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View Full Version : Mad request: turn my character into a god, a deity

Eksar Lindisfar
2008-03-19, 09:49 PM
so, I'm playing this cleric on Faerūn and I just had the happy idea of turning him a god, a deity himself...any ideas where can I get info on how to make this? I can later try to convince my DM

2008-03-19, 09:50 PM
Give him Divine ranks. :D

2008-03-19, 09:51 PM
Grind him to level 41. That oughta put you on even ground with a deity. Then you kill them and take their place.

2008-03-19, 09:52 PM
I believe the Deities and Demigods (http://www.amazon.com/Deities-Demigods-Dungeons-Roleplaying-Supplement/dp/0786926546) book includes rules for doing so.

2008-03-19, 09:54 PM
Grind him to level 41. That oughta put you on even ground with a deity. Then you kill them and take their place.

Yeah, in the Realms, that's the usual way for gods to be made. Just kill someone else and take their powers.

2008-03-19, 09:58 PM
1) Be high power. Level 21~25 minimum.
2) Have a country.
3) Make citizens of country worship you.
4) Make sure to live a loooonnng life.
5) ???
6) Profit!

2008-03-19, 09:59 PM
what if you worshipped yourself for your religion? or would that not be enough people?

2008-03-19, 10:42 PM
- Get the ability to make a wish.
- Wish yourself into a True Dragon (color of your choice).
- Take the Dragon Ascendant prestige class from Draconomicon.
- (optional) Kill another deity and take their place.

The dragon ascendant class makes you a quasi-deity, immortal and powerful, but not quite a god. Essentially divine rank 0. If there's a stepping stone from mortal-hood to god-hood, it's acquiring divine rank 0.

2008-03-19, 10:47 PM
- Pun Pun
- take levels in Planar Sheperd

2008-03-19, 11:03 PM
The Einherjer template from Dieties and Demigods was updated for 3.5 and is DR0 God.

The Dragon Ascendent PRC from the Draconomicon (For Dragons).

2008-03-19, 11:03 PM
There is plenty of precedent in literature of a mortal ruler becoming a diety because his vast Empire worshipped him like a God.

Start Conquering, make everyone pray you to several times a day, get your unique prayers per day up and reap the benefits of Godhood.

Hell, if you play it right you can conquest in the name of another God "Throw him down" and convince your population that you are the true power of the universe, hell, you probably don't need that many. There's all kinds of super secret gods in FR that have like, a few dozen worshippers at any time anyway, you could justify god hood by saying you have more worshippers than them. Bam, Divine Rank.

2008-03-19, 11:06 PM
Hell there's precedent of that happening in Tome of Magic. Oh, and that lovely chap Orcus going for godhood in a similar way.

Also, what was St. Cuthbert a saint of?

2008-03-19, 11:11 PM
Also, what was St. Cuthbert a saint of?

I believe he was "supposedly" the first human D&D saint Pelor elevated which is why he is also the most powerful one.

Edit: This isn't necessarily invalidated by the most recent source book Fiendish Codex I which Xefas correctly cites since the power had to come from somewhere and a single divine rank from Pelor would increase a DR 5Demi-god to a DR 6 True God and Lesser-pPower.

Eksar Lindisfar
2008-03-19, 11:12 PM
I believe he was "supposedly" the first human D&D saint Pelor elevated which is why he is also the most powerful one.

heeey, I can make St. Cuthbert elevate me as well

2008-03-19, 11:22 PM
Hell there's precedent of that happening in Tome of Magic. Oh, and that lovely chap Orcus going for godhood in a similar way.

Also, what was St. Cuthbert a saint of?

The Fiendish Codex II says that Cuthbert was already a primordial protector of law (he was essentially a demigod) that fought against the first primal demons. When Asmodeus proposed that Hell be created so that mortals who sided with the demons could be punished, Cuthbert exclaimed "Yes, retribution is the basis of all law!" and the power of his words, coupled with the fact that he was the only creature who believed in the concept of 'punishment' without hesitation as to the ramifications this would have, transformed him into Saint Cuthbert, the embodiment of legal retribution.

2008-03-20, 01:25 AM
When Asmodeus proposed that Hell be created so that mortals who sided with the demons could be punished, Cuthbert exclaimed "Yes, retribution is the basis of all law!" and the power of his words, coupled with the fact that he was the only creature who believed in the concept of 'punishment' without hesitation as to the ramifications this would have, transformed him into Saint Cuthbert, the embodiment of legal retribution.

So hey, there ya go, all you have to do is be involved in the creation of Hell and BAM! lawful deity! It's easy if you get in on the ground floor.

On a serious note, though... the OP said he's playing a cleric... wouldn't trying to establish yourself as a god make you lose the favor of the god you serve?

2008-03-20, 01:45 AM
The easy way to get a Divine Rank of 1 is to be designated as a proxy by a deity. (And it's the logical path for a cleric, if you can become valuable enough for your deity to do it.) Of course, since this lowers your deity's DR by 1 in the process for as long as you're invested, you had better be very valuable.

