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2008-05-15, 05:00 AM
Q 405

Bite of the Weretiger says that, among other things, caster gets a bite attack which does 2d6 dmg or 2d6 dmg if the caster is small. And since there is no errata on that one, how much dmg does that bite to? Should the bite attack for a medium creature be 2d8 and for small 2d6 or should it be 2d6/2d4?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-15, 05:24 AM
A. 405

Obviously it is a typo. It seems clear that damage is determined by size and the the note on small creatures is just for convenience, so 2d6/sd4 is the intended damage for medium and small creatures, respectively.

The original spell (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20020511a) agrees.

2008-05-15, 08:39 AM
Q. 405b

Fists of Stone, which gives the caster a slam attack for 1d6 points of damage, I assume it's the same here? 1d4 for small.

Q. 406

A lance, on a mounted charge, does double damage (or triple, with spirited charge). With a critical range of 20, and a x3 multiplier...how does the x3 multiplier work with the triple damage on a mounted charge? Is it originalx3+mounted charge, or is it (original+mounted charge)x3?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-15, 08:54 AM
A. 405b

That would be a consistent and meaningful approach that probably coincides with RAI, but RAW we cannot really be sure that the spell works differently for creatures of different sizes, since the text is silent on this matter.

A. 406

Multiplying damage works of the original damage, so x3 and x3 becomes damage x5 (3+2).


Sometimes a rule makes you multiply a number or a die roll. As long as you’re applying a single multiplier, multiply the number normally. When two or more multipliers apply to any abstract value (such as a modifier or a die roll), however, combine them into a single multiple, with each extra multiple adding 1 less than its value to the first multiple. Thus, a double (×2) and a double (×2) applied to the same number results in a triple (×3, because 2 + 1 = 3).

When applying multipliers to real-world values (such as weight or distance), normal rules of math apply instead. A creature whose size doubles (thus multiplying its weight by 8) and then is turned to stone (which would multiply its weight by a factor of roughly 3) now weighs about 24 times normal, not 10 times normal. Similarly, a blinded creature attempting to negotiate difficult terrain would count each square as 4 squares (doubling the cost twice, for a total multiplier of ×4), rather than as 3 squares (adding 100% twice).

The Mormegil
2008-05-15, 09:30 AM
If I wield a greatsword and a buckler, how does the manoeuvre "Shield Counter" (DS 7) work? Does it work at all?

The Mormegil
2008-05-15, 09:40 AM
If I wield a greatsword and a buckler, how does the manoeuvre "Shield Counter" (DS 7) work? Does it work at all?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-15, 09:54 AM
A. 407

You cannot bash with a buckler shield, so you cannot use the maneuver.

2008-05-15, 10:16 AM
A 402 The answer is unclear from the text. Many people view it as that you change and refresh your maneuvers at the same time as a full-round action, so your swordsage would have all the maneuvers refreshed and ready.

2008-05-15, 10:18 AM
Q 408 I'm still not certain after all this time, but by RAW, do Warforged Crusaders only heal themselves for half as much with their Devoted Spirit Maneuvers?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-15, 10:39 AM
A. 408

Maneuvers are considered extraordinary abilities unless noted as supernatural.

Only supernatural healing effects and spells from the healing subschool have a reduced effect on Warforged.

2008-05-15, 10:50 AM
Q 409

A rowboat says that it moves 1 1/2 miles per hour.

Calculated down to rounds (600 rounds in an hour, 7920 feet)... that comes to 13.2 feet per round. Is that correct? Does that assume a double move?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-15, 11:42 AM
A. 409

I had a talk with the rowboat and she confirms your calculations.

I also talked to the one in Stormwrack. She has a listed speed of 10 feet per round, which she adds up to one mile per hour.

2008-05-15, 12:24 PM
Give the boats my regards. And thanks!

2008-05-15, 01:01 PM
A. 405b

That would be a consistent and meaningful approach that probably coincides with RAI, but RAW we cannot really be sure that the spell works differently for creatures of different sizes, since the text is silent on this matter.

A. 406

Multiplying damage works of the original damage, so x3 and x3 becomes damage x5 (3+2).

Wouldn't that mean that it's damage x4? (x2 and x2 makes a triple, so x2 and x3 makes quadruple). I'm a bit confused now - the lance does double on a charge (x2) and you hit for a crit (x3) so it should thus be x4, right?

Edit - thanks, missed the spirited charge reference - that explains the x3 and x3

2008-05-15, 01:05 PM
Spirited Chage + Crit with a Lance... Tripling a triple... x3 + x3 = (3+2) x5.

2008-05-15, 03:39 PM
Q 410

Would an Eberron Changeling qualify for the Chameleon PrC (Races of Destiny), give that a pre-req for the PrC is 'Race: Human or Doppelganger'?

Obviously they didn't have Eberron in mind when they wrote RoD, but it seems logical since Changelings are basically just half-doppelgangers-ish. I'm wondering if this is ever explicitly stated in an Eberron errata.

2008-05-15, 04:08 PM
A 410: At the bottom of the Chameleon entry, under "Adaptation", it explicitly says that if you're using Eberron, the PrC (and the Able Learner feat) should be open to changelings.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-15, 04:08 PM
A. 410

No, I don't think there was.

It seems like a very reasonable house rule though.

2008-05-15, 04:27 PM
A 410 It does in fact say that changelings should be allowed to take the class. It also says they should be allowed to take able learner.

Q 411 What effect does a pearl of power have on a spell that used a metamagic rod? Do I recover the spell without the metamagic? Do I have to use another charge of the rod to get the metamagic'd spell? Or do I get the metamagic'd spell without using another charge?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-15, 05:00 PM
A. 411

The Rod is irrelevant, you recover the spell as you normally would if you had not used the Rod.

2008-05-15, 11:45 PM
Q 412 How exactly does Animate Rope (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animateRope.htm) work?

My new character is more or less a wizard who thinks he's Indiana Jones. The idea is to cast a spell each round, and also be able to do something useful for combat (direct the rope) as a move action. But I ran into a number of questions while using this tactic tonight.

(a) When you give the rope a command such as "coil" as a move action, does it obey and complete that command as part of the same move action? Seems a very fast way to coil a rope.

(b) To use the entangling or tripping abilities of the rope requires making a ranged touch attack to "throw it out." Is this throwing action a standard action? A move action? A standard action that can be done as part of the same action as casting the spell? A move action that can be done as part of the same action as giving the rope a command? (We played the latter ...)

(c) When you have the rope near a foe (ranged touch attacked), "it can be used as a trip line." What rules does this use? The rules for a tripping Trap? The rules for the Snare spell? Or the normal tripping rules, as if you were making a Trip Attack with a whip? (If it's the latter, can you still drop the rope to avoid a counter-trip attempt? Or do you even need to, since the Animate Rope spell is doing the tripping, rather than the wizard at the other end?)

(d) You can entangle a foe that fails a Reflex save. I assume this Reflex save is the same DC as normal for a Level 1 spell?

(e) When you have a foe entangled, can you then try to trip him also?

(f) Does the entangling last until they break the rope, make an Escape Artist check, or the spell duration ends? Or when the spell runs out, are they still entangled?

(g) Does it make any sense that, when you enchant a rope to do this constantly (the Rope of Entanglement item), the DC to break the rope drops by 3 or 4 points? :smallannoyed:

2008-05-16, 12:34 AM
Q 413

How exactly does Web work, with regards to someone moving into it?

"Anyone in the effect’s area when the spell is cast must make a Reflex save."

Do people who walk in have to make a Reflex save, or just Strength/Escape Artist checks, or what?

2008-05-16, 01:08 AM
Q. 414

Hruggek: The CE God of Bugbears...what are his domains? My CDiv lists them as Knowlege, Law and Magic, but that doesn't seem right to the point where I'll put them up here. An extreme God (no neutrality) with neither alignment domains, god of bugbears, I must admit I was expecting strength there, and possibly war...

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-16, 01:08 AM
A. 412

(a) When you give the rope a command such as "coil" as a move action, does it obey and complete that command as part of the same move action? Seems a very fast way to coil a rope.


(b) To use the entangling or tripping abilities of the rope requires making a ranged touch attack to "throw it out." Is this throwing action a standard action? A move action? A standard action that can be done as part of the same action as casting the spell? A move action that can be done as part of the same action as giving the rope a command? (We played the latter ...)

It is probably intended to be done as part of casting the spell. If you want to throw the rope after the spell has been cast you would have to pick up the rope again if you are not already holding it and throw it on your own time using a standard action.

(c) When you have the rope near a foe (ranged touch attacked), "it can be used as a trip line." What rules does this use? The rules for a tripping Trap? The rules for the Snare spell? Or the normal tripping rules, as if you were making a Trip Attack with a whip? (If it's the latter, can you still drop the rope to avoid a counter-trip attempt? Or do you even need to, since the Animate Rope spell is doing the tripping, rather than the wizard at the other end?)

The description is not as clear as it could be, but the lack of any description of how this is done would lead us to believe that you attempt to trip the opponent as normal, with the possibility of dropping the weapon.

(d) You can entangle a foe that fails a Reflex save. I assume this Reflex save is the same DC as normal for a Level 1 spell?


(e) When you have a foe entangled, can you then try to trip him also?

Seems reasonable.

(f) Does the entangling last until they break the rope, make an Escape Artist check, or the spell duration ends? Or when the spell runs out, are they still entangled?

I think all three of these could break the entanglement.

(g) Does it make any sense that, when you enchant a rope to do this constantly (the Rope of Entanglement item), the DC to break the rope drops by 3 or 4 points? :smallannoyed:

I guess it is the price you pay for having a more flexible rope that dos not need to be thrown.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-16, 01:12 AM
A. 413

The reflex save to be held is only for when the spell is cast, if you walk into the area after you only need to worry about the cumbersome movement.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-16, 04:18 AM
A. 414

If that is the case it is almost certainly an error (or an act of the Trickery domain). It was not caught by the errata for Complete Divine.

Defenders of the Faith lists them as:
Chaos, Evil, Trickery and War.

2008-05-16, 04:47 AM
Q.415 This might strike you all as a tad simple-minded but its been bugging me. It seems a little too good to be true.
A character with sneak attack and improved feint can (move action) feint and then (standard action) attack every turn. Assuming a good bluff modifier, and against characters with no social skills like sense motive (arena players, say) one could potentially pull off a sneak attack every turn. Am I on the right track here, or is this merely wishful thinking?

2008-05-16, 04:50 AM
A. 415

Nope, it ain't wishful thinkin'. It's meant to be balanced because at low levels when you only get one attack, your sneak attack isn't that good, and at higher levels, you only get the one attack, and your BAB isn't the best.

But yeah, you can potentially sneak attack every round.

2008-05-16, 05:54 AM
But that takes up both of your actions, so you can only do it every turn if you have enemies all around you all the time. And if that's the case, you're doing something wrong.

