View Full Version : Best reasons to date a geek/nerd: list'em!

2008-03-22, 08:56 PM
Okay, refer to yourselves, others, I don't care.

List reasons that dating a geek/nerd/whatever rocks.

My list:

1. Technological know-how is extremely handy. Well fix your computer, set up your TV, Wii, anything. If we doesn't know how, we'll pass his Bluff check and find out how.

2. We look great. I know, I know, most nongeeks (at least at my age) will go, "Eww! But they have acne/glasses/no muscles!". Well, everyone has flaws, but, from what I've seen, geeks and nerds take better care of themselves than other people. I don't know any that drink, smoke, or do drugs. The way we dress is always appropriate. I've never seen a nerd or a geek with a shirt that has a racist/homophobic/cruel message on it, but really, this is a matter of opinion.

3. Parents love them. Every geeky or nerdy friends of mine that my mom has met, she's loved. We're super polite, know more about world events than what songs are on the Top 40, read the classics instead of trashy teen pulp fiction, get good grades instead of skipping class...We're every parent's dream.

4. We are (usually) pretty patient and willing to teach people things, whether it be Dungeons and Dragons, Magic: the Gathering, Honors Algebra 2, or cat's cradle.

5. We have tact. We might not be the kind of people that go clubbing, but we don't throw books around at the library, we can go to Debutante Balls and Cotillions, white-tablecloth restaurants, and other people's houses.

That's all I can think of for now. Post!

2008-03-22, 09:01 PM
Yes, we've got elegance. I could write a musical number!
Well, no I couldn't, got no skill with song.
Plus I think it's been done...

2008-03-22, 09:02 PM
I know this isn't the point, but I'd like to take the time to point out this thread just seems to be a bunch of "we're better than all the other groups out there!" pretention, which kinda misses the point considering nerds/geeks/dorks are usually the ones getting the short end of the stick (which sorta kills one of the points).

SRSLY now, I know this forum is basically consisting of geeks and nerds, but I'd like to point out you can find those traits in just about... I don't know, anyone as well?

2008-03-22, 09:03 PM
I know this isn't the point, but I'd like to take the time to point out this thread just seems to be a bunch of "we're better than all the other groups out there!" pretention, which kinda misses the point considering nerds/geeks/dorks are usually the ones getting the short end of the stick (which sorta kills one of the points).

SRSLY now, I know this forum is basically consisting of geeks and nerds, but I'd like to point out you can find those traits in just about... I don't know, anyone as well?

Where's your pride?
For shame.

2008-03-22, 09:05 PM
Well i on the other hand know quite a few geeks who smoke and drink. I used to both drink and smoke pot when i was in high school, despite being a huge geek back then as well. And eating unhealthy food and sitting around without exercise is pretty damn unhealthy as well. Really there are a lot of not so good things to geeks too, not to mention all that personal flaws an individual geek might have.

2008-03-22, 09:06 PM
We're good (for the most part) with kids. I can name all the original power rangers, as well as the current generation, and if that don't count for something I don't know what does.

Well i on the other hand know quite a few geeks who smoke and drink. I used to both drink and smoke pot when i was in high school, despite being a huge geek back then as well. And eating unhealthy food and sitting around without exercise is pretty damn unhealthy as well. Really there are a lot of not so good things to geeks too, not to mention all that personal flaws an individual geek might have.

No offense meant, but you live in Denmark. If you hadn't most people would have thought you odd at best. I would have.

2008-03-22, 09:10 PM
Well i on the other hand know quite a few geeks who smoke and drink. I used to both drink and smoke pot when i was in high school, despite being a huge geek back then as well. And eating unhealthy food and sitting around without exercise is pretty damn unhealthy as well. Really there are a lot of not so good things to geeks too, not to mention all that personal flaws an individual geek might have.I do too, actually

Quite a few of the high school students in my Computer Information Systems Class abuse alcohol (all except for the diabeeetusss kid, who whines about not being able to drink it- hmm, ever thought it could kill you?). And most of them aren't nice people. :smallsigh:

The guy who stalked me was a huge nerd.

Just saying, nerds/geeks aren't really that different from other people. For every super-intelligent nerd, there's one who is as dumb as the extremely stereotypical football player.

2008-03-22, 09:12 PM
Geeks are a lot slower to judge because they are usually judged themselves.

Em Blackleaf
2008-03-22, 09:15 PM
You've all listed all of my reasons. But, Pocketa, there can be muscular geeks/nerds with good vision and muscles. I have an example sitting a few feet from me, eating cheez-its, watching Van Helsing, and listening to The Who all at once.
(Read: My brother, Jack, not Krimm)
Hmm... writing that cracked me up.

1. I tend to think glasses look good, if you wear the right frame for your face.
2. I would love having someone other than my brothers to game with (seriously, most girls and guys I know don't game).
3. Intelligent conversations.
4. Someone to take AP classes with! :smalltongue:

2008-03-22, 09:51 PM
You've all listed all of my reasons. But, Pocketa, there can be muscular geeks/nerds with good vision and muscles. I have an example sitting a few feet from me, eating cheez-its, watching Van Helsing, and listening to The Who all at once.
(Read: My brother, Jack, not Krimm)
Hmm... writing that cracked me up.