2008-03-20, 06:19 PM
You could always have sex with your DM...or barring awkward moments or non-preference for their gender or vice versa...get a hooker...:smallbiggrin:

2008-03-20, 06:45 PM
1. become a dragon
2. wait 1200 or more years
3. 12 levels in dragon Ascendent
4. Genisis
5. make the new plane impregneable
6. astral projection
7. as many other extra uberdefended bodies as you want
8. erase everyone in a small villages memory, or alternitivly kill everyone exept the small babies who won't remember anyone, alternitively orgin of speicis
9. raise them to believe that that you're god is the true and most powerful one, and that you are his divine prophet
10. in order to increase population, put them on a "intensive breeding program"
11. have a very importent and hounerd sect who's purpose in life is to become psions and have gladitorial battles with creatures strong enough to pose a moderate threat but have only a small chance of killing, imprted from faerun(or depending on your alignment the Abyss), so that they can cast genisis as thier entire purpose in life(note that you should be well into epic age catagories by now.) this is to proivide room for population developments.
12. Be the god-king of a rapidly growing culture, use gates to the plane of fire for waste deposel, water for drinks, and air for air.
13. make sure they use paper money and have no attachment what so ever to preiscios metals and gems.
14. Are you a god yet? if not wait for increaed population, and eventualy conquer the world.

Guildorn Tanaleth
2008-03-20, 06:50 PM
There is plenty of precedent in literature of a mortal ruler becoming a diety because his vast Empire worshipped him like a God.

Really? Name some examples, excluding D&D-based sources, of course.

- Pun Pun
- take levels in Planar Sheperd

Part of the original post on Pun-Pun outlines how he can achieve unlimited divine rank by abusing the Ice Assassin spell, or something like that.

2008-03-20, 07:18 PM
Part of the original post on Pun-Pun outlines how he can achieve unlimited divine rank by abusing the Ice Assassin spell, or something like that.

Ice assassin creates clones of things, so using your arbitrarily high mods to things, make a perform(god-attracting haiku) check. You succeed. Cast Ice Assassin on the god. Bluff the new god (and the old one, why not) into making you a proxy. Cast Ice assassin again. Repeat.

2008-03-20, 07:25 PM
Ice assassin creates clones of things, so using your arbitrarily high mods to things, make a perform(god-attracting haiku) check. You succeed. Cast Ice Assassin on the god. Bluff the new god (and the old one, why not) into making you a proxy. Cast Ice assassin again. Repeat.

No, I believe the trick was to Divine Proxy a squirrel, then Ice Assassin it a bunch of times, and the recall all Divine Ranks. Or something.

2008-03-20, 07:29 PM
Ice assassin creates clones of things, so using your arbitrarily high mods to things, make a perform(god-attracting haiku) check. You succeed. Cast Ice Assassin on the god. Bluff the new god (and the old one, why not) into making you a proxy. Cast Ice assassin again. Repeat.

I like this method better, though.

2008-03-20, 07:34 PM
Get one of these


Renegade Paladin
2008-03-20, 08:10 PM
Also, what was St. Cuthbert a saint of?
He's the patron saint of Northumbria. (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04578a.htm)

What? :smalltongue:

2008-03-20, 08:56 PM
No, I believe the trick was to Divine Proxy a squirrel, then Ice Assassin it a bunch of times, and the recall all Divine Ranks. Or something.You have to Proxy a squirrel because the way Divine Proxy works doesn't make it clear that you can be designated as a proxy if you already have Divine Rank 1 (being made a proxy says you become Divine Rank 1; presumably you can't take a Divine Rank 20 deity and make them Divine Rank 1 like that, though...)

So you repeatedly raise yourself to divine rank 1 by having your ice assassins proxy you, then you proxy the squirrels to 'hide' your divine ranks and drop back to zero so you can do it again. Then you call back all your proxied ranks (which you can do as a free action) and presto, you're high divine rank.

(That's also why you have to use Ice Assassin, preferably with something that eliminates material components. Bluffing a god will only work for as long as you can bluff them, since they can call back their divine rank as a free action. But the Ice Assassin is your slave forever and will never call it back.)

2008-03-21, 01:55 AM
Really? Name some examples, excluding D&D-based sources, of course.

In Warhammer 40k, I believe the Emperor ascended to godhood, due to his immense empire conquering the universe and worshipping him as a god. Though, I'm not entirely sure if he actually managed to ascend, or if they just worship him as a god, even though he isn't one.

2008-03-21, 07:36 AM
In Warhammer 40k, I believe the Emperor ascended to godhood, due to his immense empire conquering the universe and worshipping him as a god. Though, I'm not entirely sure if he actually managed to ascend, or if they just worship him as a god, even though he isn't one.

The God-Emperor is worshiped as a god, but he has had his power his entire life (he got it because every shaman on prehistoric Earth committed ritual suicide to bring about a savior for mankind, enter the Emperor), not to mention the fact that he isn't actually dead.

2008-03-21, 07:40 AM
Hell there's precedent of that happening in Tome of Magic. Oh, and that lovely chap Orcus going for godhood in a similar way.

Also, what was St. Cuthbert a saint of?

Smiting things.