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View Full Version : A Question of Playing Areas

2008-03-10, 10:11 AM
Hi! I'm fairly new to DMing--I'm preparing to start my first real campaign in the fall-- and I'm facing an interesting conundrum.

I don't know where to tell my group to meet.

Here's the situation: I live in a university dorm, so while this means there are big group meeting places, it also means that other people occupy them fairly regularly. There's an ideal spot in the dorm basement/common area, but one of my friends (a more experienced DM) typically uses that for his campaign.

My question is: should I use the same place? It's really convenient since it would mean no one in my campaign would have to leave the building to get there, but I also don't want to infringe on his territory. I'd use it on a different day of the week, naturally, than when he runs his campaigns; but I'm not sure how acceptable or not it would be to share a playing area, since I'm not familiar with all the inter-DM rules of courtesy yet.

It's possible to find another place, definitely. This basement area would just be the easiest one. Also, it's not an issue now (since the campaign starts in the fall) but I want to see what people think about this. Thanks for your help!

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-03-10, 10:16 AM
Assuming this other DM is a reasonable creature there should not be any problems, but you could always talk to him about it.

Asking him this simple question could also possibly reveal if he is worth associating with generally and if he might provide a resource in your future endeavors as a DM.

2008-03-10, 04:53 PM
Just ask him, it should be fine. I think he'd only take offense if his players started getting more interested in your campaign than his.

The playing area I use is one of the worst possible areas ever: the faculty lounge at the school I teach in. It's right in the middle of the teachers' faculty room and is pretty high traffic to both teachers and students. We sometimes get too noisy, disturbing my co-teachers. On the other hand, sometimes other students get too noisy, disturbing us.

We still get to play alright, though. Despite the numerous disruptions and distractions, we're finishing up our third adventure in about 8 months of play. We only play about an hour and a half each week, and we often have incomplete players due to chaotic schedules.

2008-03-11, 01:03 AM
It would be completely unreasonable and utterly asinine for him to get upset that you're running a game in the most convienant place available to you when nobody else is using it, especially since it's a public area anyway.

2008-03-11, 01:42 AM
I've heard that, in the wild, if one DM encroaches upon the territory of another, the offended DM will attempt to assert their dominance by throwing sacks of d12s at the intruder. If this activity proves fruitless, the DM generally shrinks back to their den in defeat, relinquishing the land, only to blog about it on their MySpace later.

2008-03-11, 01:44 AM
Just grabbing that quote for its brillience (brilliance?)!

Edit: Actually...maybe I'll have my players run across a wild DM sometime...what's their favoured enviroment?

2008-03-11, 01:56 AM
Just grabbing that quote for its brillience (brilliance?)!

Edit: Actually...maybe I'll have my players run across a wild DM sometime...what's their favoured enviroment?

Temperate Underground.

Mostly basements. Too wet and you get asthma problems, too dry and you get nose bleeds, too hot and you get sweat problems, too cold and their poor circulation turns them into icicles.

2008-03-11, 01:58 AM
I've heard that, in the wild, if one DM encroaches upon the territory of another, the offended DM will attempt to assert their dominance by throwing sacks of d12s at the intruder. If this activity proves fruitless, the DM generally shrinks back to their den in defeat, relinquishing the land, only to blog about it on their MySpace later.

Do you mind if I sig this?

2008-03-11, 02:06 AM
Do you mind if I sig this?

I would be honored if you did :smallwink:

2008-03-11, 02:13 AM
Last time I DMed at college, I just talked to the residence coordinator for my dorm and managed to get one of the conference/study rooms reserved for every Sunday afternoon. You could probably do the same for whatever time you plan to meet, if you're going to play regularly. There are other options, though.

Most local gaming stores are willing to let people run games in-store. It ensures people will spend money there, it brings people into the store, and it can help bring other sorts of gamers into role-playing games.

Also, check with your campus's student center. Ours has a ton of rooms, and there's always at least five or so open all the time, and that's where my current group games. If you have an official gaming group, see if they can reserve a room and time for you, or maybe just see if normal students can reserve rooms. That's usually the best bet, as it allows people from all over campus easy access, and the rooms are usually well-equipped for gaming (big tables, dry-erase boards, projectors, etc.) and are usually a good type of distraction-free environment.

