lodgings?"

ooc : I'll put a response to Ista in a later post :)

2008-06-04, 01:20 AM
"Suitable lodging for a friend like you, is my own home. But if you and your friends are looking for a good inn, I can definitely show you to one. Come, come in fact there is right around the corner from my shop." Hormoz says as he pulls Seth out of the shop, in the split second he has Seth he whispers to him. "I'm sure you are not here for something the arabs want to know about, and the inns have never been good for secrecy around here. Are your friends trustworthy?"

I take it Seth considers everyone trustworthy in the party, right? Just remember you are hanging out with at least 2 people who aren't in on all the secrets. They are the barbarian you picked up in the swamp, and Ista's hired help (Remo).

2008-06-04, 06:53 PM
Jayanti looks on with interest. As always she is wearing her most subtly trustworthy face.

2008-06-19, 03:34 PM
Just a bump and a check if this thing is still running?

2008-06-20, 02:18 AM
Doesn't seem to be enough interest in it anymore. Unless I start recruiting again, or unless I hear from the rest of the crew it appears that the campaign was too boring to survive.

2008-06-20, 05:27 AM
sadness! Well I liked it! If yo get started up again can you send me a PM?

2008-06-20, 09:42 PM
Well, I'm still here, anyway. I was enjoying myself. I would've posted earlier, but the forum's been slow or down for me for the past couple of days

2008-06-22, 11:42 PM
Although unlikely that this will be revived, I will definitely let you know if it does happen.

Thanks for playing.

2008-06-23, 12:30 PM
For the first couple weeks, I was waiting for Seth to say something to his contact, since Ista doesn't know the contact. I didn't check much lately, because I was travelling and hadn't seen anything happen. I'd certainly like to see this continue.