View Full Version : Crossing the Worldwalls: Prologue [IC]

Ellas Aramond
2008-03-10, 12:06 AM
Prologue: The Meeting on Gallifrey

If you want to enhance this, listen to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSjzXc5PkjU&NR=1) while you read. It makes it moi awesome.

At first glance, the island known only as Gallifrey seems to be normal enough. But to most, there is just something about that comes off as a bit odd. It could the the fact that the small piece of land is more like a mesa rising out of the sea then a standard island. Or it could be the fact that the waters are unnaturally blue, as though it was more like liquid sapphire then a normal ocean. Of course, considering the sheer amount of different worlds, normal is a relative thing. The entire island appears to be at the eye of a storm. Although, instead of wind and rain, there is instead a thick wall of fog about a mile from the island at all points.

A better look of Gallifrey makes it seem more like a stranded building made of stone rather then a simple island. Where the waters touch the land is a ring of docks encircling the entire island. The docks house ships that share the island's oddness, and are all different from each other in design. But they have one similarity. They all seem to have a miniature lighthouse somewhere on them.

The island's walls have all kinds of things on them. Balconies, windows, unidentifiable contraptions, identifiable contraptions, and doors; all of different sizes, shapes and designs.

The doors and arches level with the docks lead inside the building-like island, into what seems like other worlds, even though it has been explained to you that through the world's magic, you have actually entered into one of the massive amounts caverns in the island, each one replicating a different ecosystem. Although, there are smaller ones that are not like this and used as rooms.

Alright folks, here's the breakdown. Your characters have been on the island for at least a month. You've been told to keep away from the docks until now, and have been inducted into the shields, while being told of the rules and what exactly it is that the Shields do; which you all have most likely picked up from what I said in the recruitment thread.

Now, it is time for your first mission. You have all been instructed to go down to dock #13 and meet with the members of your new team. You'll know you're at the right dock because a woman with long, silver hair will be waiting for you.

Considering the sheer size of the interior of Gallifrey, there's a good chance that you have not yet met each other; or a few of you could have bumped into one another; either is fine with me, if you've got any questions, feel free to ask over on the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4042634).

Storm Bringer
2008-03-10, 05:03 AM
Talask Tallerhand hand never seen a dock up close before. He'd been to port towns before, but always to do business with the merchants in the markets or to visit a noble in his manor, never to talk to a sailor or board a ship. The sheer bustle of the place caught him off guard. Thier were sailors everywhere, loading ships, unloading ships, sitting on the floor playing dice games, and singing. work chants, tavern drinking songs, ancient shanties as old as sailing.....all in the rough, off key voices of a thousand sailors. It was something else to those who had not seen it before.

Talask threaded his way though the throng, trying to find the pier that his ship was berthed at. He had to ask for directions a few times, having come out of the wrong portal and ended up a long way form the right dock. however after a brisk walk he was nearly at the right dock. It wasn't all bad, Talask thought. the walk allowed him to get a better view of the island, something he'd not really had a chance to do before. He'd entered the island via a plane shift, and this was the best view of the island he'd got in the 2 months he'd been on the island. It was a big place, but even so it seemed like it was almost too small for the sheer number and scale of the inertior rooms.

Talask could just about make out the Silver haired woman who was thier contact. Dodging a trio of sailors manhanding a large barrel onto a huge ship with great banks of oars down it's sides, Talask walked over to the waiting woman and bowed deeply.

"I am Talask, samurai of the Tallerhand family. But I am told you may address me as the Ebony." His voice was deep, and carried well dispite the softness with which he spoke. "Am i the frist to arrive?" He asked, looking around

2008-03-10, 12:27 PM
Erasmus follows the paths through Gallifrey, marvelling at the variety of architectural styles- mostly totally unfamiliar to him- and the many different beings he met upon his way. The latter he seems somewhat uncomfortable with- after all, much of his life has been spent trying to avoid this sort of creature getting into his world.

Although he has been on Gallifrey for some time now, he still seems torn between a scholarly fascination and a touch of fear- although the latter has largely been worn down by his constant contact with other races.

As Erasmus nears the docks, he notices the woman and greets her, saying, "Good day to you, my lady. I am the Academe, and I have been instructed to make my acquaintance with you at this point."

Noticing the armoured samurai, Erasmus adds, "I take it this is one of my compatriots in the approaching assignment?

Ellas Aramond
2008-03-10, 04:57 PM
The young woman nods to the two, letting a small smile play out on her lips at Talask's formality.

"Greetings Ebony, Academe. You have come to the right place. Forgive me if I do not say more. I would like to wait until you all arrive before I start explaining things."

At first glance, the woman seems to share some of Gallifrey's oddness. For one, unlike everyone else traversing the docks, she carries no weapon or armor. In fact, she is clad in only a simple, white dress, with a belt around her waist the same color as her hair.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-10, 04:58 PM

A hooded figure trails Talask at a distance of approximately thirty feet. It glides, gracefully, towards the ship, moving with poise - until walking straight into the barrel being carried by the three soldiers. Dried fish goes everywhere.

Sorry, sorry, sorry - can I help clear that up?

A rather contemptuous, and unrepeatable, response is heard.

Uh, yes, fine, I shall leave it to you then. Sorry!

The figure hurries, trying to be inconspicuous, up the gangplank; not exactly succeeding, because inconspicuous people generally don't wear flowing hooded robes.

When it reaches the small gaggle of Shields on the deck, it stops, and pulls off its cloak - revealing a young woman, fairly short, with skin the colour and texture of liquid stormclouds, wearing a slightly dazed but excited expression.

You would be Talask the Ebony, and Erasmus the Academe, yes? I've heard so much about you. Azariah, the Blind Observer; pleased to meet you!

A small hand is extended. It is cool to the touch.

And our host?

2008-03-10, 05:15 PM
Erasmus seems excited by this new companion.

"It looks to me as if you are not entirely a mortal- if it is not rude to ask, may I inquire as to whether you have an elemental in your antescedents?"

Storm Bringer
2008-03-10, 05:16 PM
"Your memory serves you well, my lady. I am indeed the Ebony. " Talask bowed again, his forehead nearly touching Azariah's hand. his grip was firm but not hard.

"You say you have heard of me and my deeds? It gladens my heart to know that my repuation proceeds me. Pray, tell, what do they say of me?" he asked. his tone light and inviting.

Obviously, someone spent a lot of time knocking courtly manners into his head.


dammit, the thread is inactive for over an hour, and someone STILL ninjas me:smallsmile: :smallbiggrin:

2008-03-10, 08:00 PM
Walking through the paths of Gallifrey is a relatively handsome young man. He is average in height and a little less than average weight. His hair is brown, with sideburns going down the sides of his face and in front of a pair of brown eyes he wears a set of thick glasses. He appears to be wearing a deep-hooded, dark brown coat, but with the hood down and beneath that is what looks like a stylized pinstripe business suit, probably picked up on some other world altogether.
As he walks toward his destination he notices someone he doesn't particularly want to meet... and the sullen expression on their face and their apparent lookout for someone means he really doesn't want to be found. He takes a moment and changes his appearance dramatically and removes his glasses(apparently not even needing them). Walking past and giving them a nod, and turning back to his previous form once out of site.
Before long, he comes to the docks and shows a smile full of pearly whites. "Well then folks, 'ow are we doing?" he speaks in a charming Tanzenian accent and keeps his hands in his pants pockets.

2008-03-11, 07:40 AM
A tall, thin and imposing figure slowly makes his way through the bustling city. He appears to carry no weapon, and nothing much is known about him. It is all concealed by a dark and ominous cloak. A small black rose is pinned to his chest. You smell the scent of more roses coming from within his cloak.

As he gets nearer to the docks, he senses the presence of several other individuals. "My apologies to you. Gallifrey is a large place, with much to learn about." Bowing low to the silvery haired woman, he speaks quietly and softly, "What is to be our mission?"

Ooh sorry guys. The subscriptions links weren't updating for some reason.

2008-03-11, 11:24 AM
Erasmus glances around, pushing a strand of his long brown hair back into his headband, and a glint of shining metal emerges from the sleeve of his plain brown habit.. "Yes, I would be interested to know of our mission, should you feel ready to divulge any pertinent details," he says.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-11, 12:40 PM

She turns to Erasmus, throwing up her hands in mock surrender.

Yes, you have me. My mother was Ahiam, the elemental wyrd aboard the Observation; my father was Abiathar, a storm elemental aboard the same. Suffice to say that I am as surprised as you are to be born a genasi. You would be a scholar of such matters?

You, on the other hand, Talask - I wouldn't have to hear tales about you to see your chosen métier. The elegant fighting style is evinced by those two beauties of the smith's art, the pragmatism of their unadorned blades - a samurai, yes?

As she speaks, the other neophyte Shields draw up.

Greetings, comrades! I believe we are all here now.

Storm Bringer
2008-03-11, 03:24 PM
Talask smiled a warm smile "Something like that. I am a noble-born warrior, sworn into a lord of cause, so the name is suitable. Technically, am a niten warrior, who trains in the use of both my swords, and I am proud to say I am a master of the niten form."

Talask then turned to the two new arrivals, and bowed, once agian (if a little less than he had to the sliver haired woman and Azariah. womanhood hath it privilages). "And welcome, my fellows."

Ellas Aramond
2008-03-11, 03:59 PM
"Indeed, welcome." The young woamn says, finally breaking out of her silence. "Academe, Warper, Blackrose, Ebony, Blind Observer; now that you are all here, we can start. Oh, before we do, allow me to summon the ship.

The wind starts to pick up and blow around the group. Anyone actually looking at the woman notices that despite the gale, not a single thread of her dress or hair is being buffeted. In fact, her eyes are giving off a dim glow.

Off in the distance, a ship appears out of the mist, barreling towards the group.

2008-03-11, 04:03 PM
"That's a cool trick. Anything else we can do here on Gallifrey other than summon ships?"

Storm Bringer
2008-03-11, 04:16 PM
talask looks thoughtful for a second."I'm sorry, but i seem to have missed your name." he says regarding the seemingly spirt like woman who could summon ships from thin air and ignored the wind.........

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-11, 05:03 PM

That ship ... it's amazing, I just have to get a closer look. Hope you don't mind ...

Out of a pocket of the robe, Azariah draws a pair of lenses. One of them is a fairly mundane, if finely made, slab of glass, but the other is a smaller, gem-like tool of near-perfect clarity. Holding them both up to an eye, she stares at the boat.

Rollin' some dice.

Because I feel like it.

To identify what magic brought the boat here:


Ellas Aramond
2008-03-11, 05:16 PM
The woman grins as the barreling ship slows down and drifts perfectly into the dock. It is complete with the lighthouse that all the others have, and all of its metal pieces are a gleaming silver.

"You can call me Silvera, and this is my worldship. Welcome to your home away from home."