2008-05-16, 07:56 AM
But that takes up both of your actions, so you can only do it every turn if you have enemies all around you all the time. And if that's the case, you're doing something wrong.
Or maybe not. With a dip into Shadowdancer to get the awesome Supernatural form of Hide in Plain Sight, you could be surrounded by enemies who don't see you. This requires a considerable investment in feats and skill ranks to pull off, but if a Rogue really wants to get into melee, that's the safest way to do it.

2008-05-16, 09:01 AM
A415 addon

However remember that people add their BAB to the sense motive for feinting. Because of that it may be hard to feint high BAB characters or characters with any sense motive.

Often you might get more sneak attacks by flanking with someone else (wand of summon monster FTW).

2008-05-16, 01:09 PM
A415 tangent cont'd

A good method at higher levels for a Rogue to improve both their chances of getting sneak attacks in as well as their defense at the same time is to pick up a Ring of Blinking (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#blinking).

2008-05-16, 03:13 PM
Q. 416
If someone grapples an opponent using only one appendage (with the -20 penalty), is his opponent considered flatfooted against his other appendages?

In explicite - if a sick mind of an alien GM would come up with an octopus rogue, and said octopus rogue grapped someone with only one tentacle, would the octopus be able to sneak attack the opponent with his other tentacles?

Q. 417
Spellcasting and damage.

If a mage gets shot with a barrage of magic missiles or scorching rays during his spellcasting - does he have to roll for concentration separately for each missile, or cumulatively for all the damage sustained while spellcasting?

What if the damage comes from separate sources? Like 3 barbarians with ready action to strike the mage if he starts casting - would he have to save vs each hit separately, or vs the whole damage sustained?

Q. 418
Deathless frenzy

Can frenzied berserker that has deathless frenzy on die from coup-de-grace?

2008-05-16, 03:28 PM

How do you calculate the cost for creating a construct? Someone I know has homebrewed a construct and wants to know how to calculate the price.

2008-05-16, 06:17 PM
Q. 420
How do feats that let different classes stack their levels for the purposes of an ability work with Gestalt characters?

That is, would a Rogue 10//Monk 10 with Complete Adventurer's Ascetic Rogue deal unarmed damage like a level 20 Monk?

2008-05-16, 07:15 PM
Q 421


A defending weapon allows the wielder to transfer some or all of the sword’s enhancement bonus to his AC as a bonus that stacks with all others. As a free action, the wielder chooses how to allocate the weapon’s enhancement bonus at the start of his turn before using the weapon, and the effect to AC lasts until his next turn.
(Bold mine)
Would two Defending weapons be the same Source, or would the specific rule above override the usual stacking rules?

In most cases, modifiers to a given check or roll stack (combine for a cumulative effect) if they come from different sources and have different types (or no type at all), but do not stack if they have the same type or come from the same source (such as the same spell cast twice in succession)
(Bold mine)

2008-05-16, 07:19 PM

In d20 future, is there any restriction on the placement of the cockpit in huge or larger mecha?

2008-05-16, 08:34 PM
A 417

The Concentration save DC is based on the damage received during the spell, so it includes all sources. Damage reduction or equivalent (such as from a Stoneskin spell) applies to each attack separately, however.

2008-05-16, 08:52 PM
A 421

There is no clear RAW answer for defending weapons. The usual rule is that bonuses from the same type of source do not stack together, but it's certainly possible to read "stacks with all others" as an exception, because the basic stacking rule does allow for exceptions:
In most cases, modifiers to a given check or roll stack (combine for a cumulative effect) if they come from different sources and have different types (or no type at all), but do not stack if they have the same type or come from the same source (such as the same spell cast twice in succession). You could perhaps allow this type of stacking in your game, but mitigate its impact somewhat by strictly following RAW and limiting the property to swords:
A defending weapon allows the wielder to transfer some or all of the sword’s enhancement bonus to his AC as a bonus that stacks with all others. In any case, the swords must be wielded to get the benefit. A defending sword in its scabbard can provide no AC benefit.

2008-05-16, 09:22 PM

What are the pre-requisites to -use- a Martial Script?

2008-05-16, 09:22 PM
A. 422

On Large, it takes two of either Helmet Torso or Back. The others doesn't seem to have any restrictions.

2008-05-16, 11:02 PM
A 423

From Tome of Battle, pg. 147-148:

To activate a script, you must read its words aloud. Typically, this requirement means you must be able to read the alphabet used for the script, but you don't necessarily have to understand the language. For example, if you know Dwarven, you can use a script written in Giant because that language uses the Dwarven alphabet. An illiterate character cannot activate a script.

If you don't know the alphabet in which the script is written, you can use Martial Lore to activate it. To do so, you must succeed on a Martial Lore check (DC 20 + the martial adept level associated with the script). Success gives you the option of using the script immediately or readying it for later use. Reading a script is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

After you've read it, you can use the maneuver from the script for one encounter, following all rules and limitations on number of times per encounter. You can also read it ahead of time and save the maneuver for up to one hour.

Hope that helps.

2008-05-16, 11:40 PM
A 420: When two classes share a class feature in Gestalt, it only progresses at the faster of the two rates. If you have Ascetic Rogue, then both rogue and monk give you the monk's unarmed strike ability, so you only get it at the faster of the two rates (both the same, in this case). So a rogue 10//monk 10 does the same damage as a plain monk 10. Should you happen to multiclass on on side of the gestalt, though (to something that doesn't progress your unarmed strike), the feat would then start benefiting you.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-17, 02:16 AM
A. 416

No, but the grappled creature is denied its dexterity bonus to AC, which in your case amounts to the same thing.

If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on grapple checks, but is not considered grappled itself;

No Dexterity Bonus: You lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if you have one) against opponents you aren’t grappling. (You can still use it against opponents you are grappling.)

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-17, 02:28 AM
A. 418

Deathless Frenzy protects you from death if you are reduced to -10 or less hp, but Coup de Grace does not kill through hp damage, so you could still die from such an attack.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-17, 02:41 AM
A. 417 Re-visited

A 417

The Concentration save DC is based on the damage received during the spell, so it includes all sources. Damage reduction or equivalent (such as from a Stoneskin spell) applies to each attack separately, however.

There is nothing that suggest that you wait until right before the spell is cast to see how much damage has accumulated and then make the concentration check.
You check for each interruption separately, since concentration is broken instantly the check is failed.

A magic missile should probably be treated as one interruption though, since they are all part of the same attack and likewise for similar spells, but that is less clear.


Check: You must make a Concentration check whenever you might potentially be distracted (by taking damage, by harsh weather, and so on) while engaged in some action that requires your full attention.


To cast a spell, you must concentrate. If something interrupts your concentration while you’re casting, you must make a Concentration check or lose the spell. The more distracting the interruption and the higher the level of the spell you are trying to cast, the higher the DC is. If you fail the check, you lose the spell just as if you had cast it to no effect.

Injury: If while trying to cast a spell you take damage, you must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + points of damage taken + the level of the spell you’re casting). If you fail the check, you lose the spell without effect. The interrupting event strikes during spellcasting if it comes between when you start and when you complete a spell (for a spell with a casting time of 1 full round or more) or if it comes in response to your casting the spell (such as an attack of opportunity provoked by the spell or a contingent attack, such as a readied action).

If you are taking continuous damage half the damage is considered to take place while you are casting a spell. You must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + 1/2 the damage that the continuous source last dealt + the level of the spell you’re casting). If the last damage dealt was the last damage that the effect could deal then the damage is over, and it does not distract you. Repeated damage does not count as continuous damage.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-17, 02:50 AM
A. 419


How do you calculate the cost for creating a construct? Someone I know has homebrewed a construct and wants to know how to calculate the price.

There are no RAW answer, but I suggest you compare all the constructs and their price to their CR and use that as a guideline.

2008-05-17, 03:32 AM
A 423

After you've read it, you can use the maneuver from the script for one encounter, following all rules and limitations on number of times per encounter. You can also read it ahead of time and save the maneuver for up to one hour.

So, Uh. In order to use a martial script, I have to be able to -read-?:smallconfused:

2008-05-17, 06:52 AM
Q 424

Another d20 future question. Could you apply to Jet-Assist Wings to a mecha twice to improve its manuverability twice, or would they not stack?

2008-05-17, 11:44 AM
Q 424

Another d20 future question. Could you apply to Jet-Assist Wings to a mecha twice to improve its manuverability twice, or would they not stack?

A. 424

Yes you could stack it twice, but only twice because it only fits into two body slots.

You will look like Wing Zero though, with both back and shoulder wings :smallsmile:

2008-05-17, 03:30 PM
Q 425 Does a Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis (Tome of Magic) use up your neck body slot?

Intuitively it seems like the answer would be "yes." But the item description doesn't say anything of the sort -- and in fact, I can't find anything in the description except the word "collar" that even implies wearing it on your neck (as opposed to, say, using it as a bracelet).

The DMG description of the neck body slot is "one amulet, brooch, medallion, necklace, periapt, or scarab." No "collar." :smallbiggrin:

I don't have MIC. Does it give any sort of guideline for this? Is the name of an object alone enough of a basis to determine its body slot?

2008-05-17, 04:11 PM
A 425

Collars do indeed take up the Throat item slot.

Throat: amulets, badges, brooches, collars, medals, medallions, necklaces, pendants, periapts, scarabs, scarfs, torcs.

(Emphasis mine.)

2008-05-17, 05:58 PM
Q 426

Chameleon question (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20041210b&page=1) again...

If a Chameleon7 applies the Arcane focus (+4 Will saves) and the Divine focus (+4 Fort & Will saves) simultaneously, do these bonuses stack? Applying the Ability Boon to Wisdom (+4) would then jack it up even further, for a total of +10 to Will saves.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-17, 06:10 PM
A. 426

Yes, this would fall under unnamed bonuses from different sources.

2008-05-17, 06:32 PM
A. 427

If a druid buffs himself in human (or whatever race) form, does he retain those bonuses after wildshaping?

2008-05-17, 07:24 PM
Q 428

Would a bite attack be considered a melee weapon ?

2008-05-17, 09:04 PM
A. 428

That largely depends on what the purpose is. Yes, it is used in melee. However, whether its a "weapon" changes. It can be a natural weapon if the creature has a bite attack or is proficient with it. These function much like regular weapons, and most spells that enhance weapons have a natural weapon counterpart. If your talking about human/humanoid characters... I have never seen anything that allows their default bite to be a natural weapon.

The point is: Why do you need to know?

2008-05-17, 11:11 PM
Q 429

The description of Symbol of Sleep (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/symbolOfSleep.htm) states that 'sleeping creatures cannot be awakened by nonmagical means' before the duration expires. What are some means of awakening such ensleepenated targets? Break Enchantment is a good catch-all, but what about Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, a Cure spell, or Heal?

2008-05-17, 11:23 PM
A 429 Partial

I'm not sure about those, but the easiest magical means of waking someone is the spell rouse from Player's Handbook II. It's a 1st level Beguiler, Duskblade, and Sor/Wiz Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] spell that wakes up all creatures in a ten-foot radius burst (as long as they're not unconscious from being in the negative hit points or from nonlethal damage).