1. I tend to think glasses look good, if you wear the right frame for your face.
2. I would love having someone other than my brothers to game with (seriously, most girls and guys I know don't game).
3. Intelligent conversations.
4. Someone to take AP classes with! :smalltongue:

I know a nerd who is big, bulky, Tongan, and on the wrestling and football team.

This isn't supposed to be a thread, btw, about why geeks are better than anyone else, just 'perks' of dating one.

For a jock, they lift stuff.
Goths, write you poetry.

2008-03-22, 09:59 PM
4. We are (usually) pretty patient and willing to teach people things, whether it be Dungeons and Dragons, Magic: the Gathering, Honors Algebra 2, or cat's cradle.

Oooh, I'm doing that next year! And in ninth grade, makeing me uber-smart.

Uhhh, lets see, reasons...
Well, nerds are smart, geeks are in band, like Star Wars, and possibly play D&D.

2008-03-22, 10:02 PM
Oooh, I'm doing that next year! And in ninth grade, makeing me uber-smart.I'm in AP Calculus.

That makes me... übercrazy.

like Star WarsYou're forgetting the stereotypical other... Star Trek. :smallamused:

2008-03-22, 10:19 PM
I was going to mention it, but I think that is a bit too old school, but never watching any of it myself, I wouldn't know.

Thes Hunter
2008-03-22, 11:23 PM
The Reasons Me and Trog Work so Well:
1. We can game together!
2. Shared interests, we never run out of things to talk about
3. Agreement to spend money on geek interests (ok, only mostly ok with what I spend on MINIS!)
4. Understand our own short comings, and are more empathic to the challenges we face.
5. "Oh you're gaming tonight, I understand that you will be busy for 6 hours."
6. Gets most the science-y and math stuff I talk about. I would hate to have a conversation where I would have to first explain the concept of Darwinian Fitness before I made a reference to it.
7. Double your geek stuff!
8. More agreement on vacation destinations like: Aruba Gen-Con!
8a. When on vacation more likely to go to a museum, than go to the mall.
9. You always have a DM, and you always have a player!

Dave Rapp
2008-03-22, 11:39 PM
Biggest overall reason: We're great problem solvers.

Seriously, have you ever seen what happens when enough geeks get together and put their minds to something? If not, go to some minor convention and cause some minor technical problem; watch as numerous geeks flock to figure out and fix the problem.

I've seen a herd of geeks (and herd is really the only fitting term for it) put together a jungle gym just so they could play in it. I've seen a small herd of geeks fix a TV that had been hit by a car. Heck, I once heard of a herd of geeks building a full sized livable house out of LEGO bricks in only a week. I should go find that video again.

Of course, there are some inherit problems with this...


2008-03-22, 11:42 PM
I am part of the Nerd Herd!

Seriously, it rocks.

2008-03-23, 12:17 AM
we all come equipped with the allip bable ability standard. we come in both compact and extra fluffy. complete with your choice of color and cup holders. :smallamused:

2008-03-23, 12:19 AM
Cupholders = best. accidental inuendo. ever.

2008-03-23, 12:33 AM
Biggest overall reason: We're great problem solvers.

Seriously, have you ever seen what happens when enough geeks get together and put their minds to something?

We launch a man to the moon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11)!

2008-03-23, 12:34 AM
Cupholders = best. accidental inuendo. ever.

or was it?

alright, it was

We launch a man to the moon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11)!

more likely, something like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xx4tszZ-DE&feature=related)

The Extinguisher
2008-03-23, 12:34 AM
We're really, really, really, really, really, really modest.

2008-03-23, 12:36 AM
Except for smartasses. Which I am a hundreth of the time.

2008-03-23, 02:10 AM
We're really, really, really, really, really, really modest.
Fact. Modesty is good, on occasion and in moderation. But confidence, even arrogance every once in awhile, is HOT.

2008-03-23, 02:12 AM
Fact. Modesty is good, on occasion and in moderation. But confidence, even arrogance every once in awhile, is HOT.

Confidence and modesty are not mutually exclusive.


2008-03-23, 02:22 AM
A serious answer on my part would be that highschool hierachy doesn't last forever. Uni and the world outside is far too decentralised for that 'coolness factor' to work at all. Once one gets out of highschool's nice, orderly system it's kinda catching up to me far sooner than I'd preferred.

A good answer would be that you don't have to worry about your computer breaking down, finding a good DM, getting help with your assignments etc etc.

A sad answer would be that there're so many of them. Take your pick and if you don't like what you find then you can always find another within 100m radius of a hobby shop. :smallbiggrin:

2008-03-23, 02:54 AM
...because you think s/he is a nice person, and you like them? :smallconfused:

2008-03-23, 03:32 AM
...because you think s/he is a nice person, and you like them? :smallconfused:

pft, who would date someone for things like that.

Hell Puppi
2008-03-23, 03:36 AM
if you're a nerd to, there's many many hobbies that you can share.

Worst thing:
"Sure, I'll put away the laundry/do dishes right after I find a save point!"

"Sure, we'll leave just as soon as I finish this mission!"

3 hours later:
Me- :smallsigh:

2008-03-23, 04:49 AM
Interests. Nothing says "I love you" like running around leveling up together on MMOs. =D

2008-03-23, 05:04 AM
They make lists of the best reasons to date them

2008-03-23, 06:51 AM
Didn't read whole thread, so I'll just post this and hope nobody's done it before.

Link. (http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sfo/66795671.html)