You have no idea what kind of magic she used to call the ship to her is, but you do notice that whatever it is, her entire body is radiating it.

Storm Bringer
2008-03-11, 05:31 PM

I'm too used to 40k. when you said worldship, I instantly thought she'd summoned an eldar craftworld. (for those not in the know, the eldar craftworlds are on the 1000km+ scale).

"hmm....." talask looks thoughful for a moment, shrugs, then moves to board the now-waiting boat.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-11, 07:03 PM

A home away from home ...

She falters, but then soon brightens again - even chuckling slightly.

Indeed, that's truer than you think. May we? Oh, also, thank you, Silvera. A great pleasure to meet you.

2008-03-11, 07:40 PM
Huu looks up as the ship approaches, his eyes brighten and eyebrows raise. He smiles again showing all of his teeth and he exclaims, "Fantastic!"

2008-03-11, 09:12 PM
"Well, that's a dandy looking ship! Any idea where we're going?"

Ellas Aramond
2008-03-11, 10:33 PM
"To you as well." She says to Azariah, before fishing a few items out of a nigh invisible pocket in her dress.

"For your first mission, we will be going to a world known as Kanitha, but I shall explain more once we set sail. All I ask now is that you get yourselves situated. There is a room for each of you, of course. But you each need to wear one of these." Opening her hand, she gives each of you a silver ear cuff, emblazoned with the same curved rune that can be seen on the front of the ship.

"These are basically your keys to get into the ship. As long as you wear one, you will have full access.

We will set sail once the five of you are ready. I will see you onboard." With that, she starts to glow and shrink until she becomes a small ball of silver light, then flies into the ship.

2008-03-11, 10:36 PM
He blinks and looks just a little surprised. "Huh, well you don' see that every day, do you?" He takes the ear-cuff and fits it on comfortably as he walks up the gang-plank onto the ship, "Alright folks, let's set sail!"

Storm Bringer
2008-03-12, 07:45 AM
talask takes the ear cuff and dons it without word. As he moves to board the shi;, the others noticed for the frist time the small, well-made lute nestled amoung the equipment on his back.


so, what's this ship like? classic eruopean square rigged sailing ship? mid east lanteen rig? a chinese junk? a roman galley, or something else entirely?

2008-03-12, 08:48 AM
Erasmus takes the cuff and examines it, looking at the rune for a few seconds.

"Oh, sorry," he says, looking up suddenly, "The ship. Yes, I'm ready to set off."

With that, he puts on the cuff and boards the ship.

Many rolls...
Using Read Magic, Spellcraft check to identify the rune: [roll0]
Knowledge: Arcana to see if I recognise the silver-globe trick: [roll1]
Spellcraft for same: [roll2]
Knowledge (Planes) for same: [roll3] (haven't got access to my sheet right now, so that might actually be +16- not sure...)

2008-03-12, 09:41 AM
Donning the cuff, Hargil boldly steps onto the ship, wondering what exactly would happen to him.

Eew, ear piercings? Can't we get like... bracelets? :smallyuk:

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-12, 10:53 AM

Like the Academe, the Blind Observer does not immediately don the earing, instead turning it round and round in dusk-coloured fingers. She begins walking up the gangplank, but, just before crossing the threshold, she hefts the bag that she carries on her back round, and surreptitiously whispers into it, while pretending to search through it for something..

Abiasaph? Are you awake in there?

A voice, like a slightly atonal and odd piece of symphonic music, answers -

As ever, Miss L'Imre.

Good. You've got good senses; could you stay in the bag, and see if anything feels odd as you enter? If you hear anything, alert me telepathically.

I shall be vigilant.


Closing the bag, she produces a pouch of miscellaneous spell components, and tucks them into an inside pocket.

Then, with an innocent, wide-eye glance around her, she takes her ear, pushing the cuff on, and steps inside.

Wikipedia suggests that an ear cuff is just something that sits atop the ear, rather than piercing it. Don't worry Neftren!

Abiasaph is Azariah's Dedicated Wright homunculus, who lives inside a bag of holding; although, of course, having cost her a whole bunch of Con points of blood, it's more of an extension of her). She's looking to see how the ship interacts with the extraplanar field of the bag.

Ellas Aramond
2008-03-12, 04:00 PM
Illiterate's right. I went with ear cuffs because they are usually worn on the top or side of the ear, and can be inconspicuous, especially when hidden by hair, or the brim of a hat. And this way, they don't take up a body slot, unless it is enchanted with something extra.
Also, theres a pic I found that the worldship is based off of. I'll post it on the OOC thread. And I believe that Krimm is working on a group shot that includes the modified version of the ship in it.

For Morkais' Eyes ONLY
You are unable to identify Silvera's magic. The rune, while unique, it's design can be traced to a race that you've only recently learned about, known as Mistwalkers

For Illiterate's Eyes ONLY
<You have no need to worry.> Silvera's voice echoes through your mind. <This ship has been created with the needs of the Shields' in mind. Items such as your bag will not be tampered with.

As the five of you walk up the gangplank and onto the deck, nothing seems to change, besides the bits of silver continuing their gleam. There is only one door leading belowdeck. When you enter, this is when things turn a bit strange.

You find it as though you've entered Gallifrey again. The room is much bigger then the entirety of the ship, and many closed doors lead to rooms beyond. The room is decorated poshly, with many pieces of furniture. At the center, is a sloped, pentagonal console, covered with many different colored gems. In the center of it, a fat tube rises out of it into the ceiling, filled with what appears to be a blueish-white fog.

"Yes, it's bigger on the inside" Silvera says, appearing behind you. "Your rooms ae through those doors. Take as long as you need, then meet back in here so we can fully discuss your mission."

Storm Bringer
2008-03-12, 05:53 PM

Were he not with us already (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=43551), I would expect David tennant to pop out of a door any second now......

"Magic...." Talask muttered under his breath in a long suffering voice. He moved towards one of the cabins and looked in. the room was fairly large, with a elegant bed in a style unknown to talask up on one wall, and a floor lenght mirror on the other, with a table and a few chairs in the same style, and a suprisingly large empty space in it, and cupboards nad stoarge areas around the walls.

"perfect" talkask said, nodding aprovingly. He put his pack down and carfully placed his lute out of harms way, then removed his armour, placing it in a cupboard. He put on a modratly elaborate robe on on over his undergarments, stuck his swords into his waist sash, and returned to the main room a few minutes after leaving it.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-12, 07:04 PM

In reply to Silveras' words, Azariah forms her own mental reply:

For Ellas only -

I am sorry for doubting your intentions, but, in my life so far, I have seen the worst in people's treachery with regard to cursed objects, rings, and jewelry. Needless to say, however, this does not excuse my own hostility; I seek your forgiveness for this.

As she crosses the threshold, the Blind Observer gasps in wonder. Whereas the Observation was an utterly utilitarian craft, made of whatever filled the two conditions of being the most satisfactory for purpose, and of actually being present, this ship is a work of art.

Seeing the doors, and the larger rooms behind them, elicits more surprise. She spins round, made slightly by the thought of them.

Doors within doors, spaces within spaces, nut something's ... odd. That might just be the extra-spatial geometry of this place, but nonetheless, it is still a fairly amazing place.

There's only one way to resolve that.

And she barrels off into one of the rooms.

* * *

The room may be large, but, once Azariah has finished unpacking the multitude of bizarre objects from her pack, it's not much smaller. That's because the entirety of her belongings - the lenses, the eldritch vials, the small, but finely crafted bell, among other things - have been neatly compartmentalised upon a corner of a blanket. It's a throwback to living in tight spaces, she would explain should anyone question it - or, perhaps, a reserve from encroaching on the open space of the cabin.

Drawing out a single long, simple want, adorned with a single rune of healing, and tucking this into her belt, Azariah leaves the room and begins wandering round the central pillar of the ship.

2008-03-12, 09:21 PM
Huu walks through the ship, taking a casual tour of the place. He walks onto the deck again to take in the smell of the sea, and turns back eventually to find his room. He then scratches his chin, "This ought to be comfy."

2008-03-12, 09:42 PM
Descending into the ship, Hargil searches for the smallest, most compact room available. He doesn't possess much in the ways of material goods, and as such needs very few things to live with. After finding his room, he sits down and meditates. Turning his soul inwards, he psionically focuses his mind, and then returns on deck.

2008-03-13, 09:18 AM
Erasmus responds to the ship with sheer amazement.

"I must admit this is beyond all my expectations..."

He chooses a room and enters, setting his few possessions on the shelves- the life of a monk is necessarily frugal, even a member of the Order of the Torch. Placing his crossbow and spear near the bed, he then wanders off for a casual tour of the ship (which could take some time, given the apparently infinite size...)

What do I know about the Mistwalkers? Knowledge (Planes) [roll0]- that's assuming they're extraplanar.

Storm Bringer
2008-03-17, 09:41 AM
Vaguely wishing he had a drink handy, Talask glanced around, and found a decanter on a table nearby. It was filled with a rather nice wine form some unknown world, and Talask poured himself a drink, before starting slightly and looking up at the others in a slightly sheepish manner.

"Forgive my bad manners. Would anyone else like a drink?"

after getting drinks for those who wanted them, talask turned to regard Azariah
"So, how does a woman go about aquiring a name like the Blind Observer'?. It is a most intresting juxsposition." He said, looking at the blue skinned woman who was now wandering around the central room.


Scribe, just how do you pronouce Azariah? I've been mentally bugging me for a while now (i'm that sort of guy). I'm going with Az-ar-re-ah, but I may be wrong.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-17, 04:08 PM

Azariah takes a glass, and, cautiously, as if not knowing how much it will go to her head, takes a minute sip.

Er ... well, it's a fairly embarassing story. I was put - or, rather, ended up, since one couldn't exactly say that there was anyone to guide me - in charge of a demiplanar vessel used for ... confidential matters in the ethereal plane. I ... I ... will you promise not to judge me for telling you?

Azz-a-ree-ah, I believe. Whoops, I've just checked, and you were right.


Fort [roll0] against the effects of alcohol. Because I feel like it.

Storm Bringer
2008-03-17, 04:29 PM
An eyebrow rose inquisitivly on talasks face as he took a drink of the wine. It was suprisingly good.

"I promise I will judge you by what you are now, not what you were then." He said smoothly.


could just as easily have been Az-ar-rye-ah, or Az-ar-eye-ah, or A-zar-re-ah, or any of a multiude different pronouciations of the same spelling in english. I guessed you'd gone for a near-phonetic spelling, but who can tell in fanasty naming? I still don't have a clue how to pronouce a Certain Famous Dark Elf's last name correctly.

this is pretty much the reason we're all using time lord code names.:smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin:

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-17, 07:30 PM

I fear that I may not have changed a great deal, I'm afraid.

She laughs.