2008-05-18, 12:07 AM

Does a Master of Masks' masks take up the face magic item slot?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-18, 01:57 AM
A. 427

Yes, unless the buff spell changes something that is subsequently changed by wildshape (mostly things related to shape).

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-18, 02:02 AM
A. 429

Dispel Magic would also work, but Heal and Remove Curse would not.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-18, 02:06 AM
A. 430

Nothing is mentioned in the description, but as magical items it seems that they would take up the face slot.

2008-05-18, 07:33 AM
Q. 431

For the purposes of qualifying for feats/etc. which need you to have a certain score in a certain ability (for example, lets take power attack, pre-req: 13 strength), if you have an item that enhances your ability (gauntlets of ogre strength +2) which puts you over the score needed, but usually you don't qualify (character with 12 str, including enhancement makes it 14)...would the character qualify for the feat? And how would cloaks of charisma effect your leadership score (which, from memory, is your level plus your charisma modifier)?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-18, 08:35 AM
A. 431

Yes, bonuses from items do help you qualify and grants you higher leadership score and enhance other class features that rely on them etc.

However, if you lose the item you also lose the benefits of the feats etc.

2008-05-18, 11:14 AM
A 431 expansion: The question specified "feats", but the "etc." might include prestige classes, which may or may not follow the same rules. The core rules say nothing about what happens if you lose the prerequisites for a prestige class (they don't even say anything about not being allowed to take more levels in the same class). There is a rule in Complete Mage and in Complete Warrior that says that you lose all benefits of a PrC if you cease to meet the prereqs, but there is some debate about the scope of those rules: Some argue that it applies to all prestige classes in the game, since it doesn't contradict anything else, while others argue that it's only for the classes in those two books, since a player/group that doesn't even have those books can hardly follow a rule in them.

2008-05-18, 12:25 PM
Q. 431

Does a Druid's animal companion increase in size as it gains HD? The text mentions feats and skill points, but not this. Also, does the player just get to choose it's feats? Do they have to be just monstrous feats? Is there any reason I shouldn't let my player have a Hyena instead of a Wolf companion I don't know about?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-18, 12:53 PM
A. 432 (not 431)

Q. 431

Does a Druid's animal companion increase in size as it gains HD? The text mentions feats and skill points, but not this. Also, does the player just get to choose it's feats? Do they have to be just monstrous feats? Is there any reason I shouldn't let my player have a Hyena instead of a Wolf companion I don't know about?

No, you get what the description says, bonus HD are not equivalent to normal HD in all respects. Size increases are for the DM advancing monsters etc.

RAW, the companion is as an average member of that specie, which means it comes with the feats described in the MM, but any feats gained as it advanced can conceivably be chosen by the player (with DM approval).

You could pick any animal of the appropriate CR without really upsetting balance. The variance within the creatures listed as available already shows that there is a wide margin.

2008-05-18, 11:24 PM
Q 433

Can the maneuver Iron Heart Surge remove Negative Levels, in particular those inflicted by Enervation?

2008-05-18, 11:40 PM
Q 433

Can the maneuver Iron Heart Surge remove Negative Levels, in particular those inflicted by Enervation?

Yes. Negative levels last 1 round or more and are condition (listed under energy drained), so they satisfy both requirements of IHS.

2008-05-19, 01:14 AM
Q. 434

I know it sounds a bit n00bish of me to ask, but does a cleric's ability to command an undead trump the control given to the creator of a skeleton via Animate Dead?

Q. 435

Related to the above, is the control a wight or vampire has over its spawn affected by a cleric's ability to command undead?

2008-05-19, 02:04 AM
Q. 436

Are there any arcane spell that disable a character, but don't harm him(as in, make him lost HP) and require a reflex save? Additionally, it would be great if they had effect only on a single person.

2008-05-19, 02:43 AM
Animate Rope (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animateRope.htm)?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-19, 02:45 AM
A. 434 & 435

Yes, think of it as using Command Undead to take control from whoever had it before (if any).

2008-05-19, 06:19 AM
A 436

From Complete Arcane: Entangling Scarf (pages 105-106)

From Spell Compendium: Viscid Glob (page 231); Wingbind (page 240)

2008-05-19, 06:26 AM
A 433 different opinion

The Iron Heart Surge maneuver will immediately end "one spell, effect, or other condition currently affecting you and with a duration of 1 or more rounds." As this specification is grammatically distinct from "1 round or longer", the Surge is only effective against impediments with a duration listed in rounds, and negative levels do not have that characteristic.

Lord Iames Osari
2008-05-20, 12:48 PM
Q 437
Does the irresistible dance (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/irresistibleDance.htm) spell prohibit its target from taking purely mental actions?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-20, 12:54 PM
A. 437

Yup. Now, do the Hustle!!

Do the Hustle!
Do the Hustle!
Do the Hustle!

2008-05-20, 01:20 PM
A437 cont.
To provide the RAW: Irrisitible Dance (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/irresistibleDance.htm) states that:

The spell effect makes it impossible for the subject to do anything other than caper and prance in place
(emphasis mine)

2008-05-20, 01:56 PM
Q. 436

Are there any arcane spell that disable a character, but don't harm him(as in, make him lost HP) and require a reflex save? Additionally, it would be great if they had effect only on a single person.

Are we missing the obvious here guys? Otiluke's Resilient Sphere fits this to a tee, depending on your definition of disable.

Q. 438 What's the formula for determining how much HP a Warforged can repair himself per 8 hours of repairing himself using the Craft skill? Also, which Craft skill would he need?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-20, 02:04 PM
A. 438

The rules are detailed on page 46 of the Eberron Camapign Setting and answers both your questions.

2008-05-20, 02:13 PM
Q 439: Some creatures, such as a Binder who's bound the vestige Haagenti or a chaos beast (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/chaosBeast.htm), have the ability "Immunity to transformation". Does this include Disintegrate? On the one hand, Disintegrate is a transmutation spell, and it certainly affects a creature's form. On the other hand, this ability is usually described as working by immediately restoring the creature's form after it gets changed, which is a bit tough to picture with disintegration. Or does it work like the duel between Wolverine and the Phoenix in X-Men 3, with patches of the creature's body unforming and re-forming, but not the whole creature at once?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-20, 02:27 PM
A. 439

Transformation and transmutation is not the same thing.

Transformation refers to:

Effects such as polymorphing or petrification...

Not the whole subschool of Transmutation.

Disintegrate is not a polymorph effect and it certainly does not petrify either.

In other words, no. :smallsmile:

2008-05-20, 02:42 PM
Q440: The Whirlwind Attack feat grants the user the ability to "make one melee attack at your full base attack bonus against each opponent within reach". Does the phrase "at your full base attack bonus" imply that the strength bonus, which is usually applied to regular melee attack rolls, does not apply to attacks made during a whirlwind attack?

Whirlwind attack also says "you also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other abilities or feats". Does the word "abilities" here mean ability scores (like stregth, dex, int, etc) or special abilities like psionic mantles, etc.

Basically the question is "Do I get my strength bonus on my attack rolls when using whirlwind attack"?

EDIT: emphasis mine

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-20, 03:08 PM
A. 440

Yes you do.

They are just trying to say that you use your highest BAB for all the attacks you make. The rules for adding strength to attack and damage etc. all apply as normal, you just cannot get more than one attack against each opponent within reach.

You are not forfeiting any bonus, but any bonus attack.

2008-05-20, 04:57 PM
Q. 441
What's the ruling on extending persisted spells? Does it stack or overlap? By that I mean, would it have a duration of 24 hours or 48?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-21, 12:52 AM
A. 441

It was answered a bit earlier. Q 271 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4227174&postcount=650) to be exact.
48 hours is possible was the conclusion we arrived at.

It was discussed a little after that if you want to check that out you should look at posts:

650, 657, 658, 660, 661, 663 and 665.

2008-05-21, 10:12 AM

I'm currently in a naval campaign with a ship full of sailor's. My DM insists that most of my sailor's do not know how to swim.

So, do medieval sailor's hired by the offical Navy of any leading country know how to swim if they find themselves overboard?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-21, 10:19 AM
A. 442

That is not really a RAW question, but in calm water it is possible to swim without any ranks in Swim and 10 STR just by taking 10 on the skill check.
In rough water you need a 12 STR to avoid drowning. (You are not going anywhere though)

2008-05-21, 01:54 PM
A 442

If Patrick O'Brian (author of the Aubrey-Maturin historic sea adventure series set 200 years ago) is a reliable source, it was fairly common for ordinary sailors to not be able to swim. Getting separated from your ship in open water was nigh-certain death, so there wasn't any great need for the skill.

2008-05-21, 04:59 PM
Q 443 When something casts a spell at you, often-times the spells have an obvious effect, so no matter if you fail or succeed on a save, you'd know a spell was cast at you. Some other spells are more subtle, and requires a successful save to notice that you've been targeted with a hostile spell (like Charm person). But what about Dispel Magic?

If Joe Swordswinger and John McArcane were walking down a corridor and they trip a trap that fires Dispel Magic, then, assuming the trap has no visual/audio cue, would they know that a Dispel magic has been cast on them? Even if John has ranks in Spellcraft, that only helps him identify a spell if he already has noticed it. I guess if some of their buffs wore off they'd notice. Do you always know when a spell affecting you has worn off?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-21, 05:13 PM
A. 443

I think the closest piece of RAW we have regarding this is the rules for succeeding on a saving throw.

Succeeding on a Saving Throw: A creature that successfully saves against a spell that has no obvious physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature of the attack.

Dispel Magic does not allow for any saving throw so unless the dispel is successful I do not think they would notice the trap.
However, I think you are always aware if a spell that is affecting you wears off or disappears.

2008-05-21, 05:16 PM
Q 444

Can a monk make his hands magical weapons through the use of tattoos?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-21, 05:26 PM
A. 444

Not as permanent magical weapons, but tattoos can be used to activate effects that make your unarmed strikes magical weapons.

The permanency spell is another candidate if this is what you what to accomplish and finally the Kensai prestige class allows unarmed strikes to be enhanced as magical weapons.

2008-05-21, 05:42 PM
Q. 445

What sort of restrictions does an "at will" ability involve. For example, when, in Savage Species, it mentions Djinni getting invisibility at will, is it noting that they can do it an unlimited number of times per day (as "At will" replaces "x/day") or is it something more akin to a free action?

Is it safe to assume that a Rogue Djinni couldn't simply go invisible between iterative attacks and make them all sneak attacks?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-21, 05:52 PM
A. 445

At will means that the ability can be used whenever the creature can take the action used to execute the ability.
For spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities the action needed is most often a standard action, so an at will ability can in most circumstances be used once per round.

A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description.

Using a supernatural ability is a standard action unless noted otherwise.

2008-05-21, 06:27 PM
Q. 445

Say an item has a range increment of 10 feet. If I throw this item 5', I take no penalty. If I throw it 10', do I take the -2 penalty?

