View Full Version : Kumite Round One, Match 3; Desert Wind Swordsage vs Tiger Claw Swordsage

2008-03-25, 05:31 PM
Come forward, Aldren and Rake! You shall now fight for the honor of your schools. Enter now, declare yourselves and prepare for battle!

First post, roll initiative. You also describe your one standard action and one swift of prep. You may also wish to give a little speech to the people watching, but that's not required. All posts after that, the fight is on.

The arena, as rolled randomly, is 110 ft on a side and you're 60 feet apart. Floor and walls are smooth stone. Ceiling is 40 ft above you and magically transparent and capable of letting sound through; the crowd is watching from up there.
If I can, I'll update this for you, but if nothing else, you've got a named grid.
Aldren is red, Rake is green. Your map gets obstacles, seemingly randomly placed pillars of the same stone as the walls and floor, just for the heck of it. If the pillar's 5x5, it's 10 ft tall, 5x10 it's 20 ft tall, 10x10 it's 40 ft tall and reaches the ceiling. You won't be able to knock them over. Don't try

2008-03-25, 08:20 PM
Leaping from somewhere out of 'bounds' comes a strange, wild-eyed woman.


Her skin is reddish tinged, and quite darkly tanned. Her hair is coal black, and worn in two long braids.. Her eyes are a brilliant sparkling emerald green, and take in the entire arena in a glance.

Her hands, if you call them that, end in sharp, deadly looking talons. Her pointed ears and somewhat smashed nose do not lend well to her appearance, but that is not what is so unsettling about her. It is the animalistic...presence...that she exudes which detracts from her above all else.

A thick, heavy cloak is tied around her neck, the material hanging across her back.

She growls low in her throat, the only 'challenge' or 'words' that she speaks.

From a pouch at her waist, she takes out a glass vial. She raises it above her mouth and crushes it in her hand, the liquid draining down over her fanged teeth. She tossed the crushed and used vial away absentmindedly.


potion 1 of the 4

Adoping stance #1.

2008-03-25, 08:45 PM
A tall man confidently walks into the arena, wrapped in desert robes and trailing a sand colored cloak. His intensely blue eyes examine his opponent dismissively, and small flickers of flame almost blend into his hair.

He smiles as he draws a pair of small weapons from somewhere inside his cloak and his hair fades slightly. He flexes his muscles and shifts to the balls of his feet, ready to react almost instantly to anything that might happen. He holds both weapons out to the side, almost daring his opponent to attack. "I am Aldren, master of flame and speed. Are you ready to face the inferno?"

Initiative: [roll0] Edit: Oops, somehow got my init modifier mixed up with skill ranks. I really only have +11 init, so that's an 18. You go first.

Activate Boots of Speed, begin Shifting, designate my opponent as Dodge target, declare Robilar's Gambit all as free actions.
In Stance of Alacrity

Martial Lore to identify your stance: [roll0]

2008-03-25, 09:27 PM
The woman snarls at the man, lips curling around pointed teeth. "I will lap your blood, man-thing."

Shifting Defense stance

Designating opponent with Dodge, using TWD as well.

2008-03-25, 09:29 PM
((In case you didn't notice the edit, I messed up my init modifier in that roll. You won initiative.))

2008-03-25, 10:20 PM
(no worries)

The animalistic woman takes a quick step forward, and then rushes headlong straight at the man. Just over half way there, she leaps high into the air, her claws outstretched, hungry for her opponent's blood.

Her trajectory is perfect. She clears the man's head by inches, landing directly behind him. As she lands, her claws attempt to rake across the flesh of his back.

Free 5' move (close gap to 45')
move 30' then Jump 15'
(skill + mods and +4 for moving 30+')

You lose Dexterity bonus to AC from this maneuver (swooping dragon)


***edit 3: add +4 for you being in the Gambit stance, making Attack = 52

*edit: if the attack hits, you need to roll a fort save vs. DC 51 to avoid being stunned
**edit 2: if it hits, then I'll go through the trouble of crits/damage/etc

2008-03-25, 10:36 PM
(you can't take both a 5' step and a move, but your jump check is plenty high enough to cover 20' as part of the strike so it doesn't really matter)

Aldren immediately recognizes the move and its potential disabling effect and attempts to redirect Rake's attack.

