View Full Version : Please Help With MS Paint (Issue Solved)

2008-03-23, 12:48 PM
So, I'm working on some simple, plain, (and heavily pixelated) sprites for a class assignment. I decided to use Paint because I was working from an original image. Anyways, it's giving me trouble now when I try to move an image onto another image. Here's the pics of the problem:


I have my knight ready, so I try to drag the shield using the copy and paste tool (the rectangular one). When I do that, I get this weird effect around the shield:


I think I can use the other copy and paste tool (the one that looks like a star) to get rid of the effect, but it seems really inaccurate, and I either leave some of the shield behind or still get some of the white. Is there another way to get that shield up onto the knight without the white so I don't have to manually edit it off?

I'm not sure if this is causing the problem, but I drew the shield in a separate Paint window and then imported it into this picture.

Tiffanie Lirle
2008-03-23, 12:54 PM
When you use the cutting tool in paint it takes everything with it, even the blank background which it turns into a solid white. I don't think theres any way around this with paint.. unless you use the star shaped one and cut it out veeery slowly which can be a huge pain.

You'd be better off exporting your knight into a different tool and then just draw a new shield in said program and add it there.

Edit- What he said.

2008-03-23, 12:58 PM
edit- I am an idiot and have obviously not looked at Paint in the last ten years. (And I mean that literally.)

2008-03-23, 01:01 PM
Well, there's two versions of the rectangle tool, one that brings the white background with it, and one that doesn't. I was using the one that's supposed to not bring it with it. Here's an example of the other version of the tool:


Which brings a solid white block with it. The aftereffect with the backgroundless version is something new. (I used the tool successfully to make the shield, for instance).

2008-03-23, 01:12 PM
The only way to get the shield onto the knight, is to draw onto him. :smallsmile:

2008-03-23, 01:14 PM
Here is what you do:

1) Click on the square selection tool.
2) To the left where the Tools Box is, there is a slightly grayer section underneath the tools box. When the square selection is used, it will show two images reflecting the cut-and-paste technique. By default, the top one will be selected. Click on the bottom one.
3) Make sure your background color is white.
4) Select the shield as normal. The white will be treated as transparent.

2008-03-23, 01:36 PM
Thanks for the replies. I think I found a relatively painless way to jury rig it:


By dragging the shield (and the aftereffect) into a box, I was able to color the aftereffect in with green, which I then filled back to white. Then I was able to use the background-less copy and paste tool with no aftereffect. I'm still not sure where the after effect came from. Anyone know?

2008-03-23, 01:51 PM
Here is what you do:

1) Click on the square selection tool.
2) To the left where the Tools Box is, there is a slightly grayer section underneath the tools box. When the square selection is used, it will show two images reflecting the cut-and-paste technique. By default, the top one will be selected. Click on the bottom one.
3) Make sure your background color is white.
4) Select the shield as normal. The white will be treated as transparent.

Holy crud, when did that get added?!

I didn't think Paint had been updated ever. Shows what I know.