View Full Version : Multiple ideas for storys, need help

2008-03-07, 09:58 PM
Okay, so, I've got a few story ideas floating about in my head, but I'm having a hard time choosing one to start writing down. And even then, I'm having a hard time thinking up further details then the original ideas.

So, therefore, I need help.

Here are the ideas in order:

Story Idea #1

Ambrose T. Chopsworthy was always angered when people laughed at him, instead of screaming in terror. He was the Headless Horseman's second cousin, for Darkness's sake! Fortunately for him, his parents signed Ambrose up for Vilestone Academy, a junior high/high school for budding villains. Maybe there he would learn how to make people FEAR him. Who knows, maybe he'll make friends there too!

Story Idea #2

This idea will have us observing the young Gabriel Gears, slightly unhinged genius, as he descends into madness and becomes a mad mechanical god as a result of the abuses (real and imagined, physical, mental, and verbal) of others.

Story Idea #3

After the Grand War, which was between the "savage" and "civilized" races, ended in the savage ones defeat, the civilized armies (the humans, elves, halfings, and gnomes but not so much dwarves) captured and enslaved most of the goblins, orcs, and other "savage" races. Only a few were put to the sword, the rest were put to enslavement and gladiatorial arenas, as the winners of the war did not consider the savage races "people" or truly sentient.

Enter Srenok, a kobold hatched after the war, and raised in the arenas. Srenok fights to live, and lives to fight, eat to sustain himself for the next battle, then fight some more. However, Srenok is not just a kobold pit fighter destined to die. He is a Nexus, a rare being who is the focal point for an immense amount of magical power. In a fight intended to kill him off (like all of Srenok's other fights) Srenok unleashes this power, and in the confusion, escapes. Can he survive the civilized races ire at this fact, and the fact that he has become a wanted murderer(gets a price put on his head, therefore deadly bounty hunters want to kill or capture him)? Or will he die, as most of his kind do?

So, which do you guys/gals like best? And why? Furthermore, what details should I immediately add?

Green-Shirt Q
2008-03-07, 10:07 PM
I like the first idea the best because that sounds funny.

I suggest that, in your story, you add yourself in either as a cameo or a main character. I always do that in the storys I write.

Another suggestion, add a sidekick that is in complete contrast in personality to the main character. This is a very useful plotline.

2008-03-07, 10:29 PM
I have one question in respect to the proposed stories:


To expand upon that, why do these things happen? Why do I care? Is Chopsworthy ridiculed because of his last name? Does he wet himself? What, if anything, is compelling? What's so special about Gabriel going all, "Oh, nobody likes me, I'm going to turn all emo then go psycho and use my previously peaceful abilities to kill people"? What's so interesting about this monster pit-fighter? And that had better be a good one, as humans are not terribly sympathetic towards non-humans, and thus non-humans are extra difficult to use as main characters.

Overall, these seem like too basic premises to really get any feel from.

2008-03-07, 11:08 PM

I mean, okay, I can see why you think that Brickwall. However, these are very basic ideas because I have my best ideas (which still aren't very good) when I have a little information, as I can build on it a lot.

And now that I think about it, the second one wasn't very good, even compared to the other ones. I'll probably not use it. (Your description of it didn't help its case, though I didn't really like it in the first place.)

EDIT: I am thinking up further ideas for the two stories now, will probably post again or edit the first post when I get them.

2008-03-07, 11:58 PM
The second one seems the most interesting to me for a story premise. Except for the name "Gabriel Gears" —*blech. Really, any of these might be OK, depending on your writing style. The first one sounds like a comedy, the third more of a traditional swords and sorcery epic. The second might just be a tale of tragedy.

2008-03-08, 01:27 AM
I like the second concept, with the right execution it could be a great comic

2008-03-08, 01:33 AM
I like the second concept, with the right execution it could be a great comic

And we could call it Girl Genius (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74467) or something.

The strip up right now is a pretty good one to demonstrate my point, even though Gil is a secondary character, technically.

2008-03-08, 01:53 AM
Right, well I actually dont enjoy girl genius, I was merely telling CrazyFatGoblin that I liked that concept and it had potential

2008-03-08, 03:59 AM
Depending on your writing style it may or may not be harder but.
I would advise you to go with the third story, it has the best base and a way to go thats still open.
In fact, I'm tempted to try and start writing it...

Emperor Ing
2008-03-08, 05:52 AM
a few revamps to story three, and you got a great storyline right there. I got a good revamp idea right now. PM me if you want details.

2008-03-08, 06:30 AM
I like the first idea most, but 3rd idea gets major props due to the kobold-ness


2008-03-08, 08:30 AM
a few revamps to story three, and you got a great storyline right there. I got a good revamp idea right now. PM me if you want details.
:smallfrown: I was waiting for CFG to say he went with 1 or 2....

So I could write 3...