Use Fool's Strike counter (no action due to Stance of Alacrity)
As part of same non-action, enter Blood in the Water stance using Dual Stance to keep Stance of Alacrity.
opposed attack roll: [roll0]
By my reading of Fool's Strike, either you have to roll another attack roll specifically for the maneuver or the roll you already made counts for Fool's Strike and you have to roll again for the actual attack. I would lean towards the first because I don't think I'm supposed to know what you get on the opposed roll before I decide whether to use the maneuver.

I do have a backup in case that fails, so:
AoO from Robilar's Gambit: [roll1]

2008-03-25, 10:45 PM
The swift counter-attack from the man swishes by the beast-woman, slicing only the air next to her as she lands.

Yeah, the way I'm reading it is that in a "perfect" world, you wouldn't know my attack roll until you declare your maneuver. Then, you make your roll and if it's higher, then you redirect the damage. I don't believe that I need to make an entirely new attack roll. You are able to make an opposed roll---making it against my already established attack roll, that is.

...you can initiate this maneuver to make an opposed attack roll

Sometimes words get in the way of the "nitty gritty" meaning.

The way I'm seeing it is a person has their sword raised in defense a little bit, then the blow comes in (attacker's attack roll). They say "oh crap!" and raise their sword (opposed attack roll).

Otherwise, you're penalizing the attacker for having a roll that hits the first time around, and challenging them to duplicate it (like on a critical hit). This should just be a 1-vs-1 roll. My original vs. your opposed roll.

Ah, I missed the not being able to take a 5' move step and move :P

2008-03-25, 10:53 PM
Let's see, do I get a natural 20. My backup can be used after rolling the save and whether I need to use it affects my turn somewhat.
Fort save: [roll0]

2008-03-25, 10:58 PM
Aldren stumbles for a moment but quickly recovers and attempts to retaliate with a furious series of strikes.

Activate Third Eye Clarity to negate stunning effect. I'm pretty sure there's no way a single attack, even with the bonuses from that strike, is going to take me down, so my turn:
Swift Immediate action used on Third Eye Clarity
Full Round: Flashing Sun

2008-03-25, 11:01 PM
(how can you activate an item after failing your saving throw? you're stunned, you can't activate an item...)

2008-03-25, 11:03 PM
(the item specifically states that I can.)

You can activate the eye in response to
an effect that would impose one of these
conditions (for instance, after failing your
save against a monk's Stunning Fist attack
but before the stun takes effect).
(Does the first crit confirm? If so, add +1 to all attack rolls after it before deciding if they hit. Anyway, how much damage did you do and which of my attacks hit?)
Crit confirm on attack 1: [roll0]
Additional attack (happens before attack 2): [roll1]
Crit confirm for attack 5: [roll2]
Additional attack (happens before attack 6): [roll3]

2008-03-25, 11:15 PM
before you get too...excited...let me roll my own damage

Shifting (free action)



Also, take 1 point of Con damage from the hit.

are you taking into consideration the -2 attack from Flashing Sun?

2008-03-25, 11:21 PM
are you taking into consideration the -2 attack from Flashing Sun?
Yes. Oh, and I'm not even down to half hp yet.

2008-03-25, 11:28 PM

Please roll a 50% miss chance for the first attack.

2008-03-25, 11:30 PM
[roll0] 26 or higher hits (I have Blind-Fight)
Wow, the dice hate me.

2008-03-25, 11:33 PM
[roll0] 26 or higher hits (I have Blind-Fight)
Wow, the dice hate me.

yeah, they do...but blind fight doesn't reduce your concealment penalty.