Range Increment

Any attack at less than this distance is not penalized for range. However, each full range increment imposes a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll. A thrown weapon has a maximum range of five range increments. A projectile weapon can shoot out to ten range increments.

I've always taken it as ... if you are at the range increment or below, it's no penalty... anything above the range increment incurs the penalty. However, after reading the above from the SRD, it seems as though that you start exactly at 10' (which makes no sense)

EDIT: I looked it up in the PHB and my new reading of it is correct. 0-9 feet takes no penalty, but 10+ feet does.

So... [A][ ][B]... assuming 5' squares, for A to hit B with an alchemist's fire, he takes a -2 penalty on his attack roll.

This seems... silly.

2008-05-21, 07:34 PM

Your edit is correct.

2008-05-21, 08:06 PM
Q. 445 So... [A][ ][B]... assuming 5' squares, for A to hit B with an alchemist's fire, he takes a -2 penalty on his attack roll.

This seems... silly.

It is silly... UNLESS, there's one extra way to look at this. Let us assume that you are standing in the exact center of your 5 foot square, and you are attempting to hit the exact center of the target 5 foot square, with 1-5 foot square in between, thus it's traveling 10 feet, and you should take a -2 penalty, right? Avoidable: you can assume (or insist) that you release the alchemist's fire, not at exactly where you are, but a bit ahead of you, to add extra power to your throw, right? Unless, you actually do release objects the instant they reach a point that is parallel to you... in either case, you release it a tiny bit ahead of where you are, meaning you're throwing the object 9 feet, 11 inches, which is less then 10 feet, and then inside your range incriment.
Sure, it's not RAW, but it seems fair to me. -shrugs-
Just my 2 cp on a decent house rule, for all intents and purposes.

2008-05-21, 08:17 PM
It is silly... UNLESS, there's one extra way to look at this. Let us assume that you are standing in the exact center of your 5 foot square, and you are attempting to hit the exact center of the target 5 foot square, with 1-5 foot square in between, thus it's traveling 10 feet, and you should take a -2 penalty, right? Avoidable: you can assume (or insist) that you release the alchemist's fire, not at exactly where you are, but a bit ahead of you, to add extra power to your throw, right? Unless, you actually do release objects the instant they reach a point that is parallel to you... in either case, you release it a tiny bit ahead of where you are, meaning you're throwing the object 9 feet, 11 inches, which is less then 10 feet, and then inside your range incriment.
Sure, it's not RAW, but it seems fair to me. -shrugs-
Just my 2 cp on a decent house rule, for all intents and purposes.

I was going to suggest something conceptually similar, although probably not RAW: Measure from the near edge of your square to the far edge of the target squares. If you're aiming at the square next to you, that's 0 to 5 feet away, and it doesn't become 5 feet away until you hit the very far edge. Then the square 2 spaces over is 5.00000...1 feet to 10 feet away. So square B would be within 10 feet, unless whatever you're throwing at is specifically declared to be staying at the very back edge of the square.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 01:42 AM
I was going to suggest something conceptually similar, although probably not RAW: Measure from the near edge of your square to the far edge of the target squares. If you're aiming at the square next to you, that's 0 to 5 feet away, and it doesn't become 5 feet away until you hit the very far edge. Then the square 2 spaces over is 5.00000...1 feet to 10 feet away. So square B would be within 10 feet, unless whatever you're throwing at is specifically declared to be staying at the very back edge of the square.

It is certainly the most sensible way to look at it. Distance is measured from grid intersections (which is also what is used to determine cover for ranged attacks), any target within two grid intersections away in a straight line is within 10 feet.

EDIT: This question was 446 (NOT 445).

2008-05-22, 01:44 AM
Q 446 How does the feat Diehard interact with Warforged characters? Warforged don't bleed out, so that means at between 0 and -9 , they can take a standard action per turn without getting hurt with each action?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 01:50 AM
A. 447

Q 446 How does the feat Diehard interact with Warforged characters? Warforged don't bleed out, so that means at between 0 and -9 , they can take a standard action per turn without getting hurt with each action?

Yes, just like Bruce Willis.

2008-05-22, 05:05 AM

Do melee weapons that have a Range Increment and can be used as thrown weapons count as ranged (when thrown)?

Case in point: Dead Eye feat from Dragon Magazine #304,DC1

Your precision with ranged weapons translates into more telling strikes than you would normally make.
Prerequisite: Dex 17, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (any ranged weapon), base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You may add your Dexterity bonus on damage rolls made with ranged weapons for which you have the Weapon Focus feat, so long as the target is within 30 feet.
Special: Dead Eye does not increase the damage dealt to creatures immune to critical hits.
Would that work for a javelin but not for a thrown dagger, or both?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 05:17 AM
A. 448

It would apply to both as daggers can be used as thrown weapons also.

Ranged weapons are thrown weapons or projectile weapons

2008-05-22, 07:00 AM
Hmm, yes, but the whole sentence is:
Ranged weapons are thrown weapons or projectile weapons that are not effective in melee.
That could be interpreted as:

"Ranged weapons are thrown weapons or [projectile weapons that are not effective in melee]"
...and in that case daggers are in
"Ranged weapons are [thrown weapons or projectile weapons] that are not effective in melee"
...and in that case daggers are out, since they are effective in melee.


Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 08:49 AM
Hmm, yes, but the whole sentence is:
That could be interpreted as:

"Ranged weapons are thrown weapons or [projectile weapons that are not effective in melee]"
...and in that case daggers are in
"Ranged weapons are [thrown weapons or projectile weapons] that are not effective in melee"
...and in that case daggers are out, since they are effective in melee.


Thrown weapons are also referred to as ranged in other places. (The last of that sentence was not created just for the benefit of the javelin.)

2008-05-22, 08:52 AM

If I used the combat expertise feat to gain a -2 on my attack for a +2 on AC, would I still be able to charge (and thus gain +2 on attack and -2 on AC)? And would this allow me to apply the 1d6 extra damage from the Deadle Defense feat (Complete Scroundel) to my rapier? Thus essentially, would I get a free 1d6 damage on a charge this way?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 10:13 AM
A. 449

No, Combat Expertise is only usable when using the attack action or full attack action, a charge is neither.

Benefit: When you use the attack action or the full attack action in melee...

2008-05-22, 10:52 AM
Grammar-wise, the proper reading would be
Ranged weapons are (thrown weapons) or (projectile weapons that are not effective in melee). since ‘weapons’ is listed twice. If it said ‘Thrown or projectile weapons’, that’s one noun/subject which the ‘not effective in melee’ section modifies.

Q 450
Is there some mechanic whereby a Fellow can donate the XP investment for crafting to a third-party Crafter? Or is Crafting solely, wholely, entirely and forever a drain on only one’s own XP?
I could’ve sworn there was discussion on a way to do that a while ago, but I can’t recall where it was.

2008-05-22, 11:19 AM
Q 451 Not sure if this'd be anywhere in RAW, but when a spell creates something (say, Vine Mine, creates vines) are they assumed to be actual objects of the normal type, and thus affected by spells that would affect them (Entangle, Plant Growth)? (unless specified otherwise of course, as in the case of a wall of Vermin, which specifically states that they are not in fact vermin).

Q 452a Vine Mine creates vines, which can "Hamper movement (as heavy undergrowth)"; woodland stride does not allow passage through areas magically manipulated to impede motion. Does the "as heavy undergrowth" imply that it should be treated as undergrowth (a natural impeding of motion from plants being present) and thus subject to woodland stride, or is it considered a magical effect?
Q 452a How does this affect movement if the area already has movement impairment from undergrowth (light or heavy)? From non-undergrowth (bog, or dense rubble for example).

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 12:35 PM
A. 450

This was featured in the PHB II Web Enhancement (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060526a).

And earlier and more informal in the RotG article series (http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20050118a).

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 12:40 PM
A. 451

Yes, if the creation in question remains magic the spell would of course have to be able to target magic items also.

A. 452a

It is still considered magic and does prevent the benefits from Woodland Stride.

A. 452b

There are no rules for combining such terrain features, so it becomes a DM call whether to house rule further movement impediments.

2008-05-22, 12:53 PM

When the duration of a summoned spell ends, is that creature considered destroyed? I ask this because I'm looking at the Destruction Retribution Feat from Libris Mortis and was wondering if summoned undead would deal the 1d6 damage if the spell "timed out".


Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 12:57 PM
A. 453

No, the spell just ends and the negative energy balance is not upset.

2008-05-22, 02:07 PM

Does the Wizard Spell gained from the Divine Magician Alternate class from Complete Mage count as a Domain spell when prepared, or just a normal spell?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 02:21 PM
A. 454

It is not a domain spell.

2008-05-22, 02:40 PM
Q455 - One more and I'll quit for now :smallredface:

If I take the feat Tomb-Tainted Soul, and also have the feat Profane Life-leech (both from LM). If I use the Profane Life-leech, will it still heal me, or will it now hurt me?

2008-05-22, 02:58 PM
Q455 - One more and I'll quit for now :smallredface:

If I take the feat Tomb-Tainted Soul, and also have the feat Profane Life-leech (both from LM). If I use the Profane Life-leech, will it still heal me, or will it now hurt me?

A455 Since Profane Life-Leech doesn't specify what kind of creature you need to be to be healed by it, it will heal you.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 03:00 PM
A. 455

Profane Life-leech does not say that it heal through positive energy, just that you draw the life force from living creatures and is healed by it, so it will still work for you whether you are undead.

2008-05-22, 03:05 PM
Q. 456
A few questions regarding Setting Sun throws, Improved Trip, and tripping with DEX:
From the Mighty Throw maneuver description (ToB 73): "Resolve the throw as a trip attempt (PH 158), but you do not provoke attacks of opportunity, and your opponent cannot try to trip you if you lose the opposed check. You can use your Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is higher. You gain a +4 bonus on the ability check."
The Improved Trip feat says: "You. . .gain a +4 bonus on your Strength check to trip your opponent."
Would this stack with the bonus already granted with the maneuver? Would the bonus given by ImpTrip be applicable if Dexterity was used instead of strength?

From Trip from the SRD: "If your attack succeeds, make a Strength check opposed by the defender’s Dexterity or Strength check (whichever ability score has the higher modifier)"
Is there any way for the attacker to use Dexterity for the opposed check other than by the maneuvers? Perhaps a feat I missed or an item effect similar to Boots of Agile Leaping (MIC 76, DEX for Jump instead of STR). For a Swordsage 9 / Warlock 3 with STR 10 and DEX 24, the difference between trip modifiers when using a Setting Sun throw and when not is pretty big:
Trip: +16 to touch with spiked chain
+4 on STR check (+0 from STR, +4 from ImpTrip)
+11 on DEX check (+7 from DEX, +4 from maneuver bonus)

It would be nice if Improved Trip said "You. . .gain a +4 bonus on the opposed check to trip your opponent." It doesn't, so I'm left wondering if RAI would allow ImpTrip to apply to the maneuver when DEX is used and if there's anything that would let me use DEX to trip all the time.