But I'll try. So, my story ... I was the sole crew member still alive aboard the Observation, and was looking after it all by myself. I happened to be in orbit over Waterdeep - you know the city? - when I became somewhat distracted by an interesting treatise that I had found in the hold. I ... I forgot to, well, pilot the craft.

It fell. It came down out of the sky over the great city. Can you imagine it? The potential damage that could be caused by piloting a demiplane on a collision course into a major city; it was unthinkable. It was only the action of the Shields that saved all those ...

At this point, she breaks off, and reasserts herself.

But it didn't crash, and that's what matters. That's why I have this name, too - a spy who never sees anything - and am here, too. It was thought better to send me off before I break something.

Nah, they're not fantasy names at all. Just a convenient outlet for all those long, long hours that I spent learning Biblical Hebrew - it's a piece of hiriq pointing. :smallwink:

Storm Bringer
2008-03-18, 02:31 PM
when asked about waterdeep, talask smiled and shook his head.

"Persuit of Knowledge is always a worthy task, and gaining practical expereince is, as well. The Fates move in misterious ways. but think of it as this: if you had not been so enraptured by this book, you would still be alone on this demiplane, and may have stayed there till the end of your days."

Talask gestured at the ship around them.
"Here, you can put your skills to a use that benifits all the planes."

the slightest hint of a frown crossed Talask's face.
"or at least Galifrey..."

Ellas Aramond
2008-03-20, 01:17 AM
For Illiterate's Eyes ONLY
"Please, it is not necessary. Old habits are hard to to break, this I know. But it is not your fault. It was I who was unable to put you at ease."

((And due to the fact that you only drank a small amount, you find yourself completly unaffected by the wine.))

For Morkais' Eyes ONLY
The Mistwalkers are a race normally never seen by mortals who have never traveled beyond their homeworld. They are the only race naturally able to travel the Mists between worlds, and because of this, it is impossible for multiple beings to travel it together without being accompanied by one of the Mistwalkers. In their true form, their bodies are featureless, and seem to be made of dense fog, and are often mistaken for wraiths.

"I would not drink too much of that, if I were you." Silvera warns the samurai after appearing front of the console. "That is Blackbark wine from the world of Blamakar. It is well known to bestow infertility on thse that drink more then a single glass." She lets out a knowing smile as everyone eyes the drink.

Before she can say anymore, the sound of a foghorn reverberates through the room. It looks like it is time for us to be heading off. If you all want to step out on the deck, you will see a very interesting sight.

Anyone who walks out notices that the foghorn is quickly getting louder. After it goes off a few more times, the blue sky up above fades quickly into black, allowing thousands of stars to shine through. The actual ship sails out of the docks, and when it is about to go into the fog, a blue light begins to pulsate from the top of the ship's lighthouse; accompanied by what sounds like ((as Morkais put it)) keys being scraped up and down a piano's bass strings. The ship sails into the fog, and you can tell there is nothing more to be seen.

"Now that we are on our way, I can brief you on your first mission. Silvera says once everyone has once again made themselves comfortable in the main room. "The world we are heading to is called Kanitha; ritually known to its poeple as 'The Empire of the Dragon'. The important thing to keep in mind is that the people are in the middle of a civil war that has lasted for over a hundred years. The two factions are known as the Luxons and the Kurzicks. They have no idea why they are fighting anymore, and because of this, you must be careful.

"Your mission is investigate the actions of a wizard known as Yeago Dornahall, and if necessary, put a stop to them. He arrived on Kanitha some time ago, and has been manipulating the battles of the civil war for his own ends. No one is sure exactly what he is doing, so that is why you are being sent in."

((Well, that took me longer then I hoped to post up, but here it is.))

2008-03-20, 08:34 AM
"Well then, that seems like an interesting tale... but could we learn more about this wizard perhaps? Are we supposed to just neutralize this person and be done with, or is he preferred alive?"

Hargil slowly crosses the room to the porthole, glancing out at the strange miasma of colors.

Storm Bringer
2008-03-20, 08:59 AM
Talask thought about the mission for a moment, then fired off a barrage of questions.

"Where is this wizard is currently? How close can this ship take us? Does Dornahall have any known allies that could help him? How close to the front lines will we be? How much will we stand out as outsiders? Is Dornahall aware he's being watched by the Sheilds? Do we have maps of the area?"

we're going to the Guild Wars planet? coolio. out of intrest, how many other well established settings are we going to visit?

don't actaully expect answers to most of those questions, it just the sort of things talask would ask.

Ellas Aramond
2008-03-20, 11:14 AM
"The last place he was seen was in western Kanitha, in Kaineng City. I will be able to get you as far as the docks. Unfortunatly, This ship can only travel the waters."

"As far as we can tell, Dornahall must have contacts from both of the factions, due to the fact can he can manuipulate both sides. We have no idea what he is up to, so if you need to stop him, the method is up to you."

"And don't worry about blending in, there are ways to disguise yourself on board."

2008-03-20, 11:45 AM
"A Wizard, you say? Then we may have to be careful- he vould have some more subtle means of detection than his own senses. I imagine the Observer may be able to help us here- is that right?"

Erasmus seems glad to be on his mission at last, and particularly interested to se how other worlds differ from his own.

2008-03-20, 03:38 PM
"Well, this ought to be easy enough. Don't suppose you have some more native apparel? Can't rightly go out there in a pinstripe suit and robe-can we?"

2008-03-20, 06:34 PM
"Well, Silvera did say this ship had a way of disguising us... I don't feel or look any different than a few moments ago, so I believe the ship either does this magically, or perhaps we all gain items that disguise us or such."

2008-03-21, 05:41 AM
"I imagine the Shields have quite a range of apparel suitable to most locations... I wonder, though- would my habit be inconspicuous in the area?"

Ellas Aramond
2008-03-23, 01:06 AM
"Well, I don't have a way to disguise your features, but there is a wardrobe." She points to one of the doors leading out of the room. "Through there, then take the first left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs, past the bins, fifth door on your left." She she chuckles and shakes her head, making sure that you've got it all down.

"The Kanithan garb should be on the racks at the front. There are alternate versions of your mundane equipment as well. Can't change your magic items though. You'll just need to do your best to keep them inconspicuous."

I'd write more, but I'm dead tired. I'll be sure to get some more up tomorrow though.

Also, for some examples of Kanithan garb, these links (http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Category:Factions_armor) should be most helpful.

2008-03-23, 04:50 AM
After a bit of searching for the right costume, Huu emerges wearing what he finds suits him best. His confident smile matches his new suit. "Fantastic."
Sanz the mask and probably gloves. Just black and brown, too.

2008-03-23, 01:59 PM
Choosing a cross between several outfits of varying colors, Hargil settles upon his traditional colors of Black, Green and White. He nods at the others selecting their outfits, hoping he won't appear too out of place.

I won't be around until Thursday, so consider me partially NPC'ed until then. I'll see if I can check back in, but probably won't be able to until then.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-23, 02:51 PM

One moment;

Azariah says to Erasmus, as she heads off in the direction indicated by Silvera.
Discreet, you say?

She returns with a bundle under her arms, and goes into her room.

A shouted stream of consciousness ensues from Azariah's chamber, over the clattering of belongings being shifted about.
What you said, Academe - it is indeed possible for me to imbue a certain subtlety that will enable us to go about relatively unmolested by prying diviners, but, due to its use of copious quantities of soul-essence, isn't exactly a long-term solution for use on all five of us. One possibility would be to shield the worldship as it enters Kaineng; that could give us the chance to become simply members of the crowd. Also, you are skilled in the use, and creation, of divine scrolls, are you not? Given the time, I could certainly set in motion a series of events that would allow you to access this spell.

Azariah walks out of the room, now bedecked in loose Kanithian robes. She is still clutching one of the long stone rods that she carries everywhere, and elicits a mild tingling in those nearby.

Well, I hope that this isn't too atypical for Kaineng. Silvera - how magically advanced are the Kanithians - will we need to hide all spellcasting from them, or just the more egregious items?

In mechanics terms, I could cast nondetection out of a spellstoring item, but that costs XP. Alternatively, I could scribe a trickery-domain scroll of the same spell, thereby giving me access to it, and then contribute the spell, along with the crafting XP from reserve, towards Erasmus' crafting of a divine scroll of nondetection, which he could then move to his spellbook. But that's not as catchy. :smalltongue:

Also, from what I remember of my short time spent playing GW at a friend's house, aren't Monks the supporting/buffing profession? As such, Azariah's disguised as one of these (http://images.wikia.com/gw/images/e/ea/Monk_Female_Ancient_Component_Front_Full.jpg).

Storm Bringer
2008-03-23, 03:38 PM
"that may not be needed. If Dornahall may not be expecting the Sheilds to come after him, and we not need to disguise our entry into the world, as he won't be looking for it. Silvera, is it likey that Dornahall is expecting the Sheilds to follow him? is he even aware of the Shields?" Talask was looking at some of the armour suits in the canvous room as he spoke, and realised that his own suits stylings were broadly similar to several local types. He could likey get away with his magic plate armour without too much comment.

I can't really see talask sucessfuly disguising himself as a local anyway, what with his deeply Nightfall skin tones (:smallwink: ), western styled platemail, and japanese katanas, so his best bet would to simply play on his outsider nature and claim to be a traveler seeking work.

that, and hiding like that is hardly very honourable.:smallbiggrin:

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-23, 05:12 PM
I don't know. I would just be a little concerned that, if he detects any extraplanar traffic, it would instantly set him on guard.

She shrugs.

Still, I'm sure that, should the worst come to the worst, our good friend Yeago can be confronted directly - peacefully or otherwise.

2008-03-24, 11:19 AM
Erasmus walks off and, after extensive seraching, finds some clothes that cover his armour, which he keeps on underneath.

Erasmus now looks like this.

Bit ridiculous that they don't have any proper Monk robes, in my view...

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-27, 04:53 AM

Walking over to the window, Azariah accidentally bumps into the table, nearly spilling the bottle of wine, but just catching it again.

She spends a long time just staring out of the porthole, into the fog, but then turns to Silveras.

I may regret asking this, but what plane are wo on, exactly?

2008-03-28, 02:13 AM
Huu shares the view with Azariah, looking out at the world and picking his own brain for facts about the world about the ship.
Knowledge (the planes): [roll0]

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-28, 06:54 AM
Amazing, isn't it? I'd heard of spelljamming, and transport via the Plane of Shadow, but this .... it's different.

So, what brings you to work with the Shields, then, if I may be so bold as to ask?

2008-03-28, 07:35 AM
Snapping out of a strange trance, Hargil appears to be awake again. "Aye, perhaps we'd all like to share our stories? I don't mind starting. I am a member of an elite order on my home plane, in which I exclusively hunt demons. I'm generally dispatched to get rid of the big ones, and I've become a sort of folk legend, with me being known simply as The Blackrose, for leaving a single black rose on the body of any demon I kill." Hargil opens the dark cloak he carries, revealing several black roses under his cloak.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-28, 07:50 AM
But what happens if you run out? Would you not be able to kill any demons until you had found some more?

