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View Full Version : Cat Animal Companions

2008-03-25, 01:48 PM
so. in a game i'm running, one of the players (my girlfriend) wants a new animal companion. she's rather cat focused, playing a catfolk druid with leopard companion (i'm fairly lenient in my games and waived her LA). she's going to upgrade it soon as possible, and wants something that can fly, but is still catlike. i was thinking of the beast totem feats to allow for magical beasts, with some adjustment from me to allow for other creatures. any ideas?

2008-03-25, 01:59 PM
A Dire Bat. Has a ranged touch attack which it can preform once per day as long as it has eaten the day before. It is called plop and with a failed fort save the target is nauseated.

Keld Denar
2008-03-25, 02:02 PM
Winged is a template that adds 2 to the LA of the character that takes it (along with some other bonuses). You could have her take a winged leopord for a -2 effective druid level. 1/2 celestial is another option, with a slightly larger adjustment. Celestials of a certain HD gain feathered wings.

Alternately, have her get a gryphon. Its kind of catlike, with some eagle features which include wings. I think gryphon is one of the standard PHB advanced animal companions.

2008-03-25, 02:02 PM
Tressym. It's in one of the Forgottean Realms books, but I totally forget which one. A winged cat.

2008-03-25, 02:04 PM
Since you seem to be giving her whatever she wants, why not a sphinx of some kind? c:


2008-03-25, 02:11 PM
Griffon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/griffon.htm)

A lion-eagle. What more would she want?

Also, druids get access to CR 4 animal companions around 7th level. The Griffon is CR 4, but being able to fly is a pretty distinct advantage. I'd let her have it around level 8 or 9.

I'm a player, though, not a DM.


Remind me to roll up a Swashbuckler to fight these ninja bastards.

2008-03-25, 02:22 PM
thanks everyone. i'll run these ideas past her, see what she likes. no sphinx, though. she may be my girlfriend, but.. yeesh. i do have some sense of game balance.

2008-03-25, 02:26 PM
thanks everyone. i'll run these ideas past her, see what she likes. no sphinx, though. she may be my girlfriend, but.. yeesh. i do have some sense of game balance.Giving out Catfolk (which is considered one of the few races worth its LA) with no LA is already sort of unbalanced. Why didn't you just use LA buyoff?

2008-03-25, 02:33 PM
Ah, Sphinx is nothing... You could give her a lammasu.

2008-03-25, 04:07 PM
Giving out Catfolk (which is considered one of the few races worth its LA) with no LA is already sort of unbalanced. Why didn't you just use LA buyoff?

well, most of my players are fairly new. i am using buyoff with the half-ogre player, who is experienced, but a catfolk druid isn't terribly optimized so i didn't feel the need there. i'm trying to ease my players in, since no one but the changeling beguiler and half-ogre ranger have played in any campaigns besides the current one, hence my being flexible with some of the rules.

Kol Korran
2008-03-25, 06:03 PM
a fairly odd idea, that i heard was once used. someone will probably flay me for this, but still- if it helps:
how about a displacer beast? indeed "cat like", the beast totem and totem companion feats allready support it. it's a very survivable companion, and could be cool to have.
as to the flying (thisis the odd part): you could give it leathery stretches between it's legs, or to it's tentacles (or whatever they are called)... it's sort of lying a flying/ gliding squirrel, only for these beasties (a different breed perhaps). i just know they were used in afriends campaign, and were recieved quite nicely. not full flight, but could be fun as well... more "catty" though...

just my two copper pieces