EDIT: I bolded the Q#, since that seems to be standard format.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 03:14 PM
A. 456

Improved Trip stacks with the maneuver, but not if you are using DEX.

I cannot recall any feat that allows it, but it sounds like something that could exist.
In any case Improved Trip is CORE, so it is not strange that it references STR specifically, but it does not seem unreasonable to allow it as bonus to DEX trips also IMHO.

2008-05-22, 03:29 PM
A. 456


In any case Improved Trip is CORE, so it is not strange that it references STR specifically, but it does not seem unreasonable to allow it as bonus to DEX trips also IMHO.

Also, the rule is Specific Trumps General, or so I believe - in general you use Str, but with the Setting Sun stuff you specifically can use Dex, so you could probably try to get it allowed that way, too...

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-22, 03:36 PM
Also, the rule is Specific Trumps General, or so I believe - in general you use Str, but with the Setting Sun stuff you specifically can use Dex, so you could probably try to get it allowed that way, too...

There are good arguments for allowing it, but strictly speaking this is not a case of specific trumping general. The maneuver should have been worded differently to override bonuses from other sources than those referenced by its description.

2008-05-22, 06:10 PM
Q.457 Does a movement caused by throwing someone (like Ballista Throw for example) provokes AoO?

2008-05-22, 09:59 PM
Q.458 A monkey's bite attack is 1d3-4 (minimum 1 obviously.) If I use Summon Monster I as a Good spell, and summon a Celestial Monkey, and have it 'Smite Evil' on it's Bite attack (a +1 to damage) is the minimum still 1? Or is it 1+1, for a minimum of 2?

2008-05-22, 10:00 PM
A. 457
From the Mighty Throw maneuver description (ToB 73):
"An enemy you throw with this maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity for passing through enemies’ threatened areas as part of the throw, and you can throw an enemy through occupied squares."
The Setting Sun throws that don't say that in their description say "This maneuver functions like mighty throw (page 73) except as noted here," none of which say anything about allowing AoOs for thrown movement.

As far as I can tell, the answer to your question is no.

2008-05-22, 10:31 PM
If a warlock rolls a crit while using the Hideous Blow invocation (CArc134), which is multiplied: the weapon damage or the eldritch blast damage (or both)?
"Extra damage dice over and above a weapon’s normal damage are never multiplied (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatStatistics.htm#multiplyingDamage)"
The description of Hideous Blow says that "this damage is in addition to any weapon damage that you deal with your attack." The way I read it, the eldritch blast is added damage and thus not multiplied. Is that the case?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-23, 12:53 AM
A. 458

There are no rules for adding the Smite damage separately, so I am afraid your monkey does not benefit much from Smite.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-23, 12:56 AM
A. 459

It is quite simple actually. The distinction is between extra damage dice and extra non-dice damage.
If whatever you add to the base weapon damage is extra dice you do not multiply it. If you add an extra fixed number you do.

2008-05-23, 05:41 PM
If a warblade (or whatever Tome of Battle class) is in an Iron Heart stance and has the feat Ironheart Aura, does he gain the +2 morale bonus on saving throws or do only other, allied characters get it?

2008-05-23, 07:33 PM
Q. 461a Psionic Dominate mainly differs from Dominate Person by having a duration of "Concentration". My first question is do you have to remain within the range of Psionic Dominate in order to keep concetrating on it?

Q. 461b

By concentrating fully on the spell (a standard action), you can receive full sensory input as interpreted by the mind of the subject, though it still can’t communicate with you. You can’t actually see through the subject’s eyes, so it’s not as good as being there yourself, but you still get a good idea of what’s going on.

So since you already have to spend a standard action to concentrate on maintaining Psionic Dominate, are you unable to benefit from this portion of the Dominate Person spell, or do you automatically benefit from it?

Q. 461c Finally, assuming you have no need to eat/sleep/whatever, is there any limit to how long you can maintain a spell when the duration is simply "Concentration"?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-24, 12:58 AM
A. 460

ToB has changed the use of ally to only refer to allies other than yourself, which is not the normal use of the term suggested in the PHB.

But in this case, even if you wanted to dispute this change in usage on a technicality, you do not benefit from the bonus, since you are not adjacent to yourself.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-24, 01:05 AM
A. 461a

No, line of effect is only required when "casting".

A. 461b

Yes, I would argue that you fulfill the requirement by default.

A. 461c

Not by RAW.

2008-05-24, 06:49 AM
Thanks very much for clearing that up. :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-24, 09:19 AM
A461 expansion
Note also that errata added an augmentation option for Psionic Dominate that changes the duration. Specifically:

If you spend 1 additional power point, this power’s duration is 1 hour rather than concentration. If you spend 2 additional power points, this power’s duration is 1 day rather than concentration. If you spend 4 additional power points, this power’s duration is 1 day per manifester level rather than concentration.

2008-05-24, 11:25 AM
Q. 462
If I play sorcerer who takes prestige class dragon discipline, can the bonus spells rise to higher slot if I later continue my career as sorcerer and gain new spell level? For example if 7th lv sorcerer takes 1 level in dragon discipline and them on next level takes sorcerer, thus gaining 4th lv spells, can i move this bonus spell slot from 3rd to 4th level?

2008-05-24, 11:30 AM
Once a bonus spell has been applied, it cannot be shifted. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/prestigeClasses/dragonDisciple.htm)

2008-05-24, 01:25 PM
A. 460

ToB has changed the use of ally to only refer to allies other than yourself, which is not the normal use of the term suggested in the PHB.

But in this case, even if you wanted to dispute this change in usage on a technicality, you do not benefit from the bonus, since you are not adjacent to yourself.
Good point. It would take something very strange going on for you to be adjacent to yourself. Maybe time travel? :D

2008-05-24, 03:02 PM
Question 643

How much does a custom item of continous True strike cost? From what I can read, it seems ridiculously low for what it can do.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-24, 03:49 PM
A. 463

The magic item pricing guidelines are only guidelines. Instead of using the formula it is often more appropriate to look at what the item does and compare it to already existing items.

We already have weapons that provide us with a very good comparison, because weapon bonuses to attack are listed with a price.

Items that grant bonuses above +5 and/or cost more than 200000 GP are Epic items and using the Epic pricing rules.
A +20 weapon enhancement costs 8 million GP, but since the true strike item only provides a bonus to attack we give that a 50% discount and arrive at the more reasonable price of 4 million GP.

EDIT: As you can see from the price Douglas arrives at a bit further down, this truly is more guideline than RAW. :smallwink:

2008-05-24, 03:49 PM
A 463 (not 643)

That is completely up to the purview of the DM, and not strictly RAW. All magic item creation guidelines are just that - guidelines, not hard rules. In many cases, you should compare the price to things that provide a similar benefit. In this case, you're looking at something that gives +20 to attack (since insight bonuses are rare) and ignores concealment, which is certainly very expensive.

Also, note that true strike is also a standard action, so at best you'd have to spend every other round activating the item, and then the next round you get the bonus on your first attack only.

EDIT: Ninja'd by the Popcorn Tyrant! Oh well, we got the same answer.

2008-05-24, 03:49 PM
This is not strictly a RAW question, as the only explicit formulas for it are clearly labeled guidelines and accompanied by a call for DM judgment.

My take on it:
Items duplicating spells that provide numerical bonuses should be priced for the bonus given, not the level of the spell duplicated. Spell duplication pricing should be a last resort only to be used if no other pricing mechanism is relevant.

Continuous True Strike would give a +20 insight bonus to all attack rolls. This is roughly equivalent to a +20 enhancement bonus for weapons, with some modifiers. It only applies to the attack roll, not damage, so that should halve the price; it applies to all attacks, not just one weapon, which I would double the price for. The half and double cancel out, giving a price of 20 * 20 * 2000 (as weapon enhancement) * 10 (epic scale bonus) = 8,000,000 gp. I might also tack on a multiplier for it stacking with an actual enhancement bonus, boosting the price even more.

End result: by the time a character can actually afford such an item, he will be well into epic levels and this kind of thing will probably be the least of your balance worries.

2008-05-24, 05:18 PM
Do spells in the PHB listed as free actions count as swift or immediate actions? Or are they just untyped free, like speaking in combat.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-24, 05:29 PM
A. 464

Feather Fall was changed to an immediate action and the quicken metamagic feat was changed to a swift action.

2008-05-24, 07:13 PM
A 464 Addendum

Any others (i.e., what Lord Silvanos didn't mention) are probably covered in the official errata.

2008-05-24, 10:12 PM
Q 465

If I lose the charisma check to convince a charmed opponent to do something specific, like "give me your weapon, quick" Can I try and convince him to do something different? I can't try and get him to do the same thing again, because retries aren't allowed, but can I try and get him to do something different?

2008-05-25, 02:50 AM

Can a familiar take class levels?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-25, 02:51 AM
A. 465

Yes, failing the check does not break the spell, but it is one one those were a lot is left up to DM discretion.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-25, 02:52 AM
A. 466

Not by RAW. They advance as described. You could houserule something about using Leadership for it possibly.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-25, 02:57 AM
A 464 Addendum

Any others (i.e., what Lord Silvanos didn't mention) are probably covered in the official errata.

I do not recall any other?

2008-05-25, 04:20 AM
Is there a Base or Prestige Class that gives Inflict Light Wounds as a 1st level arcane spell?

2008-05-25, 04:59 AM
A 467

The classes that get Inflict Light Wounds as a 1st-level spell are:

Since all of these are divine spellcasting classes that approach doesn't meet your requirements. So you're left with taking the Arcane Disciple feat (from Complete Divine) to add one domain's spells to your class list of arcane spells, and picking a deity whose portfolio includes the Destruction domain, which has Inflict Light Wounds as a 1st-level spell. The deities which offer Destruction include:
Core Deities: St. Cuthbert, Hextor, Lolth, Tiamat.
Eberron Deities: The Devourer, the Mockery.
Forgotten Realms Deities: Bane, Cyric, Garagos, Ilneval, Istishia, Kossuth, Talona, Talos, Umberlee, Yurtrus.
Other Deities: Blibdoolpoolp, Gelf Darkhearth, the Glutton, Incabulos, Joramy, Kaelthiere, Laogzed, Maglubiyet, Merrshaulk, Panzuriel, Pyremius, Shekinester, Tharizdun, Thrym, Vaprak.

2008-05-25, 05:07 AM

So you're left with taking the Arcane Disciple feat (from Complete Divine) to add one domain's spells to your class list of arcane spells, and picking a deity whose portfolio includes the Destruction domain, which has Inflict Light Wounds as a 1st-level spell.
But does that mean that an Eternal Wand of Inflict Light Wounds is legitimate? (It has to be an arcane spell.)

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-25, 06:20 AM
A. 467b

Yes, the spells added through Arcane Disciple become arcane.

2008-05-25, 09:13 AM
Q 467

What kind of action is it to concentrate on an active spell? For an example, a Black Blade of Disaster?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-25, 09:20 AM
A. 468

Q 467

What kind of action is it to concentrate on an active spell? For an example, a Black Blade of Disaster?