2008-03-28, 07:59 AM
"Rest assured, I will not run out. I usually only leave them on major kill scenes, so the average demon will not be given the honor of a rose, not that it's an honor to be dead in the first place." Hargil grins at Azariah.

2008-03-28, 09:27 AM
"A demon hunter, you say? Interesting... I too am a member of an elite order- of a sort- known as the Order of the Torch. We guard my planet, keep the people safe from dangerous creatures- and dangerous knowledge. At least, that is the intention- some members are somewhat less dedicated to aiding the people than they should be. My own specialisation was as a specialist in occult and arcane knowledge- I have some expertise in that area (mainly, I must admit, in strategies for defeating extraplanar creatures), which I hope to bring to the Shields."

Storm Bringer
2008-03-29, 04:42 PM
after Erasmus had finished, talask began to speak.

"Well, I'm just a lesser son of a warrior clan. I've spent my life alternating between the courts of the great lords and the camps of the western nomad tribes, mostly as a retainer to a son of the Imperial family. We happened to save a party from the Sheilds operating on my world, and i was asked to join up. So, here I am." talask gestured around him.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-03-29, 05:52 PM

Again, nothing special here. The only reason that I'm here at all is because the elite order that enslaved my parents forgot about us.

Reclining against a bulkhead, the Blind Observer sheds a mock tear, then quickly looks up, smiling at the other Shields.

2008-03-30, 06:24 AM
"Rather a motley crew we make, isn't it?"

Ellas Aramond
2008-03-30, 09:51 PM
"Magic is nothing new among the Kanithans." Silvara says, breaking out of what seems like a trance. "They just go about it differently. Arcane gestures and phrases have no place in their world, they usually just mutter the name of the spell they wish to cast. But in place of gestures, their casting usually lifts them slightly off the ground for a few moments."

None of the other members have made contact with Donahall, so we know very little about what he is aware of." She turns to Talask. "In fact, we are unsure of his location, besides the fact that he is in Kaineng City."

"We are Currently traveling through the upper layer of the Ethereal Plane. It is the easiest way to bypass the worldwalls."

"And as for you all as a group, I have certainly seen stranger. The council had the wise idea of teaming up a paladin with a half-demon. You can imagine how well that worked out."

Sorry this has taken so long guys, my router has basically decided to stop working, so until I can get a new one, things will be going slowly.

2008-03-30, 11:24 PM
"Astral Plane! Of course of course... Hardly took this method in the past." He turns to the rest of the group with eyes wide, but in an unsurprised sort of way. "Used to traveling through a sort of wibbly wobbly tube."

2008-03-31, 07:59 AM
"I have no real experience of cross-planar travel myself- before I met the Shields, that is. My organisation was mostly concerned with sending whateveer came through back, not going there ourselves."

2008-04-04, 07:54 PM
The deck rumbles as Hargil stomps around the deck.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-06, 09:08 AM

Azariah turns to Huu.

A ... tube? I perceived it more as some sort of multidimensional net, full of tangles and swirls. Must be different for different folks, I suppose.

2008-04-06, 02:29 PM
Erasmus seems very interested in the differing perceptions of planar travel, perhaps a surviving element of his more scholarly days.

Storm Bringer
2008-04-06, 03:24 PM
"how long is the trip? will we be landing soon or do we have time?" talask asked

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-08, 12:15 AM
"Well, it is really more like traveling through a prismatic mist. Although, the tube you are talking about could be attributed to a temporal flane that is...well, I probably should not go into the the details..."

A few minutes later, the telltale key on piano string sound starts up again, as well as the lighthouse column pulsating with blue light.

"Well, it looks like we are here."

Chapter One: The City of War

"Just a few more things to tell you before you go out." She says before you exit the vessel, "Those cuffs I gave you, while they are passes onto the ship, also serve to negate your natural anchor, so don't take them off while you are not on Gallifrey or the ship, otherwise there will be some unwanted results."

"They also bestow a sort of magical link between you and the ship. With them, you will be able to understand and language of the worlds, and they also let you draw upon the knowledge contained in the ship."

"Also, one thing the council asked me to tell you. This world is in a civil war, but try not to get involved. Good luck."

Basically what she's telling you is that the ship's presence is what allows you that understanding of languages I talked about in the recruitment. Also, knowledge checks (such as Local and Nobility and Royalty) made about the world represent how well you can draw upon the facts contained in the ship.

As you walk outside, you notice that the exterior of the ship has changed (http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/2407/canthanseaswiftyj7.jpg), but still keeps the miniature lighthouse.

The docks you are on appear to be close to a shipyard, as the racket of banging and sawing give it away. The docks open to a open area resembling a marketplace, with many people buying and selling wares.

2008-04-08, 12:21 AM
Huu looks up at the somewhat dilapidated city with utmost excitement and cheer on his face, intaking all this knowledge as they reach the docks. He only half listens to the voice of the woman, until his mind decides to focus a tad more. "I'm sorry, what about a war?" The smile still on his face, his eyes questioning...

Storm Bringer
2008-04-08, 03:30 AM
Kalask looked out at the city, an expression of awe on his face. the city was big, much bigger than any city talask had seen before. form the top of the gangplank, talask could see several miles inland over the top of the slums, and more buildings beyond. the population of the city must be immense, millions strong without a doubt.

and they were to find one person in this?

for those who haven't played guild wars, the City of Kaineng covers something like 20% of the entire game map, form the northwestern corner of it some way east and south. This city is like the scale of a modern city, spread out with large suburbs. Think London, or other huge city of your choice.

Now think that we have no means of transport faster than walking/riding. you get the idea.

2008-04-08, 08:46 AM
Walking off the ship, Hargil wondered how anyone could ever live in an expanse like this. His homeland was merely a huge tower carved out of a mountain, and he had never seen anything larger than that in his travels.

"So ... does anyone have any ideas as to where we can track down this fellow and be done with? Perhaps we should also find some means of transport. I would suggest we find the nearest inn or tavern and ask about. We could also find what makes up the central marketplace and ask around there about this wizard who apparently controls everyone..."

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-09, 06:44 AM

My ... so many, many, people!

That's ... more people than I've seen before. In real life, anyway. City of Brass? Might be comparable. But still.

You are right - one person, in this - could be quite hard. We could, however, take advantage of his status as a wizard - if he came from outside, as I suspect - would I be right, Silvera? - he will be stuck using our schema of magic, and so will be looking for components. A place to start, and an identifying hallmark, I should say. This market looks promising.

Hargil - I agree utterly. And that is why -

Azariah tip-toes behind Talask.

- we hereby (well, with the tacit and assumed agreement of the rest of the group anyway) nominate our noble friend here -

She gently pushes him forwards, out of the boat.

-as our speaker. He is already posing as -

The Observer adopts a dramatic tone.

'the Ebony, an exotic condottiere seeking his contract in the metropolis of Kaineng; what more natural that he should have a group of travellers with him?'

2008-04-09, 09:52 AM
The Academe frowns. "As a scholar, I may be able to gain entry to some institutes of learning if I can prove my credentials- that could help us find this waizard."

I want psychic paper for that, I think... Also, Knowledge: History check about this civil war: [roll0]

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-09, 10:25 AM
If he is expecting some sort of intervention, that might alert him. That said, that might actually be a good idea, since it will allow us to misdirect him.

Storm Bringer
2008-04-09, 04:55 PM
Talask smiles at Azariah suggestion

"An intresting ploy. I suggest we go with it for now, and ask around this marketplace for intresting rumours. Those of us trained in the arcane arts, I suggest you ask about some of the more extotic spell components, the stuff that would need a specailist retailer to get. They'd be a good place to try and find info on him."

Talask moved off into the crowds, glancing at the stalls. Fish were in abundance here, being so close to the docks, and the area stank to high heaven of salt and rotting fish.


ellas, can i subsitute diplomacy for gather infomation?
if i can: 1d20+8= 28 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1557350/)(that's my luck used up for the month)
If not: 1d20+1=13 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1557354/)

looking for clues to the wizards location, news about the wars progess (which side is winning, how are off is the front lines, etc), and general gossip, in that order.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-09, 06:14 PM
On it right now.

She turns to the Academe.

I could certainly use some help, Brother Academe, but I suspect that we should divide and conquer. Dornahall sounds like a fairly powerful wizard; since such wizards, regardless of tradition, never forfeit their clairsentient skills, I suspect that he will be scrying fairly regularly. If so, he'll need materials. But what, precisely ...

Azariah ticks them off on her fingers, and begins to walk round the deck, talking to herself:

Eagle, roc, hawk eyes? Could probably acquire them on the sly. A, large, finely polished, silver mirror? More likely, but, as a focus, he would still have only needed to purchase the one. Nevertheless, it would be a good idea to browse stores selling them. But ah, here's a thought - copper, zinc, aqua fortis. The first - well, I do not know the purity of the currency here (although I see 'copper' shillings), but it is unlikely that it would be sufficiently elemental to use for the spell. As far as I know, zinc isn't found natively, so, unless he has a private source, he's getting that from somewhere. Aqua fortis ... well, that stuff is nasty; suppliers shouldn't be too hidden.

The question now lies in how to be one of the only others looking for such materials, without being spotted.

Firstly, aqua fortis; if you mix it with Muriatic acid, I believe that one obtains the wondrous aqua regia, the solvent that not even gold or platinum can withstand. Muriatic acid ... doesn't one obtain that from mixing salt with vitriol? And vitriol-

She tugs at a dyed strand in the fabric over her costume.

-must be in demand here. So it's unlikely that I'll be conspicuous searching for that ingredient, or if I am, there's nothing to show why I was acting suspiciously. Pure copper? They'd have me down as a forger, most likely. Zinc would be a good fall back, though, albeit more specialised, and thus more easy to identify that I was looking.

By this point, she has circled back to the deck. She stops, blocking Talask before he leaves.

One quick check, if I may, to see that all this theorising has not been in vain.

With a, slow, smooth, gliding motion, she passes a hand close over the samurai's forehead, and then lightly touches the back of his armour. She then concentrates for a short while, and repeats the gesture, this time clutching a short length of black thread.

There - that should help you in your search.

Before you make those checks, consider adding +5 to the diplomacy roll, as I just cast the infusion 'skill enhancement' on your armour/clothing, giving you said insight bonus on diplomacy checks made in the next hour. Also, the two attempts were to see if I can cast without components, like the Kanithans. If it worked the first time, without the thread (the material component), then all the above theorising is come to naught. :smallfrown:

2008-04-10, 09:50 AM
"A masterful summary, I believe, Observer- do you mind if I call you that?- and one to which I think I can add little, other than some theories on possible other sources for his materials."