2008-03-25, 11:34 PM
Well, if you want to go by the strict reading of how it works:
Blind-Fight reroll: [1d100] 51+ hits.

2008-03-25, 11:35 PM
Oops, forgot the roll tag.

2008-03-25, 11:36 PM
I'm confused...strict reading?

Why would reducing it down to 25% from 50% be equal to a re-roll?

2008-03-25, 11:36 PM
aaand the stupid "wait 60 seconds" page turned it into that idiocy...
There. I hit.

2008-03-25, 11:47 PM
The momentary mental distraction leaves a painful reminder upon the skin of the woman as the man's weapon strikes her flesh.

With her focus painfully restored, she backpedals away from the man's second attack, crouching low and growling at him.

2nd attack misses, she takes a 5' step back (Shifting Defense, no AoO granted)

do you pursue?

2008-03-25, 11:55 PM
As the blade strikes home, a many-colored burst erupts from it and the woman feels a small drain on her life force. He follows her short retreat to continue the assault.

[roll0] damage, 1 negative level (no save), and a Prismatic Spray DC 20.
Prismatic Spray effect: [roll1]
80 electricity damage, reflex DC 20 half negates (minimum Swordsage level 11 = you must have evasion).

2008-03-25, 11:59 PM
+ 46 damage?

pardon me when I say "wtf" and "how do you get that?"

yes, i have evasion, and make the save (even with the 4)

2008-03-26, 12:09 AM
Strength + weapon's bonus + Insightful Strike + Mastery of Nine, all doubled because it's a crit.

Edit: Wait, you never actually said whether it confirmed or not. If not, halve that damage and forget the negative level and Prismatic Spray.

2008-03-26, 06:35 AM
It was not a successful crit, I thought I said that...sorry :(

edit* oh, I remember. I was putting that in one of the posts and then changed the post a bit before posting...and didn't add it back in :smalltongue:

2008-03-26, 06:42 AM
(Did you pursue after she made the first 5' step--after the 2nd attack?)

2008-03-26, 09:22 AM
(Yes, I took a 5' step to follow you. If you retreat a second time, I will not be able to do so, however.

Oh, and how did you get your AC so high?

If you don't mind telling me what your AC is, that could make things go a bit faster in my turns. None of the decisions I have to make really care what your AC is (no Power Attack, among other things), and I'd be able to say what hits or not without waiting for you to post. You can send it in a PM if you like, though eventually it'll be obvious from hits and misses anyway.)

2008-03-26, 10:23 AM
As the man follows Rake, and makes his attack, she backpedals once more as his blade slices through the air above her head. Her movement backwards stops any further attacks from her opponent.

Round Two - Fight!

Growling low in her throat, she moves backward briefly to examine her opponent, and then quickly leaps forward to attempt and grab her opponent.

Initiating Tornado Throw

Move back another 5' (not the free move)

Move forward 10'

[roll=Melee Touch]1d20+29


2008-03-26, 10:27 AM
Sorry, forgot the stupid tag :smallyuk:


edit: add +4 for Gambit

Melee Touch Attack = 40

2008-03-26, 10:40 AM
Aldren swiftly moves to block Rake's grab with a dazzling display of sword knife-manship, and (assuming I'm still close enough to hit you) stabs back again.

Wall of Blades: [roll0]
AoO: [roll1] Miss chance: [roll2] [roll3] 51+ on either hits.

2008-03-26, 10:43 AM
Crit confirm: [roll0]
Free attack from Lightning Mace + Aptitude weapon: [roll1] (add 1 if crit confirmed)

2008-03-26, 10:46 AM
Aldren successfully blocks the first throw attempt, and scores a minor hit in return.

[roll0] damage
So that's 41 total damage to you so far.

2008-03-26, 10:50 AM

edited per above

2008-03-26, 10:53 AM
No I'm not. Even Swooping Dragon Strike only denies dex to AC rather than making me flat-footed, and Tornado Throw doesn't even do that.

2008-03-26, 11:00 AM
Sorry, was reading the wrong maneuver.