Unless otherwise noted it is a standard action.

Concentration: The spell lasts as long as you concentrate on it. Concentrating to maintain a spell is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Anything that could break your concentration when casting a spell can also break your concentration while you’re maintaining one, causing the spell to end. You can’t cast a spell while concentrating on another one. Sometimes a spell lasts for a short time after you cease concentrating.

2008-05-25, 09:28 AM
Ah, thanks. The strange thing is, I read through that paragraph, and just didn't see it before now. :smalleek:

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-25, 09:30 AM
Ah, thanks. The strange thing is, I read through that paragraph, and just didn't see it before now. :smalleek:

I know what you mean, they really should bold the relevant paragraphs. :smallwink:

2008-05-25, 10:10 AM
Heh, that made me chuckle. :smallbiggrin:

Q. 469

Is there any spell that would change a colossal outsider into something a bit more convenient with a duration more than a few minutes or rounds? Something medium, preferably. Sorceror spells only. (I've been trying to look for this for a while now. Just went through spell compedium.)

2008-05-25, 10:24 AM
A. 465

Yes, failing the check does not break the spell, but it is one one those were a lot is left up to DM discretion.

So, yes, sort of.

2008-05-25, 11:09 AM
A 469: I don't see any reason a Baleful Polymorph wouldn't work, provided you can get past the creature's presumably high saves and SR. But a small animal might not be what you're looking for. Could you be a little more explicit what you mean by "more convenient form"?

Alternately, there's Polymorph Any Object. The duration factors are a bit fuzzy and up for interpretation, but you should at least be able to get away with "same kingdom" and "same or lesser intelligence", which is enough to make the spell last at least a week. If you can also justify "same class" or "related", then it's permanent.

2008-05-25, 11:57 AM
Clarification on Q 469

I'm asking becouse I'm playing a ha-naga with a divine rank of 0 and four levels in Sand Shaper. I need something a bit more convenient if we run into dungeons. or something. :smallwink:

2008-05-25, 12:23 PM
Clarification on Q 469

I'm asking becouse I'm playing a ha-naga with a divine rank of 0 and four levels in Sand Shaper. I need something a bit more convenient if we run into dungeons. or something. :smallwink:

Umm, an item of continuous reduce person should work. Or, barring that, make the dungeon bigger. Several Eternal wands of Stone Shape or Soften Earth and Stone. Ethereal jaunt, even.

2008-05-25, 12:57 PM
Umm, an item of continuous reduce person should work. Or, barring that, make the dungeon bigger. Several Eternal wands of Stone Shape or Soften Earth and Stone. Ethereal jaunt, even.

Reduce person only works on humanoids, I'm afraid. :smallfrown:

EDIT: To clarify, a ha-naga is a colossal (originally) aberration, who, when gaining the divine rank, became an outsider. A naga is sort of a serpent with a human head.

2008-05-25, 01:30 PM
Reduce person only works on humanoids, I'm afraid. :smallfrown:

EDIT: To clarify, a ha-naga is a colossal (originally) aberration, who, when gaining the divine rank, became an outsider. A naga is sort of a serpent with a human head.

I know that campaign, I considered joining it. I think your DM would be fine with researching a reduce monster spell, level 4. Charm person is level 1, and charm monster is level 4. The same logic applies.

Also, there's probably some metamagic somewhere that makes a spell affect anyone. Find it and apply it. You can buy metamagiced magic items like potions and the like.

2008-05-25, 05:54 PM
Q 470

Is a trample attack (the creature’s slam damage + 1-1/2 times its Str modifier;How it reads in my book) or does that actually mean (the creature’s slam damage + 1.5 times its Str modifier)?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-25, 06:19 PM
A. 470

In this case 1-1/2 = 1.5 (one and a half) as can also be seen from MM statblocks.

A trample attack deals bludgeoning damage (the creature’s slam damage + 1-1/2 times its Str modifier). The creature’s descriptive text gives the exact amount.

2008-05-25, 09:23 PM
Q. 471
Can a stance be traded out for a different stance when the martial adept would normally be allowed to swap out maneuvers (4th level, 6th level, etc...)?

2008-05-25, 09:27 PM
A. 471

No, stances are never swapped out, sadly.

2008-05-26, 06:55 AM
Q 472

Ring of sequestering, how does it work exactly? What does it protect from? The way I understand it, it prevents detection through magical means - such as True seeing. If I understand it correctly, the duration is 20 days. Is this right? Does the spell go away if one attacks - is it like greater invisibility or invisibility?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-26, 07:54 AM
A. 472

Yes, the duration is based on CL, which is set to 20 as standard.
The invisibility properties are based on Invisibility rather than Greater Invisibility, so you would become visible if you attack, but the other properties would not be affected.
(The subject of the spell is normally comatose so it is natural to choose normal Invisibility, but the ring description should have taken this into account if Greater Invisibility was the intended outcome.)

2008-05-26, 09:10 AM
Q 473

Since creatures with DR/x have their natural attacks bypass the DR/x (Dragons with DR 5/magic have magical natural attacks for purposes of overcoming DR, for example), does it applies to damage reduction granted through magical effects? For example, a wizard with stoneskin on himself. Can his natural attacks bypass DR/Adamantine ?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-26, 09:20 AM
A. 473

A creature's DR type is not always transferred to its natural weapons. It holds for magic, epic and alignment DR types, but not for the rest unless otherwise noted.

Some monsters are vulnerable to magic weapons. Any weapon with at least a +1 magical enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls overcomes the damage reduction of these monsters. Such creatures’ natural weapons (but not their attacks with weapons) are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

A few very powerful monsters are vulnerable only to epic weapons; that is, magic weapons with at least a +6 enhancement bonus. Such creatures’ natural weapons are also treated as epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Some monsters are vulnerable to chaotic-, evil-, good-, or lawful-aligned weapons. When a cleric casts align weapon, affected weapons might gain one or more of these properties, and certain magic weapons have these properties as well. A creature with an alignment subtype (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) can overcome this type of damage reduction with its natural weapons and weapons it wields as if the weapons or natural weapons had an alignment (or alignments) that match the subtype(s) of the creature.

So no, your wizard cannot bypass DR/X adamantine with its natural weapons using Stoneskin.

2008-05-26, 09:35 AM
A. 473

A creature's DR type is not always transferred to its natural weapons. It holds for magic, epic and alignment DR types, but not for the rest unless otherwise noted.

So no, your wizard cannot bypass DR/X adamantine with its natural weapons using Stoneskin.

It's worth noting that this means two werewolves have a hard time injuring each other, and that succubi can't hurt each other (except by grappling and kissing each other to energy drain). This explains why succubi are so popular.

2008-05-26, 10:11 AM
Although, it seems kinda silly for Bone Devils to have good-aligned attacks lol.

2008-05-26, 11:14 AM
Q 474
how does level adjustment work in a gestalt campaign? does the LA work on just one side? both?

2008-05-26, 11:21 AM
Although, it seems kinda silly for Bone Devils to have good-aligned attacks lol.They don't. Creatures do not automatically penetrate their own alignment-based damage reduction. Creatures only bypass alignment-based damage reduction if the creature has an alignment subtype. Bone devils have the [evil] and [lawful] subtypes, so they bypass DR/evil and DR/lawful. This is independent of any DR the creature itself has, though many creatures with alignment subtypes do happen to have DR.

2008-05-26, 11:33 AM
But Silvanos just said

It holds for magic, epic and alignment DR types, but not for the rest unless otherwise noted.

Am I missing something?

2008-05-26, 11:50 AM
Yes, Silvanos was wrong. Alignment-based DR penetration comes from explicit statements or from alignment subtypes, not from alignment-based DR. Creatures with alignment-based DR can typically (but not always) penetrate the opposite kind of alignment-based DR.

This can serve as an amusing bit of fluff for why the Blood War is so eternal - neither side can penetrate the other's DR/good, so almost any pair of evenly matched demon and devil can barely scratch each other and often have fast healing or regeneration faster than each other's damage output.

2008-05-26, 11:50 AM
If I constitution-damage an opponent, does he lose hit points in any way?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-26, 11:50 AM
But Silvanos just said

Am I missing something?

I used the terms loosely, when I say it holds for alignment I was referring to subtypes. This was also the reason I provided the SRD quote, but I should obviously have made the distinction clearer. For that I apologize.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-26, 11:53 AM
Yes, Silvanos was wrong. Alignment-based DR penetration comes from explicit statements or from alignment subtypes, not from alignment-based DR. Creatures with alignment-based DR can typically (but not always) penetrate the opposite kind of alignment-based DR.

Here are the rules again for alignment subtypes.

A creature with an alignment subtype (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) can overcome this type of damage reduction with its natural weapons and weapons it wields as if the weapons or natural weapons had an alignment (or alignments) that match the subtype(s) of the creature.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-26, 11:54 AM
A. 475 (Not 473)

If I constitution-damage an opponent, does he lose hit points in any way?


If a character’s Constitution score drops, then he loses 1 hit point per Hit Die for every point by which his Constitution modifier drops. A hit point score can’t be reduced by Constitution damage or drain to less than 1 hit point per Hit Die.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-26, 12:00 PM
A. 474

Q 474
how does level adjustment work in a gestalt campaign? does the LA work on just one side? both?

The Gestalt rules does not specify how monsters are treated IIRC.
However, if you were to use a savage progression instead it could be argued that that only would affect one side of the gestalt combination.

2008-05-26, 12:21 PM
For that I apologize.

Really no need, it's my fault I didn't read the SRD quote thoroughfully. :smallwink:

2008-05-26, 03:50 PM
Does a martial stance that grants me sneak attack damage as long as I'm in it qualify me for PrCs that require SA damage?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-26, 04:18 PM
A. 475

It is perhaps not the usage envisioned by the creators, but there is no specific requiremnet as to the source of the sneak attack extra damage.

However, if you were to change stance before gaining sneak attack from a different source you would lose the special benefits of the prestige class until the requirements are met once again.

2008-05-26, 04:59 PM
Q. 476
If you are casting a spell from a scroll, and the spell would take more than a standard action, does failing a concentration check(due to damage) ruin the scroll?

2008-05-26, 05:06 PM
A. 475

It is perhaps not the usage envisioned by the creators, but there is no specific requiremnet as to the source of the sneak attack extra damage.

However, if you were to change stance before gaining sneak attack from a different source you would lose the special benefits of the prestige class until the requirements are met once again.

Thank you. Beguiler 8/Swordsage 1/Arcane Trickster 10 is go!

2008-05-26, 09:43 PM
Q. 477

Does a Dragon Spirit Cincture (Magic Item Compendium) function with the breath weapon gained from the Draconic Breath feat (Races of the Dragon)?

2008-05-27, 02:29 AM
Q. 478

Can an Archivist with the Draconic Archivist feat use his Dark Knowledge ability on kobolds, Dragonborn of Bahamut, Dragonfire Adepts, Silverbrow Humans, and other creatures with the Dragonblood subtype?