2008-03-11, 05:00 AM
The Wild DM
Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger)
HD 3d8+2 (15 hp)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares);
Init: +1
AC 15 (10+1 dex, +4 deflection); touch 15; flat-footed 14
BAB +2; Grp +2
Attack Sack of d12's +4
Or unarmed strike +2 (1d6+1)
Full-Attack Sack of d12's +X
Or unarmed strike +X (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Bag of D4's (see below)
Special Qualities
Change Shape: A Wild DM can shift into the shape of a humanoid within one size catagory of itself (small, medium or large). A Wild DM when in the form of something other than itself takes on the physical ability scores of its new form.
Frightful Presence: Every creature within 60 feet of a Wild DM must make a will save (Will 14 neg.) or act as if under a fear spell. The creature must be aware of the Wild DM, and know what it is. This is a mind-effecting ability, and the DC is charisma based. Anyone who makes their save is immune to the effect for the next 24 hours.
Under the Illusion: As a full round action, a Wild DM can concentrate his mind on getting another creature (the creature must have an inteligence of at least 3) to 'join the campaign'. If the target fails a will save (DC 14) they are under the illusion that their world is nothing but a make beleive place. They beleive themselves to be a different creature, whose very existance can be wiped out at the Wild DM's whim. They quite often beleive themselves to be a different race, class, or even gender to what they usually are. The effect lasts for 24 hours, and cannot be dispelled. Every 24 hours, the target can make another will save to leave 'the party'.
Spell Resistance 14 (11+HD)
Saves Fort +0 Ref +4 Will +3
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 14
Skills Bluff* +8, Sense Motive +5, Diplomacy* +5, Move Silently +4, Hide +4, profession (any one) +3, survival +5.
Feats Force of Personality, ToughnessB, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Environment Temperate Underground.
Organization Solitary +1-6 players (See below)
Treasure 1/2 gold; 1/2 gems; 1/2 art;
Advancement by character class;
Level Adjustment -

A Wild DM suffers a -5 penalty on bluff and diplomacy checks to seduce someone (not figured into modifiers), although they do need these skills to keep their players interested and to stop them wandering off.
A 'Player' is usually a humanoid, although the effect can work on anything with above 2 intelligence. They are quite often seen with a 'character sheet' which discribes what they beleive to be. They also carry a small bag of dice, although they don't use these to attack. When not protecting the Wild DM, a Player usually sits around, with the others, talking amongst themselves about how to solve the latest problem a Wild DM has put to them. Meanwhile, the Wild DM smugly sits behind a 'DM screen'.

A Wild DM has some basic controll over the nearby world, which results in the ability to deflect some blows, and stop some spells. Any weapon weilded by the Wild DM is considered a +1 weapon for damage, attack, and bypassing damage reduction.

A Wild DMs 'bag of d12s' is used to throw at any 'player' who annoys him, or use in self defence. The statistics are given for a thrown bag, although it can also be swung like a sap (only it uses leathal damage). It is full of d12's, which the Wild DM considers next to useless for anything else. His 'bag of D4's' can be used in a similar manner, but is (when used aggresivley) almost identical to the use of a bag of caltrops, both in damage and effect. Both bags have a range increment of 15 feet.

2008-03-11, 06:56 PM
You'd be surprised how portable and compact it can be. Generally each player needs a soft place to sit, a hard surface (book) for writing and rolling on, to be within arms reach of the other players, and if the DM uses a laptop, you need an outlet. To me, any college dorm should fit the description perfectly.

2008-03-11, 08:01 PM
Here's the situation: I live in a university dorm, so while this means there are big group meeting places, it also means that other people occupy them fairly regularly. There's an ideal spot in the dorm basement/common area, but one of my friends (a more experienced DM) typically uses that for his campaign.

My question is: should I use the same place?

Talk to your resident adviser or your resident director/dean of your dorm. Ask them if you can reserve that space on Mondays between 8 and 11 PM.

If the other DM is your friend he will most likely not have an issue (inlless you are stealing his players). You are free to use a common area in your dorm. I do not think that you need his permission to study in that area so why should this be different.

Why are you waiting until the fall to start your campaign?

2008-03-12, 05:45 PM
Thanks for all the responses, everyone! In addition to helping me see what I should do, quite a few made me laugh. :D

I think I'll just ask him if it's okay--he's a pretty nice guy, so he should be alright with it. Oddly enough, though, in keeping with the descriptions, he does tend to hurl dice at players that misbehave. xD *lol*

The reason I'll be starting in the fall is because a lot (pretty much all) of my players have schedule constraints that prevent them from doing too much this semester. Even next year in the fall, I may have to find a sub, since one might need to take a lot of time off. But yeah, I'd like to start earlier. If I can, I might run a small thing over the summer for the people in my area, just as a test-run.

Thanks again!

2008-03-12, 09:13 PM
I take it that no one in your group lives off campus? Apartments are always a good choice for get-togethers.

2008-03-13, 07:28 AM
I think I'll just ask him if it's okay--he's a pretty nice guy, so he should be alright with it. Oddly enough, though, in keeping with the descriptions, he does tend to hurl dice at players that misbehave. xD *lol*

I think that's actually fairly common as a DM trait. I do that sometimes, as do the other DMs I know. Of course, our players have the tendency to throw back...

Anyway, if you still need more options, I find that the back corner of a public library works well, provided you don't get too loud. Occasionally, if the librarians are nice enough (and you ask in advance) you can get a private room to play in.