View Full Version : New Fantasy Webcomic; The Lowly Dregs

Punchy McGoo
2008-03-09, 12:04 AM
Hey all,

My partner and I started a new web comic called The Lowly Dregs (http://www.lowlydregs.com).

Hopefully, Order of the Stick fans will enjoy it. While we're clearly in a fantasy setting, we don't break the 4th wall or ever engage rules issues, we're all "in world".

As I mention in our forums, there's already a -much- better comic that uses those devices (right here!) so I don't believe there's a point in trying to do the very same thing.

There's also a supplemental strip called NERD SAUCE if you click on the apple in the title of our strip. PLEASE let have some feedback, I would greatly appreciate it! (we're already changing our font, so we know about that one!)

Mike Yates

Surfing HalfOrc
2008-04-04, 11:46 AM
This is pretty funny! Let me pull it back up to the top. :smallsmile:

Punchy McGoo
2008-07-08, 01:39 AM
Thanks for the feedback dude!

I assumed this was waaaaaay long gone. We've finally started running the storyline strips instead of the stand-alones. Have you been checking back in?? (Hope, hope) ;)

2008-07-29, 05:33 PM
I would drop all the fig comics, they take away from the overall comic itself. They're not that bad. The better ones are those that have the most detailed art, but you have a lot where you simply change pieces of the panel, and doing that too much looks cheap to the reader.

My over all rating is 3/5. Keep going with it, clean it up a little better, and it might go somewhere.

Admiral One
2008-07-30, 12:01 AM
gotta say, i like it so far. its going onto my bookmarks.

Punchy McGoo
2008-07-31, 12:06 AM
I would drop all the fig comics, they take away from the overall comic itself. They're not that bad. The better ones are those that have the most detailed art, but you have a lot where you simply change pieces of the panel, and doing that too much looks cheap to the reader.

My over all rating is 3/5. Keep going with it, clean it up a little better, and it might go somewhere.

Thanks a bunch for the feedback!

I'll keep doing Nerd Sauce for sure. I think now that they have separate homes, you don't have to read one if you read the other.
Also, my UCB and IO friends out here prefer the photoshop strip to the comic (which IS the focus, you're right).

the "talkies" (as we call them) are definitely there for Steve (the artist) to take a break. While he can draw the strips very quickly, coloring takes forever.

We also used to think we would do goblin philosophy/jokey/talkie strips one day a week and storyline strips the other day. That was a bad idea, so we just put all the talkies up in a row to sort of get them out of the way.

Tomorrow my -all time- favorite photoshop strip is going up in Nerd Sauce. If you don't like it, I can take it, but let me know if you think it's funny!

Thanks again!!


Surfing HalfOrc
2008-08-30, 05:46 PM
I've noticed you've increased your posting rate. Do you think you will be able to maintain it?

Lack of new strips is usually the death of webcomics...

Punchy McGoo
2008-09-19, 10:23 AM
I've noticed you've increased your posting rate. Do you think you will be able to maintain it?

Lack of new strips is usually the death of webcomics...

Haha...speak of the devil, huh? Obviously, we missed a couple weeks. There was gencon/dragoncon (where I sell t-shirts) and my current job is wrapping, which always takes more time at the end (I worked around 44 hours in 3 days this week).

I'm off for at least 2 or 3 weeks, which should help with getting the scripts banged out ahead of time and promotion. I'm going to buy a couple ads on some sites but I want to be veeery selective. Enworld is at the top of my list.

Anyone have any other suggestions? I'm looking for a very targeted demo/vs cost, obviously.