Q. 479
Same feat, same question, Warforged?

Meat Shield
2008-05-27, 10:01 AM
Q. 480

If a mithril axe we being used to sunder an adamantine sword, would the attack have to do 25 points of damage (20 for hardness (adamantine) + 5 hit points for the sword), or 10 points of damage (the difference between mithril and adamantine hardness + five hit points)?

2008-05-27, 11:35 AM
A 480: Only adamantine has the special property of bypassing hardness. It's not a function of the weapon's hardness itself.

Meat Shield
2008-05-27, 12:28 PM
Q 480 follow up

OK, I'm even more confused now, sorry. So the hardness of the attacking weapon does not matter, only the defending weapon? Or does it only matter if the attacking weapon is of equal or higher hardness?

2008-05-27, 12:55 PM
The hardness of the attacking weapon does not matter at all. Adamantine has a special property, completely aside from its hardness, that does matter, but that's just for adamantine. Also note that if you happen to encounter an object with hardness 20 or greater, an adamantine weapon won't work any better for sundering than a steel one, since it only ignores hardness less than 20.

So if you're trying to sunder an adamantine weapon, you're going to have to roll for at least 21 damage if you hope to do anything at all to it, no matter what weapon you're using.

2008-05-27, 02:24 PM
Q 481:

Does the size increase from Alter Self stack with Enlarge Person?

2008-05-27, 02:54 PM
I know for a fact that the crux of this matter has been answered already, but i cant find it, so here goes.
My buddy has a paladin and wants to persist the divine sacrifice spell from complete divine. It allows him to sacrifice hp to gain increased damage on his next attack. The spell doesnt say anything about it needing to be a melee attack, so we were wondering, if he took a 3 level wizard dip could he add the extra dice damage to the int damage from a ray of stupidity? To my mind it would be the same idea as a rogue casting the same spell and using his sneak attack to increase the ability damage.

If whoever answers this could please cite where the ruling is found, that would be great.

2008-05-27, 08:13 PM
Q 481:

Does the size increase from Alter Self stack with Enlarge Person?

A 481. Yes, if you cast them in order, alter self first then enlarge person. Say a halfling changed into a human, then cast enlarge person he will be large. But if he cast enlarge person, he will be a medium halfling, then alterselfs into a human, which is by default medium.

2008-05-27, 08:48 PM
A481 correction
No. Enlarge Person (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/enlargePerson.htm) specifically states that "Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack." This statement or some variation on it is present in virtually every size changing spell in the game that doesn't simply set your size rather than increasing or decreasing it.

2008-05-27, 11:55 PM
My buddy has a paladin and wants to persist the divine sacrifice spell from complete divine. It allows him to sacrifice hp to gain increased damage on his next attack.
A 482 (Part 1)

The version of the spell in Complete Divine has been superseded by the revision in Spell Compendium, and you should be well aware of this because you're citing another spell (Ray of Stupidity) from the same book. The new version mandates (rather than voluntarily permits) hit point damage for the caster on the first attack of each and every round automatically, which condition would continue for 24 hours if Persistent Spell were applied to Divine Sacrifice.

The spell doesnt say anything about it needing to be a melee attack, so we were wondering, if he took a 3 level wizard dip could he add the extra dice damage to the int damage from a ray of stupidity?
A 482 (Part 2)

There are still extra dice of damage done by the updated version of Divine Sacrifice, so this part of your question remains relevant. To the best of my knowledge this specific situation hasn't been addressed in the rules. Thus it would appear that the extra damage provided by Divine Sacrifice would also be ability damage when you attack with a weaponlike spell that causes ability damage.

To my mind it would be the same idea as a rogue casting the same spell and using his sneak attack to increase the ability damage.

If whoever answers this could please cite where the ruling is found, that would be great.
A 482 (Part 3)

If you're correct in this assumption then the combination would not permit extra ability damage, because you're mistaken: you cannot use sneak attack to increase ability damage from a weaponlike spell. Complete Arcane, page 48:
The exception is spells that deal energy drain or ability damage, which deal negative energy damage on a sneak attack, not extra negative levels or ability damage. This official statement was inspired by an earlier online article: Rules of the Game: All About Sneak Attacks (Part Four) (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20040309a).

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-28, 02:53 AM
A. 478

Q. 478

Can an Archivist with the Draconic Archivist feat use his Dark Knowledge ability on kobolds, Dragonborn of Bahamut, Dragonfire Adepts, Silverbrow Humans, and other creatures with the Dragonblood subtype?

No, the Dragonblood subtype does not confer the Dragon type upon the creature or treat them as dragons for the purpose of spells and effects.

Q. 479
Same feat, same question, Warforged?

Yes, the Warforged are constructs.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-28, 02:58 AM
A. 477

Q. 477

Does a Dragon Spirit Cincture (Magic Item Compendium) function with the breath weapon gained from the Draconic Breath feat (Races of the Dragon)?

Yes, all taht is required is a breath weapon.

2008-05-28, 12:34 PM
Q 483

How do multiclassed gestalt characters work with regard to base save bonuses? For example, what would be the base save bonus of a Paladin5 / Knight2 // FavouredSoul7 ?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-28, 01:20 PM
A. 483

You compare the save bonuses for each side and take the best value for each of the three save types from either side

For each save bonus, choose the better progression from the two classes.

If one side has +5/+5/+9
And the other has +4/+8/+8

Your Gestalt save would be +5/+8/+9

2008-05-28, 04:43 PM
Q. 476
If you are casting a spell from a scroll, and the spell would take more than a standard action, does failing a concentration check(due to damage) ruin the scroll?

I'm asking again. Anyone have a clue?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-28, 11:51 PM
A. 476

I'm asking again. Anyone have a clue?

I am sorry, I must have missed it the first time around.
If you fail any concentration check while casting a spell from the scroll, that spell on the scroll would be lost.

The same applies to arcane spell failure if it applies.

Any other old unanswered questions?

2008-05-29, 03:14 PM
Q 484: In combat, how long does it take (free? Move? Standard?) to try for a Listen check and a Spot check if you want to detect something? Would it make any difference if you're trying to pinpoint an invisible opponent?

2008-05-29, 03:22 PM
A. 484

Quoth the SRD:

Action: Varies. Every time you have a chance to hear something in a reactive manner (such as when someone makes a noise or you move into a new area), you can make a Listen check without using an action. Trying to hear something you failed to hear previously is a move action.

So it's a move action on your turn and a free action when the opponent moves, and trying to pinpoint it makes no difference.

2008-05-29, 03:29 PM
But Spot will almost always be a Move action against an invisible opponent since it's hard to use spot reactively against something invisible?

2008-05-29, 04:59 PM
A 484 continued

But Spot will almost always be a Move action against an invisible opponent since it's hard to use spot reactively against something invisible?
Yes. You do get the first check as a free action, because it's in reaction to the presence of the invisible creature.
A Spot check result higher than 20 generally lets you become aware of an invisible creature near you, though you can’t actually see it. However, because you don't actually see the invisible creature, every subsequent check requires a non-reactive check using a move action:
Trying to spot something you failed to see previously is a move action.

2008-05-29, 08:01 PM
Question 485: How does miss chance stack, if at all? For example, if an incorporeal creature cast invisibility, what would the miss chance become? If the same creature subsequently cast blur, what would that miss chance be?

Question 486: How does spell resistance stack? If a Drow wore a Spell Resistance Chain Shirt, what would the SR be?

2008-05-29, 08:13 PM
A. 486

Spell resistence doesn't stack; only the highest spell resistence counts.

2008-05-29, 08:35 PM
A 485

Miss chances that are mutually compatible stack, but others don't. For instance, Invisibility and Blur are incompatible: one removes your visual manifestation, and the other distorts it. If there's nothing visible, there's nothing to distort.

For compatible miss chances -- such as Blur and Displacement -- roll each separately.

2008-05-29, 09:33 PM
A 485

Miss chances that are mutually compatible stack, but others don't. For instance, Invisibility and Blur are incompatible: one removes your visual manifestation, and the other distorts it. If there's nothing visible, there's nothing to distort.

For compatible miss chances -- such as Blur and Displacement -- roll each separately.

I'm pretty sure Blur and Displacement don't stack.

2008-05-29, 09:46 PM
The miss chances from invisibility, blur, displacement, etc. is all because your enemy has a chance to simply miss. You only get the best of these.

The miss chances from incorporeality is because you have a chance to not be affected even if you are hit. This is rolled separately.

Part of the miss chance from Blink is because you have a chance to not be there when "hit". That portion of the miss chance is rolled separately if you have a source of invisibility-type miss chance better than 20%.

If someone attacks an incorporeal invisible Blinking opponent with a magic weapon and has no way to ignore any of those defenses, he would have to pass two separate 50% miss chances and another 20%. 50% for "did you hit", 50% for "did he ignore it", and 20% for "was he actually on another plane".

2008-05-30, 12:42 AM
Q 487

If someone is hit by a fire elemental's slam attack, they have to make a specific Reflex Save or be lit on fire. That save scales with the HD of the elemental. The only places I can find rules about being on fire are specific static quantities (DC15 to extinguish or 1d6 damage). What I want to know is if the scaled up (or down, I suppose) version of the initial save modifies the subsequent extinguishing saves and, similarly, if the fire damage scales to match the fire damage of the slam attack that triggered it or if it remains static.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-30, 02:11 AM
A. 487

It is not really clear from the description, but it might very well have been the intend. Notice the other differences, i.e. listed duration and a move action to put it out.

But since these exceptions are not spelled out and catching on fire has a specific meaning the default rules takes over when the ability does not list the exceptions.

2008-05-30, 03:36 AM
Q. 288 If I'm under the effects of a permancied reduce person as a gnome, to make me tiny, and I cast alter self to turn into a kobold for the nifty +1 nat. armour, how does it stack? Alter self says you gain the size of the thing you turn into, but would it stack with permancied reduce self? Am I a tiny kobold, or a small kobold?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-30, 07:41 AM
A. 288

The Alter Self effect would override your size reduction, and you would be a normal-sized kobold.

2008-05-30, 09:38 AM
I'm pretty sure Blur and Displacement don't stack. Displacement moves your image 2' to the side, granting a 50% miss chance. Blur distorts the image, granting concealment (20% miss chance). If your foe makes a good swing at your image despite Blur's concealment, they still don't have a guarantee that they'll connect with your body in the process due to Displacement. These are separate effects and are thus checked separately, as would be the 1/n chance of hitting due to Mirror Image.

Don't be confused by the analogy to concealment in the description of Displacement:
The subject of this spell appears to be about 2 feet away from its true location. The creature benefits from a 50% miss chance as if it had total concealment. However, unlike actual total concealment, displacement does not prevent enemies from targeting the creature normally.