Erasmus stops and thinks hard, trying to remember any extraplanar sources for copper, zinc and the acids.

[spoiler]Know:Planes check: [roll0]

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-11, 01:15 AM
For Morkais' eyes ONLY:
The Luxons, like their sworn enemies the Kurzicks, have long been "vassals" of Kanitha-politically and economically absorbed by the empire long ago, but allowed to maintain distinct cultures and ways of life. All Luxons are united in their distrust of the Kurzicks, their competitors for power and territory, and vice versa. But there was a time when the two vassal cultures were at peace. That peace was shattered when Shiro Tagachi killed the 27th emperor 200 years earlier. Though the Luxon and Kurzick champions slew Shiro and avenged the emperor's death, they died along with thousands of others when the Jade Wind washed over the land. The Luxons and Kurzicks have been at odds ever since.

And the largest planar deposits of the minerals have been found in the caverns of the plane of earth. But most if not all have been claimed by the Xorn.

Azariah's first attempt comes to naught, as she does not notice the slightest bit of arcane power.

People give Talask odd looks as he asks around, but never the less give him information after 4 hours. By imperial decree, the Luxon and Kurzick fighting can not be held anywhere in Keineng, so much of it is fight in what the city-dwellers call the Vassal Lands: the lands of the Luxons and Kurzicks. Despite this, the fighting has been drawing very close to the city limits recently. During all the years of fighting, the Luxon-Kurzick border has yet to shift significantly.

When you ask, the city-dwellers have no idea what a wizard is, and the first thing that they think of when you describe one to them is a elementalist. No one seems to know where Dornall is, or that he even exists, but they advise you tor take it up with the Ministry of Earth.

((I hate to waste good luck, Storm, but this was just a simple gather information check. I added Illiterate's bonus to the roll though.

I'm assuming that the rest of you are accompanying Storm in his information gathering. If you are doing something different, you have 4 hours before he completes his task.))

Storm Bringer
2008-04-13, 01:35 PM
talask leaned on a wall, looking out over the market and the city beyound. His shearch had found him little of intrest. He sighed thinking hard.

"okay, our target is in a position to influence the course of the fighting. thiers two ways he can do that: actaully going out on the battlefield and fireballing troops, or inlfuencing the leaders of one or both sides. A wizard who was powerful enough to change the coruse of a contient-spanning war by direct Intervention is not going to be able to do so without being talked about. We've not heard a single word about any such wizard, so I'm guessing he is in a position to inlfuence the leaders. That means, to find him, we're going to have to find the leaders he's influencing." talask looked at the others. who had regrouped.

"Any ideas?"


in short: any NPC who could alter the course of a war between two nations with large magic using populations (magic users are rather common in guild wars.) is so far beyond our ability to defeat we can discount that option. Egro, he's doing a Wormtongue and convicing the leaders of one side (maybe both sides) to do his bidding.

the above is the non-meta gaming version, which goes that nuke the armies of your foes is not something that can be done stealthly. we'd be getting rumours of armies he'd wiped out, outposts he'd helped to take, etc.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-13, 06:11 PM
I'm trying to think of ways of stopping this threat which don't involve unseating the government, if what you say is true. So far, I'm drawing blanks, I'm afraid. Still, my little test with the components gives me hope - they work the same. We may be able to track Dornahall by them - it may be a better way of remaining undercover. That said, it might be a good idea to try to cultivate some contacts for the Shields here. I just don't know!

Azariah throws up her hands in mock desperation.

Storm Bringer
2008-04-14, 04:51 AM
Talask smiled slightly.

"Thankfully, my dear, we do not need to unsteat a government, just remove the influence of one member of it, possibly just a simple advisor, albeit a high placed one. the real question is which side has he joined with and who on that side is he manipulating."

2008-04-14, 09:51 AM
"He may not be all that powerful directly- consider, he could be an enchanter and illsuionist of considerable skill. More effective a manipulator, certainly, but far easier to defeat if we can find and unmask him. Another thing- if the governments have anti-magic operatives, unmasking the wizard could be enough for us, if his actions are detrimental to both sides in the conflict- it could bring them together under a common cause, to have someone manipulating both of them."

2008-04-14, 02:42 PM
"Well, maybe we should begin by thinking of where a wizard such as our quarry would hide... I wonder, do wizards or magic users tend to build towers here?"

Storm Bringer
2008-04-14, 03:41 PM
"my guess is that he's physcially present at the headquarters of one of the factions. It's the simplest way to influence the war, particularlly if he can offer some magical abilities not pocessed by the native spellcasters. And, if he is pulling strings on both sides, then he'd be well placed to gather intellgence on the war plans."


Continuing the line of thought with the addition of meta knowledge (specifically, the abilites of GW Magic users), A DnD wizard would have access to divination magics to which the locals would have no reply. Form thier point of view, he'd also be a polymath, able with preperation to compete with the masters of any magic useing class at it's speciality. Ultility spells like arcane lock, fly, and such are also unknown. but divination is the real biggie. it'd fit right in with the 'manipulating b*****d' image we seem to have settled on.

let's hope the DM has gone for the same plan.

for those who'd like to know, a run down of the Guild Wars classes:

the gw classes are:
Elementalists: Blaster caster, closest to a xykon style scorucer: nuke now, ask questions never. elemental theme but not locked to any one element.

Mesmer : Illusionist with skills that reflect your attacks back at you. wierd purple glows effects are a hallmark

Necromancer: Very Ronseal: does exactly what it says on the tin. bit of a Minion master, attacks with hordes of animated copses

Monk: Equivlent to the cleric class, with the same heal-bot/holy smiter approach

Ritualist: Erm..sort of summoner, really. they conjour up these totems that buff allies/curse foes who are nearby. I think. didn't really play them that much.

other classes, for completness:
warrior: more book of the nine swords than fighter class, with lots of OTT weapon moves.

Ranger: Like the Dnd class, with a hefty dose of druid thrown in. Big on bows, animal companions and a respect for mother nature

assassin: flippin leathal for the first few rounds of combat, rather pants afterwards. can deal a LOT of damage very quickly, but can't substain the rate for long. tend to use hit and run attacks. Oh, and they can teleport up to targets.

Dervish: not likey to meet these, their form a later add-on. scythe wielded nutters who work by buffs that they can kill prematurely to gain extra effects.

Paragons: another post-factions class, a 'leader' build with throwing spears and a range or group buffs.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-14, 03:59 PM
Of course, Storm, this is assuming that I've copied the classes to the letter, and since this is D&D, I've most certainly haven't. But what I've changed is up to you to find out.

Storm Bringer
2008-04-14, 04:09 PM

true, but it's the best grounding i've got on which to theorise form. plus, since I think thee and me are the only ones who've played Guild wars, I might as well tell the others the basic class ideas, even if the mechanics have changed a bit. or even a lot.

2008-04-20, 05:54 AM
Erasmus stands resolved, saying, "I think we need to get started. I will go and talk to the local wizards- hopefully I won't make any huge mistakes."

That said, he takes his leave and goes off to find the nearest Wizards' guild or similar establishment.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-21, 12:32 PM
Azariah, picking up the trinitite rods that she left at the door of the worldship, slings them over her back.

You are right. I shall follow up the lead with regard to the mirror, zinc, and suchlike. Also, the prospect of having some incredibly potent acid on hand is not an entirely unattractive one.

She giggles, and bounds off down the gangplank, looking for merchants to pester.

Sorry to be absent, but now I'm back. Azariah will proceed to look for the nearest reputable looking person, and asking him or her where she might find a merchant selling strong acid, or metals.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-21, 01:53 PM
Erasmus is eventually directed to a northen sector of the city, known as the Kaineng Center. Once there, he is informed that the easiest way to find the information that he is looking for would be to inquire with the Ministry of Earth. He is pointed to a large building that houses the part of the Ministry that manages the records of spellcasters in the city.

After asking a few merchants, most of which are slightly thrown off by Azariah's bubbly personality, she is informed that the most reliable seller that would have these items is Ho Dim, who takes up shop in the maze-like Wajjun Bazzar.

Once again, anyone who wants to do something different then what these two are doing, go ahead and post.

Storm Bringer
2008-04-21, 03:39 PM
Talask kept near Azariah, and, when she was busy with one merchant, asked others about the locations of the Luxon and Kurzick 'courts' (that is, where the leaders of the vassal states generally lived).


I'm going to stick close enough to Azariah to lend a hand if she needs it, but not so close as to cramp her....unique style. Think 30ish feet, maybe more.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-21, 04:19 PM
The merchants Talask asks are general unsure of where exactly the two factions hold their courts; for they never venture far into the Vassal Lands, to avoid being caught up in the war. You do however hear of who controls what.

The factions the wilderness to the east of the city. With the Kurzicks controlling the petrified Echovald Forest in the south; and the Luxons controlling the northern Jade Sea.

2008-04-22, 12:53 AM
Hey guys, sorry for being so lacking in the post department(that sounds like mail) but this character's a real challenge for me to roleplay. I'll still be here and attempt to post way more than what I am now.

Huu scratches his chin, "Alright, gentlemen, be back in a few." With that he heads off into the crowded streets. He asks around here and there for information on the Emperor... after 20 minutes of looking he gets what he needs, and unfortunately for him he can't go through with his original plan...
He begins the second phase of his plan, looking throughout the artists of Keineng center for pictures of the emperor, and when he finds it, he begins to stroll away again.
"Alright, Huu, this is where you excel..."
He finds a hidden alley-way, making sure no one can see him and he begins to transform himself, changing his face and his clothing(thanks to his vestment of many styles) to look exactly like the emperor.
He then walks out into the middle of Keineng center with as proud a face as he can, attempting to make himself look as he did in the portraits of him. "My people! I call upon you all to aid me!" He looks upon the closes guard, "You! Come here!"
Disguise: [roll0](including a +2 from acting, due to my ranks in Bluff)
If I see anyone in my party, I wink at them.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-22, 12:57 AM
Alright guys, this is when I need to know exactly where and who everyone is and is with. Its time for some interesting things to start happening, And don't worry, you'll get involved in something no matter where you are.

Storm Bringer
2008-04-22, 01:52 AM
I'm with Azariah, wherever she is.

2008-04-22, 07:34 AM
Just getting to the Ministry.

2008-04-22, 07:44 AM
Since we seem to have split up, I'll be shadowing Huu. I will just try to look like a bystander, but somewhere in the shadows where I'm not easily noticed. Close enough to act if there's trouble, but not close enough to be noticed.

Hargil shadows Huu as he moves along towards Kaineng center. Seeing Huu wink at him, Hargil raises an eyebrow, but goes along with it. He begins to mentally prepare himself in the event that there are assassins out to get the Emperor.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-22, 02:59 PM
Damn, Krimm, just damn, :smallamused:

Azariah smiles to herself as, behind her, the Emperor of Kaineng begins his oratorial entreaty to his people.