As the Lightning Mace attack fails to hit the woman, she takes a step backward, and then another, and then rushes forward, attempting to throw her opponent once more.

Try it again, I suppose...since it does say you can attempt another throw if your first fails.

30' used in movement so far this turn

(got the gambit in there this time!)


2008-03-26, 11:04 AM
Aldren grunts as the feral woman breaks past his defenses to pick him up and throws him.
Can't beat 30, so let's see how far you throw me: [roll0]
Beat me by 9, so you get 5 extra feet of throw distance and 1d6 extra damage. 15' throw and 3d6 damage.

2008-03-26, 11:23 AM
I actually messed up on the first trip check, should have only been +21 instead of +24 (12 for 30', and then Dex--didn't matter, though, as I'm not throwing you further than 10 feet at a time, until the end.

Ok..here we go, sports fans:

Throw 10'
-- move 10'
(You're Prone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#prone))

[40' movement]

Throw 10'
-- Move 10'
(50' movement)

these don't matter, the last attack was a natural 1, which fails

Throw 10'
-- Move 10'
[60' movement]

Throw 10'
-- Move 10'
(70' movement)

Throw 10'
-- Move 10'
(80' movement)

Throw 10'
-- Move 10'
(90' movement)

Throw 10'
-- Move 10'
(100' movement)

With the final throw (#4), we'll see how far I launch you...

That's 1x opposed Trip attempts...and you're still prone.



2008-03-26, 11:28 AM
You have a movement speed of 50'?

Two of those are natural 1s and automatically miss. I get an AoO for your movement after the first of those. Not likely to hit with the penalty from prone, but here goes: [roll0] [roll1]

Opposed strength checks for the rest:

2008-03-26, 12:41 PM
Yes, her movement is 50'.

Ok..so, we need to do some adjusting now.

The 1st attack hits (roll of 3), second misses (natural 1).

You miss with AoO, I back up 5', and then another 5', and then move in 10' to throw you again (that's going to be #3 throw).

Third Attack Hits (roll of 5)
Opposed roll is now at 70' of movement (+37) Roll was 12, for total of 49.

Throw you 10'
-- Move 10'
Fourth Attack hits (with a roll of 5).
Opposed roll is now at 80' of movement (+45), dice roll was 12 for total of 57.

Throw you 10'
-- Move 10'
Fifth Attack Hits (roll of 4)
Opposed roll is now at 90' of movement (+49) dice roll was 8 for total of 57.

Throw you 10'
-- Move 10'
Sixth Attack misses (roll of 1)

You're still prone, I'm in front of you.

Let's move you to O 16 and me to N16

I'll calculate the damage after I get back from lunch.

your rolls / / my rolls
21 (initial throw) // 27 (initial throw)
(1d20+9)[13] // 27 (second)
(1d20+9)[24] // 49 (third)
(1d20+9)[25] // 57 (fourth)
(1d20+9)[20] // 57 (fifth)

I win by: // Additional damage:
6 // 1d6
14 // 2d6
25 // 5d6
32 // 6d6
37 // 7d6

Here's the Damage rolls (+ wisdom for Insightful Strike):


Total Damage: 125

2008-03-26, 02:11 PM
I'm dead. I must protest, however, the fact that you defeated me almost exclusively through the use of a single discipline - one that is not what you are supposedly a specialist in. Shifting Defense and Tornado Throw are what beat me here, and neither of those merely synergizes well with Tiger Claw - your use of Tiger Claw material did not interact with either of them at all.

Edit: Oh, and where'd the con damage come from? I had assumed it was a wounding weapon, but you're using claws and I don't think any of the ways to get such a special ability on natural weapons are on the allowed sources list except the Kensai PrC, which both costs xp and doesn't exactly fit thematically. without that, I'd still be up (barely).

Edit2: Having received some details of Rake's build via PM, I don't think the source of that point of con damage is valid.