2008-05-30, 09:45 AM
Q 487

If someone is hit by a fire elemental's slam attack, they have to make a specific Reflex Save or be lit on fire. That save scales with the HD of the elemental. The only places I can find rules about being on fire are specific static quantities (DC15 to extinguish or 1d6 damage). What I want to know is if the scaled up (or down, I suppose) version of the initial save modifies the subsequent extinguishing saves and, similarly, if the fire damage scales to match the fire damage of the slam attack that triggered it or if it remains static.

I've looked at things like this in the past. Pretty much every different way you could catch on fire has different rules. Pure elemental Fire from the Planar handbook lasts a flat 5 rounds, deals 1d6, and can't be extinguished. alchemists fire is different, all the fire critters that can light you on fire have different rules, etc etc. I would say you take the base fire damage as burn damage. Nobody can argue with that.

2008-05-30, 10:43 AM
Q. 289

Is it possible to sneak attack yourself? I know it sounds stupid, but it came up today. Psion guy used death urge on an assassin, assassin fails will save and shoots himself with the crossbow. Apparantly on a failed will save, the unlucky guy tries to kill himself to the best of his abilities: can he sneak attack himself?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-30, 10:55 AM
Displacement moves your image 2' to the side, granting a 50% miss chance. Blur distorts the image, granting concealment (20% miss chance). If your foe makes a good swing at your image despite Blur's concealment, they still don't have a guarantee that they'll connect with your body in the process due to Displacement. These are separate effects and are thus checked separately, as would be the 1/n chance of hitting due to Mirror Image.

Don't be confused by the analogy to concealment in the description of Displacement:

I am fairly certain that we discussed this earlier and "agreed" that displacement was a form of concealment, since it prevents your the opponent from "clearly seeing" you. Since several concealment effects do not stack you would only get the better value.

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-30, 10:58 AM
A. 489

Yes, that seems reasonable.

2008-05-30, 12:50 PM
Q490The Cloudburst spell (Spell Compendium) indicates that "Ranged weapon attacks and Listen checks take a –4 penalty." as part of the description. How do these penalties work when the elements are not necessarily in the area of effect? (My guess is that one applies the penalty if the person making the roll (Listen, Attack roll) is in the area, but I'm not certain.)

a) shooting (or listening) into Cloudburst?
b) shooting (or listening) out of Cloudburst?
c) shooting (or listening) through? (from outside to outside, passing through the rain)


2008-05-30, 01:56 PM
A. 289

Yes, that seems reasonable.

Part 2: Is there actually a situation within the rules where the character would be able to sneak attack themselves? If he's unable to see himself, he's unable to use sneak attack despite being concealed from himself, right? There's no way to catch yourself flat-footed or flank yourself, either. Is there a circumstance where you lose your Dex bonus to AC but are able to act (and therefore attack yourself) ?

2008-05-30, 02:39 PM
Is there a circumstance where you lose your Dex bonus to AC but are able to act (and therefore attack yourself) ?

Armor Lock (CS) comes to mind.

2008-05-30, 03:25 PM
Part 2: Is there actually a situation within the rules where the character would be able to sneak attack themselves? If he's unable to see himself, he's unable to use sneak attack despite being concealed from himself, right? There's no way to catch yourself flat-footed or flank yourself, either. Is there a circumstance where you lose your Dex bonus to AC but are able to act (and therefore attack yourself) ?

Grapple yourself first? (edit, no, you're in the grapple with yourself too...doesn't work)

Balance with fewer than 5 ranks? you could sneak attack yourself while trying to balance on your toes...

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-30, 03:50 PM
A. 490

All would apply, but you can of course listen around the cloud if that distance would lead to a smaller penalty.

2008-05-30, 06:06 PM
Q 491 When someone takes constitution damage, do they also lose HP as a result?

2008-05-30, 06:36 PM
Q 491 When someone takes constitution damage, do they also lose HP as a result?


Constitution (Con)
If a character’s Constitution score changes enough to alter his or her Constitution modifier, the character’s hit points also increase or decrease accordingly.


Charlie Kemek
2008-05-30, 08:53 PM
Q 492

If you cast PAO on a zombie horse, can you permanently change it into a solar angle? what about a normal horse into a solar?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-05-31, 02:54 AM
A. 492

No, the duration factor is only around 2.

2008-05-31, 04:55 AM
Q. 493
Does Mettle apply to effects caused by magic weapons and other items?
For example, the Sudden Stunning weapon ability can force the defender to make a reflex save or be stunned. Does Mettle protect you from this?

2008-05-31, 06:21 AM
Q. 493
Does Mettle apply to effects caused by magic weapons and other items?
For example, the Sudden Stunning weapon ability can force the defender to make a reflex save or be stunned. Does Mettle protect you from this?

Mettle only works with fortitude or will (in some cases it works for only one of those), so it doesn't protect against effects that require reflex save.
Mettle special ability has different wording in the description of different classes so it should be considered separately. As a special ability of Hexblade it says if the save to reduce effect of the attack is successful it is completely negated. On the other hand Pious Templar's mettle says if the save to reduce spells effect is successful...
So mettle should be read at the class description to see if it works only on spells or on normal attacks as well.

2008-05-31, 08:51 AM
Where do you find the stats for the undead reated by the Psianimate Dead power from Hyperconscious?
Is there a specific template or do you just use any undead?

Occasional Sage
2008-05-31, 03:12 PM
Q 495
for purposes of a Horizon Walker's shifting planar terrain mastery (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/prestigeClasses/horizonWalker.htm#planarTerrainMastery), what constitutes a "shifting" plane? I'm fine with either a general rule or a reasonably-comprehensive list, whichever is easier.

Thanks in advance!

Shhalahr Windrider
2008-05-31, 04:01 PM
A 495

The DMG gives examples of Shifting Planes as those whose features are prone to change such as the Plane of Shadow and Limbo. It would seem Shifting. As such, this planar trait appears to apply to Highly and Magically Morphic planes (as per the list of planar traits).

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-06-01, 02:41 AM
A. 493 addendum

Mettle only works with fortitude or will (in some cases it works for only one of those), so it doesn't protect against effects that require reflex save.
Mettle special ability has different wording in the description of different classes so it should be considered separately. As a special ability of Hexblade it says if the save to reduce effect of the attack is successful it is completely negated. On the other hand Pious Templar's mettle says if the save to reduce spells effect is successful...
So mettle should be read at the class description to see if it works only on spells or on normal attacks as well.

It is also worth noting that Mettle only provides a benefit when there is a secondary effect even on a failed saved. It protects you against those secondary effects just like Evasion does for reflex saves. However, in case there is no secondary effect on a failed saved there is no additional benefit from Mettle.

In addition, it should be noted that the Sage has said that the Mettle class feature is intended to work identically regardless of source.

The mettle ability works the same way regardless of the class that grants it.

2008-06-01, 10:02 AM
I've just gotten back into being a dm and i'm stumped on a couple of rules, that are kinda iffy in the PhB to me

Q1 using a composite longbow/greatbow, does a character with a high enough str score, apply the 1.5x str for two handing the bow?

Q2 If a monster rolls double 20's on an improved sunder check with an adamantine weapon, should i still make the Pc make an opposed check?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-06-01, 10:55 AM
A. 496

Q1 using a composite longbow/greatbow, does a character with a high enough str score, apply the 1.5x str for two handing the bow?

No, it only applies to melee attacks.

Two-Handed: Two hands are required to use a two-handed melee weapon effectively. Apply 1-1/2 times the character’s Strength bonus to damage rolls for melee attacks with such a weapon.
(My emphasis)

A. 497

Q2 If a monster rolls double 20's on an improved sunder check with an adamantine weapon, should i still make the Pc make an opposed check?

Yes, opposed checks do not care about 20s and you only only roll the check once. You do not roll again because the die it came up 20 on opposed rolls

2008-06-01, 12:09 PM
Q 498

Can you apply power attack and finesse to the same natural weapon attack?

Q 499

Does the bonus from a circlet of persuasion apply to the check for turning undead?

2008-06-01, 12:33 PM
Q: 500
Can a Monk take Multiattack? The entry for a monk's attacks says that he can use fists and feet and elbows and stuff. So wouldn't each of his limbs be considered natural attacks? Like a dragon has two claw attacks and a tail attack.

If Not, is there any specific place it says no? Like some place I can point out to others?

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-06-01, 01:05 PM
A. 498


A. 499

Yes, Turn checks are charisma based.

Turning Check: ... This is a Charisma check...

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-06-01, 01:07 PM
A. 500

Yes probably, but unless the Monk has some natural weapons there is no direct benefit.

2008-06-01, 01:16 PM
Q: 500
Can a Monk take Multiattack? The entry for a monk's attacks says that he can use fists and feet and elbows and stuff. So wouldn't each of his limbs be considered natural attacks? Like a dragon has two claw attacks and a tail attack.

If Not, is there any specific place it says no? Like some place I can point out to others?

A. 500

No. Try the FAQ for a specific denial, but the fact that you do not, in fact, have multiple natural attacks as a monk should be enough. A monk's attack is "unarmed strike +15/+15/+10/+5" - that's not how a natural attack works. For one thing, you don't get iterative attacks from BAB; if a monk had multiple natural attacks, they'd be "unarmed strike +15 and 3 unarmed strikes +10".

Lord Lorac Silvanos
2008-06-01, 01:56 PM
A. 500

No. Try the FAQ for a specific denial, but the fact that you do not, in fact, have multiple natural attacks as a monk should be enough. A monk's attack is "unarmed strike +15/+15/+10/+5" - that's not how a natural attack works. For one thing, you don't get iterative attacks from BAB; if a monk had multiple natural attacks, they'd be "unarmed strike +15 and 3 unarmed strikes +10".

Your post deals with why the monk will not benefit from the Multiattack feat under normal circumstances, but not whether the class ability would allow you to qualify.

Monk's can use all their appendages to make unarmed strikes, so it is probbaly reasonable to say that they have several unarmed strike weapons and therefore also multiple natural weapons that would allow the monk to qualify for the feat, but not gain any benefit for the reasons you have outlined above.

2008-06-01, 05:07 PM
Q. 501

Does a Duskblade's Arcane Channeling ability allow them to make multiple touch attacks with a spell that allows such, as long as I follow the rule of one effect per round (until 13th level)? Example: Ghouls Touch allows touch attacks to me made for 1d6+2 rounds.

Q. 502
Can Arcane Channeling be used to channel Ranged Touch spells into a melee strike?

2008-06-01, 07:21 PM
A 501 Yes.

Nothing in the Arcane Channeling ability description contradicts the standard rules for holding a charge.
Touch Spells and Holding the Charge

In most cases, if you don’t discharge a touch spell on the round you cast it, you can hold the charge (postpone the discharge of the spell) indefinitely. You can make touch attacks round after round. If you cast another spell, the touch spell dissipates. A spell that persists for multiple rounds isn't fully discharged after a single touch, so you continue to hold the charge. Starting at 13th level you also have the option to discharge a spell with a single full attack, which would end a spell like Ghoul Touch prematurely.

A 502 No.

"Ranged touch" and "touch" are different spell ranges. Arcane Channeling applies only to touch spells.