Ducking out of sight into an alcove-like door, the Observer waits for Talask to move past her, and then suddenly leaps out, instantly matching pace with him, wandering throughout the bowels of the Wajjun Bazaar.

So, hear anything interesting? The cultural disconnect here, from what affairs are like back in - would you call it the real world? - is startling. So much difference. Anyway, we're looking for a Mr Doom ... a He Duarm ... Hi Def?

Beginning to slightly panic, at having lost the scrap of paper that she wrote the man's name down on, she rifles through the bag that she carries with her. There is a great deal of stuff in there - much of it made of the strange, slightly tingly trinitite, that Azariah seems to favour, even a strange green-tipped wand made out of a white stone - but no paper.

Er ... well, needs must.

She walks up to the nearest figure she can find in the street and addresses him or her in an earnest, respectful, and totally dated tone.

Prithee, sir, would you know of a merchant, a He Duarm around here? I was told that I could find him for some informational trading.

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-22, 04:29 PM
Hearing the "emperor's" call, everyone in the Center immediately falls to their knees and bows, with cries of "Long live the Emperor!"

"Your highness?" The surprised guard moves to Huu, looking very, very nervous. "What is it you ask of me?"


The man that Azariah greets eyes her in a suspicious manner. He wears blue, cloth armor, and the top half of his face is covered by a mask of the same color.

"I can't say that I've ever heard of someone by that name." He says, looking as though he's sizing her up. "But what could be so important that you'd come to the Wajjun Bazzar?"

Upon him saying that, you notice that he is the first person you've seen since you entered the area about ten minutes ago.

2008-04-22, 10:15 PM
"I ask of you this, my loyal servant: Where is the nearest battle of the civil war to here?" He maintains his imposing stature, "Answer well and find yourself in my debt." He puts a hand on the guards shoulder, trying his best to seem like a father figure.

He also looks around, raising an eyebrow, "And the rest of you! Are you not my guards?! Stand about your emperor and protect him!"

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-23, 01:49 AM
I've been looking for someone to ... how do I say this without revealing my intentions ... cut a few deals with. Said deals may not be entirely legitimate, or, at least, would be of a sort and nature that would be frowned upon by the majority of people. Information. Chemicals. Magic items. That sort of thing. I had heard that Mr Duarm, or whatever his name is, might be willing, or at least capable, of doing business in this sector. Would you know of anyone else who would be knowledgeable about such channels?

And now, a terrible listen check, to see if Azariah can hear anyone else nearby [roll0]. Like, say, behind her.

Storm Bringer
2008-04-23, 02:44 AM
yhea, she can hear someone. me.:smallbiggrin:
anyway, MY listen/spot rolls to spot an ambush if one comes.
listen: 1d20+1= 18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1574684/)
spot: 1d20= 13 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1574685/)

2008-04-23, 09:12 AM
Seeing everyone kneel down, Hargil does the same, taking the opportunity to glance around to see if there is anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. He does it long and slow to avoid being noticed.

Spotting a small man with a beard, Hargil scrutinizes him for a while, then moves on. He also scans the rooftops and alleyways that branch off out of the square.

Not entirely sure if I am going to be ambushed, but I figure I have the time to take 20 on a spot check? If not, here's the roll.


Ellas Aramond
2008-04-24, 01:33 AM
I'm not sure what short, bearded man you're talking about Neftren...

"Yo-yor-your hi-highness," the guard stammers, stepping back in fear and what looks like shame, "th-the other guards are a f-few minutes away they-"

"My lord, if I can interrupt," A man in blue armor rises out of the crowd and approaches, but not too close. "What I have no doubt your guard is trying to say is that, it is unsafe for you to be out here, so poorly defended. Especially with the Luxons walking around so unhindered."

"A curse on your house, Kurzick swine!" Another man rises out of the crowd, this one in red and black robes. "The only terror anyone has to fear is from you petrified deceivers!" With that, one hand goes to a metal staff, and the other sparks with lightning.

"You're out of your league, frozen fool!" The armored man says, grabbing the large hammer off his back.


Azariah and Talask hear nothing unexpected, besides any sounds they might be making themselves.

"I know of one such man." The masked stranger says, "He is known as Ho Dim, he prides himself on knowing everything that happens on the continent. I was just with him, but I can lead you there, but if I do, we must move fast. This is a dangerous area."


Erasmus enters the building. On the outside, it looks fairly small, but once through the doors, it becomes obvious that most of the rooms lay underground. Not far from the door, a young woman sits at a desk, with a few scrolls. Behind her, many others sit at alike desks, sifting through scrolls and parchment and writing furiously.

2008-04-24, 01:45 AM
"Men! Have you no honor!? You dare fight before your lord without express permission!? Guards! Seize them and restrain them!" He points ever so menacingly at the men. "Unless you two would show your loyalty by stopping this and continuing to bow before your emperor!"
"And for the sake of all Kanitha, someone get me a drink."

2008-04-24, 08:28 AM
Erasmus walks up to the young woman, keeping his arms free in his sleeves in case he needs to act quickly.

"Do you know of a mage named Yeago Dornahall? He arrived in the area some time ago, and I need to speak to him."

Erasmus is trying not to give too much away, but he realises that the name may not be recognised- but it's the only lead he has right now.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-24, 02:31 PM
Azariah bows to the man.

Thank you, kind sir. It is good to see that the concept of ξενία still enjoys some level of acknowledgement in this land.

She smiles.

For a while, I must confess that I believed that you were of a similar, hostile mind, but now I see that I am mistaken. It may be a good idea, however, to, as you say, keep this violence away from us. Arm's length, perhaps.

Almost out of nowhere, she whips out a long, glittering ... piece of stone? It does seem to be nothing but a thin crystal strip, but she handles it like a weapon, when not jauntily leaning on it as a walking stick.

Lead on, sir, and thankyou. One thing, however - I did not catch your name? I go by the honorific 'the Blind Observer', and my friend 'the Ebony'. Rather stuffy, I realise, but given that not one of us can pronounce anothers' name, it helps.


Storm Bringer
2008-04-24, 02:53 PM
Talask leaned in, and gently, wispered into Azariah's ear.

" While one should always be prepared, it is usually a good idea to only weild weaponry when one is planning to use it on someone. People tend to get nervous when talking to someone who has a unsheathed weapon in hand."


Ellas, this tongues trick of ours, is it selective? i.e. can i choose to turn it off, speak in one or a few select languages, or is every word i say translated into every language the ear-piece knows? It would be useful to know wether i can talk to other party memebers without the NPC's automatically understanding

Ellas Aramond
2008-04-24, 03:54 PM
You can consciously choose to speak a certain language, but by doing so, you stop other earpieces from translating your words. So if you wanted to do this, I would recommend speaking a language you both know.

Storm Bringer
2008-04-24, 04:41 PM
so it has 'omni' and 'single' settings then?

the trouble is, Illiterate Scribe hasn't choosen any languages.

But anyway, the need to share a language is small, as i can just talk to her in her local version of common and she can talk in my local version of common.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-24, 04:57 PM
In Talask's ear.

Btw, Trinitite (http://www.rhoyos.com/pictures/trinitite.jpg).

EDIT:Whoops, missed my illiteracy. :smallredface: Fixed now. Common and Auran are racial, and sign comes from the INT score.

Eek ... whoops? I hope that I'm not scaring him. I never thought of myself as very scary. I'll make amends - but not take down our guard.

She straightens up.

Sorry for the, heh, furtive whispering, it's just so amazing being here - in this place! Say, after we see ... Ho Dim, could we buy you a drink? There are some ... things about this city that we would like to know.

Storm Bringer
2008-04-25, 06:15 AM
"It's not him I'm worried about, it's Ho Dim" Talask said, pronoucing the name correctly, if with a little difficulty."Anyone who holds shop in such an area is not going to take kindly to someone marching in with sharp things in hand." Talask guestured at the green crystal in Azariah's hand. "what is that, anyway? a wand?"

Illiterate Scribe
2008-04-25, 10:47 AM
Aah, you have a point. I'll be sure to stow it afore we meet him. Anyway, it's a just a trinitite rod, although it packs quite a wallop.

She bonks Talask lightly on the head with it.

I'm hoping to enhance it with some sort of preternatural force someday, but now; it's just a rod. I try to use this material for everything I make - there's something somehow unusual about it. Wands - they're exactly the same objects, just infused differently. Mark 'em with a single Auran character.

Storm Bringer
2008-04-29, 12:29 PM
"hmm, most intresting." talask said, then turned to the waiting stranger. Anyway, lead on, my good fellow."

Illiterate Scribe
2008-05-04, 04:53 AM
As Azariah walks through the winding streets of the market, she turns to the

So, what sort of man is this Ho Dim, then - is he an occult practitioner himself, or a sage, or what?

Let me tell you a story about a man named bump.

2008-05-06, 08:52 AM
Hargil twitches impatiently in the shadows. Shrouding himself in his cloak, he prepares to manifest his blade if needed.

2008-05-06, 02:03 PM
"The Emperor" taps his foot impatiently, awaiting his drink.

Ellas Aramond
2008-05-06, 09:52 PM
"Sir!" The two opponents shout as they fall to their knees, all thoughts of the fight flying away from their minds. "I beg your forgiveness, your highness!"

The few guards that have arrived quickly move towards the two, but look to their "emperor" to give the word before doing anything.

A few moments later, an old man approaches Huu, but stops before he gets too close. Falling to his knees he holds a small decanter out in front of him. "Your highness, if it is drink you desire, then please, take this. It is some of the finest in all the city."

For Neftren's Eyes Only
You yourself don't seem to be in any imminent danger, however, something just doesn't seem right with the old man. It could be that his voice doesn't sound old enough, or it could be the small amount of black hair sticking out from the grey wig he is wearing.


"Dornahall?" the young woman speaks the name slowly, it sounding very foreign to her. "One of the stranger names I've heard. But if he lives on the continent, then we have a record of him. Do you know what kind of magic he specializes in?"


"Front line combat has never been a specialty of mine, but as long as we don't encounter any Luxon, we shouldn't have to worry about trouble." the masked man says, motioning for Azariah and Talask to follow him. "My name is Erys du Heltzer, pleased to meet you."

As you walk on, he he doesn't seem to notice you talking in other languages, but his movements seem to become ever more cautious.

"I may take you up on that drink, if we make it out of here." He says, slightly softer, "Ho Dim fancies himself as a mesmer, but his true power comes not from mind magic, but from information. There are rumors that he has dirt on the heads of the four ministries, and even that of the emperor himself. He never lies, but trusting him may be the last thing you do. In fact, " He glances around a corner, "He tends to let his pets wander around here, so be cautious."

