View Full Version : Any re-enactors going to Armidale?

2008-03-09, 06:44 AM
Just wondering, this seems to be a pretty well populated board, and I have met a few re-enactors through it already (mostly American SCA though. Boo).

Will I be seeing anyone at the big Dark Ages fest at Armidale in a couple of weeks? A.k.a. the social event of my year.

Last time it was on I nearly got killed because I went into the tavern and (in some kind of alcohol-fueled death-wish) jumped onto a table belonging to a bunch of Vikings and burst into poetry, while making particular eye-contact with their women... Fun fun, but I don't think I will be doing that again.

I thought Vikings were meant to like poetry! :smalltongue:

Anyway, if you are going to Armidale, or are an Australian re-enactor of any kind, drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you.

2008-03-09, 08:14 AM
Well... I'm in Armidale, have been for the last 4 and a bit years... and haven't gone once :smallsigh: Never know when it's on. Or where, for that matter... Is this the one they set up in the pine plantation, or something else? I should really go. When and where? And why isn't there more information posted around the place, dammit? :smallannoyed:

2008-03-09, 09:41 AM
Yeah, it is the one in the pine forest. It is on the weekend of the 22nd. I will be arriving Friday the 21st and going home on monday the 24th (of this month). There will already be people on site building the long hall and the other structures they built up for it and then tear back down again when it is done. They put on a HUUUGE feast Sunday night for everyone there. There are also huge pitched battles.

There isn't much info posted around because it is not a show open to the public. It is run by NEMAS, who are part of the University of New England. You can get in contact with them through the UNE website (I believe - can track down something more substantial from my secretary if you need it).

To come, you need to be in dark ages costume (years 500-1100 I think) of preferably natural materials (cotton, linen, wool, etc), unless you want to get mocked behind your back by all the hardcore authenticity-nazis. Dark Ages costume is really easy. I could even send you patterns.

It also costs to get in... you can pre-order your tickets for $110 (I'm not sure how - my secretary takes care of it. Can ask her), or pay at the gate for $140. It's pretty much pay once, come and go as you please. Some people are there for a month beforehand, and a month after. Dedication.

They also have huge markets, and a big fire ceremony after the feast. It's great fun, and well worth the price.

I'd be happy to show you around if you came, when I am not organising water to be run up and down to all the combatants.

2008-03-09, 11:18 AM
Aw, I'm an English reenactor... and have no way of getting there, plus am probably uninsured for hitting people with big sticks there.

Vikings ftw :smallbiggrin:

2008-03-09, 11:29 PM
To come, you need to be in dark ages costume (years 500-1100 I think) of preferably natural materials (cotton, linen, wool, etc), unless you want to get mocked behind your back by all the hardcore authenticity-nazis. Dark Ages costume is really easy. I could even send you patterns.This would be one of the main reasons I never joined up or got involved. I can't sew, I don't have the money to buy an outfit, and I'd be there for fun dammit :smallannoyed: I talked to a friend of mine today, apparently she's helping set it up, so presumably she's a part of it. She mentioned, though, that she's getting her stuff from Gallery Serpentine, and I thought I only saw Victoriana stuff there :smallconfused: I have no doubt that the Red Baron will be there. See him, then flee, for he is a buffoon.

2008-03-10, 12:07 AM
One of my friends is in the New Varangian Guard and said something about being away on those dates, so I assume he will be there.

Conrad Poohs
2008-03-10, 12:58 AM
I was told that the Armidale Pine Forest has recently been clearfelled for some reason :smallmad: ; one of the consequences of being managed by State Forests I guess. Unfortunate indeed. Though, if preparations are continuing to be made then I guess it is not too severe a loss for the people dressing strangely and wielding big sticks :smallsmile: . How I envy them - I only get to do the latter :smallfrown:

2008-03-10, 01:04 AM
This would be one of the main reasons I never joined up or got involved. I can't sew, I don't have the money to buy an outfit, and I'd be there for fun dammit :smallannoyed: I talked to a friend of mine today, apparently she's helping set it up, so presumably she's a part of it. She mentioned, though, that she's getting her stuff from Gallery Serpentine, and I thought I only saw Victoriana stuff there :smallconfused: I have no doubt that the Red Baron will be there. See him, then flee, for he is a buffoon.

When I say Dark ages costume is easy, I mean easy as in maybe two seams, both of which can be done on a sewing machine. The shoes... get a pair of ug boots and either remove the rubber soles, or don't - no one will notice the difference.

I think I have heard of this Red Baron... but I am not sure in relation to what...

Nebo_ - Heehee the NVG guys are guaranteed to be a bit of fun. We have a song that we sing as we march into battle, it goes something like "Die Varangian Die!". I bet it would sound cooler in Old High German though. Don't get me wrong - I love them, I just tease everything I am fond of. I also love watching them get thrashed. :smalltongue:

Ask your friend about the Varangian Bra - it's a fascinating bit of combat gear. It actually helps to take the weight of your chainmail off your shoulders. Then tease him because he wears a bra / is too insecure in his manhood to wear a bra. Whichever. :smallbiggrin:

2008-03-10, 01:27 AM
I was told that the Armidale Pine Forest has recently been clearfelled for some reason :smallmad:It's a pine plantation. It exists to be cut down so that natural bushland doesn't have to be. Supposedly.

When I say Dark ages costume is easy, I mean easy as in maybe two seams, both of which can be done on a sewing machine. The shoes... get a pair of ug boots and either remove the rubber soles, or don't - no one will notice the difference.But that involves effort :smallfrown: Also, sounds ugly... :smalltongue:

I think I have heard of this Red Baron... but I am not sure in relation to what...He used to go out with Repunzle/Laura (who's now engaged :smalleek:), and is notorious for thinking he knows way more than he does. Just a couple of things that might jog your memory...

We have a song that we sing as we march into battle, it goes something like "Die Varangian Die!". I bet it would sound cooler in Old High German though."The Varangian The"?

2008-03-10, 06:19 AM
"The Varangian The"?

I loled. I loled out loud.

I will keep my eye out for this Red Baron. Sounds like he might be fun to mess with. :smallwink:

P.S. Yes, I am aware that 'loled out loud' is an unnecessary tautology.

P.P.S. Yes, I am aware that "unnecessary tautology" is a tautology.