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View Full Version : time to rip the universes a new one!

2008-03-05, 08:46 PM
I'm making some notable dungeons and loot to go with my world and I was wondering...

...Would it be a good idea to make an artifact that can tear rifts between campane settings

for example

joe the barberian is epic level and bored, he seen all of the planes, fought all evils and has a full epic armor suit from years of questin

*joe rips a hole through reality itself and steps through*

*joe runs out screaming*

gotta watch out for cthulu joe. try again.

*great cleaves straight to ebberon*


opinions, and yeah, with the CR of the traps surrounding it and the other shiny stuff to take it should take a while to get it so I could save up for more books.

2008-03-05, 08:51 PM
Would it be a good idea? Uh, no. But the most fun campaigns often result from bad ideas that are salvaged through group effort.

Frankly, the things you need to worry about most are from places like Athas (Dark Sun) which get a tremendous jump in power when they're allowed to access additional equipment. Ravenloft people would probably be ecstatic that they're finally allowed to go somewhere that isn't soul-destroyingly evil.

2008-03-05, 09:15 PM
The campaign I'm running now essentially has the premise that the PCs are mercenaries in the employ of a god-wizard who can do this at will, and create unattached demiplanes also at will. Consider it a Genesis/Planar Bubble style trick.

It's fun. (I think so, anyway.) It could either be awesome, or a pain. Depending.

2008-03-05, 09:16 PM
Could work, but it would seem really weird to me. Although I think it would be fun if someone stole the item for the sake of starting an inter-dimensional war. Imagine hordes of warforged assaulting Faerun. Or Elminster blasting the hell out of Eberron in retaliation, and seeing how there's few epic people there I think Elminster could have some fun.

2008-03-05, 09:19 PM
You will be fine. The problem it that it just opens a huge can of worms on what can happen. If your experienced enough, you can do anything you want in a game.

2008-03-05, 09:25 PM
Probably not I'd say. I'd say reality breaching items should breach into things that fit for the campaign setting. It can be something totally bizarre, or even not totally bizarre (less fun). But different settings have very different themes.

2008-03-05, 09:31 PM
this gives me an idea...

Tarrasque fight, tag team.

2008-03-05, 09:37 PM
That's just cruel.

2008-03-05, 09:41 PM
That's just cruel.

tarrasque pro werstling ring then.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-03-05, 09:52 PM
For some reason, this thread has reminded me of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia".

Hey, waitaminit...Asmodeus in Georgia is a pretty neat idea.

2008-03-05, 10:30 PM
Yeah, but seriously, who wants Azmodeus to be a bard? More importantly, who really wants to see two 3.5 bards dueling anyway?

2008-03-05, 10:33 PM
Yeah, but seriously, who wants Azmodeus to be a bard? More importantly, who really wants to see two 3.5 bards dueling anyway?

*Raises hand* not as much as two sorcerers or wizards or druids, but sseing two magic rockstars fight to the death would be pretty damn cool.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-03-05, 10:43 PM
"The devil went down to Georgia he was lookin' for a soul to steal,
he was in a bind cuz he was way behind he was willin' to make a deal."

Now, imagine a Versatile performer duel! It'd be like seeing Geddy Lee duelin' 'gainst himself, only with Neil Peart's drums rolled up inside him too.

2008-03-05, 10:48 PM
Yeah, but seriously, who wants Azmodeus to be a bard? More importantly, who really wants to see two 3.5 bards dueling anyway?

lets go all out, daft punk VS Gene Simmons and Ace Frehly, armed with dggers and a bag of thunderstones each

2008-03-05, 11:38 PM
My group already has a magic item similar to that. Its a doorknob. Oh and you could always just go to Sygil.

2008-03-05, 11:41 PM
lets go all out, daft punk VS Gene Simmons and Ace Frehly, armed with dggers and a bag of thunderstones each

Been there, tried that (http://pc.ign.com/objects/011/011646.html#reviews) it sucked, too.

2008-03-05, 11:43 PM
Question: Who made it?

Jack Zander
2008-03-05, 11:51 PM
I think you'd get the most fun putting your players in the Star Wars RPG where their swords do nothing compared to blasters and their magic is far outclassed by the force.

2008-03-05, 11:59 PM
To Jump Campaign Settings...
It sounds like a very interesting idea to me, but it also sound as though the very way your character was built would become moderately obsolete for the setting it's within. If you're really that bored, you could just add in things from other campaign settings to your campaign. Like, right now, I have a campaign that is in a desert, and doesn't follow any abstract campaign setting rules, just basic 3.5 rules (and a bunch of house rules, obviously), but I put in a samuri. (I think that's oriental adventures only, or is supposed to be).

2008-03-06, 12:21 AM
Question: Who made it?

made from the bones of a goddess, forged by a race long extinct, wielded by the great hero g'ri gygax(I was feeling sentimental), capable of cleaving a continent in half with a single blow or healing those on the verge of death, this legendary halberd has many abilities and names, some say it has a life of its own, but one of the few details known from legend is that sometimes its spells fail and it rattles violently(DC18 dexterity check to keep holding it).

it's going to be in a tomb populated by the greatest heroes the world has ever known, placed in the centre of a room with crazy and innovative traps(think poison sythe's combined with four teleport circles each), guarded by the neutral lich Ixal.

so unless you've been on the campane till epic levels no warforged attacking greyhawk:smallsmile:

Grey Paladin
2008-03-06, 03:16 PM
Planescape much?

2008-03-07, 01:48 AM
Probably not I'd say. I'd say reality breaching items should breach into things that fit for the campaign setting. It can be something totally bizarre, or even not totally bizarre (less fun). But different settings have very different themes.

The thing is that I'm gonna use it in a homebrewed high fantasy setting, where magic is so common that a sherrif of a big enough town fights with a +1 lightsaber if he lives in a decent country and lycanthropy+magic=catgirls