2008-03-26, 03:55 PM
OOC:Your issue is the kensai's xp cost or that a tiger claw practitioner made their claws their signature weapon? Or that a feral creature has taken an oath of service?

2008-03-26, 06:30 PM
The beast woman executes an amazing series of brutal throws, each one more punishing than the next. She moves in for the kill, her talons gripping at the man's flesh as she somersaults in the air and slams him into the ground ten feet from her.

The man hits the ground, accompanied by multiple snapping and popping sounds.

She descends upon the body. With a ruthless, animalistic howl she proclaims herself victorious. She crouches down and sinks her teeth into the flesh of the man's neck. A brutal tug, and she rips a gaping hole in her fallen opponents neck.

2008-03-26, 06:35 PM
The beast woman executes an amazing series of brutal throws, each one more punishing than the next. She moves in for the kill, her talons gripping at the man's flesh as she somersaults in the air and slams him into the ground ten feet from her.

The man hits the ground, accompanied by multiple snapping and popping sounds.

She descends upon the body. With a ruthless, animalistic howl she proclaims herself victorious. She crouches down and sinks her teeth into the flesh of the man's neck. A brutal tug, and she rips a gaping hole in her fallen opponents neck.

2008-03-26, 07:07 PM
OOC:Your issue is the kensai's xp cost or that a tiger claw practitioner made their claws their signature weapon? Or that a feral creature has taken an oath of service?
No, my issue is that his claws are magical weapons that have a special ability but no enhancement bonus. A weapon with a special ability must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm)

The xp cost and the possibility of it putting him down a level, and the (imo) clashing flavor of the class and a feral creature are also concerns but strictly secondary to that clear rules violation.

2008-03-26, 08:01 PM
As I said to you in the PM:

It specifically state in the CW p. 53 two things:
1) the weapon does not need to be magical to begin with before undertaking the Signature Weapon ritual
2) a signature weapon can get "enchantments and/or special abilities".

Taking those two things together says:

1) a weapon does not need to be magical for a kensai to use the signature weapon ability

2) a signature weapon can gain either enchantments or special abilities, it is not required to have both

2008-03-26, 08:13 PM
As I said to you in the PM:

It specifically state in the CW p. 53 two things:
1) the weapon does not need to be magical to begin with before undertaking the Signature Weapon ritual
2) a signature weapon can get "enchantments and/or special abilities".

Taking those two things together says:

1) a weapon does not need to be magical for a kensai to use the signature weapon ability

2) a signature weapon can gain either enchantments or special abilities, it is not required to have both
1) Obviously.

2) It is not required to have only an enhancement bonus. If it is already magical, you are not required to increase the enhancement bonus. You are also not required to add special abilities if you don't want to. It still has to follow the normal rules for magic weapons, including the requirement of a +1 enhancement bonus before any special abilities are added.

2008-03-26, 10:18 PM
OK, honestly, I'm going to fess up here; I was approving sheets at work and thought wounding was a +1 enhancement when I saw that he was Kensai 2. While the wording is vague enough to make a case that you can add a +2 equivalent enhancement to your fists at level 2 without adding an enhancement bonus, that does seem to fly in the face of every other magic weapon and probably isn't what they meant.

Completely my fault and irresponsible. If he'd asked, however, I'd most likely have allowed a necklace of natural attacks rather than the amulet of mighty fists. For the same 150,000, he could have gotten a necklace of +4 wounding that affects both his claws (6,000 left over, but that's largely irrelevant). Since the build seems strong enough even if it were to waste two levels on kensai, would it be acceptable to call those two levels and the prereqs an additional payment for the Savage Species item and everything is the same except his bonus to hit is 1 less.

Complete mea culpa.
*ducks and awaits the renewed arguing*

2008-03-27, 05:29 AM
edit: posted wrong statements. Ignore.
(Thanks for the correction, ROL. That's what I get for posting when I'm exhausted.)

Reel On, Love
2008-03-27, 05:53 AM
(The Tornado Throw actually does full damage regardless of where you place them.)