2008-05-06, 10:29 PM
Approaching the "emperor", Hargil kneels and then lowly signs a message to the emperor in Ghost Elven Codesign*, "Lord, I suggest you have him try the drink first. There are those who would wish to poison the emperor." He winks at Huu.

Addressing the suspicious man directly, "Fair sir, perhaps if you were to taste the drink for the emperor? I find that when trying new things, it is often a custom of mine to see the bearer of the object to try the object in question. Perhaps you yourself could taste this drink and be the judge as to whether the quality is fit for our great emperor. I'm sure an old, wise man such as yourself could be an excellent judge."

That'd be suppressing my end of the earring. I assume that Huu has not, so he can understand me? If not, just swap it with a language that nobody will ever understand but ourselves.

I will spend this time to advance in combat range of the man and prepare to manifest the mind blade and gut him if he does anything violent. Of course this isn't the smartest idea in a crowded marketplace, but hey, that's what 6 Cha gets you.

2008-05-07, 06:10 AM
Huu gives a look to both the old man and Hargil that implies his great nobility(albeit a false one, even if it's convincing...) and speaks up. "Yes, in fact should you attempt to avoid drinking any of it, my men," Gestures to them to get ready, "will not hesitate to arrest you."

2008-05-07, 09:30 AM
Erasmus frowns. "No, I don't think anyone mentioned a specialisation to me, but from what I know, he has an interest in some of the more unusual types of magic- ones not commonly seen around here."

Illiterate Scribe
2008-05-08, 05:39 PM

Thankyou Erys, you are most kind. So Ho Dim is a nexus of information, is he? All the better. And pets? My skill with animals ... is ... uh ... worse than non-existent. You, Ebony?

2008-05-11, 08:29 PM
Hargil twitches again. Eying the man cautiously, he slowly intones, "Drink it. Of course, if there is nothing in it, then there should be no issue."

If he refuses to drink it, Hargil will take the cup, hand it to a guard, then knock the man down. He will proceed to rip the wig off and manifest the mind blade as a free action.

If he does drink it and nothing happens, then I'll make another post.

2008-05-26, 05:40 PM
Just to let everyone know, the DM is currently overrun with school stuff and is graduating highschool this year, so posting will resume when he gets back. But that doesn't mean he won't at all until then, that's just when he'll post at a decent rate.

Ellas Aramond
2008-06-23, 04:38 AM
Okay, I'm obviously not explaining these ear cuffs well enough. Think of them as walkie-talkies. If you turn them off, then you can't understand each other unless you speak a specific language that you both know. Planar languages work well for this sort of thing.

The man's eyes dart from Hargil to the "emperor" a few times before he finally decides on an action. moving cautiously, he un-corks the bottle and holds it up as though making a toast. "If this is how it must go, then so be it."

In a burst of speed, he flings the bottle of liquid into the face of one of the guards, while drawing a dagger from the folds of his robe. In the same movement, he sticks it into Huu (18 Damage+Fort save). As soon as it plunges in, the changeling can feel icy tendrils shoot through his body.

"Gurtha a'than!" The the man says softly to him.

For Krimm's Eyes Only
For some reason, you cannot understand the phrase he speaks to you. But the language is unmistakable. It is the dialect of those that inhabit the world of Rygos.


The young woman gives Erasmus an odd look, but it quickly vanishes, as though she is used to thins kind of thing.

"So you need a way to contact him? I can give you the information, but I'll need to see some authorization first." She holds out her hand, waiting for you to hand something over.


"Animals? I wish it was that simple?" Eyrs says, "Lets just say that Ho Dim has some creatures that you do not want to meet up with."

A few moments later, footsteps can be head to your side. Two children, a boy and a girl, come skipping out from around a corner. There is obviously something wrong with them, for instead of the normal gleeful look of younglings, the expressions on their faces look dead. As if to add to the strangeness, a faint buzzing noise can be heard.

"Why are you here?" The children stare directly at the group with unblinking eyes.

2008-06-23, 04:48 AM
"AAUGHaugh!!" He grips the wound as his blood squirts out. His eyes wide and his teeth bared, he looks terrified. "W-what did you-?!" He looks at the man that stabbed him. "GET HIM!!"

DM only.
Fort: [roll0]
Huu begins to feel an almost overwhelming sense of sadness and panic when he hears the Rygosian words...

Illiterate Scribe
2008-06-23, 02:43 PM
Azariah pulls to a stop, looking slightly anxious, as if she can sense something strange in the air. She shakes her head, trying to clear her vision, and smiles warmly to the two children.

Good morning, young ones.

We seek to speak to Ho Dim, if that would be alright. He lives around these parts, doesn't he?

Spellcraft - [roll0] - she may pick something up, even though she's not actively looking for anything strange.

2008-06-24, 04:12 AM
Oh for a Jedi mind trick!

Not completely expecting this development, Erasmus still has the sense- born of his time in the Order of the Torch- to stay calm. He decides to play the absent-minded academe- hopefully not too difficult, given the odd look. "Ah, my authorisation. I knew there was something I'd forgoten- back in a tic!" he says, increasingly loudly- the last phrase is thrown over his shoulder as he jogs off- quickly, but not unusually so.

I s'pose that's a Bluff check (although it's basically true...), so =1d20+1

Storm Bringer
2008-06-24, 06:15 AM
Talask was rather unsettled by these children. He glanced round, unsure of where this was going. His hand settled on the hilt of his main sword without talask really thinking about it.


not much to say, other than i'm here and not taking any actions

Illiterate Scribe
2008-06-24, 05:15 PM
Unconsciously, without looking, Azariah's hand slips back to stay Talask's - but as she draws it back, it absent mindedly plays over the concealed loop of fabric carrying the Trinitite Rod.

2008-06-24, 07:39 PM
With a flash, Hargil manifests the glowing green blade of pure mental power. Bringing it up, he wields it gracefully, attempting to disable the man before he can escape.

Do I get an Attack of Opportunity on the guy if he draws the dagger and stabs the "Emperor"? I'll make the rolls anyway. The goal is non-lethal, attempting to disable the guy's legs, so I'll assess the -4 penalty on that.

[roll0] to hit the guy for an AoO.
[roll1] Damage, Non-Lethal.

[roll2] to hit the guy for a normal attack.
[roll3] Damage, Non-Lethal.

Ellas Aramond
2008-06-25, 12:41 AM
The assassin staggers as he is hit by Hargil's attacks, but never-the-less remains standing.

"It's simply a gift, your highness," he snarls, pulling out three light brown gems from a hidden pocket, and throwing them to the ground around him, "From someone who is infinitely more powerful than you ever could have been!"

As he speaks, the ground around the thrown gems ripples and re-shapes into three hulking, vaguely humanoid forms. Huu's body also seems to become weaker all of a sudden as the ice continues to flow through his veins. (2 Dex damage)

As Erasmus walks out of the Ministry build, he sees crowds of terrified people all running away from these newly arrived figures.

Battle Time
18 Hargil
18 Elementals (3)
17 Assassin
10 Huu
7 Erasmus
6 Guards (3)
3 Kurzick Warrior+Luxon Mage

Knowledge (The Planes) DC 15:
Earth ekementals are slow, but physically powerful creatures. They have the ability to literally move through the ground, and their strength is increased as long as it is touching the earth.

DC 20:
They rarely leave their home plane unless summoned, and when they do, they obey whoever brought them.

DC 25:
When they choose to, they speak in an earth-rumbling terran.

DC 30:

[Insert earth elemental fact here]


The two children turn their gaze to Azariah, as though staring her down. As she looks them over, she notices that their blank stares and pale skin is more then just unusual. The fact that their chests do not rise and fall with breath gives it away, these children no longer number along the living.

But this fact does little to help her, for they decide to speak once again, this time sounding like there is more then just two of them speaking.

"You have come here only to see Ho Dim? We think not. We think you are lying!"

The bodies seem to explode, but instead of blood and guts, out comes a cloud of tiny insects, flying straight towards the three.

Battle Time
21 Talask
19 Erys
18 Azariah
15 Swarms (2)

Storm Bringer
2008-06-25, 04:50 AM
Talask reacts almost instantly. He lept foreward, seeking to protect Azariah form the swarms. His blades appeared without seeming to traverse the space between their scabbards and his hands, with a only neat line of dead insects falling out of the sky to mark it's passage.

If i can claim the swarms are flat footed (fat chance), IaIjutsu Focus! 1d20+5=15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1639643/)
attack one: 1d20+10=20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1639640/)
attack two: 1d20+5=24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1639644/)

Damage one: 1d10+4=12 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1639645/)
damage two: 1d10+4=7 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1639645/)

this assumes i am in fact close enough to make a full attack. If not, discount the second attack and damage.

2008-06-25, 07:47 AM
Ordinary plain Knowledge: Planes check (will almost certainly use Dark Knowledge later, but that's an action).


2008-06-25, 01:12 PM
As emperor, I'm going to take a wink of time to do this.
"By the gods! Someone get me a healer!" The false emperor shouts in a way that's a bit too similar to Huu's own panicked personality when stabbed.

Ellas Aramond
2008-06-25, 02:27 PM
With his two mighty swings, Talask sends his blades slicing the thick cloud of insects; but while knocking a few out of the air, doesn't seem to harm them much.

"Damn that Ho Dim." Erys says angrily, whipping a ornate staff set with a blue gem at the top from his back. He aims the crystal at the swarm and lets fly an orb of icy energy, but fails to get a hit in as the bugs simply fly around the frost.

Illiterate's Turn

Illiterate Scribe
2008-06-25, 02:43 PM

I don't know if your swords will be very effectual here - got any fire?

Stepping backwards, Azariah whispers a few words, and moves her hands in a complex, geometric pattern around the trinitite rod - something changes about it, as if it was the centre of a great, invisible thunderhead.

She holds it up.

I know that you can understand me. Know that this rod contains, I would estimate, sufficient power to blow you up. Sufficient power that seeks to help, and be helped by, Ho Dim, not hurt him. Stand back.

Casting blast rod on the trinitite rod.

Damn and blast. No decent anti-swarm weapons. :smallfrown:

Also, Azariah is simply stating fact, rather than trying to intimidate the swarm for effect; if she needs to roll, it would be a [roll0] + any circumstance modifiers. She's going on the thought that, if the 'children' were sapient, then whatever was animating them was also able to comprehend her.

2008-06-25, 08:45 PM
Hargil once again attempts to knock out the man.

[roll0] To Hit
[roll1] Non-Lethal Damage

2008-06-25, 08:48 PM
He strikes true and attempts to utterly knock the man senseless.
He cries out to the guards, "Take out those things, and someone find the Emperor a healer!"

[roll0] To Confirm Critical
[roll1] Extra Damage

Ellas Aramond
2008-06-26, 04:02 PM
Hargil's blade strikes the assassin right in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground. Besides from the rise and fall of his breathing, he appears to stay unmoving.

As if to take out it's master's attacker, one of the elementals swings a rocky fist at the soulknife. Hargil is able to dodge it though, due to his fast reflexes. The guards, however, do not ware as well. Two of them both take heavy blows, and one of those falls to the ground unconscious.

Krimm's Turn


As Azariah speaks, the swarm seems to pause in its advance, and everyone gets the feeling that those same lifeless eyes of the children are staring at them again. The buzzing of their many wings dies down, and the swarm parts down the middle, as though allowing you passage.

Battle ended
400 XP for Hargil, 440XP for Illiterate

Illiterate Scribe
2008-06-26, 04:54 PM
Thankyou most graciously. We shall not make your trust in vain.

She slowly lowers the rod, and its charge fades.

Turning to the other two, Azariah smiles.

So, shall we see our man?

OoC:Now that was lucky. Dismissing the blast rod spell.

2008-06-26, 06:53 PM
The emperor looks up at the elementals with some fear in his eyes, and jumps backwards, staggering and almost falling down but just glad to be even five feet further away from the creatures. He then concentrates and begins uttering the words of a spell and moving his hands and when he's done a blurred outline of a tower shield appears right in front of him.

Casting shield.

Ellas Aramond
2008-06-27, 12:24 AM
Morkais' Turn


Hearing Azariah's almost laid back attitude towards the event, Erys looks back at her with a look of confounded amazement. "How did you do that?"

After she gives her response, he does his best to shrug off the look. "Well, we'd best get going, before anything else tries to attack us.

An uneventful ten minutes goes by, and the three finally arrive at a building, which like most of the the others in the immediate area, is run down.

"This is where Ho Dim stays." the mesmer says to the two, "Just remember my warnings."

He goes up to knock on the door, but before he gets the chance, it opens wide; revealing a slightly shorter man in green robes and a mask of the same color. "Erys, my friend. I haven't seen you in a while."

"Don't start, Finder. Those were your pets that attacked us! You said I had safe passage through Wajjun."

"Settle down, du Heltzer. They were simply looking out for my saftey. You are unharmed, correct? I believe you can thank your companions for that fact." With that, he turns and offers Azariah a smile, "Young miss, I must thank you for not killing them, unlike most of the Jadelanders that come around here."

"But who am I to keep you out in the street? Erys, if you don't mind, I'd like to speak with these two first, if you don't mind. So feel free to sit down. If you would come with me." he gestures to Talask and Azariah.

As you go through the building, it appears much more lavish then the outside. The rooms are adorned with items in countless different cultural styles. He leads you into a similarly decorated room and quickly closes the door.

"So, I think I'd be correct in assuming that you two are the agents Gallifrey sent here. You may call me Ho Dim."

Storm Bringer
2008-06-27, 01:42 AM
seeing little point in being scrective any more, talask answered the man "Yes. We've been sent to find a man called Yeago Dornahall, a wizard."

2008-06-27, 04:13 AM
Erasmus, The Academe

Dark Knowledge: Tactics check: [roll0]

4 daily uses left

EDIT: Everyone gets +3 to hit the Earth Elementals

Erasmus sees the appearing creatures and shouts to the others, "Earth elementals. Nothing special- they'll obey their summoner unquestioningly. Less fast than many types of extraplanar creatures, but stronger, especially when they're touching the ground- try to get under their guard."

He draws his spear and watches for an opening.

Ellas Aramond
2008-06-28, 01:51 PM
"Stay behind us, your highness!" The guards shout as they rush over to get between Huu and the elementals, their swords and shields raised, preparing for the worst.

Meanwhile, the two warriors from the Vassal-lands grab up their weapons from off the ground and charge the elementals. The fighter rushes up to one of the elementals and roars, hitting it with a mighty blow, and taking a great chunk out of its body. The mage however, hangs back and starts humming. He brings his arms out from his sides and looks to the sky, seeming to rise off the ground ever so slightly.

Neftren's Turn


"Exactly as I had hoped." Ho Dim says, taking off his mask and setting it on a table. "It would appear that the council still trusts my word, although I never expected for you to come to me so quickly. But tell me, how can I help?"

Illiterate Scribe
2008-06-28, 03:40 PM
Ah, evidently we are that obvious. Anyway, to the matters at hand: the Council of Gallifrey seeks to restrain, curb, and generally call a halt to the actions of a certain Yeago Dornahall. He is a wizard who arrived in your world recently, and has been playing an unfortunately unacceptable role in the manipulation of the civil war here - playing both sides, and so on. We do not know more than this, I am afraid - our primary brief was to find out what he is doing in the first place.

We sought you out as one of the primary conduits of magical trade in the city - our - and thus Dornahall's - system of arcana being different to that of this world, his use of magical components cannot be easily hidden. We can track his spellcasting by these - for example, to scry, one of possibly the most powerful magics possessed by a non-Kanith mage, he would need nitric acid, as well as purified zinc. Our reasoning was that such demands may be somethat evident to an observer, while the pursuit thereof would not alert him as much as other actions could have done. Since, however, you already know who we are, and all of that difficult 'we're from another world' business can be omitted, could we perhaps ask for some other advice and intelligence?

Storm Bringer
2008-06-28, 03:51 PM
"And, if I understand your comment correctly, you are the person who brought Dornahall to the attention of our masters. I take it his recent actions have given cause for concern? Our brief was well.....brief. Find Dornahall, find out what he was doing, and stop him if needed."

2008-06-30, 07:37 PM
Hargil smoothly changes gears as he launches into an attack on the most injured of the elementals.

[roll1] Lethal Damage

Ellas Aramond
2008-06-30, 09:04 PM
Hargil's blade goes right through the already greatly damaged elemental, causing bits and pieces of it to start crumble as the magic holding it together weakens. It refuses to disappear, however, as it smashes its earthen fist into the red and tan clad warrior.

The other elementals continue to assault the two remaining guards, with another of them falling to their rocky attacks.

Krimm's Turn


Ho Dim nods a few times as he listens to what Azariah and Talask have to tell him. After they finish, he sits down in a chair and motions for the others to do the same.

Unfortunately for the three of us, and the rest of Kanitha, I know about as much about this Dornahall character as you do. In fact, his actions were brought to my attention by a few of my contacts in the Vassal lands; the man in the other room, who was accompanying you, just happens to be one of them."

"I'll tell you one thing though," he chuckles a little "I never thought of tracking him through material components, it's an excellent idea. Although to find where to get these," he jots a few things down of a piece of parchment, "Will take some research on my part. I can contact you when I find what you need. If that is alright with you."

"But if this doesn't work, I'd recommend that you find him through the two factions. Gain their trust, and he may walk right into your hands."

"One more piece of advice though." He says, his voice becoming almost deadly serious. "As to what you were told by your council. They tend to tell the Shields only what they believe you need to know to accomplish your mission. So always ask questions, even if it seems like the wrong time to do so."

2008-06-30, 10:58 PM
'The Emperor' still concentrates on moving his hands in a particular manner and speaking the words of another spell. After a few moments, he holds his hand out and shakes it as if to shake off the newly growing frost from it, until it shapes into a sharp stiletto of dark ice and he fires it at one of the elementals.
"I need a healer! NOW! What is his name? That guard is hurt!" the benevolent emperor calls out to save his loyal guard.

"...Me too! I'm also hurt!"

Ice Knife Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]cold damage and 2 Dex.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-07-01, 04:50 PM
Aviva bows.

Thank you very much for your support; it is good to have a friendly face here. The two factions are ... the Kurzicks, the religious ones, and the Luxons, the nomadic ones, I believe? Any advice on which to go with?

Furthermore, with regard to your concern,

She lowers her voice so that it is only audible to Talask and Ho Dim.

Do not worry about our facility for being used. From personal experience, the trust of consortia of all sorts - the Cartographic Cabal, the Canthan Council, even, though it pains me to say it, the Shields - must be something given carefully, and never utterly.

Ellas Aramond
2008-07-02, 01:04 AM
Huu lunges out, and sends the ice dagger flying straight into what seems like the very core of the elemental, causing it to immediately collapse to the ground, its body reverting to what it once was, unmoving rock and dirt.

Erasmus' Turn


"So you understand, excellent." Ho Dim gives a smile and picks up a black, metal staff (http://images.wikia.com/gw/images/e/e9/Air_Staff_Canthan.jpg) from against the wall.

"Were it not for who you just met" he motions to the other room, where Erys is supposed to be. "I would have recommended going with the Luxons, they tend to trust easier, but for now, I would try my luck with the Kurzicks. If you can get Erys to trust you, then getting into House du Heltzer shouldn't be all that hard."

"But before you go, I must thank you again, milady, for not letting my pets come to any harm." He holds the staff out to Azariah, as you look it over, you notice small arcs of electricty arc between the silver ridges at the top.

"This is a Zephyr Staff, it does the same thing that Erys' staff can do, but instead of fire, it is empowered with lightning. It should help you blend in a little more."

What Ho Dim hands you is a Staff-sized +1 Demi-wand (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1706431&postcount=1). It is Int based and has the electricty descriptor, so all the damage you do with it is lightning.

It can also be used as a regular quarterstaff, should the need for melee. But if you need to use it that way, all bonuses revert back to your strength score until you use it for a ranged attack again.

Illiterate Scribe
2008-07-02, 01:12 PM
Azariah reverently takes the staff in both hands, and then immediately begins poring over it.

Many thanks, sir. I'll return it in one piece; although I cannot guarantee that it will not come back augmented somewhat.

She smiles mischievously.

Ooh, lewtz.

2008-07-03, 04:40 AM
Erasmus darts closer to another elemental and makes a jab with his spear, the cold iron point glittering darkly as he makes a thrust at a gap in the elemental's defences.

To hit, including Dark Knowledge bonus: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Ellas Aramond
2008-07-23, 01:31 AM
Erasmus movies in, and deftly takes a small chunk out of the ever-shifting elemental.

The last remaining guard grits his teeth and delivers a one-handed slash to the creature threatening his king, giving it a fair-sized blow.

The red-clad warrior charges the elemental threatening the guard, striking it with a powerful blow. Meanwhile, the mage completes his spell, dropping back to the ground, with him saying only two words. "Lightning Strike." Causing a bolt of lightning to descend from the sky and completely obliterate the elemental that the others were attacking.

Hargi's Turn


Ho Dim returns Azariah's smile, adding in a chuckle.

"Consider it a gift, my dear. After all, it's not everyday that I get to speak with one from another world."

2008-07-24, 04:28 PM
Hargil smoothly strides over and gracefully slashes once. The glowing green blade leaving a blur in the air as it passes through space.

Rinse and Repeat. I wish I was like... way higher level. Then I get to do cooler stuff...
